Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1019

Ganata’s mood is urgent now. Because she has realized what kind of danger the own father is in.

That is a kind of danger that may be destroyed at any time, a state that has been betrayed by the people. It can be said that if she takes one step at night, then she may lose the irresponsible father forever. But this is something she absolutely cannot accept.

So she is extremely anxious, and has already done oneself’s best efforts to catch up with this section of the road. But in the end, she was still a step slower.

When she hurried to the last place, all she could see was Galactus, who was about to be burned by the black flames. And such a scene immediately plunged her mind into a state of collapse.

“Dad, father!”

“Ganata?” Galactus, who was barely calm at first, immediately became flustered when he looked at the daughter who suddenly appeared in front of oneself. . “Why are you here? Leave, leave me!”

“Father! Why did you become like this?” Unbelievable Ganata simply didn’t mean to leave, she almost rushed He went up and shouted at Zhou Yi who was standing next to Galactus. “It’s you, did you do all this to my father! You damn… asshole!”

She wanted to rush up and take her own father from the black Liberated from the flame. But before she could get closer, Galactus was already shouting and stopped her.

“Don’t come, don’t touch me. This will kill you! Ganata, listen to me, leave here, never come back, never show up in front of this man. This is what he promised me, he won’t hurt you. As long as you don’t do stupid things, you can live a good life. So listen to father’s words and leave here, understand?”

“You If you are such a bastard father, why should I listen to you!”

The tears were already uncontrollable on her face, but Ganata rushed towards Galactus as she did her own way. But this time, Galactus was cruel and used oneself’s last strength to blast Ganata out.

This of course allowed Ganata to temporarily avoid the danger of being surrounded by black flames, but it also allowed him to have less time to persist in this World. With the consumption of his last bit of strength, his entire body was completely covered by black inflammation.

The black hole is devouring everything about him. This is really a ridiculous ending for him who has turned Devouring All Living Things into oneself food. But he didn’t laugh at all, nor did he show any anger or even madness. At this moment, he has only meaningful warnings, the apology that he has as a failed father, and the last worry about oneself child.

“Sorry, Ganata. I am an unqualified father. Since your birth, I have never given you something that father should give you. I have never hugged you or accompanied you. You do not spend more time on you. These all are I owe you. Therefore, you don’t need to do anything for me, let alone take risks for my failed father. . You can completely forget me and live your own life. So, will you promise me?”

“No, never!”

Don’t even bother to wipe your face off With tears, Ganata rushed up again and shouted at Galactus hoarsely.

“Since you know that oneself owes me, then give me back. What are you like, do you leave? Do you want to owe me forever? Bastard, give me back. I I want you to come back, do you hear me! I don’t let you go, don’t let you go!”

“I’m sorry, Ganata. I’m sorry! You have to stay alive…”

The hoarse roar can’t stop the destructive steps of the billowing black flame. Therefore, in Infinity’s anger and sorrow, Ganata could only watch his own father spit out the last last words, and then smiled, completely wiped out by the black flame, and no trace of existence.

This made her cry immediately. The pain of losing father became the fear of being alone and the hatred of the enemy. At this time, almost all the emotions were gathered together and turned into an unstoppable torrent, impacting her heart and reason, let She completely recklessly launched a charge towards Zhou Yi.

However, this kind of desperate charge is essentially the same as a kitten that has just been born and has not yet fully developed its baby teeth. It is fighting against a huge brown bear. In the end, it is simply not used. Think more. However, after all, Galactus was given a promise, Zhou Yi did not eliminate her idea.

He just waved his hand and relied on his own infinite power to immediately turn Ganata into a stream of light, and flew back in the direction she rushed at a faster speed. He just wanted to teach Ganata a little lesson, so that she could learn to retreat. But his goal is not achieved at all. Because at this time, a person appeared behind Ganata and caught her body, then turned around and faced him.

Two completely different Zhou Yis just met. And such a scene is not within Zhou Yi’s expectations. He could only stiffen the body of the own black giant, silently facing the oneself of this world.

Looking at such a familiar appearance, Zhou Yi’s brain is not as dull as other people’s. Just like looking at oneself in the mirror, no matter when and where, you can recognize it at a glance without hesitation. And he naturally recognized the identity of the person in front of him at first sight. The identity of this person is almost exactly the same as oneself.

This made him silently put down the girl in oneself’s hands. Then the whole body began to agitate the golden fire and radiance.

It’s like lighting a fire and releasing a light in the endless darkness. The endless light and fire were then released in this way, and then rolled around. The plowing sweeping hole usually sweeps away all the darkness here.

In this way, an incomparable gigantic sun appeared from the endless darkness, showing the most proud and stalwart body with endless brilliance and light. And when the golden body, surrounded by endless light and fire, appeared stiffly in front of the black giant, and dealt with him coldly like almost a mold carved out. Zhou Yi’s vast and majestic voice was already overwhelming to the other like a stormy sea.

“Is this the other me she was talking about? Yes, I can feel your connection with me. You are indeed me! But who are you? Why are you here? Who are you?”

I asked a few who you are, which shows what kind of confusion Zhou Yi is in his mind at this moment. He was very sure that what oneself met was not a twin brother, and definitely not a human clone. What he encountered was oneself, oneself that couldn’t be more real. And why such another oneself appeared, he couldn’t understand in his heart.

But it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t understand it, because he has made up his mind to ask the truth from the owner’s mouth even with his fists. And whether he can do such a thing, Zhou Yi oneself is very confident.

However, for his confidence. As another of his catastrophes, I can’t understand it. No one is more familiar with oneself than oneself, especially when oneself becomes another him. So Haojiao immediately smiled at Zhou Yi.

“When you ask me this kind of question, it doesn’t matter whether you are wondering whether you can get an answer, at worst, you force me to say the answer with violence?”

Such a response made Zhou Yi startled immediately. But soon, he wanted to understand the reason.

“Did you guess it? That’s right! You are me. It’s not surprising that you can guess my thoughts. Now that you have guessed it, should you make a choice? What? Tell me the answer, or do I get the answer I want to know from your mouth!”

“You know? Zhou Yi. We are the same person! So we all have the same A problem.”

Haojiao not at all answered Zhou Yi’s question, but with a mocking smile on his face, and said to him in a casual tone.

“We are all arrogant, extremely arrogant. The power we have from the moment of birth makes us almost despise everything in this world. Nothing can threaten us, nothing can We feel scared and helpless. We are like the protagonists of this World. We are completely greeted by the conceit of a winner to everything oneself faces. And you know, what I hate the most is this damn arrogance! “

Speaking of the catastrophe here, it was a sudden attack. The huge black body surged up like the endless darkness hiding the sky and covering the earth, and directly drowned all the light.

It has become a catastrophe of the build-up of multiple black holes, and it is no longer what Zhou Yi, who has only one solar power, can resist. Although the sun is so powerful, it can destroy a Star Domain in the blink of an eye, but in the face of a larger black hole power, all of this will be eclipsed.

So, almost immediately, Zhou Yi’s body of King Ming was directly controlled by the dark giant. His power is suppressed by the power of the black hole, and his body is also controlled by the gravity of the black hole. As a result, he could only be buckled around his neck and gathered high in midair. As a loser, present in front of the other.

And Haojiao just stood in front of him, and stretched out a hand, leaning into his chest.

He extracted a long sword like this. That was Levording, the Levording that he had grasped. The blazing black flame is already spreading on the sword, which means that in terms of control, Levodin has chosen a new owner. While waving this special Divine Sword like this, Havoc said to Zhou Yi like this.

“Go back to your little world. You don’t need your presence here. Your life is to stay with those people, not to appear here. If you don’t want something to make you Regret things? If you don’t want to make my mistakes again. Just go back. This is my last warning to you. Last time!”

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