Sun God Marvel

Chapter 106

Ororo woke up and found Zhou Yi next to the bed and Jean Grey sitting on a chair with an unnatural face.

The moment the two were together, Ororo felt an unspeakable resentment. The sentence he said to Zhou Yi was not without reason. She hopes Zhou Yi can reflect on own behavior. This can be considered reminds Zhou Yi that she is his real girlfriend, not Jean Grey.

But watching Zhou Yi appear here casually with Jean Grey, she knows that Own’s thoughts have been completely lost. And when I think of this, grievance and anger rise in the mind. She almost had an urge to scold them.

But she still didn’t do it after all. This is useless except to push Zhou Yi to the other side. As for crying to pray for emotional stability like those cowardly women, she can’t do that. She is a strong woman, emotionally she will only fight for it instead of making senseless pleadings.

So she forced a smile on her face and asked them.

“Yi, why are you and Jean here?”

Zhou Yi certainly understands what she means. In fact, he didn’t tell Jean about Ororo’s discovery of their secret, because he didn’t know how to say it. Since you don’t know what to say, don’t say it yet. Waiting for time to pass, maybe things will slowly turn around. This is an evasive thought. But apart from this, Zhou Yi really can’t imagine.

Grabbing Ororo’s hand flatly, he straightened his face and said, “The professor has news. But it’s not good news. To find clues to the professor, we must rely on Jean’s power. Go with the professor’s psychic device to find a guy with an annoyance.”

“Who are you looking for?” Ororo asked, something related to the professor’s safety was enough to let her temporarily let go of oneself’s inner feelings.

“The Mutant who attacked the President!”

In the deep underground of Xavier School, in a room deeply enclosed by a closed steel door, there is a huge spiritual augmentation instrument Put it there. This is the ultimate weapon belonging to Professor Charles, through which Charles can spread the own mind to every corner of the world and every creature. Of course not only Charles, but any Mutant with useful mind control abilities can use it, but in their hands, the deterrence produced by this instrument is far less than that of Professor Charles.

Zhou Yi They don’t want Jean to do the level of Professor Charles, they just want her to find a special Mutant. This is not difficult for Jean.

Wearing a helmet with a strange shape, Jean Grey poured his own Telekinesis into this instrument, and the instrument quickly reacted. It doubled the volume of Jean Grey’s Telekinesis. With the extension of Telekinesis’s tentacles, the area covered is far beyond what one or two cities can describe. That is the vastness that envelops an entire country.

“I have seen the hearts of many lives, their voices, and also some disgusting voices.” Jean Grey, who closed his eyes tightly, began to tell the world that oneself felt. Obviously, what she felt was a world that was not very pleasant.

This kind of feeling Zhou Yi has also experienced similarly. When his super vision was just born, it once brought him great torture. Whether it is the spectrum in nature, various artificial light, or even things that suddenly appeared in the distance, they brought him tremendous visual stimulation. It took him a long time to restrain this uncomfortable feeling.

And now, it’s Jean Grey’s turn. At the moment when she spread out own Telekinesis, countless whispers reflected in her brain. This is not the sound that is really heard with ears, but the unabashed language in the inner world of countless people.

Someone once said that if the most real things in the human heart are expressed without any rhetoric in language, then the overwhelming majority is ugly that cannot be seen directly. What Jean Grey hears in his mind now is the most original ugliness. Her brows began to frown deeply, because these spiritual Evil Thoughts had begun to impact the depths of her heart.

There, the cage of her mind has begun to shake, and the black Phoenix has begun to struggle.

“Jean! Control your own power, you have to learn to block these sounds.” Feeling the abnormal Spiritual Fluctuation on Jean Grey’s body, Zhou Yi quickly stepped forward and held her hand. Called in his ear. At this time, he has ignored Ororo’s feelings. The spiritual world is a very dangerous place. Once injured here, it is likely to cause unimaginable consequences. This is especially true for Jean Grey.

They took it for granted before. What Professor Charles can do does not mean that anyone can do it. After all, Professor Charles is the most powerful mind manipulator in the world, and the power he possesses can do that. even more how long life experience is enough for him to cope with all this. But Jean Grey can’t do it, her power itself is very limited, and the lack of life experience is also a fatal flaw. even more how Before this, she herself suffered a certain amount of mental damage.

Zhou Yi has already started to blame himself. He looked at Jean Grey’s expression nervously. If there is anything wrong, even if it is destroyed here, he must make sure that her is safe.

However, things finally moved towards a good direction. Jean Grey’s face slowly calmed down, and after a while of silence, she said suddenly.

“Successful, I have blocked those voices. I am searching now, but there are too many targets. I can’t find the right direction.”

“The professor said, This instrument can distinguish the difference between Mutant and human. It can identify the difference in Spiritual Fluctuation between them. Maybe you should block the Spiritual Fluctuation of humans and focus on finding those Mutants.” Ororo said, walking forward, she lightly Touching Zhou Yi, Zhou Yi retracted his own hand in embarrassment.

Jean Grey’s shoulder quivered slightly, and soon she had the result.

“All the Mutants near Washington are already under my test. There are hundreds of them. It is difficult to tell who is the one who assassinated the President.”

“You can pay attention to the changes in their psychological details. He just assassinated the president, was injured, and was abandoned by the organization behind oneself.” Zhou Yi quietly reminded that with these reminders, he believed in Jean Ge. Lei will soon find what oneself is looking for. In psychological research, she is truly a top student.

“Wounded, it must be very painful. His spirit must fluctuate due to physical pain. We are not sure what his original intention is, but after discovering that oneself was abandoned by others There will be despair and confusion. Coupled with deep sadness, these strong Spiritual Fluctuations are difficult to appear on the same target!” With Zhou Yi’s reminder, Jean Grey began to carefully search among these Mutants. In contrast. It didn’t take long for the goal to be clearly visible.

“Buddy, I think I have found him. He is in the suburbs of Washington!”

“Jean, link to my spirit, let me take a look at our goal Who!” Taking the initiative to let go of own Telekinesis, Zhou Yi wanted to use the guidance of Jean Grey to lock this target with super vision.

Different from Jean Grey and Professor Charles, Zhou Yi’s Telekinesis is also very powerful, but the type is different. Among them, the most versatile is Jean. Her Telekinesis can be transformed into pure kinetic energy, or it can penetrate into the world of the mind. This may be because of Dark Phoenix, in short, her powerful unique and unmatched.

Professor Charles’s Telekinesis volume only focuses on the spiritual world. His Telekinesis cannot appear in the material world, but he is the king of the spiritual world. No one wants to fight him in the spiritual world, and the world’s strongest spiritual master is definitely not worthless.

As for Zhou Yi, his Telekinesis can only appear in the material world. In other words, he has no spiritual talent at all, it’s just that Telekinesis is too powerful to give him the ability of telekinesis. And it was just like this, he couldn’t penetrate the spirit of own into anyone’s heart like teaching them. The powerful Telekinesis has little purpose other than protecting his mind.

However, without any talent in this aspect, Telekinesis alone can form telekinesis that affects reality. It is enough to prove how terrifying his power is. At this point, Jean Grey immediately had a deeper understanding.

When she linked the spirit of Zhou Yi, she saw a oneself unimaginable wonder in the world of the soul. In the vast and quiet starry sky, a huge Divine Bird appeared in front of her. The huge body was burning with radiance and flames like the sun. Just looking at him mentally, there is a feeling of facing the sun.

In front of such a majestic and powerful existence, she is a little hard to breathe, even some begin to stir. That was the most straightforward reaction of another existence deep in her heart. She is longing for the existence in front of her. This longing has spread to her own thoughts, making the real her suffer.

“Jean?” The huge Divine Bird lowered her head and asked, she could feel the concern in the golden eyes. This concern sprinkled on her like a basin of cold water, and her somewhat confused mind immediately replied.

“I’m fine!” she said quickly. “It’s just a bit shocked. This is your mind and why it is like this.”

“To mold the mind into a state of oneself in the thinking of fantasy, this is what I learned during my cultivation in China. Only However, it was only recently that there was a final breakthrough.” Zhou Yi’s deep voice came from the bird’s beak. He didn’t lie, but only covered up the most important details. Like Ororo, for Jean Grey, he didn’t dare to confess that oneself had become God.

Both people have something to hide, so neither of them wants to continue this topic. In order to cover up, Jean Grey directly transferred the locked direction of oneself to Zhou Yi’s mind through a spiritual link.

With the indicated direction, his super vision has directly become the most accurate monitoring system in the world. Mountains, rivers, deep valleys, cities, countless obstacles were seen through directly under these eyes. Almost in an instant, he saw the guy oneself was looking for. A weird Mutant.

Blue’s body is wearing some funny old-fashioned suits. Behind him is also a flexible tail like the devil in is legend. At this moment, he was kneeling in front of a cross, Divine Idol, and his expression was chanting religiously. If it weren’t for seeing the bullet marks on his hand, Zhou Yi even suspected that Jean had found the wrong target. But obviously, this is the existence they are looking for.

“I think we can set off, he can’t escape.” Locking this guy, Zhou Yi said confidently. If he was caught in his eyes, then stop thinking about running away. Because that is absolutely impossible.

Jean Grey and Ororo glanced at each other, both of them were a little uncomfortable. But still mutual nodded. The situation here cannot tolerate any delay.

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