Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 644: Miracle City (1)

There is the fortress of the Atonement.

Looking at the huge dark shadow under the sun in the distance, Sol couldn't help taking a sip of air. He reached out and pressed his chest, feeling that he had never been so nervous before. After receiving Rhode's invitation, everyone in the Hunting Squad finally decided to try their luck in the Atonement Land. At the beginning, everything went really well. They took the badge carried in the letter and quickly found a large carriage. On the way, despite being questioned a few times, everyone was able to cross the border safely after showing the badge. As a result, few people have doubted that the invitation letter was a possible surname that someone else pretended to be happy or a trap designed by the enemy. However, because of this, as the land of atonement is approaching, the half-demons are becoming more tense, and even a few people who are always lively in peace are now uneasy and abnormally quiet .

Looking at the silent companion in the carriage, Sol shook his head, and he understood their thoughts, in fact he did the same. This journey can prove that the mercenary lord's attitude is indeed serious, but can they really shoulder this heavy responsibility? What if their performance does not satisfy the Lord Lord? Will they be evicted by that time?

Cannot fail.

Thinking of this, Sol clenched his fists, this was their first, maybe the last chance.

At this moment, the carriage stopped, and then the voice of an old man sounded.

"Here you are, guests, please get off the bus. According to the rules here, carriages are not allowed to enter the fortress unless there is special permission."

Hearing the old man ’s words, Sol pulled up his cloak and made a gesture to his companion. Although Rhodes had stated in the letter that they would not be treated specially in the fortress, but after a long life abroad, The half-demons did not lose their alertness in just a few words, they all put on their cloaks to cover their faces, and then jumped off the carriage.

"The Holy Spirit is on ........."

After jumping off the carriage, when the demon descent saw the tall, mighty fortress in front of them, many people took a breath of air and murmured to themselves. Although they have seen many cities and fortresses along the way, they have never seen a fortress such as the Atonement. The tall and thick city walls and the arrow tower that towers into the sky are like huge and dark. Long swords sticking straight on the ground are generally trembling. Just standing here has made it hard for everyone to breathe. They have never seen such a strong fortress, especially looking up. When you see the high wall of this fortress and the surrounding mountains, There was even an unstoppable deterrent when it stretched to the sides.

Right now in the afternoon, there are not many people outside the fortress, and the weird costumes of the hunting and hunting team naturally attracted everyone's attention. When they curiously looked at the fortress in front of them, they saw soon Two or three heavily armed mercenaries came over the gate. They held down the hilt of their swords and watched these quaint and weird guys who wrapped themselves.

"Who are you? What's wrong with coming to the fort?"

Seeing these mercenaries approaching, the people of the Hunting Demon Squad could not help but be a little flustered. Sol waved his hand to calm down. Then he pulled the edge of the hood and covered his face in it. Then he strode forward. . But after looking at these mercenaries, Sol could not help but stunned.

As a semi-demon, Sol's sensitive surname to the magic power is naturally higher than the average person. He immediately noticed that these mercenaries had traces of magic equipment all over their bodies. The badges and swords worn on their chests were all on their chests. The faint breath of magic power was even faintly visible on the mercenaries' leather armor. This surprised Sol incomprehensiblely. If these mercenaries were messed up, they could be seen as their own. But the magic fluctuations from these mercenaries are very similar, and they are all emitted from the same style of equipment and props, then it can only be said that these magic equipments are specially prepared. This really surprises Sol. He has been wandering for many years. He is naturally experienced. Based on Sol's experience, he is generally not a mercenary. Even a real private soldier may not be able to get so many magical equipment in his body! Only those true elites have so many standard magic equipment. But now, in this fortress, even the mercenaries at the gates are treated so well?

Thinking of this, Sol couldn't help feeling a little panic, but he still forced himself to calm down, then strode to the other side, took out the badge from his arms.

"We are not suspicious. We came here only when invited by Lord Lord."

"President's invitation?"

Hearing Sol's answer, the headed mercenary froze, but he narrowed his eyes quickly, took the badge from Sol's hand, examined it carefully, and then nodded. "Well ...... this seems to be correct, but ..." said here, the mercenary looked at Sol with curiosity again, and looked at the people behind the hunter hunting team wrapped in black cloaks behind him, Could not help frowning.

"Why are you so sneaky one by one? What ’s so bad about you? Let ’s see what you look like! The fortress is not accessible by anyone. You do n’t even show your face, who knows what you are. people!"


When he heard the mercenary's words, Sol could not help but feel a bit helpless. He coughed and was thinking about whether to take an adventure. Suddenly, a calm and almost indifferent voice came from behind the mercenaries.

"What happened?"

"Ah, it's Lord Agawi."

Upon hearing the voice, the mercenaries suddenly showed their awe. They quickly stood upright, then turned to look at the place where the sound was made.

"That's it. These people say they were invited to the fortress by the President, but they pack themselves so tightly that they don't look like good people ..."

Seeing someone stepping out of the doorway, Sol and the other half-demons couldn't help looking at the mercenaries' eyes, and then they all stood in stuns.

I saw a girl walking out of the shadows in the gate of the fortress. She had a nice face, white skin, and pale blue eyes exuding an indifferent and calm look. If you look at the upper body, then No doubt this is a very cute lady. But after seeing her lower body, even those of the demon descent were speechless, facing the scene in front of them did not know what to say at all.

Countless wet tentacles are swinging below the girl's waist. They slide lightly and take the girl's body quietly forward. I can see water droplets falling from above from time to time, and the girl's hair It doesn't hang down like ordinary people's hair, but it can't stop curling and tumbling. Even under the sun, you can clearly see the washing dish on the back of the tiny tentacles.

This, what is this? !!

It stands to reason that, as the half-devil who is often feared, Sol and others should not have much resistance to half-human creatures, but in fact, when these poor half-devils saw Ajiawei, Many people took a few steps back in fear. It is no wonder that although the demon ancestors are different from ordinary people, they are rarely different from humans, at most they have horns on their foreheads or have pairs of feet similar to sheep's hoofs. But right now, the young girl can almost say that there is nothing like a human being except her face!

However, the mercenaries did not seem to have any strangeness to the girl who suddenly appeared. They just saluted each other respectfully, and then passed the badge in their hands. Later, I saw the young girl called Ajiawei holding out her right hand, and gently took the badge from the mercenary. After a careful observation, the young girl "floated" in front of Sol, and her face was calm. Indifferent, even with the approach of the girl, Sol felt a severe cold of winter, passed his cape and armor, which made the strong semi-demon chilly.

"It's everyone of the hunting demon hunting team, the master has been waiting for you for a long time, please follow me."

Then, Agavy dropped her hand, and a tentacle protruded from the girl's side. She easily took the badge in her hand and forwarded it to Sol. In the face of the tentacles reaching out to him, Sol also could not help but take a step back. Then he found that his actions seemed a bit shame ......... So, Sol gritted his teeth, and put down his cover. Hooded, then reached out and took the badge back.

"Thank you, this lady."

"You are Welcome."

Even if Sol showed his true face in front of her, Agavy's expression was still indifferent and calm as before, as if she was a plain stone statue in front of her. The mercenaries glanced at Sol's true face, and then discussed a few words, then turned around and returned to his post. There was absolutely no screaming in horror as imagined by Sol and others, and then pulling out a sword to surround themselves and others-this kind of scene has been experienced in many places before.

Until this time, many demon descents were relieved. They dragged the hood cautiously and carefully, and followed Agawi into the fortress. What surprised them was that although there were not many people in the fortress, few people paid attention to them. Although many people would curiously turn their heads to look at them when passing by, but soon they will Turn around and stop paying attention to them. On the contrary, some semi-demon descendants were fortunate and lost. For the first time, they made a public appearance in a crowded place, but did not attract the slightest attention. Although this is the treatment these semi-demons have long been eager to receive, when their expectations have become a reality, these semi-demons have felt a little complicated, and they don't know how to describe it.

They certainly don't think that the people here are so stupid that they haven't even seen the devil. In fact, some people have a frightened expression after seeing them. For the semi-demons, this is what they often say. The most common rhythm in life, but even these people do not turn around and run without scare, at most it is only a subconscious distance from them, but what should be done.

While his companion was curiously looking at the fortress and the inhabitants here, Sol was also carefully collecting and investigating everything here, and he now discovered that the reason why these people did not attract others' attention at all was simply Because there is too much "abnormality" in this fortress. Just now, he has seen more than a dozen "people" who are very similar to the current Ajiawei passing by, and no matter whether they are mercenaries or residents, they are used to those "people" ... ... but who are they?

Sol retracted his gaze from a "girl" standing on the square next to the statue, and stretched out his tentacles to wipe the statue's appearance, staring at Agavy in doubt. He can be sure that these people have never heard of it before, nor have they seen anything like it. Look at the small and cute appearance of these young girls and their pointed ears, but they are similar to the elves, but ... Is there such a race among the elves?

Just when Sol was in doubt, Agavey, who saw him in front of her, suddenly stopped, and then her cold and calm voice came again.

"We have arrived."

(To be continued)

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