Sun God Marvel

Chapter 105

Deadpool’s mess is not useless. At least Beast Hank had to stay and repair it because of the Blackbird plane being chopped off by him. They also need to go to the vicinity of Washington to find the Mutant who attacked the president. They can’t do it without transportation. Therefore, Zhou Yi had time alone with Jean Grey.

And when Zhou Yi walked towards Jean Grey’s location, he always had an inexplicable heart palpitations. This kind of palpitations made him always unconsciously put his own eyes on Ororo who was sleeping. Ororo’s sleeping silhouette doesn’t let him let go of the weirdness in his heart. On the contrary, some guilt grew even more.

A woman can still be so silent after knowing that her lover has cheated, just mention it a little bit. There are only two possibilities, one is the deep love, and the other is not loving him anymore. Ororo was able to give his life for him, which has proved how deep her love is. But in the same love, Zhou Yi could not give her wholeheartedly.

He habitually divides own love into many parts, at first he thinks that oneself will reap the sweetest part. But when all the love sprouts and grows into one after another magnificent fruit, he finds that oneself can no longer choose.

He is impossible to give up others for the sake of one fruit. It is a heavy blow for him and for those who have been given up. Moreover, the greed from deep in one’s heart made him unable to let go. Morality and conscience were defeated in the face of greed. However, he always teases his heart from time to time.

This kind of provocation always gives him the urge to impose all the sins on oneself. If this prevents those he loves from being sad, he will do it. Unfortunately, this does not achieve this effect.

Should I regret that oneself loves too much? With such doubts and guilt, Zhou Yi came to Jean Grey’s door.

took a deep breath, he lightly knocked on the door.

“Jean, it’s me. Can I come in?”

There was a panic noise from behind the door, soon. The door was opened, and Jean Grey, who was wearing black clothed and a little pale, stood behind the door. She looked at Zhou Yi who was standing outside the door with a slightly surprised smile on her face.

“Yi, are you finally awake?”

Looking at the blushes on her pale face, Zhou Yi was slightly surprised. He hurried up to hold Jean’s shoulder, just as he expected. Jean’s body has become very thin, the feeling of thinness is no different from the appearance of recovering from a long illness.

“Jean, you are sick. No, Mutant will not be sick. You are injured, what’s the matter. Who did it?” His words were urgent and short, exposing his inner tension At a glance.

Feeling his care, Jean Grey has a bright smile on his face. She held the big hand on oneself’s shoulder and pulled him into the house.

“Don’t worry, Yi. My body is okay, but my own Telekinesis is overdrawn. I have been training these days, and my body has improved a lot. Sorry, I have not been taking care of it all the time. By your side. As you know, with Ororo, I can’t be so obvious.”

Jean Grey spoke as much as he could in front of Zhou Yi. Since the last time Dark Phoenix broke out of the cage, she found that her own will began to weaken. The little distance she had with Zhou Yi began to become smaller and smaller, and at the same time, Zhou Yi’s position in her heart became more and more important.

During the days when Scott disappeared with the professor, she discovered that oneself had never thought of him in a dream. Instead, I have been thinking about Zhou Yi who was sleeping. If it wasn’t for Ororo to stand in front, she would really like to stay by his side, waiting for him to wake up.

To some extent, this is the reason why her personality affects her. However, the same also shows that they themselves have begun to merge with each other. Jean Grey has accepted the existence in her body. Although only in certain aspects, it also means a new beginning.

“You don’t look like there is no problem. Jean, will you let me see?” The scorching temperature passed down his palm to her body, and for a while it was Jean Grey. There is warmth in his heart. Facing Zhou Yi, she found that oneself became more and more difficult to say. So she just nodded meekly.

Jean Grey’s room is the same as Zhou Yi imagined. Simple and elegant, the huge bookcase is the most conspicuous piece of furniture in the whole room, and the books on it make the whole room full of book fragrance. Secondly, like all other women, the wardrobe occupies the second place. There is a saying that a woman’s wardrobe will always be missing a piece of clothing. To put it another way, women will never dislike having a small wardrobe. Jean Grey also has a large enough wardrobe. As for how many clothes there are, Zhou Yi is not in the mood to explore.

Compared with the two, the position occupied by the bed in the room is not so conspicuous. Near the window, a simple single bed with a white mattress was placed there. The faint sunlight shining on it makes the black private items wrapped in the quilt look particularly eye-catching.

Jean. Grey obviously noticed this too, she broke Zhou Yi’s hand quickly, rushed up and pulled the quilt to block the things underneath tightly. After doing all this, she was still cautious Asked back.

“Tell me, you didn’t see what is underneath, did you!”

“I swear I didn’t see it!” Putting his finger up, Zhou Yi said again It is against your heart. But women just like to hear this, and Jean’s face immediately showed sighed in relief. However, she was still very cautious, so she sat directly on the quilt in order to prevent people from delving into it. The quilt is crushed to death with own weight. At the same time, he said very naturally.

“Just sit down, you can see it too. I simply don’t have a place for more people to stay here.”

“It’s enough for us to stand on the ground. , Isn’t it?” Zhou Yi laughed and sat directly beside her. Took her hand. “Don’t think too much, let me see if I can make you feel better.”

Speaking, a golden streamer escaped from his body. These streamers are flying like golden leaves in this small room. Almost in an instant, they stained the entire room with a transparent golden-yellow.

Looking at the scenery, Jean Grey’s eyes flowed with deep curiosity. She stretched out a hand and lightly touched the golden leaves beside oneself. Upon touching them, the golden leaves suddenly Turned into countless fine golden particles, swarming into her within the body along her fingers.

An indescribable sense of satisfaction came from her body. She felt that Own’s body was recovering rapidly, both the old wounds deposited in the battle or the wasted physical strength began to disappear. Her body was changing towards the best situation, and soon she reached a perfect state.

“What is this?” Jean Grey couldn’t help but ask, feeling the changes in his body. This kind of power is simply magical, like the glory of heaven, with the power to dispel all pain. It is conceivable that if this kind of power appears on those devout believers, it is entirely possible that the church will define it as a new saint. But she knew that the man in front of her was completely unbeliever. In his mind, oneself is more practical than the so-called God.

“This is the ability that I just awakened. I call it the gift of the sun. He can transform the energy stored in my within the body into a powerful Life Strength that can be instilled into others, so that their bodies can recover To the healthiest state. It’s a pity that this power is far less useful for myself than for others.”

As Ms. Death said, when he was resurrected. His life essence has undergone tremendous changes. He is no longer a man, but a god, the star of Eternity. As a god, he obtained the greatest star, the power of the sun.

This power is one of his powers. The sun is the father of the growth of all things. He uses own radiance to make all things grow, keeping darkness, cold, and pain away from the lives under his light. And this power represents the power of the sun, which can disperse all the negative powers and restore life to the most healthy state of oneself. Any life accepted by the sun can do this.

“The gift of the sun, it sounds like a magical name. You are the spokesperson of the ancient Egyptian High Priest, Sun God pulls in the world?” Hearing the name Zhou Yi, Jean endured Don’t help saying with a smile. She immediately thought of the Egyptian mythology and the high-ranking priests drawn by the Sun God recorded in ancient documents. With this ability of Zhou Yi, I am afraid it will become a real High Priest in that era.

“I am Sun God, do I need to be endorsed by others?” Zhou Yi half true half false said with a slightly tilted mouth. And just like he thought, Jean Grey immediately slapped him lightly.

“You come here less. If you are a Sun God, at least you have to have a white horse with flames burning all over your body and a huge golden war chariot to travel to count.”

Heaven knows where does this standard come from. The golden war chariot is easy to say, but where do you find the white horse with burning flames? So for a while, Zhou Yi could only stare at him, acting as if there was nothing to say. You must know that he himself turned into God in a daze, and he has no idea what happened. Not to mention that I have a lot of understanding of the biological energy in those myths.

Looking at Zhou Yi’s speechless look, Jean Grey showed a smug smile on his face. There are not many opportunities for him to show such an expression. But for Zhou Yi, she couldn’t bear to embarrass him too much, so she immediately cleared the siege.

“Well, I will let you go this time. If there is another time, I will come according to my standards. Also, I forgot to ask. Why are you coming to me for? Did Ororo find out?”

“I asked Ororo to take a rest. Her spirit is too tight recently, and she needs a good rest to relax.” Zhou Yi counseled his shoulders and picked it up first. I told you.

“Sorry, my fault.” Mention of Ororo, Jean’s face also darkened a bit. “My mental state is very unstable, and sometimes suddenly runaway will hurt those students. Therefore, I can only watch her carry everything alone.”

“This is not you My fault, Jean. Everything will be okay.” Lightly comforted, Zhou Yi said his intention. “I will help you solve the current problem, and I have found a breakthrough. Maybe soon, we will be able to rescue the professor.”

“Save it? You mean the professor has an accident Yes?” After keenly discovering the problem in Zhou Yi’s words, Jean Grey exclaimed directly. She always thought that the professor had to leave the school just because of something important suddenly, and she didn’t think about the direction in which the professor was attacked.

Charles’ formidable strength has been deeply imprinted in her heart. She had no idea that such a powerful person would be attacked and taken away. This simply broke through the limits of her imagination.

And when she knew all this, anxiety suddenly rose in the mind. For her, Professor Charles played a role like a teacher and even a father. The feelings between them are deep, just like real family members. How can she not worry about family problems?

“Yi, where is the professor? What happened to him?”

“Don’t worry, Jean. The professor should be fine now. I came to you just to use your power to find That clue. I promise that we will save the professor.” Holding Jean Grey’s hand, Zhou Yi solemnly promised.

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