Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 130: Broken Land

Just one step.

At the moment when everyone stepped into the land of chaos, almost everyone seemed to be slammed **** the back of his head. It was invisible and powerful, although the barrier of order separated the ubiquitous fog and illusion of chaos. But even Rhodes felt that something in his body was completely cut off at this moment-that was the connection between the people of order and the land of order, as if the fish had left the water and lost The root cause of their survival. Not only that, Rhodes even felt that the solid ground under his feet had become soft, as if stepping on a sponge mat, shaking constantly. Looking around, there is only a blurry illusion in the surroundings.

Not only Rhodes, but other people also encountered the same thing in the chaos. Malin's complexion turned pale, and the whole person stumbled as if drunk. It was entirely because she caught Annie around her. Fall down. Li Jie sat down on the ground with her butt, the girl raised her hands blankly, as if to stand up, but her hands were not pressed to the ground, but straight forward. Annie's performance was much better than others. She looked at the left and looked at the right. She looked curiously at the people with different movements. On the surface, she was not affected at all.

"Sorry, please stop."

Of course, Rhode saw the disdain and ridicule on the surface of the three remnants, but he didn't care, and didn't think his subordinates were ashamed. This is very normal. After entering the chaotic land, players will also have this kind of chaotic reaction because they lose the connection with order, so every time the player enters the chaotic land, they will stay for a while until their physical instincts Reconnect with the source of order that guards them so that they can move on.

But now, Rhodes's subordinates are in pain, Joey is lying on the ground and vomiting, and Lando is shaking his head against Sol, which is poor. The medicine trembled as a result, and Rando slammed into the ground with a bang. South and Mafa are not much better. They are trying to maintain their image, but in the eyes of others, it is just two tumblers that are shaking back and forth.

Only Bilan's heart was still standing awake, not sure if she was awake or not. Qi Lian then kicked him fiercely on John's buttocks like a headless fly, and carried the cavalry captain who almost ran out of the team back into the team.

What a mess ...............

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Rod sighed helplessly. However, many players are even worse than they were when they first entered the chaos. Many people are simply running wildly, and some people instinctively want to use the power of spells and magic equipment to offset this effect. As a result ... … They should really be lucky that there is no need to spend money on the resurrection of the corpse, otherwise how many people will go bankrupt for this.

"Don't use spells! Don't use soul power!"

Rhode watched them, reminding him. He raised his voice, confirming that everyone could hear him.

"Keep your action now, don't move! Anyway, imagine you are a stone statue, a statue that won't move!"

Under the anger of Rhodes, the originally panic crowd gradually calmed down. They put on various moves and stopped hard. After a few minutes, they relaxed a lot, accompanied by The source of order was replaced and connected, and those who had turned pale because they had lost their connection with the place of order, at this time finally changed back to their original appearance.

"The Holy Spirit is on ........."

Marin stood up from the ground with a blushing face, and looked at Anne with a smirk beside him with a shame and anxiety. Obviously, for Annie, she was the first time she had seen such a "cosmetic" performance of Marlen, and for Marlen To say ... well, this will definitely be a memory she doesn't want to remember.

"......... I never thought that ... would be so uncomfortable ..."

Li Jie covered her mouth, looking pale as if someone had given her stomach a hard blow. Others have different looks. Although they have heard Rhodes talk about the terrible place of chaos before, they will understand why the chaos is only after they have experienced it. Of terror.

"Now your bodies are connected to the source of order here."

Rod clapped his hands, motioned to look at himself, and then pointed to the beautiful protective barrier around them.

"In it, you will gradually adapt to the new order, but this order is not a natural order, so it will be different from your previous influence on the continent of light. Note, slowly get used to acting in this field, Do n’t use your power as before, I think it ’s good for you as well. ”

Rhode's words are not alarmist. The artificial order field is very different from the natural one. This is just like a person leaving the earth and going to the moon. In the artificial order field, they will be affected completely differently. For example, greater or smaller gravity, thin or thick magic space, or simply suppressing or enhancing the power of the soul. Just when he entered the land of chaos, Rhodes had analyzed the source of order released by his hands through the system panel in front of him. In this orderly space, Rhodes and others will release spell skills 30% faster, but at the same time their soul power will be reduced by 5%, in addition, Everyone also gets a bonus to the negative effects of immunity.

It is indeed a trophy obtained from the devil.

Rhode looked at the armguard on his wrist with satisfaction— [Wings of Time]. At this moment, the dark yellow surface of the armguard was shining with a beautiful soul. Through the effect of the Order Scepter, Rhodes can summon an order territory with a maximum area of ​​5sx5s once a day, and move around the holder. Without this equipment, Rhodes would definitely not let his subordinates follow their own adventures in the chaos.

"You have one, good, order guard."

At this moment, the voice of the man sounded from behind Rhodes, and Rhodes turned his head to see the leader among the remnants staring at him quietly, even with envy. It is no wonder that in the place of chaos, the torch of order is separated from the refuge and can only be used by one person at a time. Guardians of order that can transfer manpower on a large scale, like Rhodes, are naturally jealous for the disabled.

"Thank you."

However, Rhodes didn't say much. Although these remnants are also very powerful, they are not their opponents. If they want to snatch, Rhodes doesn't mind letting them know how to write the dead words-and they don't know these lives. The guy in the shelter can't write. Rhode didn't care too much about it. Instead, he turned around. At this time, most of the others had returned to normal, but now their faces were a little more afraid, and they watched with vigilance. , No longer as careless as before.

It seems that the deterrent therapy is still very effective.

"We move on."

After confirming that everyone was back to normal, Rhodes turned and continued to move forward.

This is indeed a magical area. As the crowd advanced, they saw a lot of weird scenes. Around them, sometimes the flames were burning with flames, but the next moment, those flames would turn into powder, and then the raging flood appeared from the fog in the distance. Howling came at them. Immediately turned into a large piece of ice crystals, followed by snow and wind blowing, mixed with grass leaves and flowers-followed by hot yellow sand.

But the guardianship of order has isolated these chaotic and broken existences. No matter how the outside of the barrier of order changes, the people under the guardianship of the barrier still advance in a relatively stable environment. The most surprising and surprising thing is that as they progressed, when they saw the psychedelic colors and dense fog in front of them entering the guardian barrier of order, they would reassemble into a flat ground at a rapid speed, bright green. Grass and stone roads paved with stone slabs, and even occasionally see collapsed stone pillars. But after the guardian of the order left, those scenes were quickly broken and disappeared into the mist again.

"You are in the scene before this land was invaded by chaos. After the chaos is completely attacked and devoured, the scene here is also broken with order. Only within the barrier of order can they be recombined. Relive the landscape. "

"It's amazing ........."

Li Jie sighed in a low voice, stretched out her hand to pick a flower from the grass next to her, she looked closely at the flower in her hand, how could it not have been imagined that it existed many years ago. But she hasn't waited for Li Jie to take a closer look at what this flower looks like. It has collapsed and disappeared like sand and gravel, which makes Li Jie sigh.


And just then, suddenly, a low roar sounded. Hearing this weird voice, the three remnants walking in front of them stopped immediately, they raised their arms, and backed out of the barrier of order. And Rhodes frowned, and the sword in his hand suddenly came out of the sheath, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and then staying in front of him.

"Be vigilant, we have guests coming."

Then he spoke. (To be continued.)

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