Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 131: Monsters in Chaos

With that weird roar, everyone can see that the scenery around them has begun to change, they are more and more distorted, as if the howling wind is hovering outside the barrier of order guard. Li Jie and Malin are hiding behind Anne pale, if they are in the land of light, then they can also use their own power to protect themselves. But now in this chaotic raging place, even as strong as Marlene has to give up fighting. For the caster, if they are not able to adapt and master their power, the consequences are likely to be fatal.

Rando raised his longbow and carefully aimed at his own front. In front of him, Marfa and Sol were holding shields and swords, and Joey played the flying knife in his hands a little anxiously. Soth sighed, and then held his staff from his waist, then he held the lower part of the staff tightly with his hands, lifting it like a short gun. On the other side, the burning flames around Qilian are constantly beating. Although the chaos rages on the caster to some extent, it is not a problem for a fire lord like Qilian. Only John was a little foolish. He was also a soldier, and unlike most other men, he had participated in the mercenary battle, but he also pulled out the long sword from his waist, staring at him with vigilance.

And at this time, the other three remnants leading the way also leaned in, and they looked at the surroundings with a serious look, and the weapons in their hands could not help waving around. For a while, the atmosphere seemed extremely tense. Only Annie was holding the heavy gold shield, and she looked at the chaos outside with excitement, as if she was expecting the magician to change the rabbit out of the hat.

At this moment, the surrounding landscape was distorted, and then, several monsters just roared and rushed into the barrier of order from the chaotic whirlwind outside, and fell heavily to the ground.

"The Holy Spirit is on ..."

"This, what is this?"

Looking at the monsters in front of them, everyone was stunned. They opened their eyes and looked at these strange and strange monsters in front of them. They didn't know what to say. These monsters look like a fusion of countless species of animals. A giant brown bear has spider limbs, and even has a long, crocodile tail behind it. Not only that, it also has a pair of antlers on its head! ?

"Wow, so handsome!"

Only Annie can make such a neurological evaluation.

"Be careful."

Rhodes didn't have time to accompany them here for bullshit. These chaotic monsters are even more powerful than they seem. If they are not handled carefully, they will suffer a lot.

"These monsters are like the illusions you saw before. They are the products of the broken order once again fused. They are completely non-existent in this world. No one knows what kind of power they have. Remember , Do n’t step back, do n’t run away! ”


Just as Rhodes's voice fell, I saw in front of him a monster with a tiger body and limbs, but with a gryphon's head and bat wings making a sharp and screaming sound, then leapt forward and waved His wings fluttered at Rhodes. Looking at the scene in front of him, Rhodes eyes narrowed slightly. He stretched out his right hand, and soon, the shining white sword in his hand disappeared in an instant, replaced by a dark blade, followed by Rhodes. Dump.


With the slight sound of the enclosing sound, the nightmare in Rhode's hand suddenly lifted the limit, and suddenly soared several times. It turned into a black shadow and flew towards the monster in front of him. In the face of this sudden storm of shadows, the monster had no time to escape. It had just turned over its body and had not had time to take the next action. The whistling shadow whip struck the body like this, accompanied by With a wailing cry, the monster suddenly overturned to the side and hit the ground several times in a row to stabilize its figure. However, the monster's response was also very fast. After stabilizing its shape, it immediately jumped forward, and it was worthy of another attack from Rhodes. The dark blade and long whip rubbed his body and hit him hard. On the ground, the monster rolled away from Rod's attack, and then screamed and rushed at him again.

court death!

Seeing the monster actually retreating, Rhode flashed a cold light in his eyes. Chaos monsters are the most annoying monsters of players. They have no ranks. They see order creatures fight to death, just like the Kamikaze death squad. This makes the player very disturbed. In the land of order, those monsters are also good at knowing how to wink. If the difference between the two sides is more than ten levels, they generally will not come to the player's trouble. But in the land of chaos, even if you are capped at level 85, you still have to face a constant stream of entanglements of mobs in level 20 and 30. Not to mention how annoying it is! And now this guy in front of himself is only forty, actually dare to entangle himself with such "despise of death", really looking for death!


Just as the monster's claws were about to tear Rhodes' body, I saw a cold hum, Rhode's body suddenly became a ghost image, followed by countless dark sword lights staggered, just blinking Gongfu, the idiot's chaotic monster was completely shredded in this way, but before its blood was poured in the air, I saw that the broken body suddenly broke completely like sand and then disappeared. Then, the big net made by Jian Guang disappeared instantly, and Rhode's figure appeared again. He folded his hands and looked coldly at the chaos in front of which was empty. Not far behind him, the three remnants looked at the young man with a horrified expression. Although they had made several deals with Rhodes, they did not think that this young man who looked so young actually possessed such powerful strength-I am afraid that even the elder is not his opponent.

After clearing up his troubles, Rhode had no time to return to God to admire the others' fighting. The brown bear with the spider legs, crocodile tail and antlers was struggling with Mafa at the moment. John and South were standing in a group with an eagle-winged shark. Li Jie and Malin hid behind Annie, staring blankly at Annie, waving the heavy gold shield in her hand, smashing the crab with the boar leg out of the plane into a plane from three-dimensional to two-dimensional ...

Strictly speaking, these chaotic monsters are not very strong. If they are in a place of chaos, they may have a variety of special and strange abilities. But now, they broke into the guardian barrier of order by themselves, and most of the power was suppressed by the order. Therefore, these chaotic monsters are the strongest and are only forty-five. If Mafa and others work together, they are not incapable of dealing with them. The main problem is that these enemies are really too weird. In the face of these, it looks like countless animal fusions. Decent guys, they have no idea how to deal with it. Of course you can't imagine how a bear would respond when it came down towards you like a deer, let alone the long crocodile tail behind it.


With a moan, Mafa was knocked away and hit him. The sword in his hand and the antlers on the bear's heads fought together, but the experienced mercenaries did not withstand the ensuing impact, howling Unbearable fall. At this moment, the bear opened his mouth wide, exposing his white teeth, and biting at the mercenary in front of him.


The sound of breaking air sounded, and a flying arrow shot out of Lando's long bow, piercing the monster's eyes. The devastated monster was immediately angry and angry, with severe pain and blindfolding an eye, forcing it to stop its movements and hurried back. But no one saw it. At this moment, Joey appeared silently on the side of this monster, and then saw a flash of dagger in the thief's hand, and the spider leg that originally supported the giant bear's large body was suddenly lost. Divided into two, the stinky dark green blood spewed out from it, holding the disgusting smell in it, and Joey groaned backwards, surmounting the crocodile tail sweeping from behind, and at this time Finally, the bear's body couldn't support it anymore, and slid to the side to the past. At this moment, Sol, who had been silent, took a step forward, and the long sword with the blazing flame in his hand was cut into the head of the giant bear. With a cry, I saw that the flame on the sword soon devoured the whole body of the chaos monster and destroyed everything.

"You should take it easy, take it easy, everyone."

Qilian walked with a smile and walked at the end of the team. I saw the fire element lord proudly shaking his tail and ears, and stretched out his right hand, as if the conductor of the band was passing through the air like a music player. With the action of Qi Lian, a flare of light emerged from the air, devouring those strange figures screaming from the air and burning them all to ashes.

"There is nothing difficult to deal with the Chaos Monster, well, you idiot, don't rush forward anymore, be careful to blend with that lionfish for a while!"

Along with the ridiculous teasing, Qi Lian chuckled and stretched his fingers across the void. Soon, a flame slammed on the ground in front of John, scaring the original long sword in his hand. John, who rushed towards the chaos monster in front of him, sat on the ground, Qilian didn't even look at the unlucky one in front of him, and waved it handily. Then the flame whip suddenly bounced off the ground, erupting the flames that covered the sky, blasting the chaos in front of him into pieces.


The heavy, sharp bronze axe from top to bottom, chopped heavily on the head of the chaotic monster, the man looked at the monster in front of him in silence and disappeared into pieces again. Then he looked up and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Then the man turned his head and looked at the outsiders behind him.

That's right, those novices.

He must admit that when he first heard the lord's proposal, his first reaction was to think that this person was definitely a lunatic, or an idiot who was smoked by lust, and made such a choice. Why did he enter the land of chaos? Of course, the man is very clear. The rumor ...... no, the legend is that almost all the residing people living under the chaos listened to the stories told by their parents from birth. Order will eventually return, and chaotic Yuezi will one day come to an end. Those rumored knights will carry the flag into the chaos again and rescue them from this endless end.

However, this is only a rumor after all.

With the passage of time, the story is still that story, but the tone of the storyteller has changed. From the initial full of hope to the later sadness and despair, until now, almost everyone is using mockery. Tell the story ironically to your child. That non-existent savior, yes, this is a place of chaos. No one can save them, not even themselves. Any act of counting on outsiders is stupid, and the story is naive and ridiculous. So at the beginning, he did not think that these people living in the place of order could adapt to everything here. But now, it seems that my views are a bit off.

It is true that most of them are almost no different from idiots, but men are very clear that that is not their true strength. Anyone, even a descendant of a remnant born in a place of chaos, is leaving the shelter After being engulfed in real chaos, their performance is not much better than these people in front of them. But what made the man even more surprised was the man named Rhodes himself.

After stepping into the chaos, he has been observing this young man and his subordinates. Obviously, this young man has a wealth of experience in traveling in the chaos. Not only that, but his subordinates have performed It's also pretty good, especially the girl with a heavy shield and the girl with a fluffy tail and fox ears standing at the back of the line. Their performance looks so perfect, even better than those who have lived a lifetime in the chaos. Moreover, the man himself ...

The man watched silently as the black figure suddenly disappeared when a chaotic monster launched an attack, and then he quietly appeared behind the chaotic monster, and then saw that the unlucky chaotic monster was torn apart again and shattered and disappeared. With such strange means and strength, he didn't see anyone in the sanctuary who could do it. They have been fighting with these chaotic monsters all their lives, but in the end, are they not as good as these young kids?

Thinking of this, a little shudder and fear appeared in the man's heart.

Perhaps the decision I made this time was a mistake, or maybe I shouldn't have persuaded the elders at first, but just to promise Rhode's request on the face of food and fresh water. He was too arrogant at the time. He used to think that the other party was just the same as those lustful idiots he encountered before, but now it seems that he may have made a wrong decision. Maybe his decision It will bring unprecedented disaster to the entire refuge!

Thinking of this, the man felt more and more disturbed. He wanted to leave, leaving these people here and letting them die. But I don't know why, the man instinctively felt a sharp cold breath locked him tightly, as if someone was holding a knife on his neck, he had no doubt that if he chose to escape, then The next moment he will die. And it is incredible that at this moment the man does not think that after losing them, the man will not find a place of refuge.

Rhodes retracted his sword, and he felt the look behind him looking at him, but Rhodes wasn't surprised. What are the surnames of the remnants in the sanctuary? He is no stranger at all. It is most correct to use two sentences to describe them. One sentence is that poor people have hatred, and the other is that poor people are bad. . In a place like Chaos Land, you can't expect those who work hard to survive here to agree on fairness, credibility and the like. This is a distorted world. People in the depths of the Chaos are better. They can maintain the purest order, and therefore can also have a pure heart. However, the remnants of these outlying shelters are nothing good, and their evil and madness are largely because of this. The power of order in the outer refuge is not strong enough. Although chaos cannot completely break the barrier of order in the refuge, it can slowly penetrate into it and affect the minds of those people. Therefore, after acquiring the territory, most players will kill all the crazy remnants in their territory. Otherwise, they will be left behind later, then wait for a large group of bandits and robbers to appear in their territory. --- Those who have been eroded by the chaos, even those who have penetrated the soul, have no cure.

Expect the sanctuary to be somewhat sane.

Rhode turned and glanced at the back of the man who had turned back to deal with another chaotic monster. It's a pity that if they can't be as sensible as they think, but have been eroded by chaos, then he will have to turn the refuge into a large grave after getting the coordinates of the Tinder. He didn't expect robbers and lunatics everywhere in his territory.

It's just that it's still a bit difficult to do it alone, but if Qilian helps, there should be no major problems.

I don't know how long, maybe tens of minutes, or hours, those monsters who can't help emerging from the chaos finally disappeared completely. Many people sat on the ground panting, sweating and looking tired. Although these chaotic monsters themselves are not very powerful, they are too weird and cannot be dealt with by ordinary people at all. In fact, if Rhodes is not considered elite among the elite, then I am afraid that the dead are inevitable.

But now it ’s okay, except for a few people such as Joey who have suffered minor injuries, there are no other exceptions, plus the additional family name of the order space can make the order creatures immune to all negative effects, so do n’t worry about them Will be poisoned or something. However, Rhodes is pleased that although they were a little cramped in the face of these monsters at the beginning, afterwards, they were able to deal with these chaotic monsters with ease, and even the slowest-moving John killed one. Wolfhead Snake-Look at what this Chaos combines.

"Well, let's move on."

After a short rest, Rhodes said.

"Now the surrounding chaotic forces have been weakened to the point where they can't enter the barrier of order, so we must continue to move forward now, until the chaos deepens again, then the chaos monster will make a comeback. Well, stand up and move on."

Many people couldn't help sighing when they heard Rhode's words, but they hurriedly stood up and gathered again. In any case, fighting that kind of monster is a kind of torture, both mentally and physically.

Looking at his subordinates in satisfaction, Rhode nodded, then he turned around and came to the three disabled people and made a gesture.

"Well, let's move on, don't you wait for time?"

"of course."

Facing the words of Rhodes, the headed remnant nodded with an unpleasant expression, and then he turned around, raised the torch of order in his hand, and continued to move forward.

Because of this, he didn't see the smile that appeared in the corner of Rod's mouth. (To be continued.)

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