Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 109: Beacon of the Falling Eagle (vi)


Rhode lifted his head, and the violent pain erupting in his brain disappeared almost instantly, but soon, Rhode realized that something seemed abnormal. In his eyes at this moment, it was no longer a dim tunnel. Similarly, the howling wind brushed across Rhodes' face, and under his feet was a tower made of flat stone bricks. Looking away, you can see that A desolate field in the distance. But ... this time is different.

The dark clouds that originally enveloped the horizon were surging fast, and as these clouds moved, Rhodes could see the silhouette of a huge building in the sky they enveloped in an instant. He lowered his head, and sure enough he saw the figure in his imagination.


"... ………………" [

Christy, but that's not Christie's girl standing quietly in front of Rhodes. But unlike the past few times when he met with Rhodes, this time "Christie" emerged with unprecedented dignity and uneasiness. So she looked at Rhodes, turned around, and then stretched her fingers forward. With the movement of Christie, I saw that in front of the girl, the original thick clouds immediately rolled and separated to the sides, and then, the dazzling sunlight shone from above.

At this moment, Rhodes only felt that the world in front of him had changed.

Before that, Rhodes had been here twice in a dream, but at that time the impression that Rhodes had on the world was desolate, and the whole land was dry. No inch of grass grows, and those withered trees stand upright on the desert of death like dry bones. There is nothing but the tower in the entire wasteland ...

But now, Rhodes saw the other side of the world with his own eyes.

With the gentle moonlight penetrating the clouds, the originally dim world was immediately smeared with a layer of bright brilliance, the blue sky was beautiful and dazzling, and the thick and dense dark clouds became blossoming white clouds at this moment. The fresh green grass on the ground burst out of the soil, covering the original desolate land. Even the dead trees were rejuvenated at this time. But this was not what surprised Rhodes most, after the clouds had dispersed. Rhode was surprised to find that in the sky above him, a majestic and tall city actually stood up! It is just above the clouds and slowly moves under the night sky. The entire city looks like a dreamy picture, which is completely glorious and majestic integrated with the starry sky.

But the next moment, this beautiful picture changed.

Rows of illusory. The translucent soldiers emerged from a distance with weapons in their hands. They laid out a square array and walked forward with a serious expression. And at this moment, the earth was shaking.

Rhode bowed his head, and then he was dismayed to find at the end of the distant horizon, a dark, raging flood-like howling came. They swallowed up and swept everything along the way. The soldiers tried to block the raging waves, but they disappeared without even doing anything. The anger, the dark wave hit the tower so heavily.


Rhodes even felt the tall tower under his feet shaking at this time. It wasn't until this time that Christie looked back. She looked at Rhodes with sad eyes and opened her mouth.

"............... I need your help ... Rhodes ........."

"Head !!!!"

Rhodes opened his eyes suddenly.

Li Jie's anxious face caught in his eyes. He shook his head and raised his head, only to see Christie fell into Anne's arms at this moment. She closed her eyes tightly, and seemed to be in a coma. Rhode reached out, and then he was relieved after confirming that Christie was breathing evenly and that it was not a big deal. Then Rhode stood up and shook his head.

"I'm okay ......... you all are fine."

"We are all fine except Christie."

Li Jie looked at Christie a little uneasily. She reached out and put it on Christie's body. Soon, a soft light emerged from Li Jie's palm, and then wrapped the girl's body. Christie's pale complexion was finally better at this time, but she still did not mean to wake up from a coma.

"Master Lord, are you okay."

At this time even Soth came together and asked with some worry, just now Christie and Rhodes suddenly fell to his surprise, but fortunately Rhodes just fell into a coma and suddenly recovered his mind. But this still made Thoth a little panic. He hurried to Rhode's side, but what made Thorth unexpected was that Rhode didn't answer his question, instead frowned and looked at Thoth. Because at this time, Rhodes suddenly had a very terrible idea. [

"Soth, I ask you, if I remember nothing wrong, you should use the staff to get the ancestor's inheritance. This is not wrong."


Although I don't know why Rhodes suddenly asked this question at this time, South still nodded.

"So, can you tell me how you will ultimately inherit the ancestors?"

"This one…………………"

Hearing here, South was a little hesitant, after all, this is the absolute secret of the War Corps. But now, since Rhodes has become his nominal owner, and he is here now, it is not so simple to ask Rhodes to ask this question to satisfy his curiosity, so he insisted on talking.

"This ......... In fact, we are not very clear, but according to the legend of the War Corps, those who have the standard of inheritance will automatically follow the path of the soul they seek, and they will follow the back of their ancestors to their eternal sleep So, accept their blessings there, and finally get acknowledged ... "

South said to Rhodes, but soon he found that Rhodes's complexion suddenly began to look difficult.

It wasn't until this time that Rhodes understood the ins and outs of the entire mission. There is only one place in the entire Dragon Soul continent that can be called a hero's eternal sleeping place. That is the Xingling Temple, one of the Seven Fantasy Realms! Gathered there are the eternal spirits of this continent, the noble souls that have been praised in history after their death. Will go to the Star Spirit Hall. Originally Rhodes did not associate this matter with the War Corps. After all, in his mind, those who can go to the Star Spirit Hall are all legendary heroes, such as Carles Dufly, or the plug. Noble hero like Lestina (not to mention good or bad), as for the War Corps? Ha, although these guys have high strength, they have never been famous in history. They have never appeared in any major battles, made any decisive sacrifices or contributions, so Rhodes has never linked them to the Temple of the Spirit.

But just now, after following Christie's guidance, Rod suddenly shined. He finally understood why the mission reward issued by the system was related to the Star Spirit Hall. Obviously, perhaps the ancestors of the War Corps were not eligible to enter the Star Spirit Hall. But it's not impossible to see what the gate is! More importantly, from the description of South, it is obvious that the ancestors of the War Corps have found a way to communicate with those ancestors and spirits together with the Star Spirit Hall!

Now, these guardian spirits guarding the pathway are manipulated by undead forces, and it is very likely that there is a way to the Seven Fantasy Realms if they contact the warfare group. But the sealed path ...

your sister! !!

At this point, Rod suddenly burst into cold sweat on his body. Obviously, the undead might be trying to lift the seal and manipulate this channel connecting the Seven Fantasy Worlds. Although the Xingling Hall and the four elementary planes are different from the elemental creatures with milk and mother, they have their own persistence and persistence as heroes before their death. Will not obey the command of undead at will. But the accomplishments of the undead on the manipulation of souls are pure fire, as can be seen from the guardians who have been manipulated by undead to come and attack them. The group of **** undead does not need to agree with the heroes of the Star Spirit Temple at all. It is enough to summon them up and then use the necromancer to manipulate their souls!

I have to admit that this is indeed a very ruthless move. If it is really successful, then I am afraid that this place in Dongfangshanyuan will be a mess. No ... more importantly, I am waiting for someone here right now. . In case the undead are really successful, they will not be tortured by the continuous army of heroes?

Of course, considering that they have a "return to the city ring", it is not impossible to send it back, but the problem is that if this opportunity is missed, then the genius knows if they will have a chance to complete the task next time.

"The situation is not good now, we must hurry up."

After briefly explaining the situation to everyone, Rhodes quickly issued an order. Hearing here, everyone also understood the urgency of the current situation, especially South, when he heard that the soul channel of the war corps was likely to be manipulated by the necromancer, it was even more frightened and angry. Soon, everyone was ready again and continued to fly forward.

Strangely enough, after the previous "earthquake", the guardians who had harassed and attacked Rhodes and others from all directions were gone. This made everyone feel a little strange inside, but it didn't slow down. Soon, under the leadership of South, they didn't spend much time at the end of the tunnel. There was a heavy fan there. Tightly closed stone door.

"I call for the lifting of this ancient seal in the name of the soul beacon!"

Seeing the stone gate in front of him, South set up his staff and called out loud. This time, Shimen finally reacted. With the mysterious magic runes emerging from the gate, I saw that the originally huge and heavy Shimen slowly spread out to both sides, revealing its inner form to everyone.

It was a huge underground square large enough to accommodate a thousand people. Around this square, various stone statues with a height of four or five meters are carved. From the appearance, they are the incarnations of the war corps heroes. These stone statues hold their arms high and stand around the square. In the center of the square, there is a pyramid-like altar. In the brazier in the middle of the altar, it is burning with a turquoise light.

"That is the fire of the soul! How is this possible? Without the beacon of the soul, there is no way to ignite this flame!" [

Seeing this scene in front of him, South finally shouted in surprise.

And at this moment, suddenly, the burning flame started to move, and then a figure condensed and formed, and slowly came out. Immediately, a hoarse, cold and weird laughter sounded.

"Woohoo ......... I didn't expect you to come back, South."


Hearing this voice, South face changed greatly. He looked at the figure in horror with horror, and a terrified expression appeared on his face. The sound originally meant that South would never hear it again, but now when he heard the sound again, South even suspected for a moment that there was something wrong with his ears.

"…………It's you?"

ps: I went to the medical examination today and took three tubes of blood, so tired and exhausted ...

ps2: It's almost time to restore two more ......... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote at the starting point, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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