Sun God Marvel

Chapter 101

“Professor, what does this have to do with the professor?”

“You know, Ororo. The battle between Magneto and Magneto was made at the request of the professor. It happened. At first, the professor and I had an agreement. We had agreed to join forces against Magneto and defeat him in an instant.”

“Just use my supersonic speed before he reacts. Under his helmet, Charles can take the opportunity to control his consciousness. Magneto’s power is only in ability, he is only a mortal in the flesh. This has a great success probability.” At this point, Zhou Yi shrugged, revealing wry smile.

“It’s just that I didn’t expect that Magneto would have such an ability. It actually controlled the geomagnetism and gave oneself a shield connected to the earth. I couldn’t touch his body at all. Not to mention taking off his helmet.”

“What does this have to do with the professor’s disappearance? Yi, this can’t be an excuse for you to get involved. What you have to do now is take a good rest. Then go back to Paris and spend a Christmas with your mother and them. Instead of getting into trouble again.” Ororo still disagrees with Zhou Yi’s statement, she can’t even connect these things.

“Listen to me, Ororo. Things are not as simple as you think. During the battle, Charles’s consciousness was not at all connected with me. This is not his style. What is he You must be very clear about such a person, so I suspect that he was attacked.”

“This is impossible, that’s a professor!” Ororo directly denied Zhou Yi’s statement. That is Professor Charles, the most powerful spiritual user in the world. In front of him, no one can defeat such an existence. In front of his Psychic Power, all people in the world will be as vulnerable as babies. The reason why human beings still dare not attack Mutant blatantly is because Magneto and Professor Charles, two Mutants with formidable strength, are deterring them. Magneto represents an extreme battlefield power, in front of him most of the weapons of mankind are useless. And Professor Charles represents the extreme Psychic Power in front of him. Humans even need to worry about whose orders their army is executing. Charles’s power is enough to make anyone scrupulous. And he is indisputable in the world, just defending the small utopia of school is the gentle behavior that allows him to avoid the hostility of overwhelming majority humans. No one is willing to take great risks against this peaceful guy. He is far safer than Magneto. At least until Magneto is settled, no one wants to invade this powerful and weird guy. Compared with Magneto’s external magnetic control ability, and at least it can be targeted, his Psychic Power is really you can’t guard against it, and anyone in front of him is impossible to guarantee an own position.

However, someone will have a way. Zhou Yi, who knew some secret past events, already had own guesses in his mind, so he said.

“Ororo, Charles is not God. I understand his power, but this power is not incomprehensible. There are always people who think of ways to deal with his abilities. And there are far more people with such motivations and abilities. One.”

“Who are they? Who captured the professor.” Combining the current precarious situation for them, Ororo had to admit that Zhou Yi had his reason. Under such circumstances, Professor Charles would definitely prevent such a situation if it were not for uncontrollable external forces.

At least, the president will not release his proposal for Mutant so quickly.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Yi enumerated many goals. But which one it is, he still needs to further determine.

“Don’t worry, Ororo. I need to find some friends for help to know who it is! Give me some time.” He pressed the emotionally excited Ororo’s shoulder and said softly. “What you have to do now is take a good rest. I can handle all the things for you, but only your own physical condition, I can’t help much. So, go take a rest.”

A man who can block all winds and frosts for a woman at a critical time is undoubtedly the most reliable existence in a woman’s heart. For Ororo, he is such a guy. After Zhou Yi woke up, she finally let go of the big rock in her heart. And all the pressure is reduced. He is so reliable, yet so difficult for her to choose.

Faced with Zhou Yi’s gentleness, she meekly nodded.

After seeing her nodded, Zhou Yi stood up and hugged her to the bed.

“Then, you can rest here. To prevent you from rushing to work while you promised me. I will watch you fall asleep. Of course, when you wake up, maybe we I already have the information I want.”

“Yi, do you treat me as a child?” For Zhou Yi’s behavior, Ororo really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. But Zhou Yi was very tough.

“Of course. My mother always said that treating the woman oneself likes is like treating the own flesh and blood.”

“Okay!” Ororo finally chose to compromise. After getting catharsis, sleepiness and fatigue immediately flooded her like a tide. She will soon fall into a deep dream. But before falling asleep, she said in a vague tone that oneself had been holding back in her heart.

“Yi, the matter between you and Jean. I already know.”

Zhou Yi instantly startled, when he wanted to defend and so on, he found that Ororo had completely fallen asleep Finished. So a deep wry smile began to appear on his face. Although he was prepared to face such a thing, when the matter came to the fore, he discovered that oneself not at all was so calm as he imagined.

In terms of feelings, no one can dominate everything, not even him. But whether it is Ororo or Jean, he will not give up.

took a deep breath, Zhou Yi quietly exited the door. He needs to solve this complicated matter as soon as possible.

Flyed directly from the school back to the own house. As soon as he entered the hall, Zhou Yi found Serana curled up on the sofa. The Vampire girl was staring at the flame hair and heard the sound of Zhou Yi coming in. She turned her head and glanced back, then she threw herself into Zhou Yi’s arms.

The girl’s attachment to Zhou Yi is so simple that it can’t be added. From a certain perspective, she is the person who exists for Zhou Yi wholeheartedly. If Zhou Yi is a big tree, he is a vine that needs to be attached to the trunk to survive. Without him, she has no meaning to survive.

So only God knows how worried this Vampire girl was when Zhou Yi fought Magneto as Dawn Knight. Far away from ten thousand li, she almost shocked her own heart when she saw the horrible scene on the news.

And these days, she has been frightened, not for oneself. It was for Zhou Yi. Although the news said that Dawn Knight had won the final victory, she was still worried that Zhou Yi could come back safely. This kind of worry kept her here these days, almost never closing her eyes.

She didn’t let her worry go until Zhou Yi appeared in front of her completely. And rushed into his arms without scruples.

Touching the girl’s somewhat dull hair in oneself’s arms, Zhou Yi firmly hugged the girl’s soft body. Whisper.

“Don’t worry, Selana. I’m back!”

The girl hearing this raised her head and smiled brightly at Zhou Yi.

“Welcome back, master.”

The return of Zhou Yi seems to have injected the vitality of Infinity into this Vampire girl. She began to work like a hardworking bee. Organize the room, prepare food, and even put a basin of hot water for Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi watched Serana doing the maid’s job with a cute smile. For this girl, this was an act of expressing oneself’s inner joy. In that case, Zhou Yi had no intention of stopping this girl. He knew that the girl’s life was actually very boring. Since she is happy, she can do everything. Because he himself has deep pity and guilt for the Vampire girl.

As a Vampire, the girl’s world is only half that of normal people. Even less, because she put everything on Zhou Yi’s own. Zhou Yi is her only support and the whole of her world. But unfortunately, she could not always be with Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi’s other identity made her unable to give him much help. The enemy Dawn Knight was dealing with was an existence she could not resist, and she did not want to appear on his battlefield to drag him back.

So Serana, who couldn’t even walk into the sun, made this house her own battlefield. She consciously became a full-time little maid. After finishing the work of Zhou Yi’s assistant, she cleaned up the home of the two of them. This became her only pastime and made her enjoy it.

This unusually satisfying attitude and obsessive love for Zhou Yi is the reason Zhou Yi loves her, and it is precisely because she has become an extremely important part of Zhou Yi’s life. No one can refuse the love of such a pure girl, even more so Zhou Yi cannot.

So doing the math, his emotional debt has reached an alarming level, which makes him feel a huge pressure. Ororo, Jean, Serana, these women who can’t let go, and also some other women who are related. He didn’t want to give up each one, but this was not what he could say. Ororo has discovered the problem, he doesn’t know what choice oneself will face.

After tidying up oneself’s melancholy caused by complicated feelings, Zhou Yi picked up his glasses and contacted Medusa.

“Medusa, I need help.”

“Sir, it’s nice to meet you. You have been out of contact for 162 hours and I am worried about your safety. You need to do A comprehensive inspection?” Medusa’s voice came, as sweet and calm as ever, but the meaning expressed was a little more human.

“No, thank you.” Rejecting Medusa’s kindness, Zhou Yi said directly. “I need you to help me contact Mr. Coulson, Medusa. The matter is very urgent, it is better to let Mr. Coulson come to me for an interview.”

“No problem, sir. I have conveyed your request. “Medusa responded very quickly. “Mr. Coulson has also responded. He will visit you in half an hour. May I ask, do you need any other help?”

“Well, Medusa. Put my weapon system in Paris Recover it. I should be thankful that I didn’t take that thing to a duel with Magneto. Otherwise, it would be annoying to make the same weapon.”

After thinking about it, Zhou Yi ordered it like this. Because he was concerned about Magneto’s magnetic control and did not wear the electromagnetic orbital launcher equipped with Adamantium spear tip, it was the most wise decision made at that time. Otherwise, I am afraid that the rare Adamantium weapon will be destroyed under the high temperature of several millions.

Although Adamantium is said to be indestructible, it has never withstood the test of such extreme high temperatures. No one can say what the result is.

“No problem, sir. I will arrange everything.”

Medusa began to arrange the recycling work independently, while Zhou Yi changed his clothes and picked up Serrana makes good green tea. Waiting for Coulson’s arrival.

Soon, this Mr. Agent who made a great impression on him came to his door and knocked on his door.

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