Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 488: Second Life of the Moon (Part 2)

Hundreds and thousands of fire crows flew through the air, and rushed towards the camp in front of them with their weird noises. At this moment, under the command of Corina, the elves also hurriedly started the protective enchantment already prepared. I soon saw dozens of bright green lines erupting from the surrounding green trees, and then interwoven with each other to form a thin layer of crystal-like barriers, enveloping the entire camp to resist the opponent's attack.

However, the other party was clearly prepared. Not long after the defense enchantment was activated, Corina found that the original strong enchantment began to shine with magical glory—this is the sign of someone trying to dissolve the enchantment. Seeing this, Corinna drew a moment's attention. It seems that the other party is prepared. The magical enchantment of the elves is not so easy to dissolve. In a certain way, the magic of the elves and the magic of the devil belong to a unique type that only their own race can use. Ordinary magic has no effect at all. But now, the magical enchantment of the elves is disturbed, which itself has shown that the other party is obviously prepared for this!

"Immediately replenish energy and maintain enchantment. Others are responsible for sweeping enemies around !!!!"

While giving a loud command, Corina rushed to the city wall, then she held the long bow in her hands, aimed at the sea of ​​fire, and soon the magically condensed arrows scattered around Corina as if it were a storm. The rain flew towards the burning forest. Upon hearing Corinna's order, the other elves moved quickly. They silently climbed into the gap between the leaves and raised the bow and arrow in their hands to aim at the fire crow above their heads. Soon, I saw that with the movement of the elves, the fire crows circling in the sky began to burst, as if exploding in the air like fireworks.

But unfortunately, their efforts are nothing more than a smash.


Looking at the elf stronghold not far away, a dark figure showed a disturbing laughter. If Colina were here, she would definitely recognize it. The man was wearing almost the same clothes as the black robe mage who had battled with her before. The only difference was that he didn't seem to have a fixed entity, unreal, dark darkness wrapped around his body. Make it look more like a ghost. Looking at the elf above, the black robe mage gave a husky smile, and then he raised his right hand—with the movement of the black robe mage, he saw that a black arm had completely dried out, and the black arm was just under the black robe. Emerged. A weird dark mist surged on the arm of the black robe master, and then condensed into a drop of tangible entity, and then dripped into the ground in this way, blending into the burning flame.

The moment the strange black drop dripped, the flames around it suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

Corina lowered her longbow and watched the burning forest below with vigilance. Just at that moment, she suddenly felt that the burning forest suddenly changed her appearance. The high temperature that had burned the skin suddenly turned into biting ice. Obviously the flames were still burning, but the feeling below was like a snowy field covered with thousands of years of ice, making people tremble. What's more, Corinna felt that it was absolutely unnatural. Disgusting power.

What the **** is this ...

She hadn't waited for Corina to react. Suddenly, in front of her eyes, a few meters of flames soared into the sky, then turned into a tall flame giant. It is twenty feet high, and the burning flames make up the limbs of the giant. The face like a ghost is enough to just stun the ground because of extreme fear. The giant fire broke out like a roaring beast. At the same time striding towards the camp. Those tall trees were unhindered to the flame giant in front of them, and could not resist the further action of this terrible monster. I saw the flame giant just reached out and pushed, and the surrounding trees fell down like a fragile match stick, and then quickly burned. It took only a moment to burn a lush tree to ashes. Not only that, Corina saw with her own eyes that as the tree was burned, those burning flames automatically returned to the body of the flame giant as if attracted by something. And accompanied by the addition of those flames. The flame giant's figure suddenly became a lot bigger.

"Attack, attack now, destroy it !!!"

Seeing this scene in front of her, Corina trembled suddenly, and then she raised her long bow again. Bright and dazzling arrows erupted from above, straightening into a flame giant that shot straight in front of his eyes. At the same time, the only three elven mages in the camp picked up the cypress stick in their hands at this moment and chanted aloud. Soon, a huge icy ice cone emerged from the air, stabbed at the enemy in front of him under the guidance of the mage.

But all this was in vain.

Collina's arrows focused on the target without a doubt. The magic arrow should have exploded at the moment of contact with the target, and then deal enough damage to the opponent. Even elemental creatures are not immune, the damage caused by the outburst and the messy magic torrent is absolute. However, this seems to have completely lost its role and effect in the flame giant in front of him. After the magic arrows pierced into the flame giant's body, it was like raindrops falling on the pond, and it had no other role than to set off ripples. Even the ice cones summoned by the elven mages were completely incapable of any effect on them, not even stopping the flame giant. After seeing this scene, the mage quickly changed the fighting style, they began to try to cancel the contract of the elemental creature, and drove it back to the world that originally belonged to it. But this also has no effect. The huge flame monster is indifferent to the rune full of mysterious energy in front of it. It just moves forward like a machine, getting closer and closer to the elf camp in front of it.

Corinna is still trying to find a way to slow it down, but everything is useless. With the burning all the way to absorb the flames, the flame giant is now as high as seventeen or eighteen feet, even standing on the vine wall Corina must look up to see her skull. The eyes formed by the condensation of flames were filled with darkness, chaos, and anger and fear enough to sting the soul.

And at this time, the spells of the wizards finally condensed into a line.


Four simple syllables emerged from their mouths, accompanied by chanting. The mantra suspended in the air trembled suddenly. Mysterious power began to condense and erupt, trying to expel all beings that did not belong to this world. This time the Flame Giant finally stopped its footsteps, and its body trembled suddenly. Twisted a bit. But soon, it reverted to its original state again-the elves did their best to cast, instead of driving them out, they made the fire even more angry.

"—————— !!!"

The flame giant roared, raised his hands and clenched in a circle, and then struck heavily on the magic barrier over the camp. The violent shock was unbearable to even the elves, and several elves even stumbled and fell to the ground. The magic barrier of the camp also became dull with this fatal blow. It seems that if there are two or three more strikes, the barrier of magic condensation will be completely broken like this. By that time, there was only one catastrophe to welcome the entire camp.


Corina swept across the battlefield again, but to her disappointment, she still could not find the culprit behind the fire giant who was hiding behind the scenes. Not only that, Corina also saw two or three flame giants emerge from the burning forest at this time. Looking at them, it is clear that the visitors are not good. At this moment, the elf girl no longer hesitated. She rolled over and jumped down the city wall, then quickly came to the altar in the center of the camp. It was a circular fountain. Like all elven buildings. It belongs to the creation of nature. The only difference is that in the center of the fountain, a emerald green, oval gemstone is suspended. At first glance, it looks like a seed. Corina grabbed the jewel suspended in the center of the fountain and held it high. Seeing her movements, an elf who was standing by to help resist the harassment of Fire Ravens couldn't help but panic.

"Do you want to ask Shuren for help? Lord Corinna. They ..."

"If they don't want to get up anymore, wait to be burned to ashes!"

While answering the elf's words in front of her, Corina held the gem in her hand firmly. Soon, a green glow erupted from the oval-shaped gem, and then blasted towards the towering ancient trees behind the camp. Soon, the ancient trees that were standing still began to tremble. The earth began to tremble, and huge, complicated rhizomes emerged from it. The tall trunk gradually curved and straightened ...


At this time, with the fire giant's re-attack. The already overwhelmed protective enchantment was completely broken. It looked at the panicked elf in front of him, cracking his mouth and showing an evil and greedy smile. Then the flame giant reached out and tried to swallow these seemingly delicious little bugs to satisfy his greed-but at this time, a huge, sturdy palm suddenly appeared, grabbed it dead The flame giant's outstretched hand.

The ancient tree stood up, and its entire body was sprayed with thick and moist mist, even the raging fire on the flame giant was weakened a lot at this moment. At this moment, it accepted the call of life, awakened from the deep sleep, and became the most reliable guardian.

The treeman yelled and held the Fire Giant's right hand in a fold, and then saw the Fire Giant's arm immediately bend in the opposite direction. But soon, a tenacious fire broke out, trying to light the treeman in front of him. But the moist, ancient tree that had absorbed enough moisture did not seem to care about the clarity of the flame. The flame giant flew head-on like this and flew away.


It was not until this time that Corina backed away with a stern look. Her power had been used to awaken the treeman in front of her. There was no extra power. Now Corina can only watch the battle in front of her and pray that her side can get the last Victory. But soon, she found herself facing new threats.

Although the Flame Giant's offensive was blocked, with the fragmentation of the magical enchantment, the Fire Crow, which originally circled in the air, whistled down again and rushed towards the elves. Although the elves have worked hard to bend their bows and arrows to destroy these terrible elemental monsters, they are too many. From time to time, you can see the elves flying backwards with the sound of explosions. For a moment, the whole camp was in chaos.

"Isn't the reinforcements here yet?"

Collina barely lifted her long bow, destroyed the three fire crows flying towards her, and then glanced behind her. There, there were still no signs of reinforcements. This made Corina's heart deeply anxious, and the elves at this moment had already shown a tendency to retreat. Even Corina could not help but hesitate to choose whether to choose to retreat.

And at this time, the white light fell from the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom !!!"

The white glow like a meteor instantly enveloped the entire Fire Crow swarm, and the attacked Fire Crows were completely unaware of the sudden attack and suddenly screamed and dispersed. But even so. Most of the fire crows are still destroyed by the white meteor's brilliance.

"this is……………"

Seeing this, Corinna couldn't help but move inwardly, she quickly turned to look around, and soon, Corinna saw a petite figure unexpectedly on the other side. She wore a maiden's robe with a flat and wide white triangle hat on her head. The girl's right hand tightly held a golden yellow tin rod. With the girl's movement, she made an extremely crisp and beautiful sound. .

When she saw the girl in front of her, Corina froze. No wonder she feels surprised, because the figure in front of her is not unfamiliar to Collina, but she is not unfamiliar.

Isn't that Miss Esther? Why is she here?

Looking at the girl in front of her, Corina could not help but wonder. If she was still able to accept the arrival of Greyhill and Madaras before, it was strange for Corinna why it appeared here. After all, she wasn't an elf, and Corinna, who had spent some time in the Atonement, knew that Esther was the Witch of the Temple of the Spirit, but she knew nothing about Esther. But now, why does she appear on the battlefield?

When she noticed Corinna's gaze, Rishti turned her head and nodded slightly at her.

"I'm very sorry, I'm late."

Then she spoke.

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