Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1020

What a proud and arrogant Zhou Yi is. Under this naked threat, he naturally refused to make any degree of compromise.

And this is also expected in the catastrophe. If you can easily accept such a request, then Zhou Yi will not be Zhou Yi. However, it doesn’t matter whether he accepts it or not, because the idea of ​​the catastrophe is that even if it is forced, you must accept this request. And he actually did exactly that.

The Zhou Yi incarnation of King Ming was pinched by the neck, and Levodin, stained with black flame, immediately penetrated his chest.

It’s just an incarnation. Such a sharp blade penetrates naturally and it is impossible to cause fatal damage to him. However, the black flame entangled is enough to have a more profound impact on him.

This kind of flame has just penetrated into King Ming’s body, wandering around every corner of his body like a tarsus maggot. As the power of a black hole, this kind of flame naturally devours what exists. Therefore, no matter the kind of light or the kind of flame, under this kind of uninterrupted erosion, it gradually became dimmed.

Without the support of these kinds of original forces, Ming Wang’s huge body immediately began to fall apart. He was forced to become the original human appearance. And when he made this change. The black flame is already with him and penetrates into his original body.

This made Zhou Yi immediately feel a burst of weakness. It was as if a big bottomless hole had suddenly appeared in own body, consuming all his power endlessly. This was a feeling he had never felt before, even when he was reversing time. So immediately, he couldn’t contain the fear in his heart, and shouted and asked another oneself.

“What did you do to me?”

“What did I do, I just made the most correct choice. I won the most unnecessary for you Cumbersome!”

The fingers stroked some Levodin’s swords, making this Demon Sword, which represents destruction, tremble slightly as if it had spirituality. That’s how the catastrophe said to him.

“Zhou Yi, I know oneself too well. Although it looks like we got everything oneself wants, is that really the case?”

“from the very beginning At the time, we were losers. Want to be a hero, but become a devil in embarrassment. If you want to be a good person, you can only be worldly-wise and play safe. Even if you just want to be a good husband and a good father, After all, it’s just a failed husband and a failed father. In this life of ours, looking back at the past, what is it? Is it a joke?”

For his question, Zhou Yi not at all Give any reply. Because of all this, he himself does not agree with it. He has the idea of ​​owning. In his own life, he doesn’t feel that oneself has too many regrets. And this also made him realize the difference between oneself and the person in front of him.

They seem to have disagreements on something, and this also created the birth of this completely different own. What can this be? Before Zhou Yi had time to think about it, Haojia interrupted his reverie with own words.

“I don’t expect you to figure out what I think. Because you can’t imagine what I’ve experienced! Your life is still perfect, but I’m already empty. Zhou Yi , You have everything that makes me envy and even jealous, but you don’t cherish these. So I can only find a way to make you learn to cherish. Therefore, I will take away your power.”

“You like to be nosy. Isn’t it because of the power you have? You never let go of the idea of ​​a hero in your heart, isn’t it because of the sense of responsibility that this power brings you? In this way, I will take all this away from you, so that you can no longer have the ability to do such stupid things. Don’t worry, I won’t take everything from you. That will only make you totally incapable The waste. I leave you with enough power to protect yourself above Earth. You will give me stay on that planet forever and ever. Obediently and honestly do what you should do!”

As he said so, he flicked the Demon Sword in his hand. And this immediately caused a long snake woven with black flame to appear in Zhou Yi’s body, wrapped in pure gold energy, and completely pulled out of his body.

This is the power that Zhou Yi possesses and is his root. And the end of this is that Zhou Yi, whose power instantly fell to the bottom of the valley, completely lost consciousness, just like a meteorite without any power, floating and wandering no one to rely on in the empty universe.

This kind of ending was something Ganata didn’t expect at all. She couldn’t believe that another Zhou Yi was actually there’s no resistance in front of this guy. And this made her want to avenge oneself father’s mind directly become an unrealistic fantasy.

She is very unwilling, very unwilling. But no matter how unwilling it is, there is no use. Because the catastrophe standing in front of her was as majestic as a mountain that could never be climbed over. In front of him, she simply didn’t even have a trace of courage to fight.

Although she wanted to fight to the death desperately, her reason was telling her that even if she did that, it would be difficult to hurt him. And that’s what her dead father would never want to see.

So she hesitated, shy away, and even flinched. And all this fell into the eyes of the catastrophe. He stared at the tiny girl in front of him, and smiled a little contemptuously at her.

“Why? Are you scared? This is not surprising. In the face of absolute power gaps, you should be afraid and timid. Be reasonable, little girl. You should be clear, can Standing in front of me without being killed by me is your father’s hard work. So, isn’t it okay to live well? Why do you do such a stupid act?”

” Kill my father!” Shaking, but still roaring like this. While Ganata burst into tears, she did not conceal the hatred in oneself’s eyes. “Now you let me choose to give up? Don’t you think it’s funny? Zhou Yi. Sooner or later, sooner or later! I will kill you and avenge my father!”

“Whatever you want “.” Flicking his own finger frivolously, Havoc showed the expression of to disdain as beneath contempt. “I made a deal with your father. So I will let you live. Of course, this premise is when you make the right choice. If you say, what you did I cannot tolerate, it threatens me Things, then even if I make a promise to your father, I will destroy you desperately. Although, I don’t think you will have such a day, but I still have to give you some warnings. Anyway! Remember! Live it all. Then, take him away from my eyes, where he came from, and where he went back! Otherwise, don’t go anywhere!”

This naked threat makes Ganata gritted her teeth with hatred. But reason limited her and made her not at all make any outrageous actions. At this time, she just stared at the black giant in front of her with hateful eyes, and then she hugged Zhou Yi’s body without saying a word, and jumped directly into the void crack pulled apart by oneself.

This is a smart girl. Although at first, her behavior is no different from that of a little girl who grows up. But under the blow of losing her father, she has quickly become mature. Such a change is in the eyes of Zhou Yi, so he will inevitably attach more importance to her in his heart.

Maybe she can bring some trouble to oneself if she gives her a chance. So is it to take advantage of her to get rid of this opportunity?

Different from the oneself who still retains the excess tendency to clemency, Zhou Yi’s heart has already been sharpened into the sharpest and bloodiest blade. Who he wants to kill, simply doesn’t care about her origins, her identity, as long as she is threatened, then no matter who she is, there is only one dead word.

It can be said that the only thing that maintains Ganata’s life at this time is the agreement left by him and her father. For the sake of this agreement, Zhou Yi finally suppressed oneself’s murderous intention.

“I just hope you don’t do anything stupid, otherwise, even the promise to your father will not protect you!”

Leave such a sentence, Zhou Yi immediately disappeared into this endless universe. And when he reappears, he has already returned to the place where he traded with Infinity before.

Ms. Death and Eternity are still there waiting for him. In other words, they are still waiting for a final result. The appearance of Zhou Yi already gave them the answer. And this answer made Ms. Death sigh slightly, but also immediately smiled at him.

“It looks like everything is doomed. Should I congratulate you? The person who inherited the position of Galactus, the new order defender of the universe?”

“I think , You should congratulate me.” Zhou Yi duly admitted to Ms. Death’s name. At the same time, he immediately questioned the two creation gods. “Why did you put those two guys here? Don’t tell me that you can’t stop them. This will only make me doubt your sincerity in cooperation!”

“A daughter wants to save his own father, we Not at all Reasons blocking her reasons. As for the results? I want to use her power to have no effect on you. Isn’t it?”

Cunning’s Eternity not at all mentioned another The existence of Zhou Yi. And Haojiao did not mention him tacitly. He just said so.

“This is the last time. Now that we have become an alliance, then I don’t want our face to be ripped off like this. You know, if our relationship breaks, then You are the one who suffers the loss!”

“Of course, everything is as you wish!”

Eternity promised. And whether they will do this, no one is sure.

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