Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 171: The voice of chaos

White, hot and humid steam was ejected from the metal pipes on both sides of the door, and the original dark inside suddenly appeared a bright and dazzling light. It was just a moment, and the power of pure and immaculate order passed by everyone, quickly moving towards the distance. Expand everywhere. The metal door slowly opened, showing everyone the internal splendor and huge metal space, just like a high-tech huge automatic factory.

"let's go."

Rhode looked at the metal tunnel in front of him, and said, then he moved forward. But soon, Rhodes noticed something was wrong, because at that moment, the tender little hand had been holding him tightly, but his palm was released. Rhodes frowned, and then he turned to look at Christie, who was still standing still.


"You did a good job, my lord."

Christie looked up, and the deep purple eyes were shining with an incomparable purple light at the moment. On that almost the same face as Rhodes, unprecedented joy and relief emerged at this moment. She held out her hand, gently rubbing Rhodes' cheek, then took a step back.

"The channel of order has been opened, so I can appear here, rest assured. My lord, Christie knows what we can do. You do n’t need to worry about the above problems. Christie and I will protect them. And the rest Yes, it's up to you, my lord. "

Having said that, Christy's eyes rolled around, and then she looked at Marin next to her. Feeling Christie's gaze, Malin could not help but stare. She had never been so directly watched by another Christie. The clear and transparent eyes that could see through everything seemed to pierce Malin's eyes in an instant. Deepest, at this moment, in front of this girl, she has no secret at all.

"The key to order, thank you for your efforts on behalf of my master ..." Here, Christie closed her mouth, but her crisp and bright voice still passed into Marin's mind without stagnation. "Everything that the Wizards do for our Lord will not be forgotten. As someone who serves our Lord on the ground, you can be proud of it, Sister Malin. The glory of the Sunia tribe will be better for you. Glowing, as brilliant as it was thousands of years ago. It will finally come again, with your ritual of life. Although I do n’t think Rhodes will let this happen, but you just have to do what you think is right Just fine. I think it's about time ......... "

"Woo ..."

Hearing here, Marin suddenly felt a sudden twitch in her body, and then a hot breath suddenly appeared on her chest, but then disappeared. She frowned and groaned, but nothing showed, but continued to stare carefully at the girl in front of her. But Christie's speech seemed to stop there, she took a step back and looked at Rhodes.

"So, my lord ..."

"I leave it to you ... no, it's up to you, Christie."

At the sight of Christie's gaze, Rhodes hesitated for a moment. He is not a fool. From the words of "Another Christie" just now, it can be seen that the matter of coming here is clearly negotiated by both parties, although Rodeo I know how Christie communicates with another Christie, but now there is no time for children's private affairs. Obviously, another Christie appeared here in order to help himself to hold the tower to avoid the invasion of the Chaos Vortex. It was a relief for Rhodes. Although it's better to put Christie by his side, the problem is that it's still more dangerous outside now. No matter how strong Christie's strength is, she can't last this time for too long with her current physical condition. So instead of taking her into the copy, let her be responsible for defending against the attacks of the Vortex of Chaos. For another Christie, her fighting skills are the most suitable for such a large-scale attack. Presumably, that Christie did not make this proposal until this point.

"I believe in your strength, but don't be rash, don't risk it."

"Relax, my lord, I assure you with my glory that I won't make any mistakes."

After saying this, Christie's petite and slender body jumped back slightly, and then the purple lightning erupted from her body, just a blink of an eye, and the purple light flashed, and then Christie In this way, the figure completely disappeared into the channel.

"It's really fast ..."

Looking at Christie in front, Rod shook his head helplessly, then looked to the side.

"Bell, following Christie, her body can't keep her current status and protect her at all times."


Upon hearing Rhode's order, Bell said nothing, but nodded quietly. Then turned around and quickly ran towards the end of the passage. After seeing Bell's figure disappearing after the purple lightning, Rhode returned to his spirits, bit his teeth, looked at the metal channel in front of him, and walked in without looking back.

Success and failure are all here.

"Is there really no problem?"

Purple lightning whistled across the channel, Christie flew forward with the wings formed by lightning, and the fragile and slender body was now full of unprecedented power, but Christie knew that it was not his own power, Although she is working hard. But both the canary sister and the bubble sister have clearly told her that she can't carry such a powerful force now, whether it is the soul or the **.

"There must be no problem, my bust. Believe Rhodes, believe in yourself. These chaotic running dogs are not our opponents. Of course, with your current body, if you want to use this power without interruption, you are committing suicide. You probably do n’t want to die yet, it ’s hard to survive, not to die here. We just need to act as the last insurance here. Before that, do you have any place to go? ”

The figure of the girl flew out of the passage below the ground, suspended in the air inside the high tower. Her body was so illusory that almost no one was aware of her existence. The elegant purple lightning condensed beside her, forming a pair of purely flawless wings, and hearing another one's own inquiry, Christie turned. She lowered her head, and then her eyes did not know why she moved to the large library hidden in the shade by the side. When she noticed her gaze, another Christie smiled softly and seemed to see through the idea of ​​the little guy.

"Also, at least for now, we don't have much danger to deal with, so ..."


A dull thunder sounded, interrupting "Another Christie", then they raised their heads in unison, flew to the window, and watched the scene outside. Not far away, there is still a dark starry sky and grassland, and the bright sun shines on the earth. However, at this moment far away from the horizon, the sky began to gradually blur, and the cold wind blew across the grassland, and soon we can see that the emerald green, which originally represents life, turned into a yellow death in an instant. Large tracts of grass blades that had been floating in the wind withered and became fragmented. That was the erosion of order by chaos.

"Everything is the same as it was a thousand years ago. Nothing has changed."

Standing quietly in front of the window, just standing there, Christie felt that she was nervous and out of breath. If it was herself, Christie was probably on the verge of fainting. But now another powerful soul protects herself like the thickest and firmest armor, so that she can be protected from the pressure of chaos. But even so, Christie is still very nervous. As a citizen of order, she instinctively feels the malice in the gust just now.

"Chaos destroys order, as if a cow is grazing, it's just a surname. Christie ..."

Another one's own voice became deep at this moment, even mixed with a little helplessness, but then it became heated again.

"The land of order is like the rich grassland. In any case, they will be devoured by chaos. However, the order will not die out. The grass will return to the ground under the action of the breeze, and then grow again. Of course, It ’s a desert. But even Gobi, who has nothing to do with grass, can still get them out of the clutches of chaos if they have enough determination and will. "

Having said that, Christie looked up and stared at everything quietly.

"So, look at all of this right now, Christie, this is the most terrible enemy you will face together with my Lord."

With the voice of "Another Christie", the wind in the distance became more and more fierce, and the large green emerald grassland in front of it was completely dried up at this moment, and the dried weeds became dust powder and disappeared on the ground. The originally rich land began to dry up, and cracks and cracks erupted from the ground. The bitter chill replaced the original warmth and raging raging.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The clouds on the horizon become dark and fuzzy, gradually melting like thick ink dripping into the clear water, like Xia Yue's cumulonimbus, constantly changing its shape. Hurricane slammed against the walls and windows of the tower, making a trembling sound. The air gradually began to thicken, and it felt as if standing on a battlefield full of corpses. It made people feel sick and nauseated, and Christie herself could not support it. She put out her left hand to cover herself. His mouth was as if the air in front of him was full of toxins. But even so, Christie continued to look up, looking forward.


With this sentence, as if the whole world has opened up, the dark and thick dark clouds instantly blocked the entire starry sky. Under the light of golden, dazzling tinder light, you can even see the rolling, thick and dark like the waves. In the clouds, black lightnings fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily. Mixed with a series of thunderous blasts, the ground hit by lightning sent out countless black sludge. But that's not just as hard as the mud.

Covering the wounds on the earth, the black mud like filthy blood began to squirm, condense, and then turned into a new form. Ugly, dirty, with unprecedented maliciousness and chaos, and soon, the dark chaotic beasts issued a disturbing roar mixed with the black clouds and mist above their heads, attacking the tower in front of them. .

"Stop it."

With this voice, Christie turned around and left the window.

"It's not the time when we should shoot ...... The people of Chaos are not the only means."

At this moment, as if confirming her words, dazzling magical lights flashed out of the window, and soon, the violent explosions covered the thunder of the sky and the mourning of the beast of chaos, order and chaos, This has lasted for thousands and thousands of years, and the war that has been going from the beginning of the world to the present has begun a new chapter.

The red giant sword flashed with the whistling sound of air, and then, the huge and fierce sword air completely tore the monster in front of it.


With two metal limbs and a two-foot-tall monster, it was divided into two and fell to the ground. The broken parts scattered all over the place, making a crisp sound. But for starters, such an offense is far from enough.

"Giggle ...... not enough, not even a bit!"

Xi Luosi Jiao turned around with a smile, and the huge red sword in her hand suddenly drew a horizontal line from the air, and smashed into another metal monster like a spider with his backhand. Hearing only a bang, the monster flew up like this, then bumped into a metal wall next to it, and turned into meaningless waste parts.

"Ahhh, how could it be so troublesome!"

Annie jumped back briskly, and the heavy gold shield in her hand split and reorganized in an instant, which was worthy of blocking the attack of a human-shaped structure with a height of more than three meters. Then the girls stunned their bodies, pulled Li Jie over the side to keep the defensive barrier, and almost at the same time, a metal whip was rubbed over the top of them with a broken air.

"Sister Marin, don't you say that you have released all the defenses with that staff? Why are there so many nasty constructs to attack us!" Annie pursed her lips, complaining, Raising the heavy gold shield in her hand again, soon, the howling storm erupted from her side, pushing the original metal structure that was intended to attack thousands of times, and then only saw Annie leap forward like a beast. The heavy gold shield in his hand waved out instantly, like a giant sword cut into the waist of the metal structure in front of him, and then only saw the light of the turquoise wind element, and the unlucky structure burst like this. , Completely lost the ability to fight.

"I did disarm all the defenses. But these combat constructs are not just for defenses."

Facing Annie's inquiries, Marlene was helpless.

"According to the Xenia family records, the tinder igniter must be tested. I am afraid these metal structures are here to test us."

While talking, Marin raised her staff in her hand, and soon, along with her movements, the flash of whistling burst from the top of the metal staff, and with this light, countless lightning spread out and let the surroundings The movement of the metal construct stopped for a moment, then Marin sighed, and the staff in her hand hit the ground heavily. Soon, with the explosion of a series of fireballs, the attacker in front of him suddenly retreated.

"Sister Marin, it's not that Annie doesn't speak well, but Annie really thinks that Sister Marlen's ancestors are a little bit idle ..."


Upon hearing Annie's complaint, Marin's mouth twitched a little, but unexpectedly did not refute. Maybe she looked at these structures in front of her, and she had the same thoughts in the heart. In any case, the magic wand she was holding was the highest level of authority here, and the trap was cleared, but she suddenly ran out of so many constructs to block their way. Marin also felt quite helpless. Originally this Chaos had already come to the door, and if possible, no one wanted to fight. After all, for them, the battle itself is a waste of time. At present, it is a time when every second counts, but their ancestors still designed such a set of ghost tricks-which has to say that they are full and have nothing to do.

But at this time, Rhodes gave a different answer.

"No, these things are overwhelming."

Hearing Rhode's answer, Marlin couldn't help it.

"** Instant? But ... I don't feel what I'm instigating?"

"It's not that you are indulging, but I think these things must be instigated by something."

Withdrawing the shadow sword from the ruins of the structure in front of him, Rhodes frowned, glanced at the battle in front of him, and then compared it with his own memory. In the game, because there was no Marlene, Rhodes opened the door violently at that time. This would definitely trigger the security system, so Rhodes naturally encountered the attacks of these constructs. Of course, most of these constructs' miscellaneous soldiers are at the level of the 50-level elite, and they are not incapable of dealing with them. But at that time they did not have any coordination and fighting skills at all, they were completely mechanical and rigid. But now, Rhodes finds that these constructs fight in a similar way to humans, and even those humanoid constructs can use the fur of some ancient sword skills!

This is absolutely unscientific! (Although there is no science at all ...)

"Just when you opened the door, I felt that there seemed to be something to wake up. I think it was the thing that was controlling these constructs to fight us."

Rhode explained to Marin lightly, but he also had his own reasons. If you set it according to the game settings, then it is likely that you have collected a certain condition after you have collected Marin and turned on the hidden task. This situation is not uncommon in the copy, because the hidden condition is triggered, which makes the copy more difficult, but afterwards The income will be more abundant. If it was in the game, Rhodes naturally smiled, but now ...

I'm in a hurry ...

ps: I don't feel well in these two days. I will change it temporarily ......... (To be continued.)

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