Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 495: Conflict (III)

While Tres and others turned around and left, they didn't notice it. Right now, on the balcony high above the Golden City, a figure was standing there quietly, watching the wolverines leaving with some playful eyes. Back view.

"Woohoo ...... this time, I think they should be able to learn a profound lesson."

Lydia closed her eyes and reached out to sort out her blond hair, and behind her, the old mage looked at the Archangel with a helpless smile. "Is this really okay? Your Royal Highness? Although the young man did not do anything wrong, the Council of Light ambassadors have been looking for opportunities to borrow questions, so ..."

"That's fine, Amonde."

Lydia stretched out her left hand and interrupted the old mage's speech. She looked up and looked at the blue, dazzling and beautiful, and the endless sky.

"......... Amonde, what do you think the Principality of Muen is to me?"

"His Royal Highness?"

"Just a piece of land? A piece of territory? Or the tool we use to fight for our power and status? Or the deterrence of the parliament of light? If I give up this piece of land, what will it and its people do? And if it left me, where would I go as an archangel? "

Hearing Lydia's words, Amund couldn't help lowering his head and sighing slightly, although he was rarely involved in this type of political affairs as a court mage. But this time, as Lydia ’s most trusted person, he also knew very well that the situation was very fierce, and that the light council was threatening, and those clown jumping clowns seemed to have anticipated their death and began to make the final struggle. They knew very well that if they missed this last chance again, it must be Lydia's **** suppression and slaughter that awaited them. The unknown night a few years ago, the Archangel would never mind coming again.

The situation on the mainland is turbulent. Amund knows this very well. He also understands that Lydia is worried about this. Although this girl is called a tyrant in many ways, she is still an angel after all. She It is impossible to violate angel's creed and stand and make choices like individuals. It is because of her identity that Lydia has such high respect and love in the Principality of Munn. It is also because of her identity that limits Lydia's choices, and in the face of the situation at hand, this big The answers that the archangel can choose are actually very limited.

Lydia knows better than anyone that the overcast cloud of this continent is about to come, the changes of the Dragon Kingdom of the night, and the dark tide in the dark world is revealing a brand new era and the beginning of a war. She expects to be able to make changes and stop it all. However, this is not so simple. Because the Principality of Muen also has its own problems. In this small country, the reformists have been fighting the King for a long time, but things are not so simple.

A long time ago, the Principality of Munn was just an ordinary Principality. At that time, they did not have any conflicts and divisions. But later, with the rapid development of commercial trade with the Principality of Munn, gold and silver entered like water. After this country, a crack was born under the impact of this wealth.

As an old, orthodox, and obeying the law country, the Wang Dang has still firmly held most of the commercial transactions in Muen Gong until now, but this has caused resistance from those businessmen. At the beginning of the development of the Principality of Muen, they helped the country prosper and prosper, but now they have become rebels who try to overthrow and bury the country.

Capital is like a sly and evil beast. When it is weak, it will strengthen itself by following and looking for loopholes in the rules. But when it is strong, in order to maintain its strength, it will try to indulge and change the rules. And this is not allowed by the royal family. Each generation of Archangels firmly limits this, and it is precisely this that has caused the dissatisfaction and anxiety of the merchants who are rich in armor. They were afraid that their wealth would disappear because they did not have the guarantee of power, and they also expected to obtain the support of the rules for greater benefits, but the royal family never intended to hand over their power in exchange for wealth. Become irreconcilable.

The royal family will not give up their power to rule this country, and the merchants are not willing to live only under the restraint of this power and rules. They are rich in the world, and if possible, they can even buy two cities. Make yourself stronger. Because of this, they were unwilling to continue to submit to the oppression of the royal family and began to seek change.

This is also the embryonic form of the reformists. When these merchants formed an alliance, they began to unite some nobles, seeking to change the country in the hope of giving them more power. To this end, they even sought help from the country of light, and perhaps in the face of "business partners", the country of light also readily agreed. The combination of these two forces once brought extremely dangerous changes to the Principality of Munn.

As a court mage, Amund witnessed this all with his own eyes. The last granddaughter's last name was gentle and conservative. Because of this, in the face of the aggressiveness of the reformers and the kingdom of light, she was the only one who chose to give in, and at that time, the Principality of Muen fell into the worst storm in history. The reformers were almost big. Won the victory. With the help of the kingdom of light, they can almost do everything their colleagues do in the kingdom of light, completely deprive the archangel and the royal party of power, and powerfully control the country.

It was at this time that Lydia was born and took over the position of Archangel. At that time, even the Wang Dang was desperate. Amund still remembers the day when he and his colleagues looked at the mood of the girl who was not even in her tenth year on the throne that was almost a circle larger than her during the succession ceremony. For Mond, the future is almost dark, and he is even a little discouraged. He wants to return to his hometown and return to his hometown to become a recluse scholar. In this way, at least he does not need to see the collapse of the duchy. .

But after that night, everything changed.

No one thought that this girl who looked very intimidated, within a few days after taking office, released the ultimatum to the reformists with a thunderbolt, and accompanied by the list of Lydia Solo Hundreds of people were imprisoned overnight in a series of guilt within the Reformers, followed by a series of crisp trials and massacres. This hand not only shocked the reformists, but even Amund was stunned. He did not expect that the newly-appointed Archangel was so arrogant that he would kill and kill, leaving no room for bargaining. Even at that time, the parliament of light that received the signal of reformist distress sent people to issue an ultimatum, but even so, Lydia still insisted on her opinion-she even accelerated the speed of execution until the light of When the members of the parliament came to Gold City, all the backbone members of the reformists had been executed, and they did not stay from top to bottom.

For the dead, temporary pardons and releases are obviously meaningless.

It was also after that that the reformers were so badly injured that they began to recharge and stay away. And Lydia was not aggressive, but chose to grind slowly, until the last aggression of the reformists was polished, and at that time, she could shoot completely and pull out these tumors in one fell swoop.

Witnessing Lydia ’s growth and actions with her own eyes, Amund ’s confidence gradually found back. He originally thought that under Lydia ’s leadership, the Principality of Muen would soon return to the past glory way, but It now seemed that there was a taller, heavier wall blocking it in front of them.

But for Amund, his fears don't just come from the Reformers and the Council of Light.

Thinking of this, the old mage narrowed his eyes and looked at the thin, thin, thin-haired man who was walking up the stairs below the castle.

Rod Ellant.

He used to think that this young man was just another genius in the Principality of Munn, just like Marin Shania. They had outstanding talents, sufficient self-control, wise judgment and wisdom, and when they grew up After that, it will become the pillar of this principality.

However, everything that this young man is showing up now overthrows Ahmond's view.

He has more than once secretly helped the Principality of Muen to solve the crisis-from the chaos in the Pafield area, to the wings of freedom at the Midsummer Festival, and the recent events in the Solagang Mountain Territory ... All were solved by Rhodes, but what Amund couldn't figure out was still the identity of this young man.

On the surface, everything Rhode does seem to be irrelevant, but once connected to the current situation, things change immediately. From Amund's point of view, this young man is like a player who stands high and overlooks the chessboard. Every move of him has completely restrained the actions of the Council of Light and eliminated their threat in the bud. From Rhode's performance, he seems to know exactly what the Council of Light wants to do next.

This made Amund secretly startled. A man who has political talents can no longer possess such evil powers. He also secretly asked Lydia if this young man had any hidden ace in the royal family. After all, Rhodes's He has performed so well, and to say that he is just an aristocrat from the eastern mountain plains, obviously cannot be justified. There are so many aristocrats in Muen Gong, but there are only a few geniuses who can perform well. At present, this young man is so outstanding in all aspects, and has a strong, decisive conviction and spirit. Such a person can never be buried. Unless he is the ace that the royal family has been hiding.

But the answer is not the case. This young man has nothing to do with the royal family. He seems to have really jumped out of the crack in the stone. Dongfang Mountain was originally a relatively closed territory in the Principality of Muen. Because of their special tasks, few people knew what those people hiding in the mountains were doing. The only thing that reassured Amund, It is this young man who seems to have a good opinion of the Wang Dang—this kind of favor is not so easy to say, just to see that Rod has brought the Council of Light and the Reformists to death, he knows that there is nothing better than this Voted for it.

But now, looking at Rhode's back, Amund felt no sense of fear for any reason. The reason is still the Soragang Mountain Territory Incident-the outside world is still guessing about the incident itself, but Lydia and Amond, of course, know the whole thing. Not only did they get Rhode's report, they also had their own news channels. Because of this, when learning that the Duke of Demons was defeated by two of Rhodes' subordinates, Amund felt the threat from the young man for the first time.

How powerful is the sealed Duke Duke, Amund has not personally experienced it, but even so, it does not prevent him from judging the strength of the other party. Two powerful men who have legendary strength and can even defeat the Duke Duke? Will it be ordinary? Not to mention that the two legendary powerhouses were actually just two girls-when did the Principality of Muen have so many geniuses?

And according to information, the two girls with unique names are under the leadership of Rhodes, and have two geniuses in the legendary field. What kind of force does this require? Could this young man be the spokesman for a legendary organization hidden in the shadow of history? After all, in any case, his momentum, unwavering firmness in the face of the Council of Light, as well as the rapid response and moderation, plus the strong men gathered around him ... If Rhodes is nothing but A little aristocrat who came out of the eastern mountain plains, then Ahmund would never believe it at this moment. So, if he is really the spokesperson for a certain force, what is his intention to do this in Munn?

"Sir, are you really planning to do this?"

Knowing that Lydia's thoughts could not be changed, Amund had to step forward and whisper.

"Do you know what this means? The young man's origin is unknown, and I admit that he has a good opinion of our royal party and has done a lot ......... but ..."

"I see what you mean, Amund Qing. People long for the warmth of the sun, but they are afraid of the too bright light. But that is not an excuse for fear and alertness."

Lydia turned around, and she still had the charming, unshakable smile on her face.

"Fear is the beginning of disgust, teacher, but before we get to know him, we shouldn't just rely on a momentary guess and personal preferences to make a judgment. Moreover, your teacher's concerns may be negative, no matter what. Mr. Rhode has paid us a lot, why don't you want to believe that he has good intentions for us? "

Having said that, the girl had a playful smile on her face, and then she folded her hands and put it on her chest.

"Maybe this gentleman is a messenger sent by the dragon of creation. If that's the case, aren't we lucky?"

"If that's the case, then we are really lucky."

Although Lydia smiled brilliantly, how could Amund laugh, but the court mage at this moment also knew that his thoughts could no longer have any impact on the girl in front of him, so he did not say more What, but folded her hands and saluted Lidia deeply.

"I hope that young man really does what you said ... Your Highness, then I am now retired."

Watching the old mage turn and leave, Lidia raised her corner of her mouth, and she stretched out a white finger like jade, against her rounded chin, her eyes narrowed proudly.

"Of course, as I said, teacher, whimper, then, I should also take a look at this messenger from the dragon of creation, what are you going to do this time?"

For some, things are over. But for others, things are just beginning.

"......... You mean, that young man not only rejected the parliamentary order, but even acted?"

The man sitting on the sofa made of precious ferret heard this, and the fat on his cheeks suddenly shook involuntarily. He stretched out his stubby, fat arm and pressed it firmly on the sofa's armrest. He forcibly lifted his body, which even made the expensive sofa scream an overwhelmed. But the other party didn't pay attention to these little things at all, so he stared fiercely at Tres, who was standing in front of him, and his tiny eyes almost burst into fire.

"So what? So you just come back dimly? In the square outside the gold city !!! Just under the eyes of that **** tyrant, you just returned like this! ||"

"The other party is very strong, Danny."

Hearing the fatness of a pug-like man, Tres couldn't help but feel angry, but he quickly restrained his mood and explained to the other with his surname.

"He defeated all my subordinates in a face-to-face meeting, and even I couldn't do it. Obviously, this young man's strength is stronger than what we have obtained in rumors! Faced with this Opponents, we should be more cautious !!! "


Hearing Tres's words, the fat pug immediately waved his right hand, and his fat body lost his support, and fell back to the sofa again, which made the sofa send a low mourning again, no Know if something has been crushed.

"Damn, that savage barbarian, we have the official order documents issued by the Council of Light, and we represent the people of the sacred Kingdom of Light. This group of townsmen dare to treat us like this !! Come here, bring a pen and paper, I'm going to protest against Gold City, those **** **** ......... "

Having said that, the fat pug stopped for a moment, then he stared at Tres fiercely.

"You get out of me! Really, it will be done by a barbarian. What is the majesty of our Light Council! I should consider asking the Council to send another person to replace your post. Now, Get out of me immediately! "

"Yes! Lord!"

Even if the other side was so bad-mouthed, there was no change in Tres's determined face. He saluted the other side respectfully, and then turned to leave. Until the door of the room was closed again, and the heavy door panel isolated the opponent's almost hysterical shout, a trace of coldness appeared on his face.

"Sir? Are you okay?"

Seeing Tres's expression, a guard standing outside the door soon approached and asked, and Tres glanced at him before sighing.

"Okay? I'm okay now ...... **** it ...... right, what about those little guys?"

Upon hearing the news, the guard's complexion suddenly became much more painful.

"…………………… We just received the news that their right arm was completely disabled because of the severe impact of external force. We have sought the help of the spiritual master, but because the injury was too severe ...”

"I know!"

Before the guard's words were finished, Tres suddenly waved and interrupted him sharply. He clenched his fist tightly, clenched his teeth, and his eyes were red—these guards were his powerful men. He trained them personally, and stood here after countless hardships. They are their own confidants, and their effective assistants. But now, their future is completely over. Even if they are wounded, what good is it to return to the kingdom of light? They have lost their most powerful weapon, so how can they continue their next life?

Just for one sentence.


Tres was silent for a moment, and then he looked up again with difficulty. At this time, the expression on his face was already gloomy and could drip water.

"Let them concentrate on their recuperation, and when they are better, let them prepare to return to the kingdom of light."

"But ... sir, shall we just let it go? Those **** Munn's savages, they dare to treat us like this. And Mr. Danny, if he did not give such an order, brother How come we're here? Damn ......... "

"All right!!"

Hearing this, Tres couldn't help sighing, interrupting his subordinates' complaints.

"Shut up for me ......... This is my problem. Don't talk nonsense here, don't forget, we are here to execute orders, things other than orders, I don't want you to take care of them!"

Having said that, Trece waved.

"You just need to execute the order, and let me take care of the next thing ... ... this matter, it won't be the case!"

(To be continued)

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