Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 643: Xing Shi's guilt and surprise attack

Rhode lowered his head. He could feel that the body of the girl in her arms was moving closer to herself. After such a long period of intimate contact, the two sides have become very familiar and familiar with each other's reaction. The next step was straight ahead, a sweet and wonderful night, but ... a finger blocked his lips, preventing Rhodes from moving on.


Rhode looked at the young girl in doubt. He found that today's Marlene did look a little different. The girl's smile was a little more confident and other things that Rhode said were not clear. Although the girl's soft and slender body still rested in Rod's arms, this time Marin's performance was different.

"Don't want to get confused, Rhodes."

"I didn't intend to."

Facing Malin's words, Rhodes froze slightly, then shrugged his shoulders. What he said is also true, because Rhodes firmly believes that he will never fail, but it doesn't make much sense to say such things, but to his surprise, in the face of his answer, Marin was unexpected. Shook his head.

"I'm not referring to this, Rhodes ......... is about Li Jie, do you have anything to say to me?"


At this point, Rhodes froze.

Rhodes had thought about this day long before he overthrew Li Jie, but his mood about it was also complicated. Because strictly speaking, Marlene is her own woman, but Rhodes does n’t consider her as his girlfriend, or if he needs him to love, coax, and marry in the same way as Rhodes ’time. For the girlfriend who comes to associate with the premise to evaluate, then the relationship between Rhodes and Marlene is definitely not the case. At first, the two were just an accident. Later, it happened slowly. Marin never said that she would ask Rhodes to rectify her name, and Rhodes never intended to say to Marin "I will love in my life. "You alone", the interaction between the two has always been tacit. For Li Jie, Rhodes was very open to himself, but he also understood that even Marin would not be so easy to listen to herself and nod in agreement, which is also the hostility of the female surname.

Therefore, Rhodes has always left it unattended, just like he and Canary. Although Lijie and Marin both know the relationship between Rhodes and Canary, they have never raised it in person. This is because they are very clear. But now, Marin raised this question to Rhode, which made Rhodes wonder what to say.

Fortunately, Rhode was also very experienced in this. Facing Marin's inquiries, Rhode's face only stiffened a little, and then he returned to calm soon. He looked up and looked at the girl quietly. Eyes, then a little smile.

"Looks like you all know?"

"Of course. Lijie is my best friend. How could I not see it?"

Speaking of this, Marin suddenly smiled, and then she took a step back and left Rhodes' arms. And just when Rhodes hadn't responded, suddenly, a muffled sound rose to the ground.


Hot pain came from Rhodes' cheek, which made Rhodes scream in pain, and only then did Marin shake her right hand and showed a satisfied expression. "Now I'm finally out of breath, Rhodes. Ah, but I have to say in advance that I didn't hit you because you were carrying me to find Lijie, just for my best friend being so silent by you He hung up in bed and felt dissatisfied. "

"If you really say that ......... then I really have nothing to refute."

Stroking his hot cheek, Rhode smiled bitterly and had to admit that Marlene was really good at the entry point, even if he could only accept it helplessly. Seeing Rhode's response, Marin nodded contentedly. Then she took a few steps back, raised her skirt with a smile, and then gave Rhode a gift.

"So, Rhode, have a good dream."

Having said this, Marin turned and left, leaving Rhodes alone in the middle of the room. And looking at the door closing heavily, Rhodes picked up his right hand covering his left face and shrugged helplessly. It doesn't look like this young lady doesn't care as much as she said ... But then again, this is a punishment for herself? Thinking of this, Rhode turned his head, glanced at the empty room, and then sighed.

Go to bed ... "Is this really okay? Marlene?"

Li Jie stood in the corridor, watching the lights in Rhode's room go out, and then looked at her friends a little uneasily.

"Is Mr. Rhodes okay ... or ... I'll go and see him ..."

"Don't you plan to sneak away? Lijie, haven't we said it before? If you simply betray it now, then everything we did before is useless?" Standing next to Lijie , Ma Lin is a bit playful, as if a conspiracy smile. Later, she nodded at Li Jienu.

"And, wasn't this what you originally suggested?"

"But ... to Mr. Rhode ..."

Facing Marin's answer, Li Jie's expression was a little hesitant, but in the end, she didn't say much, but lowered her head. "... And ... do you really want to do that? Marlene ... I feel so shy when I think of ..."

"Don't think about it that much, sooner or later we all have to do this."

With that said, Marin reached out her hand and stroked Lijie's hair lightly.

"It's late at night, let's go to rest ...... hey?"

Speaking of this, Marin suddenly turned her head and looked at the other side of the corridor, only to see that there was nothing under the candlelight. When she noticed Malin's abnormality, Li Jie raised her head curiously and looked there. Then he looked at Marin again and asked in doubt.

"What's wrong? Marilyn? What happened?"

"......... Strange, I just seemed to see someone walking there, but no one looked like ..."

Marily frowned, and stared at the corridor carefully. After a while, she shook her head.

"Maybe it's too tired. You read it wrong ......... Let's go, Li Jie."

For Rhodes, not being able to spend a sweet night with Marlene is a loss, but it won't make him sad all night. After lying on the bed, Rhodes soon fell into sleep. A thick night surrounded the fortress. Even the magical crystal candle in the corridor was much darker under this deep night. And at this moment, suddenly, a bluish green breeze blew across the corridor, as if feeling the power of this breeze, the magical brilliance also suddenly shook, the gentle wind passed through the thick door panels, and the curtains were not The wind blew up, and then, I saw the wind emitting a pale green shimmer spinning and condensing on the ground, and then turned into a thin and delicate figure.


Annie's figure emerged from the breeze, but now the girl's condition seemed a little abnormal. Her eyes were bewildered and she didn't have the slightest focus. There was a faint glow in the green eyes. At this moment, the girl couldn't touch her body, her white and delicate skin was hazy and charming under the light of moonlight. Annie, who emerged from the breeze, didn't straighten her body. Instead, she used both hands and feet to move on the ground like an animal, with a nearly inaudible sound in her throat. Then, Anne walked towards Rhode step by step. Beside her, the turquoise wind never stopped, but was wrapped around the girl's body and slender limbs, without the slightest sound.

Surprisingly, Rhode, who had fallen asleep, seemed completely unaware of Annie's arrival. I saw Anne walked silently to Rhode's window. Then, the girl looked at Rhode on the bed, twitched her small nose, and leaned her head forward, but soon, Anne shrank again. When she returned, she stretched out her right hand, but her face was confused and confused, as if she didn't know what she should do. The girl just stretched out her hand and seemed to want to grab Rhodes. But she closed it back as if she was afraid of something. Then, she reached out her hand again, and then retracted it again.

"......... oh ........."

After repeating the same movement several times, Anne made a low wailing again, and then saw the girl leaning down and closing her eyes.

Soon, the room regained its original tranquility.

When Rhode opened his eyes, it was already morning, and the sky illuminated by the sun could be seen faintly outside the window. The night was just like the melting snow under the glory of the rising sun to the other side. Looking at the scenery outside the window, Rhode deeply He took a breath and then sat up, but just as Rhode was about to get out of bed, suddenly, the whiteness in front of him caught the attention of Rhodes, and when he looked intently to see the true identity of that whiteness After that, Rhodes was speechless and couldn't say anything at all.

At the bedside, Anne, naked, curled up and fell asleep. The girl's face had a sleeping face of satisfaction, happiness, as always. If you did not consider the place and the room where the girl was lying at this moment, this was just another act of laziness in Anne Ping.

But now ... what is the situation?

Looking at Annie lying under his bed, Rhodes was also a little faint. If he opened his eyes and saw naked Anne lying on the bed, he could think that there might be some "accident". But now, the girl was lying on the floor, curled up in a ball, and slept loudly. Which one did this sing?

What made Rhodes even more puzzled was ... how did Anne come to herself?

You must know that Rhodes is already at level 50. Although he has not entered the legendary realm, his senses are not bad in all aspects, except for the legendary realm and those with special skills like Greyhill and Madaras. Other people, other people want to secretly approach him, even when he is asleep, it is very difficult, but Annie can come to his side without being discovered by him. What is going on?

Right now, when not thinking about this kind of problem, Rhodes frowned, reached out to hold the girl's shoulder, and pushed it a few times.

"Annie, wake up, Annie?"

"Woo .........?"

Driven by Rhodes, the girl opened her eyes stupidly, and when she saw Rhodes, Annie showed a bright and lively smiley face, so she looked up confusedly, staring at Rhodes sleepily, revealing Sweet smile.

"Ah ...... the head ...... early ......... you call ......... wow ... do you get up?"

"This is what I want to ask you, Annie, what are you doing in my room?"

"Woo meow?"

Upon hearing Rhode's inquiry, Annie looked up in confusion, and a pair of green eyes revealed obvious doubts. She turned her head and looked around. Then she jumped up in surprise, surprised. Eyes widened.

"Well ?! Why is Annie here?"

"Don't you remember?"

Seeing Annie's surprised expression, Rhodes frowned slightly. The girl's appearance did not seem to be lying, and Annie had never had a record of lying. But if that's the case, it's too weird. Even Anne hasn't got any impression of how she came here. This kind of thing is more exaggerated than a horror story. Does it mean that Anne has the habit of sleepwalking? This is impossible. I have never seen her do this before.

"Annie has no impression at all."

For Rhode's inquiry, Annie shook her head very definitely and gave an answer.

"Annie remembers very well. Annie fell asleep in her room ...... there was no room for the head."

"It's strange."

Upon hearing Annie's answer, Rod shook his head. Although after his return, Annie's performances of those who have been criticized have been much less. Now she does not go out and run around in Pingyue. Instead, she always follows Rhodes, either watching him quietly, or Lie down on the table and sleep. Even in contact with other people, the nerve-like appearance that Little Bubblegum evaluated before was gone, but it became more normal. However, in some respects, Anne's anomalies can be seen. For example, when those male surnames approached, Annie would immediately hide away like a frightened kitten, and she would always hide in some places. At a certain time, it will somehow exude a momentum that has never appeared on a girl. But overall, Rhodes believes that Anne's situation is slowly improving.

But now it seems that the situation of the girl does not seem to be as good as Rhodes imagined, but has worsened?

"In short, put this on first."

Although there are many questions to be resolved, the most important issue at the moment is Anne's dress. From the time of the mercenary regiment, Rhodes knew that Annie had always liked to sleep naked. In the morning, he saw Annie go naked with her upper body going out to blow hair. It was not once or twice. Fortunately, under the discipline and restraint of Li Jie, Annie gradually gradually Converged a lot, at least not just walking around in front of people.

But now ...... thinking of this, Rhodes couldn't help but secretly celebrate that he didn't make a shot with Marlene last night, otherwise half an night Annie ran over by herself, until now it is really embarrassing and embarrassing, but even if In this way, the situation is just as dangerous now. Fortunately, Rhodes has always been up early. After coming to this world, Rhodes maintains the habit of going out to exercise every morning, which has made him escape. Otherwise, if Li Jie and Marin saw Annie sleeping in her room naked, Rhodes wouldn't be clear.

Fortunately, most people are still asleep right now. After putting Annie on the sheets, Rhodes pushed Annie out and returned her to her room. As for Rod's decision, Annie herself had no complaints. In fact, at this time, little Annie's head was still confused, and she did not respond to what happened.

"Hoohoo ........."

Closing the door and lying back on the soft and comfortable bed, Annie narrowed her eyes and made a comfortable yell. She opened her eyes curiously, looked at the ceiling, and remained silent.

What the **** is going on ... Anne turned her head, looked at the familiar room in front of her, and her head was full of question marks. Like Rhodes, Annie couldn't figure out why she would go to Rhodes's room somehow. In the memory of the girl, it was clear that she should have fallen asleep in her room, but why ... … Thinking of this, Annie shook her head, then she grabbed the sheets on her body, narrowed her eyes, and twitched her lower nose.

It smells Rhodes.

When she felt this familiar taste, Annie suddenly felt that her heart was beating suddenly and uncontrollably, followed by a tingling numbness, the feeling of electric shock spreading throughout her body in an instant, the whole girl Feeling comfortable and light as if you were floating in the air. For a moment, Annie even hoped to be immersed in this way forever, discard everything, and never think about other things, as long as this comfortable feeling can continue forever.

Feeling so comfortable ......... Feeling this unprecedented feeling, Annie couldn't help but ......... She remembered that she seemed to have felt this way before ... Yes, that was a long time ago, Rod had I scratched my chest once. At that time, Annie felt as comfortable as it is now, and a little bit itchy. Something in the body was burning repeatedly, eager to be released. Could it be that Rhodes's body would become so weird?

"Head ........."

Thinking of this, Annie closed her eyes involuntarily and muttered to herself.

(To be continued)

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