Sun God Marvel

Chapter 100

Zhou Yi opened his eyes and saw the warm-toned walls and dim lights. The sky was dark night, but there was a striking whiteness outside the window. Glancing intently, he found that there was a heavy snow like feathers outside. The ground was covered with a thick layer of snow. Against the background of these snow, the thick night is dyed with a layer of delightful white.

Seeing this white, Zhou Yi was stunned, and then he seemed to shook the head, showing a wry smile. It’s almost Christmas, how can it not snow. It seems that oneself has been too busy during this period of time. Even time remembers to get confused.

Thinking of this, he covered his head and sat up on the clean and warm bed. Although the brain is still in a groggy state due to long periods of dormancy, it does not affect the environment in which he judges oneself.

This is a ward, at least it looks like this. Zhou Yi can make a rough judgment from the various monitoring instruments around oneself and the gown on oneself. However, Zhou Yi is not sure where it is.

He only hopes that he is not in the ward in Paris, because this will increase the probability of his identity being exposed to a certain extent. At the same time, it is also the most critical. Zhou Lan and Clarice will know about this, and this is what he least wants to happen.

Of course, also part of the reason is that he does not want to take on the astronomical reconstruction debt of Paris after the destruction. He is rich and good, but he doesn’t spend that way.

Actually speaking, for Zhou Yi, it is all purposeless fantasy. If he really wants to know the answer, he can turn on super vision to make a precise positioning for the own position, the effect is definitely much better than GPS. But he didn’t have this idea. After experiencing this kind of battle, he suddenly found that some burnout had developed in his heart.

This is not to say that he has become disgusted with Superhero’s dangerous business. It is that he needs to give oneself some time to catch a breath. What has happened recently has caused a strong revulsion in his spirit. He has already received the praise of a hero, and it is time to rest for a while.

With this kind of mentality, he began to develop an idea of ​​controlling own power, experiencing life as an ordinary person, and let Dawn Knight temporarily withdraw from this World, which is a good thing for him. . At the very least, he can avoid troublesome public opinion. He was very clear in his mind that it was in Paris. Public opinion will not be very beneficial to him.

Although he saved Paris, but for this city. It was his arrival that brought this disaster to them. Humans are not idiots, they will always find that the reason for all this is because of his gambling fight with Magneto. And once a caring person aimed his gun at him, he didn’t have the leisure to defend oneself.

Rather than just waiting to die, it is better to just play and disappear. When the next disaster comes, mankind will always remember his good. It would be the wisest choice for him to appear again at that time.

As a businessman, it is not an exaggeration to have such thoughts in his own nature. He doesn’t need to change anything because of his own hero status. He is him, the unique and unmatched Dawn Knight-Zhou Yi. There is no need to accommodate anyone.

Zhou Yi silently calculated his plans for a period of time in the future, this time. Someone pushed the door open and walked in. Ororo came in.

She is wearing a more casual home dress, with hot food and water in her hand. Obviously this is for someone, Zhou Yi is pretty sure that oneself is the lucky guy. But what he cares about is not this, but Ororo’s somewhat haggard expression. Although she covered her face with a light makeup, Zhou Yi could still keenly notice that she had some dark blue eye bags and thinned cheeks.

“Hey, dear. What should I say, long time no see?” Putting this question in my heart for now, Zhou Yi greeted Ororo.

Ororo shook his hand upon hearing this familiar voice. A clear smile began to appear on her face, and she looked towards where the sound came from, where a person she knew most was leaning on the bed, smiling and waving at her.

“Thank God, Yi. You finally woke up!” Ororo replied eagerly, even rushing to the bed in a nearly leaping position. Such a fierce movement almost knocked over the plate in her hand, but fortunately Zhou Yi protected these important things.

Seriously, he is starving.

One hand is holding Ororo’s hand, while the other is holding the plate firmly, Zhou Yi said with a smile.

“My dear, you are so excited. Let me guess, is it because the surprise that I finally woke up after sleeping for many years makes you unable to control your own emotions?”

“Yi!” Ororo stretched his voice and looked at him angrily, but his other hand held Zhou Yi’s big hand tightly. As if she was absorbing warmth and security, her hands were so hard that her knuckles began to turn pale. But she herself just silently stared at Zhou Yi with a gentle look. For the expression of oneself’s mood, she seems to be unable to modify it with words, and can only express it in this most direct way.

As for Ororo’s actions, Zhou Yi laughed lightly and stroked the back of her hand. He felt the emotions in Ororo’s heart, which made him proud and guilty. Proud, because there is a woman who loves oneself like this. The guilt is because oneself makes her worry and fear. For a time the two fell into a kind of tender silence.

Sometimes, emotions become tougher in the face of great ordeal. This is the case with Zhou Yi and Ororo. Their feelings have become deeper because of this incident, and their relationship has become deeper into each other’s hearts.

The two people warmed each other’s palms and hearts in this way, until Zhou Yi’s stomach heard a dissatisfied protest. Ororo couldn’t help laughing.

“Sorry, I forgot that you must be starving now. Originally, I just prepared something routinely. Didn’t expect, you really woke up.”

“Thank God, it’s better to have something to eat than nothing.” Zhou Yi directly picked up the sandwich on the tray, and the thick toast sandwiched the oily beef and the excellent omelette. Of course, green vegetables and sauces are definitely indispensable. It seems that it is made completely in accordance with Zhou Yi’s taste. The sauce of this sandwich is not at all using ordinary salad dressing, but using chili sauce, which few people love. Of course, the generous portion also takes care of Zhou Yi’s hobby.

For this kind of presentation, it looks very good and the taste is quite good. And it is a sandwich made completely according to oneself’s preferences. Zhou Yi is absolutely not stingy in one point of praise. After devouring the sandwich in his hand, he began to speak in an exaggerated tone.

“Ororo, I think your craft has a breakthrough improvement. According to my professional Gourmet appraisal, your sandwich has definitely reached the world Peak level. Maybe I should put those three-star Michelin The chefs in the restaurant are all calling, let them study together.”

“Oh my God, you are too exaggerated. I think you must be starving, and your mind can no longer tell the taste. “Ororo gave him a blank look, but smiled happily.

“Really? But I’m really hungry. I think I can even eat a hundred of these sandwiches. Or go directly to the Great Appetite King game, I think I can eat it. All the food in the country.”

“Then you will be the headline, the billionaire overeating in the Great Appetite King competition, the organizer strongly asked him to pay. Hey, slow down. You should drink something. “

“Thank you, dear.” After receiving the hot milk from Ororo, Zhou Yi directly completed the clearing mission. After completely satisfying his appetite, he put down the cup and asked Ororo.

“My dear, can you tell me how long I have been in a coma, and how is the follow-up?”

“Don’t worry!” Ororo carefully cleaned up the food debris from his body. There was a gentle smile on his face. “Magneto has completely lost the news. He shouldn’t be in front of Rogue again as a person. In addition, Jean and Logan only suffered minor injuries and recovered quickly. Only you, You have been in a coma for a week. I dare not take you to the hospital, so I had to use the school’s plane to bring you back to school. However, I have already found an excuse for your family, and you were asked to help some of our fellow Parisians to evacuate There, it’s inseparable for the time being. This excuse should be able to delay for a while.”

“Well, everything seems to be fine. But Ororo. Can you tell me why you are so haggard. Your complexion doesn’t look very good, it can even be said to be terrible. I can see it through makeup.”

“It’s just a small matter, of course, the main reason is to worry about you. There is no other problem, and I will recover soon.” Ororo’s face was obviously a pretended smile, she was trying to confuse her with words. But for Zhou Yi, this is completely useless. His knowledge of Ororo is enough for him to tell whether each of her words is true or false.

Lightly held her hand, Zhou Yi put on a sincere smile.

“My dear, I am very happy that you are so worried about me. But I know this is not the whole story. I know my situation very well and will not make you haggard like this. Can you tell me the truth? We are The other half cuddling with each other, you can completely put all your burdens on me.”

“It’s really not and so on, easy!”

“Ororo, Look into my eyes. Tell me what is the problem in your heart, okay?”

“Okay!” Ororo let out a hard sigh, she really needs someone to share oneself’s body pressure. “It was an accident in the school. The professor and Scott disappeared suddenly. Jean’s mental state is a bit unstable, and Logan seems to be guilty of old problems. The most important thing is that there are only three of us and Hank in the school. I It’s a lot of pressure. Because I have to take care of the school when the professor is away.”

“However, at this time another big thing happened. The president was attacked by Mutant, although there is no life issue. The president has asked for a proposal to solve the Mutant problem. At this time, I really don’t know what to do.”

Listening to Ororo’s talk, Zhou Yi hugged her silently and kissed lightly. Kiss her forehead.

“Don’t worry, my dear. I will help you solve these problems.”

“No, no. Your own problems are very serious, and we can solve them. You don’t need your help, really. Yi, you don’t need to get involved here. This has nothing to do with you, you are already troublesome enough.” Ororo immediately rejected Zhou Yi’s kindness, she knew what the public opinion was. Kind of thing. Dawn Knight has something to face that is no easier than them. She really doesn’t want Zhou Yi to do such stupid things at this time.

“No, dear. This is related to me, at least we are related to professors.”

“Professor?” Ororo’s voice suddenly appeared obvious For her doubts, she discovered something that oneself didn’t know.

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