Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 172: On both sides of the battlefield

The light of the tinder began to brighten, but it faded again. That's not because Tinder itself was attacked, but some kind of deeper darkness blocked its light. The thick black clouds began to circle and formed a huge vortex in the sky, and the marginal chaos steadily moved forward, trying to engulf the last fortress of order.

A number of magical afterglows flashed through the air, but in a blink of an eye, the explosion that shook the earth brought a series of storms and black soil. It suddenly looked as if a few fluffy fluffy tails were on the ground. Dangling to the sides, the gunfire was raging and the smoke was rising. The mercenaries holding the modified magic guide lances do not need to aim at all, because the chaotic people below have already crowded each other a lot and merged into a more messy situation. Even if you just shoot here with your eyes closed, you can be a sharp shooter with false hair. But for them, this is meaningless.


Sol raised his hand and heard his order. The half-demons next to him quickly took out the box filled with red pills from his waist, and inserted it into the groove in front of the magical lance before his eyes. Then they scattered. Separately, aiming at each of their targets in the original orientation, and then a red light flashed.

The dim, disgusting tide of chaos was overturned at this moment. A wall of flames as high as a dozen meters was burning and connected into one piece, forcibly dividing the rotten mud pond in front of it into several small pieces. The response, followed by colorful magic arrows shouted and shrouded everything, the hot high temperature fell from the sky, and everything was burned and melted. The brilliant thunder jumped down and exploded the tumbling and condensed meat into pieces. The glorious force of order rolled along with a large expanse of dirt and debris, and together with the icy frost, smashed all the enemies who dared to stop in front of them.

The magically guided turret emitted a strong light, and the faint light that originally entangled the turret gradually became bright and bright, and finally each light turned into a dazzling sun. The light spread like a tide, rushing towards the enemies of chaos in all directions.

But the people of Chaos are still moving forward. They have no intention to stop. The battle between order and chaos has been going on for tens of thousands of years, whether it is the past, the present, or the future. They will fight forever until death, no, even death will not separate them. Chaos and order exist forever. They hate each other, kill each other, devour each other, and repeat the same battles in this contradictory spiral corridor.

Flesh, stones, and dirt were blown up in this way, and before they landed, they were crushed again in the second round of artillery. The original dilapidated tower showed its original power at this moment. On the bodies of the old and shabby towers, the golden order law formations unfolded one by one, looking from a distance as if they were covered with spider webs. And at these nodes where the lines of magical magic arrays crisscross, they were destroyed thousands of years ago, and the magical magic weapons that repelled the enemy of chaos once again bloomed their original glory. The magical light beam mixed with various powers blasted down like a rainstorm, breaking down the enemy in front of it and everything under it into a form of high-temperature steam, the thick black smoke rising and rolling, intertwined with the clouds in the sky. In response, shrouded in the sky above the death cemetery.

The magic beam hits the sea of ​​chaos, as if a knife tears the rag, and the hot and bright white flash is followed by a shock wave like a muffled thunder. The high-temperature waves crush everything into powder. The earth began to roll, twist, bulge, and sink like the sea. Bury all the enemies of Chaos covering it. The rising little mushroom cloud is like a sign of death, warning the price of the enemy who is coming. [

The diffuse smoke covered almost the entire battlefield. The bow knights raised their long bows, and the beams of magic condensed through the darkness. Then the stream of greedy flames splattered like a waterfall. Even chaos. The shape of the body is also deformed and melted in this sea of ​​fire, as if the burning candle is exhausted, leaving only the last white wax oil. The torrential rain barrier made up of dazzling sparks seemed indeed solid and reliable to withstand the erosion of the chaotic waves.

But that's just what it looks like.

Chaos is still advancing relentlessly, without the rigor and discipline of the Undead Army, but this crazy, scattered offensive method combined with exhaustive madness has brought unprecedented pressure to everyone. The madness that oppresses the brain and burns the brain only represents one meaning.


Chaos twisted forward, their bodies were shredded by the light of magic, and turned into powder by a strong explosion, but they still moved forward without stopping. Even those chaotic monsters that had broken through the artillery fire stopped as soon as they were illuminated by the light of the tinder, and then shattered like a fragile snow sculpture, which did not stop them from moving forward. They use their bodies and everything to fill the holes ripped out by the flames of war. To stop enemy fire and death. The purpose is to destroy the tinder of this order, and to turn this piece of land that is still favored by the order into a virtual chaos.

Everything is hustle and bustle, as if the pressure cooker has reached a critical point, the storm seems to swell again in the blink of an eye, the dark lightning on the dim and gloomy sky is slammed down, the power of destruction swept across the battlefield, Even the air seemed to be attracted at this time, and the wild wind was guided to change the line of defense, spinning around with lightning as the center, and then pouring into the earth. Accompanied by a number of sounds mixed together, but the sound of this mutter is as loud as hundreds of millions of people loudly in your ears, although the noisy voice makes you discern the true meaning of their words, But as long as you rely on instinct, there is only one thing you need to know-that is to take up the weapon in your hand and use all means to kill all these bastards.


At this moment, a bright aperture centered on the top of the tall tower and spread out around. Where it passed, dark clouds dissipated and the dark night sky reappeared. The chaos that shrouded the earth shattered into dust. The tender green grassland reappeared on the ground that was already tortured by war. The halo is forward, and chaos is backward. Absolute order suppresses absolute chaos, just a momentary effort. The flames of war ceased, and the battlefield, which was still in flames just now, once again restored its original calm.


The next moment, the clouds reappeared, the destroyed chaos reappeared without hesitation, the green grassland once again withered, and with the fall of black lightning, the overwhelming chaos and the shouting magical glory once again became the protagonist of the war, It marks the beginning of a new page of hatred and war between the order and chaos, which is indeterminate and eternal.

"It" opened his eyes.

Even if you are hundreds of meters deep on the ground, you can feel the breath of fighting from the ground. The trembling earth, the impact of the shock is no longer affecting itself. The familiar, intoxicating urge to war is constantly stirring its nerves. The stench of chaos even penetrated the soil, wrapping his body with such recklessness. The sin that was forgotten by the law is now re-emerging in another form, as always, the provocative and chaotic order.

However, I can only be here.

Thinking of it, "it" narrowed his eyes slowly, re-wrapped his full of anger and killing under the heavy body, and began to wait quietly again. "It" has been waiting for thousands of years. At this point in time For "it", for "them", it's just a drop in the ocean. Now, you just need to wait quietly.

"———!" [

Mariin stopped, just now, she felt her heart beat involuntarily, and with that beat, a hot force flowed through her body. Although she didn't cause any damage to her, she interrupted her casting spell, which made her involuntarily bite her teeth and take a step back. Kankan escaped the attack of the metal structure, and Annie saw the situation was not good. A stride rushed to Marlene's side, waving the heavy gold shield in her hand, and opened the metal structure in front of her. Then she saw the silver light flashing, Celia spread her wings and fell from the sky, and her sword turned into a flash of lightning that penetrated the enemy in front of her. This finally relieved everyone's immediate crisis.

"Malin, how are you? Okay."

Li Jie came to Marin and asked softly, as a spiritual master, it is naturally necessary for Li Jie to grasp the physical condition of her teammates at all times. Therefore, she rightfully noticed the abnormal shape of Malin just before the magic, and heard Li Jie's anxious question, but Malin bit her lip and shook her head.

"Nothing, Li Jie, I just ..."

Although she was talking, Marin knew that the facts were not so simple. After entering the door of order, it seemed that something was shaking in her body. Although the power of order was stable here, the magic in her body also worked. It was very smooth, and at first glance it seemed to be fine. But soon Ma Lin realized that there was a faint but hot force deep in her body. Before, it beats every once in a while, like the heart of a life. But at that time, such fluctuations were relatively weak and did not affect their own fighting. But now ... this power has affected his own battle judgment.

It's weird. I don't remember what my father told me about this strange power. Where did it come from?

"What's wrong? Marilyn? Any questions?"

At this time, Rhodes, who had come to an end to the fighting, also noticed the anomaly here, and frowned and came to ask. In fact, Rhodes is also very depressed. Generally speaking, in the copies of ancient ruins, in addition to the possibility of obtaining some rare equipment from some rare metal structures. Really good gear is placed in locked chests. Therefore, the source of equipment and props for players to wasteland and chaos is generally here, so they always bring a profession that is good at unlocking. With Rhodes and Madaras in his hands, it is naturally impossible to waste two main combat powers. So he asked Grayhill and Madaras to open the box while trying to trap, but what made Rhodes cry is that he did n’t know if his black hand aura would be contagious, two white The shadow of the equipment in the box opened by the elf loli did not see any gold. It was not gold coins in ancient times or a pile of construction materials. The best result was to open a few high-level soul cores. Rhodes didn't see any of the magic weapon he expected. Desperate Rhode even tried to let the two white elves unlock the lock, and then asked Marin to open the box, but the result did not change at all-did it seem that luck was already doomed at the moment the box was opened?

So after trying a few times, Nade had to give up the idea of ​​unpacking in the box, and directly hit the idea on the duplicate boss.

"Rhode, I ..."

Seeing Rhodes, Marin frowned, and she shook her head, not planning to say anything more. But at this moment, Marin seemed to change her mind and nodded strongly.

"Since I entered here, I feel a little abnormal, as if some power in my body is gradually being awakened. But I have never heard of similarities in Shania's family records or from my father. Things, although the awakening of this power does not seem to do me any harm, but now I have no way to find out this power. "

"Is this happening?"

Hearing Malin's words, Rhodes frowned, and in hidden tasks in the game, np would show similar signs. But there is not much for the player. Generally speaking, when np appears abnormal, players will follow them around. As for the solution to the problem, most of them are found by np and then let the player help him. For example, you can seal things, protect things, and resist things. Players only need to do their own thing. In most cases, they will not interfere with each other's actions.

If you judge based on the experience in the game, now that Marin is in the maze created by the ancestors of the Xenia family, she feels that there is some power in her body that is awakening. According to Rod ’s experience, it should not be that Too big a problem. It's just ... Thinking of this, Rhode glanced at Marin with a doubt, but he knew the girl in front of him very well. Like Li Jie and Annie, Marlene is not the kind of person who likes to ask for help, especially at this moment. According to Rhodes' understanding of Marlene, she would never show weakness if she could not persist. So Rhode just asked it casually, and did not expect that Marin would give such an honest answer, which made Rhodes feel a little strange. If you think about it, it seems that after coming here, Marin's performance seems very abnormal ......... I always feel that she is hiding something. Although Rhodes doesn't know what Marin thinks, but looking at her, it seems that it doesn't Not a good thing.

"So Annie, Lijie, you protect Marlene behind you, look around, do you understand?"

In fact, if it wasn't for Malin who insisted on following Tinder itself this time, Rhodes originally planned to arrange Li Jie and Annie to take charge of the shelter and the defense on the high tower front. The elf with the Holy Sword card killed him directly. However, Marin insisted on following, so Rhodes disrupted the original plan, and Anne and Li Jie followed. Anyway, this is also a copy maze created by the ancestors of Xenia. Maybe there is still a time when Marin needs help. That's why Rhodes chose to let the two follow him in, and now it looks like he's right.

"Okay, head."

Upon hearing Rhode's words, Annie and Lijie nodded immediately, and they knew their mission well. After all, except for them, only Rhodes is human. The Elves of the Divine Sword Card do not need healing and guarding. So Anne and Li Jie also understand why Rhodes would come with him, so in the battle, they always stay away from Marin, in order to prevent such things from happening.

"let's go."

Rhode glanced around, determined that all the surrounding structures were damaged, then waved his hand, and then led the crowd to continue inside. Right now, everyone is in a narrow metal corridor. Just as when Rhodes and others entered the corridor, the metal structure standing on the wall as an ornament immediately launched an attack on them. However, for Rhodes and several Holy Sword Elves, this level of attack is completely ignored by them.

However, Rhodes did not relax his vigilance. If his memory is correct, then after walking through this corridor, they will face the final boss on the first floor. That's not an easy guy to deal with, especially in the copy labyrinth created by the magic guide technology, the power of the opponent is very tricky.

In between thoughts, the crowd came to the end of the corridor. Then, Malin took the staff and moved forward. Soon, the metal gate began to tremble, and then opened to both sides. but………………


Rhodes frowned. Originally in his memory, at this moment the magical construct that should be standing quietly in the hall before him disappeared, leaving nothing in the entire hall. There is nothing on the huge flat platform, what is going on? Can't even the boss disappear because the hidden plot is turned on?


The moment Rhode walked curiously to the platform, suddenly, a warning burst from his heart, and Rhode stepped back without hesitation. At the same time, a thick, dark shadow suddenly fell from the sky and hit the place where Rhodes originally stood.

After seeing the enemy in front, Rod suddenly changed his face. rs

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