Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 110: Beacon of the Falling Eagle (vii)

"…………It's you?"

South looked up in amazement, looking at where the sound was coming. I saw that the figure emerging from the blue flames slowly walked to the edge of the altar. It was a man who looked about the same age as Soth, but unlike Soth, the piece stretched like a wolf. At first glance, the face feels the deep malice coming from inside. But after seeing this face, South himself seemed to have seen a ghost, his face suddenly turned white.

"Lemon? !!! How is it possible! Aren't you dead?"

"Hehehe ... Soth, do you see this old friend just saying this?"

Upon hearing South's suspicious essay, Ramon sneered. His body was shabby, the black robe shaking with the movement of Ramon, and under the black robe, something suddenly swelled, but It disappeared quickly. Seeing this, Rhodes frowned, and he took a two-step back without moving, and turned his hands to make a gesture. Seeing Rhode's gesture, Leo, Li Jie, and Annie immediately changed positions, and everyone leaned closer. Celia stood in front, holding the silver sacred sword in both hands. Celestina raised her head proudly, and the thorny whips in her hands instantly turned into a black sharp steel whip, and then the young lady of the devil walked slowly to Rhode's side in a leisurely manner, with red eyes Strange red light flashed incessantly. The dark elf drew his hands in front of her, two daggers emerged from her hand, and Li Jie took a half step back, hiding behind Anne's shield. Annie held up her shield with one hand, holding Christie in a coma with one hand, and watched with vigilance in both eyes. Although there are only a few of them in this large square, Annick will not stupidly think that they only have one threat. [

"I and the boss killed you personally. I watched you fall into the cliff!"

Looking at Lehman in front of him, South bit his teeth. Clenching his fists, he never expected that he would see his face again. what on earth is it? Why does the scum of this war corps that should have been killed by himself and the leader appear here? !!

But unlike shocked South, Rhodes seemed very calm. He also knows about the secret altar of the war corps. Before he found that the guardian spirit was manipulated by the necromancy spell, he suspected that there were internal ghosts in the war corps. Otherwise, only the elite members of the war corps could do this. How can the entered altar of the soul be defiled by the necromancy spell, or even forcibly open the soul channel? The only explanation was that the inside of the war group was penetrated by undead. Some people are even willing to become the minions of an undead — no, it's not that simple ... …………

"What's weird about this, South."

Rhode's voice broke, breaking the darkness of silence. Hearing his voice, both men turned their attention to Rhode involuntarily. After seeing the man in front of him, Lehman narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't say a word. South, looking at Rhodes in amazement, could not understand what he meant.

"I don't understand what you mean, Lord Lord ..."

"It's very simple. You killed him personally, and the person you killed still stands here and talks with you. There is only one reason for this. That is, he sold his soul to someone who didn't like to be buried in the soil. The old man, and he was compensated for his satisfaction. "Speaking of which, Rhode looked up. A scornful glance at Lehmen, who was standing above the altar, heard Rhode's words, a glimmer of pride and pride appeared on Lehmen's face, but the next moment. His expression suddenly twisted.

"... But I have to say, Mr. Lemmon. You really have no vision. To be honest, human beings are betraying souls in pursuit of eternal life. I do n’t object to this idea since you have it. But even if you do Traitors need to know the true identity of the other party. It is understandable to betray the betrayer into the field of immortality, but it is another thing to give up order and become a chaotic minion. "

"what did you say?!"

When they heard this, everyone showed a surprised and surprised expression. They raised their heads and looked at Lehmen, and under their sight, Lehmen could not help but step back. He bit his teeth and stared fiercely. Looking at Rhodes. The body that was originally flat, wrapped in black robes, bulged one by one again, and then contracted, as if his body in the black robe was some kind of existence with an independent life.

As Rhodes said, if it ’s just to sell the soul to the undead, then it ’s really not a big deal — human beings ca n’t withstand the eternal temptation, and it ’s really no strange thing to want to fall into the undead in the land of the dragon soul . Even on Earth, bosses in Hollywood movies that can destroy the world for this ambitious goal can drain several streets. It is still a false future, but here is a living reality. However, due to the specific existence of the kingdom of the night, human beings' immortality is more like an act of enemies. Although it will also be spurned by people, it is just the same.

But taking refuge in chaos is another matter. On the Dragon Soul continent, chaotic believers are the common enemy of the people, not only in the land of light, the kingdom of night, and even the ninth-floor hell. Whether they are evil demons, immortal creatures seeking eternity and immortality, or those living under the light, they are regarded as eternal enemies.

If for the living, the undead are their "enemies", then any chaotic followers are their "enemies", and the enemy has the day to unleash the hatred (though perhaps in a faraway unknown Future), but the deadly enemies mean an endless situation.

So when he heard Rhode's true identity, everyone's eyes changed, even for a dark elf like Leo. Perhaps the rules of the dark elves are cruel in the eyes of outsiders, but after all, they are also the people of order. Under all things, the order will last forever.

"Is this true? Lemon?"

South turned his head and stared at the man in front of him. At this moment, he had lost his anxiety. On the contrary, South's face was more serious than ever. Perceiving South's gaze, Lemon's twisted face twitched slightly.

"I don't know what you're talking about. It's a chat, but since you're here, then don't want to leave here. Soss ........." As he said, Lehman extended his hand toward Soss. . "... Give me the beacon of the soul, so that I will consider letting you die without pain, or I will let you be born again into the eternal realm. Be my companion."

"Well! It really makes me sick!"

Hearing this, South took a sigh of relief, biting his teeth and glaring at Lemon in front of him. [

"Dream your dreams! I would rather completely destroy the soul's beacon, than allow our ancestors' ideals to be stained by you asshole!"

"That's really a shame. You also know very well that it's what our War Corps has been fighting for since the start of the soul beacon, to gain the heritage and recognition of our ancestors, hasn't it? If you know what you think, you don't know how distressed he will be. "

"If the head is here, he will agree with me."

"So too."

Facing South's rebuttal. Leimen unexpectedly nodded and agreed.

"That old stubbornness has always been like this. He doesn't like me. I knew it a long time ago. He only cares about you pawns who obey him, because then he can do what he wants and do together. Huh. He does n’t repent even when he is dead ......... He really considers himself the king of the war corporation, but this is also called, after all, the beacon is already here. Since you are not going to give it to me. Then I have to Do it yourself. "

"You are the only one, Lemon."

South frowned. Seeing Lehman's panic made him feel a bit abnormal. He has always been the weakest of the three of them. He never focused his energy on improving his strength. The high level of the regiment was inconspicuous, but had to admit that Lehmen still had a certain influence in the lower ranks of the war corps. That's why he was able to persuade those members of the War Corps who were unwilling to leave the Eagle Peak to assist him. Of course, from the final results, those people were just used by Lehman.

"A person?"

Lehman laughed dismissively when he heard South said.

"My stupid friend, do you really think that I am the only one ?!"

Speaking of this, Lehmen raised his hands high, and with his movements, in the brazier behind Lehmen, the blue flames suddenly whistled, and then a torrent of condensed flames erupted, and then Hit **** the ground in front of everyone. But the flames didn't fade away. Instead, they spread to the sides, and then burned more and more fiercely. Then, one by one, the figures emerged from the flames, which were hundreds of soul warriors!

"They used to be the bravest warriors of my tribe. Around them, they carried the burden of keeping the doorway to the soul. But now, they have completely surrendered to my feet and become my faithful servants! South, Now, do you have anything else to say? "


Seeing this scene in front of him, not only South, but even Liege and Anne, and even sacred sword elves such as Celia, all looked slightly changed. These soul warriors in front of us are full of five or six hundred men. They are fully armed, holding lances and shields, and their original stable faces are distorted at this moment, showing a breath of killing and death. This momentum is enough to make people feel shudder and fear. This also shows how terrible the capabilities of these soul warriors are!

"The Holy Spirit is on ........."

Li Jie clenched her hands tightly, staring at the enemy in front of her with wide eyes and horrified. She could feel the power of pure order and rules on those soul warriors. Even her, she could understand what it meant. This means that in front of them is an army of hundreds of powerful men who have stepped into the legendary realm! Facing such enemies, do they still have a chance to win?

"Slap ... slap ... slap ..."

But at this moment, an untimely applause sounded, and Rhodes clapped his hands and slowly walked out of the crowd. He looked up, staring at Leimen in front of him with a smile, then shook his head with an expression of hatred.

"To be honest, Mr. Lemmon, I really haven't seen ......... Well, this is a bit wrong, or I should say that I haven't seen a stupid idiot like you for a long time. Although the chaotic followers follow them It ’s a bit confusing, like a crazy person, but it ’s so stupid that you are rare in the world. ”

"... whatever you want to say is just futile."

Lehman sneered at Rhode's irony. [

"You will die here after all, but rest assured, I will wake you up again and make you my most faithful slave. Especially you, this gentleman, you have such a beautiful face. If it is destroyed Then it would be a pity "

Lehman didn't finish.

Because at this moment, the surrounding air suddenly changed, and even the soul soldiers in the front line could not help but riot. At the same time, Rhode looked up. Then a brilliant smile appeared on his face.

"Very good, Mr. Lemmon, I think we have a lot of issues to discuss. And I have to tell you one thing ..."

Speaking, Rhodes stretched out his right hand, and then a strong light burst from the back of the palm of his right hand. The bright and dazzling lines spread along Rhode's arm with this as the center, but in the blink of an eye, a huge and prosperous law circle appeared at Rhode's feet, and several cards emerged from nothing. Rotating rapidly around Rhodes. Then Rhode reached out and pointed forward.

"Finding a thug is not your patent ..."

[Launch Deck Cards: End Legion]

Heavy footsteps sounded.

Dozens of warriors wearing dark armor, holding spears and giant shields striding out of the void. They lined up in two squares in silence. Then the front row of soldiers saw the shields on the ground, and then they raised their spears. Erected on the groove in the middle of the shield. Behind them, the soldiers in the second row held up their shields and blocked them in front of the soldiers 'heads. The sharp spears protruded through the gaps in the shields, piercing the sky like monsters' sharp teeth.

[The paladin ’s barriers made of flesh and blood are the nature of the French transgression]

But this is just the beginning.

Rhode raised his right hand. Soon, another card shone in his hand. Then, ten people dressed in white robes appeared from the back of the paladin guard as a clergyman. They raised their hands high. Then, a black mist emerged from the black iron staff in their hands, and then shrouded and wrapped around the guards of the holy gun in front.

"what is this?"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Leimen was also shocked. He looked at these enemies who suddenly came out of the void in horror. For the first time, fear and fear came into his mind. Seeing that the form in front of him was getting more and more strange, Raymond no longer hesitated, and stretched out his right hand to wave forward.



With the orders of Lehman, the soul warriors who formed a square array began to stride forward. They held the sword, raised their shields, and rushed forward. In front of them, the barrier made up of the paladin guards seemed to be completely ignored by them. They were like a torrent of rushing, moving forward slowly and firmly.


Seeing this scene in front of him, a cold smile flashed in Rhodes' eyes, and then he raised his right hand again.

Another summoning card flashed from his palm, and immediately, Rhode's hand saw a bright red flag. Later, Rhode raised the flag and pointed towards the soul soldiers in front of him.


Just for a moment, I saw the soul soldiers' original neat infantry square suddenly collapsed. Although they were still advancing, the strength of the shape completely separated the offensive formation that they had insisted on for a while. Suddenly it became a piece of loose sand.

how is this possible?

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lemon opened his eyes in surprise and couldn't figure out what was going on. He completely understood why the other party suddenly summoned so many soldiers. Does he also have the power to manipulate the soul like himself? But no matter how you look at it, everything called by the other party is not a soul body, but a living human being?

Lehman was puzzled by this, but Rhode had no intention of stopping his movement. He took back the red flag in his hand, and then left his left hand forward. The dark and dark mist emerged flatly, and then dozens of light-armored archers leapt out of them. They raised their crossbow arrows and aimed at the enemy in front of them.

How is this going?

Not only Raimon, but even Soth was stunned at this time, this is the first time Rhodes has released his power as a swordsman with no reservation in front of him. South didn't think of it, just blinking his eyes. There were so many helpers on his side, but he hadn't waited for him to understand what was going on. I saw that Rod raised his right hand again, and then, With the shining thunder, the soul bird flew up with wings spread.

Immediately afterwards, Rhodes held up his right hand and pointed forward. Then his cold voice sounded again.


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