Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 494: Conflict (II)

Rhodes did not want to have any conflict with the envoys of the Council of Light. After all, he was in the Golden City at the moment, saying that he must also sell his face to His Royal Highness, but when Tres showed that disgusting In his face, Rhodes could not suppress the flames that had been suppressed deep in his heart. Rhodes knew that the Council of Light was very arrogant, but he did not expect that these **** would dare to do it directly outside the Golden City. Robbery, do these **** really treat the Principality of Munn as a country?

Almost at the same time, he was keenly aware that this was an unprecedented opportunity, and the best opportunity to know Lydia's attitude was in front of him.

Because of this, Rhodes did not hesitate to respond to the action of the kingdom of light. Looking at the soldiers of the Council of Light who attacked himself, Rhode could not help humming. As a veteran player, of course, he could see that these soldiers were using the lower sword [Condemnation] in the Council of Light, and All shots are fierce, plus these soldiers have the strength of top elites. If they are cut by them, they will lose half their lives if they die. Thinking of this, Rhodes also broke out instantly --- when Lao Tzu killed your family of Light Council eight thousand and eight hundred times without hesitation, right now, with your few dogs, you dare to jump to the ground too old? !!

Watching his subordinates do something, Tres did not stop it, but looked coldly at the scene in front of him, and the two war angels also reacted at this moment, anger drinking and holding the spear in his hand to stop the soldiers . However, their movement was one step too late. At the same time as the two angels shot, the swords of the remaining four soldiers had already slashed at Rhodes.

Although these soldiers are arrogant, but their strength can be said to be really good. Once they shot, they completely sealed all the retreats of Rhodes. They could only force Rhodes to fight with them. There were only two daggers in the German hands, and there was no way to resist this round of attack.

Unfortunately, there is always a gap between reality and imagination.

When the sword was approaching, even Trece thought that the young brunette now had no choice but to see Rod's body sway, and then he lifted up while holding the hands of the two short swords. --- Then I saw that the four soldiers who attacked Rhodes from front to back and left suddenly flew back as if hitting an invisible wall, sliding continuously on the ground covered by the white slate. Only a few meters stopped, not only that, until then, Tres was surprised to find that the long sword in the hands of the four soldiers had completely shattered! !!

This scene surprised Tres very much. He rarely converged on a look of contempt, and looked at the dark-haired young man with a serious look.

Tres is not an unskilled fool. As a member of the Council of Light Hussar Guard, he also has a mastery of sword skills. Because of this, Tres understands what this scene means now. In the face of his offensive, Rhodes did not choose to avoid it. Instead, he chose a modest block, and he almost resisted at the same time. They attacked from four directions and sent them off.

Tres wasn't surprised by the fact that she resisted attacks from all four directions at the same time, because it only required enough speed and swordplay experience for anyone to do it. But then his subordinates were completely blown away to really make Treis move. He knew more than anyone what this meant. The young brunette in front of him not only surpassed himself in sword speed and experience. His subordinates, and his grasp of strength and strength is also very amazing. Not to mention being able to completely overpower four soldiers with top elite strength in strength, this only illustrates one point.

Right now this young man has a master's level, or even above it.

And this is exactly what made Treis extremely surprised and confused.

Regarding Rhode's rumors and intelligence, of course, he did not conduct an investigation, especially in the battle of the Midsummer Festival, he defeated Bartel with the peak strength of the master and was considered to have entered the realm of legend. But Tres scoffed at this statement. He didn't believe that a human being could possess such a talent, let alone the rise of Rhodes was too weird. He was like a shooting star, which suddenly appeared to the public. This is not scientific at all. And when he saw Rod this time, he also specially observed that the young man's body didn't have the kind of momentum that was unique to the master-class strength, which made Tres insist on his judgment even more- —The previous part about Rhodes' strength was simply the result of the Men's boasting themselves, and there was no end to it. What is the legendary strongman who is only in his early twenties ... Huh, this is a joke.

But now, facing this "joke" in front of her, Trece can't laugh anymore.

Although there was only a moment, he felt keenly that the moment Rhode resisted the attacks of his subordinates, his body did show a powerful momentum that only a master swordsman could possess. But that momentum was fleeting. If he hadn't confirmed that he wasn't dreaming, then I would only think that it was just his illusion.

But now, lying around Rhodes's body, the moaning soldiers told him with **** facts that this was not a dream.

It is no wonder that there is such a misjudgment of Tres. After all, on the Dragon Soul continent, the strength of people is related to themselves. What level of swordsmanship and momentum are possessed. Rhodes is only forty at the moment, and his strength was originally hovering between the top elite and the junior level of the master. Because of this, Tres mistaken him for a level similar to that of his subordinates. He was completely surprised. It is a freak to Rhodes. Although his physical level is only forty, his sword skill level is already at the level of sixty and is about to enter the legendary level. Not to mention that at this moment, Rhodes is also wearing three artifact decorations under the aura of Marlen's red hand. The increase of [Long Wing] strength level +3 is enough to make Rhode's power comparable to those giants, not to mention It is said that the human soul imprisoned in [Soul's Prison] also increased the total surname of Rhodes by five. If Rhodes was not merciful, I am afraid that the four unlucky soldiers have already exerted their full impact. It will turn into a pile of meat sauce, not to mention the extravagant judgement of survival.

"I reiterate again, this gentleman I don't want to know the name nor interested to know the name."

Rhode didn't look at the soldiers who were moaning all around. He just flipped his hands like this, and quickly regained the two short swords around his waist. Then he raised his head, still with that kind of smug smile. Staring at Tres.

"As a citizen of the Principality of Munn, I don't have to listen to any decisions and opinions made by an idiot round table thousands of miles away."

Rhodes smiled brightly, and he could even say that his smile was very charming, even the two war angels looked a little fascinated at this moment. They didn't expect that the serious, expressionless man just now could show such a warm and beautiful smile-but if Marin and others are here, they will certainly have different views on this.


Without being able to catch Rhodes in the first place, now he has lost the opportunity, and looking at the Angels who are standing in front of Rhodes and holding a spear ready for battle, Tress frowned. Although he said that he really did not look down on these Muen savages from the bottom of his heart, in fact, Tres did not really plan to meet each other at first. Although he said that the mission of the envoy to Muen was more or less understood, Politics is politics. It's okay to stab each other in the back, but once the face is torn, the trouble is big. Originally, Tres thought that as long as he showed the prestige of the Light Council, the other party had to obediently walk away with himself, and even if there was any dissatisfaction in the Golden City, it would not be possible to openly treat the Light Council.

But Trece did not expect this young man to be so tricky. He dared to kill the people of the Light Council in the large public! !! What makes Tres even more puzzled is his expression. Although Rhodes smiled brightly and sunny, Trece was keenly aware of the coldness and disdain in Rhodes' eyes. This kind of expression Trece was familiar with. People in the kingdom of light talked about the Principality of Munn , Most of them are such an expression. But it ’s easy to understand that the kingdom of light is larger than Munn, and their strength is much stronger than Munn, not to mention that now Muen is still holding the belief that people in the nation of light look backward and foolish. And worship—they gave up their dignity as human beings, bowed down at the feet of an angel, and even worshiped a **** that should not exist. Don't they have no eyes? In the light country where the dragon of light is located, we humans have successfully overthrew the rule of reading talents of the dragon of light, and have successfully mastered the power we should have. But you are still constrained by the old customs of the past, unwilling to fight for your freedom and power. Such slaves, who are free to fall, are not worthy of our respect at all.

This expression is very common in the people of the country of light, but it is very rare to appear in a duke of Muen. Tres has visited the muen several times with the ambassadors, and he has some knowledge of the people here. Some of them have feelings of fear, awe, disdain, anger, hostility, etc. about the kingdom of light, and Tres has seen it. But like Rhodes, Tres was the first time to see the Kingdom of Light as a contempt. He couldn't figure out life or death. Why would such a young man have such contempt and contempt for such a powerful country like the Land of Light? What qualifications does he look down on us? What power does he look down on us? What reason does he look down on us?

To say that this is just a brainwashed fan of ancient beliefs, Tres feels a little less similar, but anyway, since his task has failed, it is no good to continue entanglement here. I wanted to take the other person away quietly. The noise is so big now that I will be caught by that **** archangel. At that time, it will be a big trouble again.

Thinking of this, Tres made a decisive decision.

"let's go!"

He snorted, and then turned to leave. When he heard his order, the soldiers stood up at the moment, struggling with a look of hatred and anger, and then raised their two colleagues in a sloppy manner, then turned to follow Leaving behind Tres.

Dogs are dogs, but they are treated as humans without being collared.

Looking at the back of Teres and others leaving, Rhodes raised his eyebrows, and then the smile on his face quickly disappeared, replaced by the indifferent, bland face of Ping Yueli. He turned his gaze and looked at the two war angels standing not far from him.

But that's okay. After this temptation, Rhodes already knew what Lydia's attitude was about this matter.

(To be continued)

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