Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1012

As the creator gods of this universe, will they die?

I am afraid that no who has considered this issue. It is even said that even if someone has considered such a problem, after knowing a certain fact, they will find it very ridiculous.

Even Death itself is a member of these five creation gods, how could they possibly be Death? And put it another way, how can you kill a group of abstract incarnations that represent the basic rules of the universe? I’m afraid the average person can’t even think about this question. And even if you have an idea, it may be difficult to put it into reality.

However, for Zhou Yi, this may not be impossible. Because of his strength, he can do such a thing.

The nothingness created by black holes simply does not belong to this universe. It has neither the concept of time and space in this universe nor the difference between life and death that matter and life. It is equivalent to a rare beast that does not belong here, which swallows everything, lying horizontally in the vast sea of ​​cosmos, and posing a devastating threat to everything here.

And if such a rare beast is allowed to run wild in the universe, what will happen?

I am afraid that everyone is unpredictable, but Zhou Yi already knows the answer. Because he has done this kind of thing for many years, and that result is definitely not a good thing for these aloof and remote creation gods.

Infinity and Galactus may not know what this result is, but with their instinctive reaction, they can perceive the threat of Zhou Yi’s behavior. So immediately, Galactus yelled at Infinity.

“Don’t let him go on like this. In this way, his strength will grow endlessly. At that time, even if you and I work together, I’m afraid you won’t be able to stop him. At that time, I am afraid that the catastrophe of the entire universe is about to come.”

After fighting with Zhou Yi for so long, Galactus naturally knows how terrifying Zhou Yi’s power is. And he is also the person who can best imagine the consequences of allowing him to develop like this. This made him unable to resist issuing an own warning. Regarding this warning, Infinity, who is also the creator of the world, is somewhat disapproving.

Although it can be regarded as a sibling born to a mother, Infinity is not much to see for the existence of Galactus outside the specification. On the one hand, the birth of Galactus is indeed a coincidence. From their point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that he was born by a stepmother. On the other hand, it is because Galactus’s strength is too weak compared to them.

For their existence, being weak is to be bullied and despised. Naturally, what kind of treatment Galactus would enjoy among them can be imagined. He has almost no right to speak, and with this premise, Infinity simply can’t trust him too much at this time.

However, she has some own judgments. Like the situation right now, she could see some threats. So immediately, she began to manipulate the space around the black hole, stacking layers of these invisible existences into a huge and majestic force, trying to destroy this special black hole in the most violent and direct way.

However, when she did this, she suddenly realized that the idea of ​​own seemed to be too simple.

No matter how heavy she accumulates Space Power, no matter how much she raises the abilities that the universe has given her to the limit. For this black hole power controlled by Zhou Yi, this is useless. That would only increase its food out of thin air, making his power more powerful.

And soon, Infinity also realized that the situation was beyond control. She started to feel tricky, and she was a little hard to choose. At this time, the advice from Galactus gave her a direction.

“Don’t let him continue to swallow those stars, think of ways to move them out. Otherwise, he will gain more and more roots of power, and that will make us more and more uncontrollable Live him.”

Infinity at this time, realistic enough, had to accept Galactus’s suggestion. She began to control Space Power to move the stars. Although it sounds a little unbelievable. But this is completely what she can do. She controls the great power of space, and as long as it is in this universe, almost everything can be controlled by her in this way.

Only a few people of this kind of power can be exempted, and now it seems that she will add another person to her list.

Although the destructive power that Zhou Yi deliberately spread out lacks the root of its continued growth, it will not be changed by Infinity’s actions. Infinity can only temporarily ease its spread, and for the damage it causes, she is still powerless.

Even if it is such a temporary way of coping, it itself is at the cost of destroying the fundamentals of the universe.

The stars of the universe itself are the source of life. Almost all civilizations rely on the shining of stars to obtain their nascent seeds. Some civilizations can rely on own development to get rid of stars, but the civilization of overwhelming majority still depends on stars to exist.

Infinity’s action of moving away the stars is almost waiting to be used to destroy the glorious civilizations. Even though she could use the same saying that they were dead, whether they were dying in this action of hers or dying under the power of Zhou Yi to prevaricate. But she can’t change another consequence of oneself moving away the star.

Be aware that stars are not only the root of life, but also the most irritable Destroyer. A star can illuminate a wide Star Domain, bringing life and warmth to this Star Domain. However, that is when keeping a sufficient distance. If it is too close to the star, then most situations end in devastation.

And Infinity’s impatient behavior is simply unable to take into account this characteristic of stars. She just moved away these stars at will, and this will inevitably cause accidents of this kind. For example, the distance of the star becomes close enough to a civilization. For another example, a certain civilization suddenly discovered that there were two more suns in the sky. These are all catastrophes for them.

Civilization is fragile and cannot withstand such tossing. Even in the most fortunate situation, Infinity’s move has turned thousands of civilizations and Star Domains into the domain of Death. All of this is already inevitable for Infinity.

The two evils are the lesser ones. In this case, Infinity can only choose to sacrifice them. However, although she also admitted that this was a sacrifice, she had to admit that the sacrifice she made, not at all, had any deterrent effect on Zhou Yi. He is still there, and is still undergoing destruction and destruction.

“What should I do?” Infinity was helpless. Facing such a special and terrifying enemy, she has no better way.

“How about? Let’s negotiate with him.” Galactus suggested that, for him, who is already afraid of Zhou Yi, taking a step back is actually not an unacceptable thing.

But for Infinity, who has suffered a loss and hates Zhou Yi, this is an unacceptable thing.

“Don’t think about it. Negotiating with him, is there any difference between this and surrendering to him? Don’t forget, you are a member of our noble creation god, and your approach is simply Lost our face!”

“To lose face is more important than to lose your life. Such an existence is worthy of us to deal with him as equals. I am more worried than talking to him. This is the serious consequences of such continued hostilities.”

The Zhou Yi who was staring there, the deep fear and fear in Galactus’s eyes were completely revealed.

“Are you not worried at all? Because of this guy’s power, everything that maintains this universe will be completely destroyed. When this universe is completely gone, you think we might still Will it continue to exist?”

Infinity had naturally imagined such a situation, she was not so stupid after all. It was just reason that made her believe that the existence in front of her couldn’t do that. Which step we take is equivalent to destroying this universe. This kind of thing, any reasonable person should not be able to do it. Moreover, not everyone can see such things happen.

“I don’t believe he can do that. Even if it is possible, I don’t believe that those guys will just watch this happen. Don’t forget, this is our universe. If this universe is destroyed, not just me, none of them can escape!”

Infinity fiercely’s words left Galactus with nothing to say, and just after she finished her words , A gentle female voice suddenly rang in her ears.

“You are still the same as before, Infinity. You are still such a small mind’s eye, don’t you know that you two guys caused all this?”

“Death , You shut up for me.”

With a fiercely curse, Infinity immediately showed how bad the relationship between her and Ms. Death really is. It seemed that she was already familiar with her reaction. The silhouette of Ms. Death just smiled, and then turned her gaze to the huge monster that was devouring everything in the distance.

“I felt Death’s Infinity expansion, but no souls entered my kingdom. I thought there was a big change, which turned out to be like this. Who is this?”

Speaking of which, she suddenly changed color. His eyes also became extremely focused.

“He does not exist in this universe.”

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