Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1007

A new force, especially a force that can kill so many monsters in this way, is really not what they want to see.

Because this World is too dangerous and too messy. These events in Japan and the United Kingdom have yet to clear the connection with Hydra, and according to Wilson, who has become a dead ghost, I am afraid that a group of terrifying gods and demons behind this are secretly fucking.

At this time, it was originally turbulent. When the turmoil is endless, if there are more spoilers to stir up the water even more, and even stand directly in the enemy’s camp, then It’s really terrible.

Thinking of this, the two immediately looked at each other and quickly reached an agreement.

They rushed around the city quickly and began to search for all possible information. Either the survivor, the witness, or even the person who did it all. And not long after they had just started running, a sudden shout caught their attention.

“Hey, here, here. Come here!”

That was the cry of a survivor who looked a little embarrassed, and it was the only thing General Ross and the group had encountered so far. One of the survivors. His appearance can be said to be an unexpected surprise. Because it is very likely that this is someone who knows the situation. So they immediately rushed to this person’s side, and directly questioned him.

“Are you a local? Did you see what happened?”

Hearing such a sudden question, this person was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked up carefully The costumes of these two men. Fortunately, General Ross said that the tattered clothes were not much different from the ordinary person. But Little Spider, the nano tight-fitting combat suit on him was so conspicuous that this person immediately recognized his identity.

“You are, Spider-Man? God, it is really you. Are you here to save us? Very good, really very good, I thought we would be trapped in this place What?”

This person was a little bit incoherent with excitement, and even directly grabbed Little Spider’s arm, and didn’t mean to let go of him at all. This is his excitement, and Little Spider doesn’t care much about this kind of performance.

After a person has experienced winds and waves, it is inevitable that a person will have special feelings for the life-saving straw that suddenly appears. This is just a kind of spiritual sustenance, not really what it is. In contrast, what he just said is more important.

“You mean you? How many people are there?”

Little spiders thought there was only one survivor here, but now it seems that it is not the case. A group of survivors picked up the group here, and they all survived this crisis. This is undoubtedly good news.

“We have a total of more than one hundred people. When the fog began to overflow, we hid here. Fortunately, there is an old-fashioned underground warehouse with water and food in it, so that we can persist. Up to now. And even more fortunately, there is a strange guy who solved those monsters that attacked us. We thought we were going to die. We didn’t expect that guy suddenly appeared here and took the huge The monster was directly smashed into meat sauce. God, you really can’t imagine how powerful that guy is!”

For the little spider’s question, this survivor who saw the idol immediately It means knowing everything, and answering endlessly. And from his this remark, the little spider heard two meanings.

First, they were saved because a Superhero-like existence helped them. As for the deaths of the monsters outside, I am afraid that the person who saved them and the third party that oneself is looking for are in the same camp. It can even be said to be the same person.

Secondly, for this survivor who saved own existence, this survivor seemed not at all as grateful as Little Spider imagined. He used that guy several times in his words, and he could hear it from his tone alone. Not only did he disrespect the person who saved them, but he also had considerable prejudice and great jealousy.

This immediately made the little spider strange. Anyway, that is their life saving benefactor. Even if a person is not good enough, can’t it be impossible to maintain has several points of basic respect for own life saving benefactor?

He is a young man, still bloody and innocent. So immediately, he asked this question to the survivor who was holding oneself and not letting go.

“Wait, didn’t you say that you were saved by a person? Why do you listen to your tone, you don’t seem to be grateful at all for that person’s help? Is there any misunderstanding, or do you know the identity of that person?”

“Misunderstanding? No, of course not. We don’t know who that guy is? He suddenly appeared in our Right in front of me, and after killing those monsters, I left without saying a word to us.”

Shaking his own head, the survivor’s answer became stammering.

“It’s just. You don’t think such a powerful guy, but is it too dangerous? He neither talked to us nor showed any intention to save us. I watched him put a The monster kicked it out, and suddenly smashed a building next to it and collapsed. Such a guy is just like a monster. If possible, I really hope I have never seen him. Also those damn monsters!”

Such an answer made the little spider open his mouth, but in the end he closed it silently.

This is not the first time he has encountered such a situation. A few years ago, he also saw this situation.

For the terrifying Dawn Knight, and for the Mutant, who can change the mind of human beings, human beings are always like this. They are full of malicious speculation and deep fear in the panic. It’s as if oneself will be enslaved and oppressed by these people if you don’t pay attention. Although the facts have proved that this kind of thinking is just a worrisome conjecture, there will always be people who think so, and this kind of person has never been less.

Humans cannot accept the power that oneself cannot understand. Their hearts can’t tolerate those of their kind who are beyond their tolerance. No matter how much these people do for them, they are also impossible to accept them. This is the root of human inferiority, and it is the inferior nature that cannot be corrected in any way.

Little spider originally thought that he could change this wrong idea in some way. But now, he has given up these unrealistic ideas.

He is just a person after all. And how can it be possible to change the darkest thoughts in countless people’s hearts with only one person’s power?

At this point, he chose to give up, and chose to hide his head in the sand like an ostrich, turning a blind eye to all this. Can I just ignore it? Maybe only those excited feelings that are rolling in his heart can tell him what his most true thoughts are.

The thoughts in Little Spider’s heart are invisible to outsiders. However, as a teammate, General Ross, who is also an elder, can guess how much his thoughts are.

Although he has his own opinion on the roots of human inferiority. That is what he thinks is what human beings should have, and the vigilance against possible threats. But this does not mean that he will forcefully reverse the point of view of the little spider, let him move closer to the idea of ​​own.

That was a wrong move. He who has made a mistake once will not make such a mistake again. Moreover, the little spider with such naive ideas is more worthy of his appreciation and support as a nephew. After all, Pure Heart is not owned by everyone. Compared to those conspirators who are ill-conceived, a person who can always maintain a pure concept is even more rare.

So immediately, he took the survivor’s hand and pulled him away from the little spider. Then she said to him with her identity.

“Listen, we are the rescue team from the United States. Now that you are safe, stay here obediently and honestly and wait for the follow-up rescue. Our mission is to rescue all the survivors who may be rescued. Or, don’t delay our mission because of your business. Now, tell me! In which direction did the person who saved you go?”

Many people understand the seriousness of obstructing military mission. This survivor was no exception, so he immediately stepped aside, then pointed in a direction and said to them.

“He went in this direction. By the way, sir. How long will we wait until the rescue?”

“Stay for another twelve hours. The rescue will be found soon. Here!”

Silently estimated the power of the Skyhammer Bureau, General Ross threw out such a reply. After saying this, he immediately pulled the little spider and looked straight in the direction indicated by the survivor.

As mentioned by the survivor, the more they marched in this direction, the more they could see the traces of the battle and the corpses of the monster. The density is getting bigger and bigger, and some bodies are even twitching. These are undoubtedly explained, they are already close to their own goal. And this made them immediately raise their own heart.

Is the person who did these things an enemy or a friend? This is what they have to think about. When they really saw such a guy, they were immediately stunned by the sight in front of them.

It was a hill piled up by the corpses of a hundred monsters. Warm blood with a pungent smell is flowing on the ground like a river. And just on the hill formed by this monster, a man smiled and faced them, sending out such a greeting.

“Good afternoon, two. I haven’t thought that I will meet you at this time! General Ross, also Spider-Man Peter Parker!”

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