Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1008

Faced with such an existence that can tell oneself as soon as they meet, both the little spider and the general Ross began to have an inexplicable worry.

Is this a coincidence? It was this guy who knew them himself, and only met them by coincidence. Or is it all premeditated?

Everything can’t allow them to think too much. After all, the deterioration of current affairs is already uncontrollable terrifying. So at this time, it is not an exaggeration to use any rigorous attitude to face any possible threat.

And just when they wanted to ask the person in front of them, this person had already started asking them questions first.

“Let me guess, what do you want to ask? You want to know who I am, is my purpose right? Like the seemingly shrewd, but actually very dull Bruce Banner. , Your next first sentence should be “Who are you?”

“Who are you?” I don’t know if it’s a deliberate cooperation or some kind of psychological hint that even oneself controls Subconsciously unsustainable behavior. Little Spider had already asked this question first.

Of course, after he asked such words, General Ross’s face was already ugly. He could see that the initiative to interact between them was already in the hands of the opposite person. But at this time, he was helpless in this situation. Blaming only the little spider is really impulsive. And for such a young and energetic little spider, he could still turn his face on him on the spot.

Smith Zhou, who stood above, saw the changes in these two people expression clearly. With his life experience and wisdom, it is too easy to play with such two distinct characters. So immediately, he showed a gentle smile and reported his own life.

“My last name is Zhou, Smith Zhou. If you want to ask in more detail, I can also make it clearer.”

“In the 90s , I used to be a member of the United States Navy. I served on the Nimitz as a naval pilot, number 6645648. Speaking of which, General, we are also comrades-in-arms.”

With such a heavy identity At the bottom, although General Ross did not at all completely let go of his vigilance against Smith Zhou, his expression on his face had already slightly eased up.

He was born in Marines, and he has always had a good relationship with the naval aviation department. In addition, the two are somewhat similar in age, and speaking of being comrades in arms, they can really cling to this relationship. And once this kind of relationship was established, naturally, his mind began to deviate towards Smith Zhou.

The friendship between soldiers, after all, is one of the three ironies in life. Even if it is obtained in a foreign country, this relationship is inseparable.

“On the eve of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, I was ordered to carry out a secret mission to Eastern Europe. As a result, the operation was leaked, and I was also attacked by enemy fighters. Because the enemy was too few, I was shot down in Scandinavia Via’s mountain range was rescued by local villagers, and because of the serious injuries, I had to raise the wounds locally.”

“Later, I also thought about returning to the army, but according to According to my investigation, I found that there were certain problems with the mission that I carried out that year. My comrades-in-arms and all the companions who carried out the mission were inexplicably cleaned. Even the chiefs above me had accidents one after another. This kind of The situation seems to be telling me that the failure of my mission this time has other secrets. When I continued to investigate, I discovered that there seemed to be a big conspiracy that I could not imagine.”

Smith Zhou is talking about it, but others can’t see the problem in his words. After all, these things are true, his identity and also the mission of the year are traceable. It’s just that these all are the result of his intentional arrangement. Several decades in advance, this background has been arranged for the identity of own this life, but now it is finally useful.

“I really want to prosecute these things in a military court, but I dare not do it. At that time, I already had a fiancee, and she was pregnant with my child. If I rashly Expose, or even say to show hostility to those unknown terrifying existence, then she and my child may encounter the danger of terrifying. So afterwards, I can only choose to avoid. As a dead person, I stayed in Europe. Started a new life.”

“This is where I came from, General Ross. I think such an identity should be enough to explain such a problem to you. I tell you, not at all Hostility! So, can you let go of this unnecessary guard and let us have a good chat?”

The naval pilots in 1988 can already verify specific information. Therefore, when Smith Zhou expressed such a complete set of identity in front of General Ross, he had already let go of his guard on him. The rest can be completely put down as long as you verify it a little bit.

Of course, he may not have doubts about what Smith Zhou said in his heart. However, as long as he thinks about the situation a little bit, he has already acquiesced to his statement in his heart.

In 1988, the United States and the Soviet Union were still engaged in various open strife and veiled struggles for world hegemony. Not only did United States plant a large number of spies on the Soviet side, but the Soviet Union also infiltrated many agents and swallows from the KGB on the United States side. It is not surprising that some people will betray the interests of the country for their own interests. Especially when there is an evil organization like Hydra lurking in the United States itself.

It can be said that General Ross has already thought of what happened to Smith Zhou that year. He thought of what kind of power and nasty was involved behind the so-called conspiracy.

At this time, Smith Zhou is equivalent to convincing General Ross. However, being able to convince him does not mean being able to convince others. Like a small spider, it has already found something not quite right.

He looked at Smith Zhou carefully, his eyes continuously patrolling over him and the monster bodies at his feet. After a while, he opened his mouth and asked Smith Zhou suspiciously.

“I don’t understand. Excuse me, Mr. Zhou, were these monsters under your feet beheaded by you?”

“What do you think? Mr. Parker. If you are right about these If you have any doubts, you might as well ask Mr. Banner. I believe he will give me a strong proof.”

Smith Zhou just answered this sentence, and the little spider immediately robbed him of it.

“Then I don’t understand. Since you have such a powerful force, why would you still succumb to such crafty plots and machinations? Even if you are plot against, just rely on this Isn’t it a matter of personal strength to seek justice with no difficulty? Abandoning everything from oneself incognito, don’t you think this kind of thing sounds too fake?”

“I know What are you going to say, Mr. Parker. You want to say that these actions of mine are simply unreasonable, right? Logically speaking, they are almost untenable.”

Stopped the questioning voice of the little spider. There is no change in Smith Zhou’s expression, he is still so indifferent and calm.

“But what I want to tell you is, Mr. Parker, you have overlooked a very important prerequisite. That is that my strength is not born with it.”

“This is the power I only gained in the last period of time. It is a divine force inherited from an ancient God. Before this, I was simply an ordinary person at that time, and even said Not even an ordinary person. You may not believe it, but I have been in a wheelchair for almost 20 years. This can be verified based on my identity and various entry and exit records. I don’t It’s not just talking about it. Everything I say has a solid basis.”

Smith Zhou can naturally consider the problems that little spider can think of. He has already found an excuse for everything, so even in the face of such sudden geological questions, he can still handle it well. Under his excuses, General Ross and the little spider immediately couldn’t help but look at each other in blank dismay.

Inherit the power of a God? Is this topic a bit too far beyond reality? Although everything that has happened over the years is inseparable from the God who reappeared in the world. Whether it is the birth of a new God, or the reappearance of a group of old gods in the world. This kind of thing can be said to be ridiculous. However, this is the first time I have met this kind of inherited God’s power.

Furthermore, combined with the disaster that just happened on this land, it is really hard for people to wonder if there is any special connection among them.

Be aware that the casualties in United Kingdom and Japan this time are too serious. There were more than 100 million casualties, almost more than any previous world war. In the face of such casualties, what mankind needs most is an explanation, a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, the entire human society will usher in a terrifying turmoil.

No one will have any hope for the current security, any country, any individual may worry that oneself will suffer the same fate and become the same result. Under such circumstances, the social order may face collapse, and the human system will completely collapse in the face of the fear of Death.

So, figuring out the reasons for all this is one of the most important things at the moment.

The original general Ross’s thought was to blame everything on Hydra. Anyway, all this is indeed inseparable from them. But now, he has discovered a new goal. So immediately, he asked Smith Zhou.

“You said you got the power of God? Does this power have anything to do with what’s happening here? Do you know something, hurry up and tell us!”

“Do you really want to know?” Smith Zhou, with a strange face, gave a scary smile. “This is the mistake made by human oneself?”

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