Sun God Marvel

Chapter 104

Looking at the deadpool who was still chattering while lying on the ground, the brains flowed out, Beast Hank, known as the big blue cat, couldn’t help grinning. He is not because of happiness, but pure fear. Anyone who sees such a scene will definitely have this kind of psychology in his heart. Where is the living person cracking a joke like this.

“Mr. Wade Wilson, are you closing your mouth. I will find someone to glue him together, and before that, I will put all the bullets in this pistol They are all shot into your mouth.” Zhou Yi, who was already bored, threatened fiercely directly. He knows what this guy nicknamed Deadpool is, if you give him a good face, he can put paint on your face and make your face bright for a lifetime.

Deadpool’s face suddenly changed, and then the pale dead fish eyes shrank into a small gap. Big tears flowed straight down.

“You are so aggressive to me, even my mother has never done so. Who do you think you are?”

“Well, I feel a little bit guilty. Consider it. Now, hug the cute little Wade for comfort? Of course, it would be better to give a little material reward. “Don’t think about it, the following sentence must be said by the fellow Deadpool.

To this, Zhou Yi’s reaction was to pull the trigger directly at his body twisting on the ground like an earthworm. The bullet of a large caliber opened a lot of holes in his body, beating him like a tattered sack. But for Wade, not at all.

From a certain perspective, he is the most powerful person in this world undying. Even Vajra Wolf Logan may be under him.

“Oh, you are so cruel. I’m sure you will use domestic violence against him after you have a child. I will always monitor you. When you do that, I will sue you. Court.”

“Don’t doubt, little Wade is such a good person who cares for the growth of children and has a harmonious family.”

“Damn, no one can shut this guy up. ? Also, who on earth called this guy over.” Zhou Yi had to admit that he was really defeated by this guy’s words. He really doesn’t want to see this unimaginable guy for a second now, because it’s very possible that in the next second he can’t help but throw him on the fire star.

“Don’t you know this guy?” Hank blinked and opened his mouth. He thought that Zhou Yi’s acquaintance was coming, otherwise Zhou Yi wouldn’t use such a skilled posture to lash him.

“Trust me, if I knew this guy before, he must be traveling in outer space now!” Zhou Yi solemnly vowed assured. He can use his actions to prove how firm his determination is.

“Hey, travel in outer space. This is not a good idea. As far as I know, there are no Mexican pie for sale. Of course you can bring me some. But the hot Mexican pie is not tasty !”

The Deadpool who has gotten up digs out the hole in oneself’s forehead, tilting his head and said. He is giving Zhou Yi’s suggestion a little bit pertinent evaluation. Of course, this pertinent evaluation is based entirely on his cognition.

“Wade?” Zhou Yi turned his head and asked happily. But Hank is certain that his heart must be as intense as the volcanic eruption.

“What? Also, don’t call me Wade, that’s too rusty.” Deadpool put his arm on his chin, making a look of thinking. Soon, he snapped his fingers and made a yelled appearance. “Just call my dear little Wade, this is enough to show that we are good buddies.”

Gritting his teeth, Zhou Yi’s mouth made a low voice.

“Then, Little Wade. Tell me why you are in this place?”

“I said, add my dear. Do you have intermittent amnesia Oh? Oh, that’s really pitiful.” Deadpool reminded him kindly, of course, it definitely doesn’t sound like that to others. “If you rush to the hospital for treatment now, maybe you will be saved!”

“Sorry!” In the puzzled eyes of Hank and Wade, Zhou Yi stepped forward and held it directly. Deadpool’s neck lifted him up. Then took him step by step to the outdoors.

At this time, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zhou Yi’s anger had exploded, even if he was an idiot, he knew to restrain himself. But Deadpool is still carrying on the great cause of owning and killing.

“Hey, you can’t do this. I have human rights, you got stuck in my neck. You know! If you continue like this, I will really turn my face, and I will never let it You called me my dear little Wade!”

Lightning usually punched him directly on the head, making the chattering nonsense temporarily stopped. Of course, Zhou Yi did not intend to kill him. If you want to kill this guy, it’s useless to rely on your fists. He did this just to make the pesky guy faint for a while. And this time is enough for him to solve many problems.

Faced with Zhou Yi monster-level power, even Deadpool, who already possesses an undying body and surpasses humans in physical fitness, can only be forcibly suppressed. The monster-level regeneration ability can only make him undying, which does not mean that he will not have other negative states. Coma is also possible.

Although the time is not long, it is enough for Zhou Yi. He summoned his whole body strength, took the bitch in oneself’s hand as a shot, and almost turned oneself into a small tornado, and threw him directly into the distant sky.

Under the huge acceleration of centrifugal force and the terrifying power buff, the little deadpool Wade obtained an initial speed no less than that of a rocket. He tore open the flowing clouds all the way in the high-altitude sea of ​​clouds, drawing waves of air, and even rubbing layers of flames on his body. Flying with a tail flame can be experienced at any time. Zhou Yi can also be regarded as helping Wade a little bit, bringing him some extraordinary experiences.

Looking at Deadpool falling into a dense wood like a cannonball, after smashing through countless trees. Zhou Yi is only satisfied with the patted hand. As for what little Wade will become, he doesn’t care at all.

After watching Zhou Yi solve the guy who called himself Deadpool, Hank asked, “It’s okay to do this, also who is this guy?”

“Don’t worry, you saw it too. He is undying, which is just a small problem for him. As for who he is, I only know one thing, he is an annoyance, you definitely don’t want to get involved. Worry!”

Hanke seemed to be nodded with a lingering fear of thinking of the heinous nonsense just now.

“You are right, he is really annoying. So what should we do next?”

“Find someone and find the Mutant who attacked the president.” Already Zhou Yi said directly with a clear plan. “The information in my hand shows that General Stryker holds a large number of Mutant military bases, you know. With the style of the American army, they can use any method. So it is difficult to guarantee that Mutant will not be brainwashed by them. There is a reason to believe that this Mutant was sent by him to attack the president, otherwise it would be impossible. It was a coincidence that Professor Charles was attacked by them on the way to Washington. They must have paid attention to Charles for a long time and even made a careful plan. “

“What you said makes sense, but it is possible that other people did it. For example, Magneto. He also has a reason to attack the president.” Hank said oneself’s most suspicious target, Erik said He has always played the worst role in his heart, so he will substitute him in any unfavorable situation. This is determined by his past memories and feelings, and others cannot change it.

“Magneto does not have this leisurely heart. He is impossible to arrange so many things in such a short time. Moreover, he was still fighting with me at the time, in the situation where the outcome is unknown. He is impossible to release. Instead of doing his variant proliferation plan, he sent people to attack the president of a country.”

There was silence for a while, Hank nodded, he agreed with Zhou Yi’s statement.

“Then, I will let everyone pay attention to the trail of the Mutant, but it is estimated to be very difficult. His ability is to move instantaneously. In less than ten seconds, he broke through White House’s Defense, I doubt that we can catch him.”

“He was shot by the president’s guards, in this case. He will definitely find a place to hide to avoid official searches In addition, I very much doubt that General Stryker will let him return to his own base. That would be a risk for him. The general of the army dispatched Mutant to attack the president, which is a charge of treason. He will not. So unwise. Especially when his plan has been successful.”

“So, that Mutant must be alone in hiding. He is Stryker’s abandoned son, but for us , But it is the key to finding them. No matter how difficult his abilities are, we must catch him.”

Zhou Yi’s analysis is clear and logical, enough to make the thoughtful Beast Hank think. convince. But for this Mutant, Hank also has an own idea.

“I know two people who can help us find this guy. Use the professor’s mind diffusion device. However, these two people have some problems.”

“Who?” Zhou Yi asked directly, if it was Mutant, he believed that in this case, anyone would choose to help. Even if he has a big problem.

“One is Emma Frosste. A strong mentality Mutant. But her position is opposed to us, and you may not find her. She is a highly classified Member of the organization, and also the CEO of a large family business. It’s not someone you can point to.”

“Whether you can find it is a problem, and whether you can find help or not is another problem. Good. Well, who is the other person, don’t tell me his problem is bigger.”

“No, she is simple!” wild beast frowned. “But what worries me is her mental problem. Her mental condition is not good now. I think you should ask her for her opinion first.”

“You said Jean Grey. “Zhou Yi also frowned. He didn’t want to involve Jean, especially when she was mentally troubled.

“This is something that can’t be helped. I think you should have a good chat.”

After a while of silence, Zhou Yi nodded. At present, it can only look like this.

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