Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 486: Monster of flame

What exactly are these guys?

Corinna doesn't know very much about undead creatures. This is also a common problem of most elves in the country of law. They rely more on instinct and intuition to judge whether the existence of each other is good or bad. If it is dangerous, they avoid or destroy it. Don't worry if it's not that dangerous. Of course, although this method may seem a bit idealistic, the intuition of the elves can indeed judge a person's goodness or instinct. But this is also their biggest weakness, just like the group of elven slave traders in the kingdom of light, although most elves can feel their malice and avoid it in advance. But slave traders are not helpless, they will find some children and pretend to abandon them in the forest. And simple children naturally don't know what happened, so the elves can't judge hostility from them. And just when the curious and kind spirits were going to send these children out of the forest, the slave traders who had been waiting for them would have swarmed up and caught the spirits by traps and other means.

This is the elf's perception of the enemy and me. For the enemies they usually deal with, the elf is relatively clear. But for those enemies who do not usually deal with it, the elves will not investigate. Anyway, after the other party is in front of you, just judge whether the other party is good or bad to know whether they have threatened themselves. Even Corinna, besides listening to Rod's explanation of several types of legions of undead creatures after the offensive and defensive battle in the Atonement Land, knew them for no reason-but now, these are meaningless! Because Corina can feel that the other person's malice is almost as hot as the flames that burn the skin, she can't stand it!


Just at this time. I saw the weird man in a black robe raising his left hand, and a hoarse voice came from under the pointed triangular hood. And Kelina leaned forward without hesitation, and then she stretched out her hand to pull the bowstring—just for a moment, an arrow condensed into ice crystals flew out of the bowstring, and then in the air Automatically disintegrate. The overwhelming snow storm enveloped the enemies in front of them.

"Well --- !!!!"

The ice and snow collided with each other, and the white mist spread into the forest. Corina didn't chase after her victory. Instead, she turned quickly and ran towards the depths of the forest. Then under a burning tree, she found another unconscious elf girl.

"Tina! Tina! Wake up soon!"

While holding the girl around her, Corina swept around. And saw the other two have been swallowed by the flames. Corinne sank after being transformed into a charcoal body. She clenched her teeth, holding back the tears in her eyes and holding the unconscious elf girl up and running towards the deep forest without looking back.


Shortly after Corinna started, there was a sound of breaking air behind her. The hot heat behind her followed Corinna flying through the forest. If it's just you alone. So evading the opponent's attack is not difficult for Corinna, a strong man who has already stepped into the legendary realm. But now that she has an extra person on her body, speed can't be raised naturally.


Determining that there would be no way to escape the opponent's pursuit after this, Corinna bit her teeth, and then she suddenly threw the elf girl who was originally on her shoulder into the air with her left hand, and then Corinna raised her head with a clear whistle A huge goshawk, two people full, suddenly flew down from the air. The iron-claw-like claws grabbed Tina's body so easily, and flew into the sky with the unconscious elf girl.

"Kraft, take Tina to the Elven Horde and ask them to be ready to meet the enemy immediately. The enemy is an undead!"

"———— !!!!"

After hearing Corinna's order, the goshawk whispered, and then took Tina and disappeared into the depths of the forest. All this was just between the electric light and flint. It took only ten seconds for Corina to summon her animal ally to the end of her speech. And just as Corina landed, the flame arrows, which were exuding high temperatures, were close to her eyes.


Facing the arrow of fire enough to burn himself into coke. There was no panic on Collina's face, she stared tightly forward and pressed the floor with one hand. I saw Corinna's singing, a wall of ice suddenly rose to the ground, forming a hard shield blocking Corinna. And then just heard the sound of a loud blast. The mist from the water and fire burst out again. Corinne rolled on the spot, avoiding the broken residue.

The enemy's strength is about the same as himself. He has just entered the first level of the legend, plus a pure fire elemental monster. It is not easy to deal with it yourself. Because of the delay just now, even if Colina wants to go, she can't get away. So her only option was to defeat the enemy as fast as possible and then leave the battlefield. Thinking of this, there was a cold light in Colina's eyes, then she held the long bow tightly in her hand, and then she pulled the bowstring in an elegant, slow posture.

The next moment, the arrow flashed.

"Uh --- !!!!"

This is not just the sound of the air bursting when the arrows cut through the air, but also the resonance of the airflow trembling under the powerful force. I saw that with the arrow light flying forward, the surging air wave erupted on both sides of it, turning into a violent wind and wave, all the surrounding trees and plants were crushed into slag. At the same time, Corina's movement did not stop. Instead, her green eyes turned quickly, looking at the woods in front of her, and then bowed again. Then she let loose her fingers.


Without any warning, almost at the same time when Colina let go, two dazzling fires burst into the depths of the forest that had been crushed by storm arrows. When she saw these two flames, Corina's eyes flashed two strange radiances. Her fingers were beating in the void again, as if she were playing a music. With the movement of Corina, the arrows of light flashed quickly. Flying towards the depths of the forest. They do not follow a straight line, but they are as flexible as they have their own will to move in the woods, even a leaf is not hurt.


Looking at the shadow that flashed through the forest, Corinna instantly locked its existence, and then Colina narrowed her eyes. The clenched arrow in his hand loosened gently ...


But beyond Collina's expectations, the arrow didn't fly toward the target as she expected, instead, it turned abruptly through a ninety-degree turn and flew straight into the sky. Seeing this scene, Corina's complexion suddenly changed. Could it be ......... Oops!


Just when Colina noticed something bad. Turning around and jumping away. A fierce explosion erupted immediately above her, and the hot air was mixed with bright red dazzling clouds of fire exploding above Corina's head. The hair of the elf girl began to curl and curl because of the hot temperature. But now Corina has no time to care about her hair. Because of the light from the corner of her eyes, Corina has seen above her head, the continuously distorting fire element monster is smirking and holding out her hands, trying to wrap herself into black charcoal.

How could it appear on top of itself? Obviously it was still far away from itself. The arrow's attack also convinced Corina that she must have locked her target. In her legendary memory, as long as the target locked by Corina, fleeing, the arrow will chase the target. But why is it suddenly ………………!

Now it's not time to think about it, Corina frowned, and then she turned over to avoid the attack of the Fire Elemental Monster, and the pair of huge and thick claws almost rubbed the body of the elven girl and hit the ground like this . And just as Colina flipped up and jumped up. On her side, four continuously rotating bright red magic circles emerged immediately, and then dozens of magic chains emerged from it, entangled towards the limbs of the girl.


Seeing this scene, Colina suddenly became extremely anxious, she opened the long bow in her hand again. But before Corinna had finished her movements, her hands were tied tightly together by the magic chain, and she lifted them up high. The arrow, which was ready to go, was thus out of the control of Corinna, and a "swish" flew into the air. It's gone.

"Woo ...............!"

Corina, who was bound to death, could no longer move, so she was suspended in the air. He stared at the fire elemental monster in front of him. Just then, a hoarse and awful laugh came. Later, Corina saw the weird man in a black robe slowly walking out of the forest. Judging from the loopholes in its robe, Corina's attack obviously also brought considerable threat to the black robe mage in front of him.

"It really deserves to be an elf. I thought it would be easy, but I didn't expect ......... the country of Fa is really very interesting."

"... why does the kingdom of night attack the kingdom of law?"

Staring at the black robe mage in front of her, Corina asked in a low voice. After hearing her inquiries, the mage in the black robe seemed to have heard some funny jokes, and laughed.

"Hahaha, why? Why not? Because this is His Majesty's order, we, of course, must obey! And, the people of the kingdom of law are also what we need! The elven body is indeed a good petri dish, I didn't expect that I could find such a great container ... "

As he said, Master Black Robe stared at Corinna with a strange glow in those eyes. Then he reached out and took out a bottle of weird, sticky black potion from his arms.

"... Come on, drink it, Miss Elf. You will be more powerful than you are now, and you will be free from the shackles of this order and become the most faithful servant of the Supreme King, like us! Open your mouth and drink it! "

As he said, the mage in the black robe stepped forward, and he held up the potion in his hand, and a faint black mist emerged from it. Looking at the Master in Black Robe in front of her, fear and anxiety appeared on Collina's face. After seeing the expression of the elf girl, the Master's laughter became louder.

"Hahaha, don't worry, don't be afraid, as long as you accept this sacred and great power, then you will become ........."

That's all for Master Black Robe.

At the next moment, the silver arrow fell silently from the air and completely penetrated its skull. The black robe mage, who had no expectation of being attacked, stood on the ground like this, then suddenly fell to the ground and became a corpse.


The magical chain that bound Colina's limbs dissipated immediately after losing her master's strength, and it was only then that Colina was relieved. However, before she could relax her heart, a harsh roar rang from Corina's ear.

"Oh oh oh oh oh !!"

"how is this possible?"

Corina turned her head and was surprised to find that the previous fire element monster was screaming at her, how could this be? After losing the restraint of the master's power, shouldn't this fire elemental monster return to the elemental plane immediately?

At this moment, it is too late to think about it, and the swollen body of the Fire Elemental Monster obviously intends to completely explode here. Corina is too late to avoid it at this moment. The only thing she can do is to pull away from the opponent as much as possible, and then her hands Stand in front to stop the upcoming explosion. but…………

"Woohoo ------ !!!"

With a scream, Corina raised her head in surprise, only to see that the fire element monster that was about to swell just now was broken like a discouraged ball at the moment, it stretched its hands desperately and desperately Struggling, but after losing the support of magic, its huge body was completely destroyed and turned into ashes.

"What the **** is this ..."

Corinna stared blankly at everything in front of her. Until this time, she found out that there was a girl standing behind the monster of the fire element.

Her whole body was shrouded in white believer's robes. Only her small rounded chin and pointed ears under the hood, and her long golden hair fluttering in the wind proved her identity.

White elf.

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