Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1010

The endless deep space of the universe. Galactus and Zhou Yi are still in the process of chasing me.

Galactus is no longer an opponent of Zhou Yi, who is extremely powerful, and even said that it is difficult to even cause a slight obstacle to him. So he can only run, run desperately. And even this simple act of escaping began to gradually become weak.

They have crossed a small distance of half the universe, passing hundreds of stars in the middle. At first, Galactus still had the idea of ​​repeating his tricks, and wanted to use these stars to delay or even seal Zhou Yi’s actions. But as Zhou Yi’s black hole power’s Infinity climbed, this kind of wise move at first has completely turned into the most stupid behavior at this moment.

All the stars used by Galactus as a tool were completely swallowed up by Zhou Yi’s increasingly powerful black hole power. As the power of Zhou Yi’s black hole increases, his power to swallow the changing star into the singularity of the black hole becomes faster and faster. This makes his power stronger and stronger, even if he is lying horizontally in the universe, just like a huge monster with a big mouth open, relying on the infinite gravitational force it brings, it can easily Destroy everything in a Star Domain.

In the face of this kind of gravity, Galactus’ speed has also begun to become slower and slower.

The gravity of a black hole is a force that even light can’t escape. In the case of this kind of gravitational Infinity intensifying, Galactus’ speed has also begun to become slower and slower, and even said that if he does not desperately escape, he will be dragged towards Zhou Yi by this gravitational force.

At this time, how dare he appear in front of Zhou Yi in this way. Therefore, he can only do his full strength to break free from this gravitational pull, even tearing the space a few times.

Be aware that space tearing at this time is not a wise decision. The space, which is the foundation of the universe, is actually affected by huge gravity. If not for the barriers of the Tearing Space, the gravitational force that Zhou Yi radiates can only spread and have an impact on the surface of the universe. Once this barrier is broken and cracks appear on the plane of the universe, gravity will directly pull these cracks and affect the deeper layers of the universe.

These Space Cracks destroyed by gravity are not as easy to close as ordinary cracks. They will have a long-term impact on the universe itself, and even interfere with the normal order of the universe itself. Such a thing shouldn’t be what Galactus, who is the defender of the universe, should do. But for the sake of own life safety, he really has no other way.

The order of the universe is destroyed, and it can be corrected again. But if the own life is gone, then there is really nothing left. At this point, Galactus thought clearly.

It’s just that, even with this kind of consciousness, even all the means are exhausted. Galactus also not at all get rid of the chase from Zhou Yi.

One side is getting faster and faster, and the other side is getting slower and slower. In this situation, Galactus has been forced into a desperate situation. He has fallen into the core area of ​​Zhou Yi’s gravity.

In this area, time and space become uncontrollable by others because of the constraints of huge gravity. Almost all control rights fall into the hands of the master Zhou Yi. In this situation, Galactus had no room for escape. He could only be forced to face Zhou Yi who was so angry.

“You have nowhere to escape, Galactus. Today, this is your land of burial.”

Waving oneself’s black fist, Zhou Yi directly The punch hit Galactus, who was almost hard to move. Under his terrifying power, Galactus’ body was immediately penetrated.

His body itself is made of energy. And the energy is really unable to resist the absorption of black inflammation with the power of black holes. This fist goes on, not only to make his body fall apart, but also to make the forces that support his existence begin to flow like crazy.

Zhou Yi’s murderous intention is not cracking a joke. He this fist simply has no reservations. Under such a heavy punch, Galactus won’t last long before he will be wiped out and sucked up.

This kind of almost extinction situation made the creation god of this universe start to roar frantically. He will roar like this, on the one hand because of his fear in his heart, and on the other hand, Because of his physical pain.

In order to survive, he began to struggle vigorously, trying to break free from this predicament, but it was of no avail. Feeling the strength of the struggle in his hand, Zhou Yi’s face immediately showed a brutal expression.

“Are you not willing to give up at this time? Don’t worry, I won’t give you any chance. No matter what you can do, you can’t change your destiny. You will definitely die here today !”

As he said, he raised his other fist. The billowing black flames lingered on his fist, causing everything to be turned upside down and twisted around the fist, and everything turned into darkness that couldn’t be seen directly when he approached the fist.

The fist was slammed, and the endless darkness also spread in the deep universe. That is the appearance of the power of the black hole swallowing everything. And such a punch, if it really fell on Galactus, then even with his strength, I’m afraid it would not be able to continue.

And at this time, an invisible force suddenly intervened between Zhou Yi and Galactus.

The distance that was close at hand suddenly became far away. Although Zhou Yi had already thrown his own fist, he couldn’t hit the target in front of oneself. His fist seemed to be going through a long journey, until the black hole in the fist gradually disappeared because of the huge consumption.

What is going on here? Zhou Yi couldn’t help but asked in his own heart. He didn’t believe that this was what Galactus did. Because he still knows something about Galactus, he is not at all this ability. Moreover, judging from the look in his current eyes, it seems that he did not do all this. Otherwise, his eyes won’t be so confused.

So, is there a third party involved? With this idea in his mind, Zhou Yi immediately began to speculate about possible goals. Generally speaking, the ordinary person is not capable of getting involved in the battle between him and Galactus at this level. Because they do not have this qualification.

In front of their power to destroy a small galaxy at every turn, let alone ordinary characters, even the daughter of Galactus is only qualified to be a bystander. This is not a battle they can intervene at all. In the entire universe, those who can participate in it are just a few people.

Thanos who gathered Infinity Gem is considered one, and Revenge Goddess is definitely one. And the rest, I am afraid there are only a few great creation gods with the same identity as Galactus, and the one behind them.

In the own universe, Zhou Yi has fought with these people more than once, and Zhou Yi, who has met each other, knows who will threaten oneself. And he immediately locked his own target on some of them.

“Infinity? Where are you, get out of here!”

Zhou Yi roared and called out a name. And in his roar, the space around them suddenly twisted.

A huge, abstract silhouette that can hardly be described with vision and language slowly emerged from this space. Then he made such a voice to Zhou Yi.

“Do you know that I exist? This is really interesting. I don’t have a presence like you in my mind. You shouldn’t be the one who knew me! Or we used to meet in another way Come here, in a way I don’t know?”

Zhou Yi did not answer her question. It increased the power in oneself’s hands again, and wanted to destroy Galactus before the creation god, who represented the foundation of the universe, actually intervened. However, he had just started to do this, but he had already discovered that the distance between Galactus and him had become Infinity distant.

That is the hands and feet of the creation god Infinity. As the existence that appeared at the beginning of the universe, the power represented by Infinity is the space of everywhere in this universe. She is the concrete phenomenon of the entire universe, and she is the sum of Space Power in this universe. Therefore, she can distort any space in this universe with only a single thought, even if this space is under the interference of Zhou Yi’s power.

Galactus was moved to a remote location by her a single thought. Zhou Yi can only see this location, but it is absolutely impossible to reach. And after several attempts were unable to break through the obstacles of this space, Zhou Yi already turned his eyes fiercely, staring at the manifested Infinity. And threatened her directly.

“Are you trying to intervene in the battle among us? Are you not afraid that you will cause trouble for oneself? Infinity God!”

“It’s really interesting, you are actually threatening me! “

Hearing Zhou Yi’s fiercely threatening sound, Infinity, who is the manifestation of the universe, gave out a hollow and huge laugh.

“Since you know my existence, don’t you know what I represent? Threatening me, just wait to threaten the universe itself. I am not a waste like Galactus. Don’t be too small. Look at me!”

She said, her body suddenly twisted. And when she reappears, she already appeared in front of Zhou Yi.

Under her mind, the invisible space began to gather like a huge tsunami, and launched an impact on Zhou Yi as the target. That kind of terrifying power can almost completely turn any existence in the universe into powder.

However, facing such an impact. Zhou Yi does not at all change any expression. The only change in him was that the black inflammation on his body began to rise frantically.

The power of the black hole is climbing endlessly, almost filling the entire Star Domain.

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