Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1021

The warning from the catastrophe to Ganata still echoed in her ears. She knows very well that oneself at this time shouldn’t have any thoughts. Even if you want revenge, you need to accumulate enough strength. However, looking at the guy who looked exactly like her enemy in oneself’s arms, she couldn’t help but feel murderous.

“They were originally the same person, they were originally the same person.”

She is trying to convince oneself with this statement. Because she knows very well that even if oneself exhausts her life’s efforts, I am afraid that there will be no day that she can avenge her father. So, since you can’t avenge yourself, then another way to kill the guy who is the same as that guy in front of you should be the same.

This is a typical escape mentality. Because there is a powerful and invincible shadow of catastrophe in deep in one’s heart, Ganata can only vent the resentment in oneself’s heart to Zhou Yi, who is almost exactly the same as catastrophe. This is a ridiculous idea that I can poke two holes in the enemy’s clothes even though I can’t kill the enemy. And now, Ganata has the urge to put this idea into practice.

Do you want to kill or not?

If you kill it, the best time is right now. Zhou Yi can now be said to have completely lost the ability to resist. In addition, most of his power has been taken away by the catastrophe. Even if he can wake up in time, I am afraid he has no ability to stop oneself from doing something to him.

And if you don’t kill it.

Then I am afraid there will be no such opportunity in the future. Even Zhou Yi, who has lost his strength, is not an own opponent. The women in his family are not easy roles. Ganata is very clear about this. And what she is particularly afraid of is the existence of Jean Grey.

Having inherited Galactus’s energy to feed on energy, she can clearly feel what kind of terrifying power is hidden under the slim body of Jean Grey. That kind of power can be said to be no inferior to Zhou Yi in front of him. Once they unite, I am afraid that the universe creator god like oneself father will have to a strategic withdrawal.

There is only one opportunity. Should I do it or not? For a time, Ganata was caught in a dilemma.

She hesitated for a long time, and also wandered for a long time. In the end, she made such a determination. That is to choose to let go of Zhou Yi in front of me.

She knows exactly who oneself hates. And this Zhou Yi should not be a substitute for her hatred. He should be oneself an important partner on the road of revenge. Because since the catastrophe took away his power, there have been conflicts and festivals between them, and as long as they are used properly, he may not be able to help the owner.

Ganata, who wants to understand this, no longer has the venting thoughts he had before. Under this premise, Zhou Yi’s safety has become more important.

Sending him safely back to his home in this way should be a way to build relationships with some people. As long as you can have a good relationship with Jean Grey, you may not be able to let her stand up and help them in the future. And once she had the help of these people, she might not be able to find the catastrophe to avenge her.

With such a thought, Ganata has rushed back to Earth at the fastest speed. At this time, she was thinking about vengeance. As for human beings, it could be said that she was completely out of consideration.

Human beings are too weak after all, so weak that they cannot get involved in her affairs at all. Considering them or not, simply doesn’t make sense. It’s just that she didn’t expect that when oneself returned to Earth, she immediately received a great gift from humans.

Humanity, because of everything that has happened recently, it is almost noisy. Among them, one of the most special claims is that the who class did not receive God’s protection in this disaster.

They are not without own God. The existence of King Ming is almost universally known. But why didn’t he come out to protect oneself? Why are they silent, like a statue, allowing countless humans to be persecuted and bullied by those monsters?

Ordinary people do not understand this question anyway. Only those who are at the top of humanity will know, Ming Wang! Where did God, who really existed in the human world, have gone?

He went to the depths of the universe with Galactus’ daughter. And this made him completely ignorant of what happened in the human world. Just like a huge conspiracy, some people deliberately took advantage of this special time to arrange all this. It was precisely by taking advantage of this special opportunity that they caused the greatest loss in human history.

The world became completely chaotic because of their actions. The entire mankind is like a wooden barrel full of gunpowder, full of danger of explosion anytime and anywhere.

At this time, the entire high-level humans are impatients who need to get a security measure. This makes them extremely looking forward to Zhou Yi’s return. Of course, they can’t control Zhou Yi’s behavior, or even monitor his whereabouts. However, it is different for Ganata.

Ganata has posed a threat to them, especially her sudden intrusion, which made every ruler of human society feel her terrifying. Even the tightest control center could not stop her from entering, not to mention their security forces.

So, in order to prevent similar things from happening again, especially to the oneself group of people. They immediately started, and a group of people led by Reed Court Academecian developed a simple device.

This device can determine her position by capturing the energy wavelength of Ganata. Although the scope is limited, it is enough for this Earth. Therefore, as soon as she appeared within the range of Earth, human beings realized her coming. Moreover, they immediately made corresponding preparations.

Ganata was stopped by one person as soon as she returned. Seeing this guy who had the courage to stop in front of oneself, Ganata immediately couldn’t help but yell at him.

“Don’t stop me. I don’t have time to waste with you now. Get out of my sight, or don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

“Why, little girl . Are you so impatient?”

The person who stopped in front of Ganata said with a smile, and at the same time, his eyes were involuntarily placed on Zhou Yi who was in her arms. Body. This made the smile on his face quickly converge. And, even the eyes have become subtle.

“Or, do you want to do something to the person you hold like this impatient?”

“It has nothing to do with you, get out of my sight !”

Unable to investigate the identity of the person in front of him, Ganata directly raised his hand and waved an unrolled bolt of white silk-like radiance, wanting to make this impossible to tell good from bad The guy rushed aside.

But this is a radiance that should be able to repel any Superhero on Earth. In front of this guy who suddenly appeared, not at all played its due role. That person just waved his hand and crushed the unrolled bolt of white silk into countless fine shavings.

“You can’t say that. Little girl, especially if you are holding my son. Give him to me! Otherwise, I can’t guarantee that I won’t do anything to you!”

Not everyone knows what the outcome of this conversation from Earth’s outer space is. For most Earth people, they don’t even know what is happening in such a space.

They are just panicking because of this chaotic situation. In this panic situation, Clarice, who is the Captain of the Huiyao SWAT team, is busy because of his own idea.

At this time, it has been nearly a week since what happened in United Kingdom. And at this time, something special happened inside the Skyhammer Bureau.

That is the Avengers code-named Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff formally submitted an application for resignation to the superior of own. You know, as the only unit that achieved a mission to save civilians in the entire United Kingdom incident, even though the Avengers were not able to achieve perfection. But they still became one of the few bright spots in this event.

Those tens of thousands of children’s lives have become their merits, and such merits are enough to make them have better treatment and higher status. This should have been a good thing for them. Especially agents like Natasha are almost destined to become a member of the senior staff of Skyhammer in the future.

But she does not at all accept this honor. Instead, choose to submit a resignation application at this time. And it does not accept any form of retention.

If it were before, such a request would definitely not be accepted. However, because of such a great amount of credit on her body, even if the Skyhammer Bureau was reluctant to do so, she could only pinch her nose to accept her request.

And this makes Clarice, who has always been well informed, think that oneself has a wonderful opportunity. An opportunity to hire Natasha.

Know that as a female agent of the cream of the crop in the entire human race. Natasha can be said to have unparalleled professional capabilities in this area. For such a talent, Clarice, who has already devoted himself to the career of special police, is actually very envious. It’s just that because of Natasha’s special identity, she didn’t at all seizing food from the tiger’s mouth. But it’s different now. She has retired, and with her always good relationship with Huiyao City, is it not easy to hire her?

With this thought, Clarice came to Los Angeles alone.

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