Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 269: Apprentice Trial

Zagared's mood was complicated because he didn't know if he had made the right decision.

In a way, the decision he made was indeed correct. Because after deciding to go with these sudden strangers, they have never encountered any danger. Neither Warcraft nor those mercenaries have ever come to their trouble again. And these people are far better at dealing with them than they thought. They thought that they possessed super powers. They would never put their little magic apprentices in their eyes. I did not expect that they would be unexpectedly peaceful, except for the beautiful one. Mr. is not like a man, but his expression has always been cold and indifferent. Others don't seem to be malicious to himself and others. In this regard, it is indeed a good thing.

But ... they are really too strong.

Zagared once saw them face off with a powerful World of Warcraft, when he and others seemed to have entered the territory of a certain Warcraft lord. In order to protect his own territory, the Lord of Warcraft naturally came out and expelled these foreigners. The giant nine-headed dragon lizard had a body that was four or five meters high and looked at them and made them tremble with fear, but what Zagared did not expect was that no one had shot it. The young man just stared coldly at the eyes of the nine-headed dragon lizard. After a while, the Warcraft lord who had enough power to make them suffer was actually like a puppy who succumbed in front of the hungry wolf. Turning his head and running, he couldn't see the majesty of the Lord of Warcraft at all.

Seeing this scene, Zagared only felt that the scalp was beginning to tingle. Although he had also asked the other side what they wanted to do in the deepest maze, he didn't get any answer at all. Now he can only hope that there is no conflict between the purpose of himself and the other party, otherwise, even if he is desperately unable to graduate. He will definitely not participate in this apprenticeship trial. The mage is not stupid. Observation and comparison are also very important. If you are against them, then a few lives are not enough! !!

But ...... thinking of this, Zagared could not help turning his head to look, it was only half a day's work. The guy on his own has completely mingled with the other party. But in addition to getting along well with each other, it's also the most important reason that you don't have the kind of headaches on your side. Otherwise, Zagared is very suspicious that if any idiot makes a mistake, he will be directly made into a meat sauce by the extremely petite girl.

Thinking of this, Zagared sighed, raised his head and looked forward. Through the dense woods, he could vaguely see the mountains not far away. This is the destination of this mission-the deepest. Entrance to the maze. According to the plan. They were supposed to have arrived here yesterday, but this trouble was caused by previous fighting. Fortunately, it is still within the stipulated time, and there should be no trouble.

Zagared frowned, staring at the mountains not far away, wondering why, he had a very bad hunch. As an elite among the Tour de France apprentices, of course, he had also heard intermittently from the upper mentor about the reasons before and after the apprenticeship trial's change of purpose. The original apprenticeship of the Tour de France was not so dangerous. In general, the apprenticeship trials of the Tour de France towers consist of apprentices forming their own teams. Then travel for a while, and then evaluate based on these. However, this time the apprenticeship trial has caused considerable controversy among the upper-level mentors. It is rumored that the previous apprenticeship trial evaluation standards were not uniform, resulting in unfairness. The purpose of this apprenticeship trial is to unify the qualifications of the apprentices, so as to make them stand on the same starting line and compete as much as possible. That's why I chose this approach. But ... Zagared always felt like there was something wrong with it. Not to mention that this is clearly contrary to the belief that the tower of the Tour de France is "safety first". The content of the trial itself alone makes Zagared feel strange. If as usual, passing the sea of ​​trees alone is dangerous enough. But this is the first obstacle to pass through the sea of ​​trees outside this time. This is a little too incredible. Even if you and others are really the elite of the elite in the Tour de France. It is absolutely impossible to break through the deepest maze so easily. And including myself and others here, but gathered two-thirds of the elite apprentices of the Tour de France tower, in general, is it necessary to do this step?

However, it doesn't make much sense to think about these issues anymore. Now that they have come here, they can only go on.

At the same time, in a camp at the foot of the mountain, a middle-aged man was looking up at the sky in front of him. After comparing the sun and time, he frowned and asked.

"What time is it?"

"Eleven and twenty-five, sir."

Hearing the middle-aged man's inquiry, a young man dressed as an apprentice immediately replied respectfully. When he heard his answer, the middle-aged man sank slightly.

"Zagared's distress signal came yesterday afternoon."

"Yes, my lord, it was at 5.43 pm yesterday, and I only sent a signal for help once, in the southeast of the sea of ​​trees outside."

"It seems they are in trouble and don't know what the outcome is ..."

Upon hearing the apprentice's answer, the man's complexion became a little gloomy. He sighed and shook his head.

"How did others react?"

"Frei and Ardilo think they should search, but Stuka and Sheila seem to have little interest in it. Others are waiting for instructions and rest." Saying here, the young apprentice hesitated, and then Speaking continued. "Honestly, sir, this time I came to the sea of ​​trees and went into the deepest maze. Everyone was a little nervous ..."

"I know."

Hearing the young man, the middle-aged man waved his hand.

"I know what you think, and to be honest, I don't understand why senior Tour de France mentors would agree with such a **** proposal. But now that you have come here, there is no reason for us to cancel this time. The apprenticeship trial. But fortunately, this time your mentor will also accompany you, it is a good idea. Hey, this kind of thing happened before entering the deepest maze, it is really not very good, Don't say you anymore, I all feel a little uncomfortable. "


"Okay. Don't say it, go and sort it out. We wait until 12 o'clock. If they don't show up at 12 o'clock, then the Zagared team will be disqualified. To prepare others, we will enter in groups The deepest labyrinth. This is no ordinary adventure, let them all give me a twelve-point spirit! "Speaking here, the middle-aged man clenched his fists vigorously and waved, and then he frowned. As if remembering something disgusting, he asked. "By the way, Master Gall? Where did he go?"

"Instructor Geer went to the portal of the deepest maze entrance early in the morning to check, saying that it was to ensure that the trial could proceed smoothly."

"Well, he's very serious. Okay, you go down first and let me be alone."

"Yes, mentor."

Hear the middle-aged man speak. The young apprentice who followed him saluted respectfully, then turned away.

And until this time. The middle-aged man only showed a little discomfort on his calm face.

In fact, among the high-level mentors inside the Tour de France tower, they also criticized this trial. In particular, this trial focused on two-thirds of the elite apprentices in the Tower of the Tour de France. It can be said that with the exception of those theorists and enchanted masters who are not good at fighting, almost all new-generation masters have been sent here . This is a very risky move, and it is true that training in a dangerous place like the outer sea of ​​trees can make them integrate theory with practice. And get rich combat experience. But the mage is not a soldier, after all, he can train if he chooses one. These elite apprentices are the backbone of the new generation of the Tour de France. They are talents that have spent a lot of time and money on the Tour de France. Damn, do they think this is playing a mercenary game?

Because of this, many mentors in the Tour de France are opposed to this seemingly random trial. Unfortunately, most of them are low-level mentors. Although they know the students best, they still do not have enough status and power to organize high-level mentors to make this decision. They even settled for the second, hoping to add clauses to the mercenary mercenary regiment to allow mercenaries to go with these students. But this was still rejected by the high-level mentors. Their reason was very sounding. For a fair test ... it is indeed fair enough, but it is too dangerous!

In the end, the only concession made by the senior mentors was to let the three mentors come here to accompany their students into the deepest maze. But they are not allowed to help their students cross the sea of ​​trees. At first I thought there was no problem, but now it seems that this is still a problem.

Zagared ...

Thinking of them, the middle-aged man sighed again, but he likes this student very much. He is hardworking, easy to learn, and smart and brave. He will surely become the backbone of the Tour de France over time. But now ... what can he do besides waiting?

"My lord! My lord !!!"

And at this moment, a panic sound suddenly broke, interrupting the middle-aged man's thoughts, he frowned dissatisfied, then turned around, and saw the young apprentice just now panicking to himself at this moment Running over, he was running, raising his hands, shouting something.

"What's wrong? Panic?"

"Zagared, sir, Zagared they arrived at the camp !!!"


Seeing his familiar face again, Rao was unable to suppress the excitement in his heart. Especially after the battle of the nine dead in yesterday, I saw his companion and mentor again. The emotional emotion deep inside made him almost want to cry. But in the end, he still restrained his inner excitement, walked to the middle-aged man, and respectfully gave him a mage ceremony.

"The Zagared squad arrives at the camp and reports to you, Ariel Orr."

"I'm relieved to see you arrive safely at the camp. I was worried about seeing your call for help before. But it doesn't seem to be a big deal now. "

Looking at Zagared, Ellie Orle's original tight face was smiling a little at the moment. then. He looked up and cast his gaze curiously on Rod and others standing not far away.

"………Who are they?"

"That's it, Teacher Ariel Orr ..."

After hearing the mentor's inquiry, Zagared also smiled a bit, and then he began to talk to his mentor about everything that happened yesterday ...............

While Zagared recounted his experience, Rhodes and others looked at the scene leisurely. See Zagared and others return. Many apprentices in the camp were also very excited. A few girls who had good relations even cried together, while several other male apprentices also sought each other and asked for the cold.

"......... This scene reminds me of the scene of a school outing, Rhodes."


Looking at the young man in uniform, Rhode nodded and nodded in agreement with Canary. To be honest, even Rhode himself remembered some of the times when he was traveling with classmates and friends in his own world. Scenes. The same young, the same full of vigor. There is no difference except for the degree of danger-after all, there is no dangerous World of Warcraft running around in Rhode's world.

This is why Rhodes agreed to go with Zagared and others. Looking at them, in a way, can be regarded as a recollection of his "student life".

"Yeah, I don't find it interesting. The activities organized by the school are all dirty and tired, and when I can't play, I can't play, and I have to write and read afterwards. Who can bear that stuff?"

But not everyone agrees with Canary and Rhodes, at least Little Bubble Gum has different opinions.

"......... After reading .........?"

Hear here. Christy, standing next to Rhodes, curiously tilted her head and asked. She has also been with Little Bubble Gum for a long time, and it's no wonder that some evocative terms pop up from time to time in this sister who obviously looks older than herself but is obviously younger.

"Yes, after reading, that is to say, what do you think after going out to play this time. What a joke, I go out to play. Is n’t it enough to have fun. What else can I think? Can I go out and save myself? The world is not here? You say, Christie, is this sick? "

"Some things you will understand when you grow up."

After hearing little bubble gum complaining, Rhodes and Canary looked at each other bitterly. indeed. Little Bubble Gum complained that they had also had it before. But only when you grow up and recall the original scene, you will feel that it is not so bad, and it can even be regarded as a unique scenery in memory.

"I'm not growing anymore, head, I have no school to study here."

Hearing Rhode's words, Little Bubble Gum poked. Christie looked at this curiously, looking at that. Bell, as always, stood behind her silently, but different from before, this time they had two more elves by their side. That was the elf rescued by Rod and others from the hunting group. Perhaps because of being captured for the first time, these two elves are very wary of humans, but I don't know why. Instead, she was closer to Rhode's side than Zagared. And because Rhodes had to enter the deepest maze, there was no way to send people back, so he just let them stay with him for a while. Anyway, even if there are two more burdens, Rhodes is not afraid that something will happen. And these two elves are not completely incompetent. They are also half druids and rangers. With a little attention, most of them are self-protecting.

In case the bad luck hangs up --- then you can only blame yourself for bad luck, and if you die in the hands of the monster, it is better to live a slave life.

Just then, suddenly, a weird hoarse sounded.

"Oh, I'm still wondering why the camp is so lively. It turned out that you came back, Zagared. I didn't expect that you could still come back alive."

The originally lively scene suddenly became silent. Rhode looked up and looked around, and saw a young man also wearing an apprentice uniform walking out of the camp with a strange smile. Next to him were three apprentices also wearing uniforms, but looking at them, obviously the apprentices headed by them were treated as their leader. Zagared, who had just reported to the mentor and had just finished reporting to the mentor, was waiting for the mentor to make a decision.

"Yeah, I'm alive, you're disappointed, aren't you? Stuka?"

"Oh, how can you say that?"

Hearing Zagared's answer, the young man called Stuka also grinned.

"I've always cared about you, Zagared. I heard you're in trouble. It doesn't seem to matter if you look at you. By the way, Zagared."

Speaking of this, Stuka turned his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at Rhode's party standing next to the theater.

"Who are these guys? This is the campsite of the Tower of the Tour de France. Outsiders should be strictly forbidden to enter, isn't it? I don't know how you got together like this group of people, but don't forget your identity, Zagared . You are a mage, not a mercenary. Do n’t mingle with those worldly people, it ’s not good for you, is it? ”

Although he heard the young man clearly speaking provocatively, Rhodes did not react at all, and Canary stood beside Rhodes as always. Christie hid behind Rhodes, frowned slightly, and looked at the young man in dissatisfaction. They didn't have to say anything at all. Instead, Zagared's face changed drastically. He hurriedly wanted to stop, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Just then, little bubble gum sounded.

"Zagared, what is this hybrid?"

The girl opened her eyes wide, opened her mouth, and looked at the man in front of her with an excited expression, and said.

ps: I worry everyone, there should be no major issues. I went to the clinic today and looked good. Wait for two days to take the medicine. If it is not good, consider going to the hospital for examination. It is useless to go to the hospital for the past two days ......... heh ... (to be continued ...)

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