Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 132: Welcome to Refuge 71

After that, everyone encountered several attacks, but after gradually getting used to the chaos monster attack, most people can deal with these monsters with ease. After that, I do n’t know if enough lessons have been learned. Few chaotic monsters have entered the barrier of order to come to them. However, this does not mean that their test is over.

"How long do we have to reach our destination, Rhodes?"

Marlene wiped the sweat on her forehead. For this noble-born mage, it was terrible to walk so long, not only for her, but also for Li Jie and others. More or less tired. What's more terrible is that they don't even know how long they have been away. How many minutes? Tens of minutes? Still a few hours? Ma Lin took the pocket watch out of her arms, but she was helpless to see that the pointer was pointing at three o'clock-well, if she remembered correctly, the first pointer was six o'clock, and the second The next time is two o'clock ......... Have they been walking for more than ten hours?

But Rhode's answer was even more desperate.

"do not know."

"do not know?"

Marlene's eyes widened, revealing an unbelievable look at the man walking in front of her, and Li Jie next to her face also changed greatly. Not only that, but Joey later also heard this answer. Suddenly he rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Don't do this, boss, those people always have experience, ask them how they look?"

"Their answer would also be unknown."

Rhodes waved his hands, narrowed his eyes and stared at the three guides in front, who were now holding the torch and striding forward. On the torch, you can see a bright long silver and white line appearing from their torches as if tangled, and then spread all the way forward until they disappeared at the end of the chaotic fog. That was the beacon used to guide the remnants so that they would not lose their way in the chaos. Of course, there was no direction in the chaos, and even several times, Rhodes felt like he was moving in a circle in the same place, but ...

"The land of chaos has no distance, no time, and everything you imagine. Everything is broken here. In short, when we can reach the sanctuary, it depends on how strong our relationship with order is. If we Luck is good enough, then in ten minutes we can see the door to the shelter. "

"So what happens if we are out of luck?"

Upon hearing this, Annie asked excitedly and looked at her, as if she could not wait to stay here longer. Hearing Anne's inquiry, Rhodes slowed down, turned his head and glanced at the girl who seemed excited and curious, then shrugged helplessly.

"Then it's not impossible for us to go for a few days, even a dozen days. Of course, this is based on the time we can recognize. In short, the destination is there, and when we change to arrive, we will Arrived. If it's not before we arrive, then we can't. So whether you walk or run, it's the same. "

"The Holy Spirit is on, this is really terrible!"

Hearing here, Joey suddenly lifted his head and screamed, while others' expressions were extremely complicated at the moment. Since entering the land of chaos, everything they have experienced has completely overturned all the common sense and laws in their minds. There will be such unreasonable things that will naturally arrive when we are about to arrive. If time is not there then no matter how we go,

"Why go on like this, boss, take a rest, maybe we'll reach our destination when we sleep?"

Joey cried and rubbed his two legs, then looked around, and outside the barrier of order, there was a dim and roaring chaos and fog. What's more terrible is that it is not as dark as many people think. From time to time, everyone can see a dazzling light tearing the darkness, then entangled with the darkness, and finally become an orange light. But soon, the radiance will turn into blue or emerald green. It can be said that it is like a group of people walking in a disco, except that the dazzling and dazzling lights are entangled with the black shadows that appear from time to time, making people only Feeling dazzled.

But more often, the mist of chaos enveloping the barrier of order presents a soft but bright, yet indescribable color, which makes everyone awakened by the bright light even if they want to close their eyes and rest. It can be said that this is really a very painful experience. Although after obtaining Rhode ’s consent, Marin cast a small masking spell to weaken those lights, but for many people this is still very painful. thing.

"do not worry."

At this time, the headed disabled people finally spoke.

"Here, the order is fairly stable. No, it's too slow."

"hope so."

Upon hearing the remnant's words, Rhodes raised a brow, and then he glanced at Joey who could not help crying.

"You must also continue to follow. In the barrier of order, our purposeful walking is also a force of order. As long as we continue to walk with the idea of ​​'reaching the destination,' the power of the barrier of order will be strengthened, and Reached the destination. So go ahead before complaining. "

"The Holy Spirit is on ..."

Upon hearing Rhode's answer, Joey had given up completely. He groaned, helplessly bowed his head, and walked step by step behind Rondo. Although Lando and Mafa and others didn't say much, they already understood their thoughts by looking at their depressed and helpless expressions.

Time passes by one minute and one second, although there is no time at all in chaos, but Rodining can use this method to calculate. The influence of chaos is ubiquitous. Here, any abandonment of order will The power of chaos, even players. Rod also clearly remembers that an unlucky player lost the concept of time after entering the chaos because of carelessness. As a result, he could no longer come out of the chaos and was directly fainted by the chaotic flow of time. With my head in the end, I had to choose to delete the number and re-execute it, which is really a sad story.

The ground under everyone's feet began to reorganize, forming a solid ground, but different from before, the ground formed this time was dry loess, no fresh grass, only dry soil and rocks, and the originally flat ground suddenly had This height extends diagonally downward. This sudden change has refreshed the spirit of everyone. Although they don't know what this means, everyone instinctively feels that this should be a good thing.

Sure enough, until this time, the three disabled people leading the way also stopped, and then they raised the torch of order in their hands. The three opened their mouths and shouted as if they were shouting. The weird, low language shook even the air, and with the shouts of the three, the light of the pillar of order in their hands became brighter and brighter. Dazzling, I saw a silvery white line flying out of the flames, spreading forward, fused with the beacon of order that was faintly disappearing in the chaos and fog, and then, suddenly a gust of wind roared.

"Wow ..."

Annie stared in surprise, staring at the scene in front of her. I saw that after the howling winds passed, the chaotic fog that had been wrapped outside their barriers of order in all directions suddenly drifted backwards as if blown away by the wind, revealing everything hidden behind them. I saw that as the fog subsided, a hard stone wall appeared in front of everyone. Until this time, they found that they had walked into a cave, raised their heads, and could see the black stone wall above them. In front of them, it was a smooth stone wall, and a stone wall embedded in the stone wall. The round, thick and huge metal gate above. It looks like it has been rusty for some years, and two identical torches of order are inserted on either side of this metal gate. With the arrival of the three disabled people, I saw the two torches shining a bit, and then a golden light shone, forming a dense network of light, and then spread to both sides. Seeing this scene in front of him, Rhodes frowned.

Such a pure guardian of order is not something that a normal refuge can obtain.

"Who is the visitor outside?"

A deep, hoarse voice sounded, and the headed man replied when he heard it.

"It's me, sir, the lost traveller has returned to his hometown! I brought guests invited by the elder!"


After listening to the man's answer, there was silence behind the gate. After a while, only a low, harsh sound was heard, and then the ring on the round metal gate began to rotate in order, and then With the roar, the door opened slowly.

"Marlene, Lijie, Annie."

Taking advantage of this time, Rhode stepped back and looked at the crowd around him seriously.

"Remember and inform others. After entering the sanctuary, do not disperse, do not leave, and never eat what others give you. Whether adults or children, or even the elderly give you, you must not eat . I don't expect to see any idiot that will become a bargaining chip for blackmailing me. You should be right when you walk into a dangerous lunatic asylum, you see? "Here, Rhode looked at the others. "John, Mafa, you are responsible for watching other people and not allowing them to act alone, even if they go to the toilet, understand?"

"Yes, sir."

Upon hearing Rhode's order, John and Marfa nodded hurriedly, and Rhode looked back. By this time the gate had been completely opened, and the three disabled people had already entered it. The headed man stared at Rhodes coldly, then made an invitation gesture to him.

"Welcome to the shelter on the 71st."

Then he spoke.

Refuge, great miracle.

In the ancient past, which was almost impossible to describe in words, the Genesis Wulong transformed its body into the entire continent, driving out chaos. But Chaos didn't leave immediately, they kept trying to return to this world. At that time, in order to avoid the threat of chaos, the first generations of ancestors who lived on this continent built shelters one after another. They will be connected with the order and fire of the dragon soul of this continent. The source is placed in a sanctuary to counter the chaos that is raging. After the order was completely stable and chaos was expelled from the world, people stepped out of the sanctuary and continued their lives on the earth. And those refuges were sealed up in the dust ... ... until they opened again.

Now, Rhodes and others are walking in this historical miracle.

The sanctuary in front of me looks like an underground city. There are dozens of meters of ceilings on both sides. There are various buildings on both sides. The whole sanctuary looks like a combination of countless small squares. The cone is generally narrow and the roads that only allow two people to walk side by side are set up on these square buildings, forming various roads and stairs. When viewed from a distance, it seems as if they are densely covered in the city. Like a spider web.

However, the city lacks life.

Malin frowned, and looked around uneasily, perhaps because outsiders were so rare, many residents looked at them curiously, but look at those people-the Holy Spirit is on, and Malin is becoming a servant After the soldiers, it was not that she had not been to the slums. She thought that the people in the slums were pitiful enough, but compared with the remnants in front of her, that was the gap between the nobles and beggars! Almost all of these disabled people are thin and skinny, skinny, and most of them don't even have clothes, just wearing a few pieces of old rags, everyone is unkempt, regardless of whether they are adults or children. Naked [***]. It is for this reason that neatly dressed Marlene and others at this moment can be regarded as alien.

Not only that, but the bad smell of the sky in the whole city is also unbearable. Not to mention Marin and Li Jie, even Anne wrinkled her little nose. As for Joey and others, if they can, they really want to cover their noses and mouths so that the disgusting breath is a little farther away from themselves, but the problem is ...

"The boss can do it ..."

Staring at the silence, Rhodes walked forward with his hands behind him. Joey sighed in private, and when he heard him, Lando and Sol both nodded. None of them was of any good origin. Apart from Joey and Lando, Sol, as a semi-demon, naturally suffered a lot. But even they couldn't stand the bad smell, but Rhodes was still able to turn his face away, not even frowning. This couldn't help but admire everyone, and even Soth looked at Rhodes differently at this moment. In any case, Rhodes was a noble child to them, and he did not expect that he could be more patient with them than himself. Since the bosses are like this, then their subordinates can't sweep the boss's face, so they can only bear it no matter how uncomfortable they are.

Perhaps it was because the crowd was fully armed. Although they were surrounded by many people on the way, no one dared to stop. On the contrary, when the sight of the crowd swept away, the remnants were like scared animals. Stepping back, as if Rhodes and others were terrible devil beasts, they would eat them at a glance.

"What a pity ........."

Li Jie sighed involuntarily as she looked at the shabby remnants. She shook her head, feeling strangely complex in her heart. In fact, Li Jie was not very clear about why Rod had to look for any kind of fire. It was not until Marin's explanation that she understood the relationship between the fire and the shelter and these remnants Relationship. In other words, did the ancestors of those who looked worse than beggars live on the ground hundreds of years ago? They just escaped here to avoid chaos, but now ... I'm afraid no one can think that they will live such a life.

Led by the headed remnants, Rhodes and others walked up the spiral staircase, and then came to the highest point of the sanctuary. It was a triangle, which looked like a three-story stone tower. The man came to the tower and knocked on the stone gate in front of him. With the sound of "booming", the stone gate gradually opened, and then the man turned his head and looked at Rhodes.

"The elders are inside, you ..."

"I'll see him alone."

After understanding the other party's subtext, Rhode interrupted his speech coldly, then he turned his head and, after glancing around his subordinates, cast his eyes on the person standing behind him.

"Seven Love."

"Ah, here I am, master, is there something wrong?"

"They leave it to you."

"Understand, please feel free to leave it to me. I assure you that these stupid people will never be made stupid."


After receiving Qilian's answer, Rhode nodded with satisfaction, then he turned around and walked into the stone tower in front of him.

The heavy stone door closed behind him, and Rhode walked forward slowly. The dark, gloomy green light emerged from the sides of the wall, illuminating the original dark passage, but Rhodes did not relax. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and his right hand Drooping on his side, staring quietly ahead. From the moment he walked into the tower, Rhodes noticed that a cold breath locked him. Obviously, the other party was also a person who stepped into the realm of legend. Otherwise, he would not have such power at all. But ......... Such a blatant spying is not so much a test of himself as a deliberate demonstration of his power to himself. In this case ...


Rhodes narrowed his eyes and snorted, but for a moment, the power of a sharp sword-like soul suddenly burst out on him, and the breath that had locked him completely collapsed at this moment, followed by a series of hastily The cough sounded and echoed in the corridor. After a while, an old voice sounded.

"Young man, would you go too far?"

"Sorry, I don't think so."

Hearing the other side, Rhodes remained expressionless.

"Before you complain, think about whether your approach is appropriate. Although I ’m a guest and I ’m not comfortable complaining, I still have to say that I do n’t like the feeling of being spied in the dark, especially the guy This is so blatant. I think, would you give me an explanation? Otherwise, depending on the situation, I may not necessarily respond to you with peace of mind, including the remnants outside. "

"Hehehe ..."

Hearing Rhode's answer, instead of getting angry, the old voice laughed.

"Looking out, you do know us very well, young people. I think we can have a good talk, come in ..."

With this sentence, I saw that the slate in the corridor in front of Rhodes began to stagger. Soon, a dark door emerged from it, and then slowly opened. Dazzling, bright and soft candlelight emerges from it. And seeing the scene in front of him, Rhodes frowned, reached out his hand, and opened the secret door in front of him. (To be continued.)

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