Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 487: Second Life of the Moon (Part 1)

"Miss Grayhill?"

When she saw the girl in front of her, Colina was somewhat surprised, but not surprised. The reincarnation of the white elves has been the focus of discussion among the elves of the kingdom of law. After that sword dance, the elves talked about Grace Hill and Madaras, who had been with Rhodes. The elves had a long-lived and nostalgic race. They prefer to look back at the past rather than the future. As a result, most of the elves have expressed a strong interest beyond the nature of the two white elves. Of course, this does not mean that they will support the overthrow of the current royal power system to re-establish a new king, but as the glory and pride of the elves, they naturally welcome the return of the white elves.

Nor is it that no elves have suggested to Her Majesty to invite two white elves to return to the life of the elven forest. Although they are spirits, they are also the glory of the elves, and not the betrayers of the dark elves. It is a bit too self-defeating to follow humans in this way. But the elven queen did not comment on this, and Colina didn't say much. They were very clear. Although they did not know what the relationship between Greyhill and Madaras and Rhodes was, they wanted to persuade them to leave. Rhode was clearly a difficult matter.

But are they here now?

Upon hearing Corinna's words, Greyhill nodded before her, then she turned around, pointed to the depths of the forest, and then stared at Corinna's eyes, making a retreat gesture. The next moment, Collina only felt a flower in front of her, and Grace Hill disappeared in front of Corina. Without having to say anything more, when Colina looked up, she had already noticed the flames and disgusting, death-filled breaths that were exploding in the distance. And seeing this scene, Corina did not hesitate, she immediately picked up the long bow in her hand, and then quickly flew towards the depths of the forest.

When Collina returned to the Elven Station, everything in front of her had completely changed. In the morning when they left. Here is still a peaceful scene. But now, it has been completely shrouded in an extremely dignified fighting atmosphere. Thick, fire-resistant vines have climbed up thick trees. Intertwined with each other to form a barrier and a solid city wall. The elves put their hands on the ground and trees, praying for the call of nature softly, but in a blink of an eye, a green, dense and strong barrier unfolded like this, with thorns and thorns circling on it, turning it into the most Strong protection. The dark barb of the black hair reflects the cold light, enough to turn all visiting enemies into ashes. The steep, straight mountain walls blocked the entry of all unscrupulous people, except for the attack from the front. No one has the means to cross the defense in front of them. The high cliffs surrounding it are the best natural barriers. When paired with the natural magic unique to the elves, it is no wonder that the elves have never been worried about being invaded by others. But unfortunately now, trouble still came to my own door.

"Master Corinna!"

The Elves were relieved to see Corina flying from the forest. Soon, the tightly guarded wall of thorns automatically opened a mouth, and then the vines swiftly condensed into a pedal in the air, and Corinna just stretched out her feet to gently touch it, and the next moment she was like an elegant The light cat fell to the ground. The city wall, which was originally vacant, was closed again, leaving no room for anyone to pass by.

"Are you ready?"

Corina stared quickly around, looking away. The elves in front of them were ready to fight. However, the number is still slightly insufficient. Although in the previous investigation, Kelina did not carefully investigate the number of the opponent, but from the area of ​​fire, the opponent should have at least one legion-level number. But his own side is just the number of people who maintain the patrol rotation on a daily basis. Although I don't know how many enemies I have just faced, and so far. Corina still can't figure out why the fire elemental monster that is a hundred meters away from her appears instantly on her head. She had never seen similar skills anywhere before, which made Corina very nervous and frightened. The number of enemies, characteristics and even weaving were all unknown. But anyway. That's not a problem that less than a hundred elves in this patrol camp can handle. Not to mention that they are not battle-hardened fighters, just ordinary patrols. In the peaceful forest, except for the deadly battle with the dark elves in the border area of ​​the underground, the elves everywhere lacked sufficient combat experience.

"Is someone sent to ask for support as I ordered?"

Upon hearing Corinna's inquiry, the surrounding elves nodded, but then one of them said.

"Send someone to ask for support, but it may be difficult to convene ..."

Facing this answer, Corina frowned. She also knows that this is a helpless move. The low birth rate of elves has caused a completely different and unique arms system between the country of France and other countries. That is, the elven army of the kingdom of law rarely has an organization of more than 500 people. So far, the largest number of people in the French kingdom is the Elven Guards, who are responsible for guarding Wang Ting, with a total of 350 people. Most of the troops stationed elsewhere are around 150 to 200 people. Each patrol camp has a maximum of one hundred people. Although due to the natural nature of the elves, this strategy is very effective in multi-point flowering. For example, when conducting guerrilla warfare in the forest, a well-equipped elven patrol can involve the strength of thousands of opponents. But once they are forced to face each other, even if each elves can ride a thousand, their lack of innate numbers is enough to make them all destroyed. It is not bad to say that if the two sides are fighting on the plains, even the level of the army of the kingdom of light is enough to make the elves defeat the battle fiercely. But the elves are not fools, which is why they have always relied on natural barriers to fight against their enemies.

But now, it looks like this barrier is losing its effect.

Kelina looked up and could see the thick black smoke below, and the flames were gradually spreading. They were not trying to seduce the elves to attack, but they were simply cleaning the battlefield-once the natural cover was lost, then the elves Is much less threatening. At this point, it is clear that the other party is also very clear.

Neither Gray Hill nor Miss Madaras are here .........

Corinna didn't see the petite figure that just appeared in front of her, and did not know their whereabouts, but even so, Corinna took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. Then he spoke and ordered.

"Ready to fight and open the protective enclave ......... !!! Note that the enemy has very powerful power, we must ........."


Corinna was eagerly interrupted before she finished speaking. She looked up, and saw a commander leaping hurriedly from the bushes, then fell in front of herself. She was anxious, and her good face turned pale with fear and anxiety.

"Thirteenth camp is under attack! They are burning down the entire forest!"


When she heard this, Corina couldn't help but be surprised. She looked up and looked at the other side. Sure enough, she saw the flying black smoke in the sky.

"What's going on? How could this be?"

"Why was there an attack on Camp Thirteen?"

"They burned the forest. This is too much!"

Hearing the news, the surrounding elves couldn't help turning their heads to look at each other in surprise, they whispered, wondering what to do about it. And seeing the movements of her subordinates, Colina had no other way but to sigh. For the first time, she felt so deeply that the peace had long corrupted the elves. Perhaps the elves are indeed a noble race. They live in nature and take advantage of the environment to protect themselves. But when they really faced this kind of war, these elves finally revealed their weakest side-what is it to burn down the forest? Corina once saw Rhodes bombard the entire jungle in front of the Atonement with gunfire, and his reason was just to make it easier to see through their tracks when dealing with the enemy.

This is war.

"This is not the time to argue about this!"

Corina interrupted the discussion, and she walked up to the tower and looked forward. The flames were getting closer. Even Kelina's perception of the elves has been affected to some extent. Now it seems that the other party's fire is not only to anger the elves, but also to hide their body shape. Considering that they can summon monsters of the fire element, if they can use the fire as cover , Then the fire element monster and the real flame cannot be accurately distinguished. It can even be said that, for the other party, this burning jungle is the best way to rely on it.

"Everyone is ready to attack and start the protective realm!"

As she said, Colina held the bow and arrow in her hand and aimed vigilantly. The anxiety deep inside her was getting worse. And at the same time, as if to prove it, the hissing sound suddenly appeared, and then Corina saw that one after another, the fire crow, composed entirely of burning flames, was flying over the forest. , Emerged from the flames, rushed towards the camp!

"Enemy attack!"

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