Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 268: Traveler on the same road

Just when Little Bubble Gum "kill the war", Rhodes and others have already reached the destination. And their arrival naturally attracted the attention of the Tour de France tower that had no worries. However, even in battle, they are enough to attract the attention of others. This is no wonder. The sea of ​​trees outside is not a place where people talk about walking. It is as strong as the Tour de France. They send more than a dozen people to team up. Four or five kittens like Rhodes are like walking. Hell here if you want to be leisurely and unobtrusive.

What these guys are about.

On the other side, the black robe mage who led the hunting group was also secretly shocked, especially the little girl who was scrambling around among mercenaries at the moment, and the level of violence was simply outrageous. He asked himself how many cruel and tyrannical acts he had led these mercenaries over the years, but compared with the girl in front of him, those so-called cruel and tyrannical acts were like self-entertainment of the second and third period ghosts!


Watching Little Bubble Gum grabbing one of the mercenary's hair, he then smashed his head like a meteor hammer and smashed a peach into his face. The black robe mage could not help but breathe. This is not only because the girl was able to make such a brutal and terrible fighting method with a fanatical smile, but also because at the same time, two mercenaries apparently attacked her from the side, but the sharp But the sword cannot penetrate the girl's petite body at all. Instead, only a flash of white light was seen, and the two swords immediately shook and broke apart. And it reminded the girl like a signal, and when she saw the next moment she turned back. Then a dazzling white beam of light rose up into the sky, and the two poor unlucky ghosts were naturally finished.

Oops ...... this is definitely not an enemy I can deal with.

As a caster, of course, the Black Robe Master can see how strong the inner light of the inner core of Little Bubble Gum is. If you fight such a person, you have only one way to go. If he could, the Master of Black Robe really wanted to leave like this, but he couldn't do it at all. Because the Master of the Black Robe was keenly aware that she had been locking herself since the appearance of the little girl. He was sure that if he dared to do anything, he would be immediately killed by the opponent with a thunderous potential. Although she is still far from herself, there is no doubt that this girl can definitely do it.

Chances, is there any chance that she can divert her attention, just a moment ...

Now the black robe mage no longer thinks about how he would be so unlucky to meet such a terrible enemy. He didn't even want the booty behind. No matter how much money has to be spent, if there is no life then so much money is useless. That's why he didn't stop his subordinates from going to death. He just hoped that the girl's attention could be relaxed a little bit, even if it was only a little bit, then he could take the opportunity to completely escape from the already prepared props! !!

Unfortunately, this opportunity has never come. But there are fewer and fewer people on their side. Even the mercenaries did not dare to rush forward at this time. Damn it, this way ...... But the Master of the Black Robe had no way at this moment. He could only watch the last mercenary screaming and disappearing in the beam of light, and the girl was satisfied. Shake hands. Then he turned his head, staring at them like a beast. Now there are only three or five guards by his side. At the moment, like their masters, they looked at everything in front of them in horror with their eyes wide open, but they couldn't do anything with their weapons in their hands. Can only be quiet, desperate waiting for the advent of death.

Just then, Rhodes and others also arrived at the battlefield. Seeing their figures, Little Bubble Gum immediately turned her attention. She turned her head and waved strongly in the direction of Rhodes.

"Head, it's too late for you to come here. I have been wiped out by this side!"

It's now! !!

At the moment when Little Bubble Gum looked away, the Master of the Black Robe keenly felt that her attention had indeed disappeared from herself, which made the Master of the Black Robe overjoyed. He didn't waste time, so he raised his right hand and crushed a piece of white crystal with force. Then, his body was suddenly filled with the power of the elements, eliminated the physical form, and flew towards the sky quickly ...

It should have been like this, but unfortunately, things in the world are not always as expected.

While the Master of the Black Robe started, Canary looked up and looked in the direction of the Master of the Black Robe. Then she stretched out her right hand and held it in the void.

"———— !!!!"

With the action of the canary, the body of the black robe master, which should have been transformed into an element, was suddenly reshaped and forced into a tangible entity again. If that was the case, it would not be a threat. But the problem is that the summoned elements of the wind also infiltrated into his body at this instant. Originally according to the original design of the black robe master, he will run far and far with the power of these wind elements after transfiguring the shape. But I did not expect that someone could force their spells to be released in reverse! When he returned to God, the surging wind elemental power had already entered his body, and the body re-formed into a tangible thing was absolutely impossible to resist this powerful wind elemental power.


Just for a moment, the body of the Master of Black Robe exploded completely like a full-filled leather ball, and the blood was scattered with the meat pieces scattered. And the next moment, those elements of the wind erupting from the corpse suddenly turned into sharp blades, whistling and swept around, and those mercenaries who had stood around the black robe mage did not respond at all, and were thus completely torn. Into a corpse.


Looking at the scene in front of them, the crowds of the Tour de France held their breath. They are not rookie mercenaries who don't know anything about magic, but they have seen everything just now. Especially when the Master of the Black Robe escaped in the end, they also thought about giving a reminder. But what happened next was completely beyond their imagination. Of course they knew what the black robe mage had done to morph their bodies. Transferring with the power of the wind element is a method that many wizards use. But next, that's not the way all mages use it!

Actually reshape the already transformed body, and even be able to grasp the power of the elements released by others? !! And that's not the power of the elements summoned by ordinary wizards, but the power of legendary wizards! If it is to prevent this mage from escaping, it is not impossible to use space isolation or enchantment. But it ’s such a forcible grasp of the power of other people ’s elements and so skillful for their own use. Do n’t say that they ca n’t do it, even their mentors ca n’t do it. A few old wizards can do this!


But Rhode apparently didn't care about the members of the Tour de France. He glanced at the battlefield in front of him before asking. When hearing Rhode's inquiries, Little Bubble Gum nodded, and then she waved her hand and lifted the barrier around the people of the Tour de France, and then stretched out a little contentedly, as if playing Very interesting game.

"Well. It's over, head, ah ......... it's still better to play like this, I'm going crazy on the road, now it's more comfortable!"

Stretched a little lazy, Little Bubble Gum made the gesture of "a content" very comfortably. And heard her say. Zagared, who had intended to come over to thank everyone, almost fell. He hesitated to look at the girl in front of him, but he really wasn't sure whether he should deal with this group of people. But in the end, he walked stubbornly towards Rhodes and others, and we can see that this group of people is very strong and very strong. Not average strong. Although they look like only six people in total, and only two shots before. But Zagared wouldn't just think so stupidly that only two of them were capable. But in other words. Even if only these two girls have super strength, it is enough to destroy them all. So after thinking for a while, finally, Zagared bit his teeth, tidy up his uniform, and then came to a few people, respectfully performed a mage etiquette to them.

"That ... Thank you very much for your assistance. Without you, we might not see the sun of tomorrow. Here, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you on behalf of my colleagues and alumni. Tour de France The tower will never forget your kindness, if you have something ... "

"Thanks, we didn't actually do anything."

In the face of Zagared's thanks, Rhodes didn't care. Anyway, the difference in strength between the two sides is too big, it's like a person walking on the road and seeing an ant being caught by a spider. He chose to step on the dead spider to rescue the ant. Not even myself. However, he was indeed curious.

"However, depending on your appearance, you should still be apprentices of the Tour de France. What are you doing here?"

The class division of the Tour de France tower is not equivalent to the general division of strength. In the Tour de France tower, there is no "graduate", officially recognized masters, no matter how high his ability, are called "apprentices", and only those masters who really have the ability to "graduate" will turn right. Therefore, among the Tour de France towers, the names of companions are mostly "colleagues" or "students". In fact, the members of the Tour de France tower also quite like this title. Because this will make them feel “different”. Besides, the “apprentices” in the Tour de France are naturally young people.

Well young ... naturally a little bit energetic (Secondary 2).

Combining the previous distress signals with their uniform and unique title, Rhodes can confirm that they are indeed members of the Tour de France. And from the current situation, they should not have "graduated." But this also made Rhodes curious. Although this is not yet the core area of ​​the outer sea of ​​trees, it is not far away. What do these hairy children come here to do? The group of apprentices in the Tower of the Tour de France are really "not listening to the window and reading the holy book in one heart." Chengtian nest can not be seen outside the gate of the tower. No one wants to go out and cause trouble with the "safety first" principle of the Tour de France. They all live in high towers to learn magic, and they will come to such a dangerous place outside the sea of ​​trees in groups. But it doesn't look like what the Tower of the Tour de France should do.

"This ......... is like this ........."

Upon hearing Rhode's inquiries, Zagared's complexion was a little embarrassing, but he thought it over and over and told the truth obediently. After all, judging by what the other party just asked, they were familiar with the Tour de France tower, and the lady's casting method was so clever before, maybe she had something to do with the Tour de France tower. Of course, it must have been guessed in good faith. Otherwise, these people will not only help themselves but also treat the wounds for them. Thinking of this, although Zagared hesitated, he quickly answered.

"......... This time we went to the sea of ​​trees outside to pass the apprenticeship trial ..."

"Apprentice Trial?"

Hearing this, Rhodes frowned. He instinctively felt that there was something wrong with it. You must know that the motto of the Tour de France is "safety first" rather than "death first", and send a group of little ghosts who have not yet started teaching (regardless of how strong their own abilities are) to go into the core area of ​​the outer tree Do apprenticeships? Isn't this really the rhythm of death?

"Only you?"

"According to the plan, there are a total of six teams heading to the core area of ​​Shuhai. Our task is to gather there and then enter the deepest maze to explore ..."

Zagared's voice was gradually lightened, because he saw very clearly that Rhodes and Canary looked slightly different after hearing their words, but it was not so heavy or worried, but more like With a somewhat funny and weird smile.

"You're going to the deepest maze too?"


Upon hearing Rhode's question, Zagared's heart jumped. Not to mention, this "yes" alone has already explained the problem. Although they study in the tower all day, they are not really stupid heads. When they heard this, Zagared couldn't help feeling a little bitter. He certainly knew where the sea of ​​trees was. Where is the deepest maze. Perhaps the apprentices at the Tour de France are reading all day, but the books are not without their introduction and knowledge. to be frank. Some of them also wondered why this year the tower would place apprenticeship trials in such a dangerous place. After all, they are just apprentices and have no qualifications to question the decisions of the Tour de France. And now, listening to the adult's statement in front of them, their party will also go to the deepest maze?

That's really ... Zagared didn't know what to say. Deep in his heart, he was still a little worried, because until now, they didn't know what to do after reaching the deepest maze. Even as a captain, the news he received was only to cross the sea of ​​trees first to reach the deepest maze. Then I was able to receive the next trial goal, but now, I didn't expect that these "good people" who had accidentally saved themselves would have to go to the deepest maze ... ... this is troublesome.

What if the goals of the two sides are not in conflict? What if the goals of the two sides are in conflict? The other person can send someone out to kill all of them. What if it's really time to do that? Although the apprenticeship trial was supervised by a mentor, Zagared did not believe that his mentor could block the attack of these people. Besides, it was just the hand of the young girl who manipulated the wind element in the Tour de France. Not many people in the tower can do it.

"This ... this lord, it seems that you are also going to go to the deepest maze?"

Zagared didn't have much doubt about Rhodes' goal. He has read a lot of books in the Tower of the Tour de France. Among the people who come to the sea of ​​trees, most of them are adventurers who go to the deepest maze, except those hunting groups that hunt elves. Here It is where many adventurers come to prove their strength, and this is clear to Zagared.

Just looking at their costumes, it feels more like a nobleman, and will ordinary noblemen come here for such a dangerous adventure?

"Yes, we are going to the deepest maze too."

Hearing Zagared's inquiries, Rhode nodded, he seemed to hear what Zagared meant, and narrowed his eyes to look at the man in front of him. Feeling Rhode's gaze, Zagared's heart shrank slightly. The man who was even more beautiful than the woman in front of him put more pressure on him than he imagined, just glancing at him, Zagared felt his heart beating completely uncontrollably, as if facing a behemoth, leaving him unable to resist at all. But he still bit his teeth, and continued to bite his scalp.

"So ... Could you tell us if you can go with us? Since everyone is heading to the deepest maze ...... without concealing you, although we have been treated by that lady, many people are now fighting before China has already lost its strength and may not be able to act in a short period of time. If a few are willing, of course, the Tour de France Tower will never forget your kindness. I can assure you here ......... ... "

He stumbled and said the words of the request, in fact, Zagared was not at the heart. Although he invited Rhodes and others to go to the deepest maze, he really hoped that they could help themselves out of some trouble. But the most important thing is to hope to have a good relationship with this group of unknown but powerful people during this time. In this way, if there is any deviation between the two sides in their goals, they can still count on this friendship to let the other party let themselves go-just expect things not to become like this.

But Rhode didn't seem to care about it, he exchanged a look with Canary, and then agreed quickly.

"No problem. Since they are all on the way, there is no problem walking together."

Not only did Zagared want to find out the purpose of this group of people, Rhode also wanted to know what the people in the Tour de France ran in the deepest maze, what they wanted to do.

ps: I don't know what's going on at noon today. After eating, my chest suddenly feels stuffy and vomiting. But I spit in darkness and finally coughed up bloodshot ... I feel uncomfortable and dying ... I hope I can sleep better, or tomorrow Ready to go to the hospital for examination ...

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