Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1011

The invisible power brought by the black hole made Zhou Yi’s whole person like a towering mountain before the tsunami.

Although the impact from the universe itself was extremely powerful, his figure still persisted without any movement. And in the midst of such an impact, Zhou Yi’s eyes became completely terrifying and cold.

“Do you think this is the first time I am an enemy of you? You are underestimating me, Infinity. I am not something you can despise!”

When he said so, he stretched out his hand to Infinity in front of oneself. In front of his Space-Time Force, which can also distort Space-Time Force, Infinity didn’t have time to react for a while, and he just grabbed his shoulder.

This made Infinity immediately shocked. She herself is protected by endless space barriers. Most people, let alone touching her, are impossible to connect to her. But now, this barrier is just like paper, it is directly penetrated. And for the first time since her birth, she was touched by a stranger.

This is not a funny thing, but a really dangerous thing. Because he was immediately holding Infinity, Zhou Yi exploded with huge and destructive power in the hands of the owner.

Since the force of gravity can interfere with space itself, it can naturally cause damage to Infinity, who is the incarnation of space. Zhou Yi is very sure of this, because he did this before. Of course, for Infinity, it’s not like this.

She never imagined a similar situation. It’s like she never thought Zhou Yi could reach her. This made her reaction completely slow. And what this step brings is the worst result.

Zhou Yi’s destructive power directly affects her body. And this physical body, which represents the universe itself, could not withstand his destructive power at all. Almost immediately, Infinity was crushed into pieces by Zhou Yi in a scream.

Of course, this does not mean that she was wiped out by Zhou Yi’s power. That is fundamentally impossible. Unless it is said that Zhou Yi can wipe out the entire space of the universe in an instant, otherwise he is basically impossible to destroy Infinity, who is the incarnation of space, in such an attack.

This kind of action can only make Infinity feel painful, and then Zhou Yi will lose part of its power in a short time. Such a situation can’t hurt her roots at all, but it can make her feel endless anger.

As the creator of the universe, she suffered such humiliation for the first time. And this caused her to re-evolve a body immediately, and yelled at Zhou Yi from a great distance.

“You dare to take action to me! Do you know what you mean by doing this? You are provoking the universe itself, you are making oneself no longer able to stand in this universe . No matter who you are, no matter what background and origin you have. You will be rejected by this universe. I represent the universe itself and curse you!”

It’s not an empty curse, Nor is it unfounded and untargeted. Infinity said so, naturally it has the formidable strength that she can represent to play a role. That is the power from the universe itself, the recognition of her will by the universe itself. And under this unexplainable magical power, Zhou Yi immediately felt the repulsion of the universe itself.

Everywhere, everything. It’s as if there are countless assassins lurking by your side, and launching a thunderbolt blow at you anytime, anywhere.

Although this situation will not cause Zhou Yi to suffer any great harm, it is enough to cheer him up and deal with it carefully. Because this is Space Power after all. In destructive power, Space Power is always the most powerful type.

However, there has always been only a thousand days to be a thief. There is no such thing as a thousand days to guard against thieves. No matter how stupid it is, Zhou Yi is impossible to keep oneself in this awkward situation. So he immediately drove the power of the own black hole, so that the burning black flame directly covered the whole body of the owner, and then completely swallowed the surrounding space.

The black hole itself is an existence that cannot be contained in space. Its power is an area that space itself cannot involve. And when Zhou Yi swallowed this space with the power of a black hole, Infinity’s curse on him was immediately equivalent to being wiped out invisible.

Unless he removes the protection of the black hole, the power of Infinity simply won’t work on him. Of course, this matter itself is two-way. If Infinity doesn’t lift the curse on him, then he can only maintain this state forever. And this state almost meant that he could no longer touch any ordinary existence.

This is naturally unacceptable to Zhou Yi, and it immediately made him growl at Infinity.

“I have the ability to fight with me just and honorable. With these methods, is it worthy of your identity as the creator of the world?”

“Stupid!” Infinity will The figure was hidden in the endless cosmic space, and he began to peek at Zhou Yi from the dark. While peering, he said mockingly at Zhou Yi. “Who do you think I am? I am an existence that appeared before any civilization in this universe appeared. I am the rule, I am the order, and I am the Supreme being. You think those ridiculous civilizations have established moral values ​​and Can values ​​have any effect on me? It’s ridiculous.”

“Maybe you can rely on your own power to protect yourself from my curse, but you are absolutely impossible to get rid of my curse .If you can’t directly destroy you, then torture you, make you feel painful, make you feel resentful, this is what I want to see. From the moment you touch me, Everything is already ordained. You This stupid existence, you will be entangled with my curse forever.”

“Damn! You despicable fellows, still shameless as before.”

Gritting his teeth in resentment, Zhou Yi could only temporarily forget the stupid curse of Infinity. Regardless of the five great gods of the universe, each of them has prominent identities, and they are almost standing at the highest point of this universe. But in fact, you can’t look at them from a human perspective.

They will not know shame, nor will they understand what honor and dignity are. For these almost ancient existences far beyond any history and civilization, it is actually a futile and stupid behavior to send any human emotion to them. Because they simply don’t care about this, they only care about the most real interests.

In other words, want to make these guys yield and change their own minds. Then we can only proceed from the perspective of interest. And this is the most difficult thing.

However, thankfully, it is not the first time Zhou Yi has dealt with these guys. So he knows how to deal with these cunning and realistic guys.

Booming with the power in oneself’s body, Zhou Yi made the power of the black hole on oneself’s body become larger and larger.

Because of swallowing enough stars, Zhou Yi has transformed numerous black hole singularities in his body. And when such power spreads, it can no longer be accommodated by one or two small Star Domains.

boundless, grandiose. Almost instantly, the powerful gravitational fluctuations caused by black holes swept across dozens of galaxies, encompassing a field whose diameter is measured in light years.

In this field, there are a large number of stars. For Zhou Yi, these stars are a new source of power. He desperately stirred his own gravity, causing the weaker ones of these stars to collapse directly under his gravity. And before these stars collapsed into new black holes due to the collapse of the internal matter, he had already incorporated the seeds of these black holes into his own power.

This further increased the power of the black hole in his body, and also made the gravitational waves in this domain covered by his power heavier. Under such gravity, most planets have begun to naturally undergo Disassemble changes. And because of the attraction of gravitational waves, countless materials rushed into the middle that represented the existence of black holes.

Zhou Yi’s power makes everything here disappear, whether it’s life or civilization, whether it’s magnificent celestial bodies or microscopic matter, even the time and space in this field. Ended and destroyed by his huge black hole power. Become a completely nihilistic existence.

And in this change, Zhou Yi’s power began to become more powerful, and his behavior also began to become more and more unscrupulous.

He began to move horizontally, as if a battleship that no stronghold one cannot overcome is rampant in the sea of ​​the universe. Therefore, all the existences he touched changed towards nothingness. And this situation has already touched the bottom line of those creator gods.

Although they are different from human beings, they don’t care about the ideological things that ordinary civilization advertises. However, they have a bottom line to abide by. That is their interest, their duty.

Guarding the cornerstone of this universe and ensuring the order of this universe is what they must abide by. Because these are the basis for their survival, and they are their core and cornerstones. And what Zhou Yi is doing now is to cause essential damage to their foundation and cornerstone.

The things destroyed by his black hole power can never be repaired. Whether it is material or time and space, it has all become nothingness. This kind of order without civilization in the void needs Galactus to maintain, and there is no concept of space for Infinity to manage. There is even no soul, let Death accept new people.

Everything is completely gone. Nothing left. Even said, making these creation gods feel scared. The fear of Death.

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