Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1040

Smith Zhou, completely based on his own preferences, directly placed the ulterior truth behind this disaster that shook the world before everyone. Facing such a truth, everyone who saw everything he said fell into an unimaginable chaos.

Someone couldn’t believe what he said, and completely regarded it as a deceitful word. And this also made them extremely hostile to the existence of Smith Zhou.

Some people believed his words, which made them feel emotional about the government’s explanation. They felt that oneself had been deceived, so they began to attack the government. In this kind of attack, various museums have become their first targets for venting.

Compared with ancient historical relics and precious classics, the safety of own life is the issue that everyone is more concerned about. If the lives of oneself and oneself’s family are threatened because of some cultural relics collections that have nothing to do with oneself, then no matter what the origin and value of this cultural relic, it is absolutely not allowed to exist.

It can be said that since Smith Zhou made those remarks on the talk show, United States, Europe, and various historical museums have been under pressure from different aspects. There are demonstrations organized by the people, orders from big companies behind them, and pressure from the government. These pressures are unbearable for any museum. Under this pressure, the museum had no choice but to start returning these cultural relics to the own Place of Origin.

However, they are willing to post, but those in Place of Origin countries may not be willing to accept it. Except for China, which is not rejected, only Egypt has expressed willingness to accept the returned cultural relics to a limited extent. As for the cultural relics that cross-existing between European and American countries, they are completely in a state of wrangling.

If it’s just some artistic paintings with a mysterious nature, it’s okay to say that those cultural relics in the is legend itself, or all kinds of religious things, are completely rejected At the door.

This kind of mutual wrangling not only makes the collection world chaotic, but also makes people in various countries full of hostility. As the initiator of everything, Smith Zhou disappeared without a trace without anyone knowing.

Of course, it cannot be said to be disappear without a trace. Because if you really want it, the Skyhammer Bureau can still contact him. At the same time, some other people can also find him, such as Alexia. For another example, Hydra Captain Steve Rogers.

In a small town in North India, Steve Rogers sits on a street seat.

He is well-dressed and he is holding a thick book in his hand. He looks so dazzling in this small town where people from the lower castes are generally dirty. However, he was quite calm, and he had no worries about being recognized as oneself.

Of course he doesn’t need to worry about anything. Because this is an almost impossible place to be monitored by modern technology. No one will focus on this poor, backward and conservative place. Don’t say anything about the agents of the Skyhammer Bureau, even if they are omnipotents that have been promoted all over the world, under their conservative and superstitious atmosphere, it is difficult to insert them.

Stay in this place, as long as you don’t make too much noise, it is basically impossible to be discovered. And Steve was here just for a meeting, so naturally he couldn’t make any big noises.

Almost early in the morning, he sat here. In the middle, he sent a group of begging children, a few idle young men who wanted to steal things, and a group of men who were chattering at you to sell useless products. It wasn’t until Late in the morning, near noon, that Smith Zhou walked over leisurely, and then sat down beside him.

“You are late. Compared with the appointment time, you are two hours late!”

When I said this, the expression not at all on Steve’s face There was too much fluctuation, but Smith Zhou could still understand the sullenness in his words. This made him grin, and then he put it on Steve’s shoulder while explaining to him.

“You know, as long as I want to come here, I can come here in an instant. And since I didn’t show up on time, I can only explain one problem, that is, I was held back by something It’s a foot.”

“Will you be dragged?” When asked this, Steve’s voice was clearly raised. Obviously, he did not believe Smith Zhou’s explanation. “Did you meet Zhou Yi? Or did you see Mephisto who had come back from the dead, and were forced to chat with him for a while?”

“Please, your words are so mean!”

Although it was ridiculed, the smile on Smith Zhou’s face was not at all changed. He looked at the group of ordinary Indians around him with thin faces and old clothes who were almost refugees, and then pointed to their complacent expression and said with a smile to Steve.

“Do you know? The people in this country are very interesting. If you say it seriously, it should be the only remaining country in this World with obvious class differentiation. I came here more than a thousand years ago , This is what it looks like. I came here more than a thousand years later, and it still looks like this. It hasn’t changed at all, including the feeling of the people here. Do you know what it means?”

“What does this mean? Does it have a necessary connection with you when you are late?”

Steve asked rhetorically, and in the face of his rhetorical question, Smith Zhou smiled slightly. Continue to say.

“Let’s do it. I’ll tell you an interesting story, which is also something I saw on the road. When I ate with Alexia yesterday, I gave one of them who seemed to have just grown up. The thin child got a banknote as a tip. I originally wanted to give him another copy this morning, but I didn’t see the child this morning. I thought he was still and so on after changing shifts. But the waiter next to him was They gave me such an answer.”

“They called that child a lucky child, and they said in small talk that it was because I gave him a banknote as a tip. He doesn’t need to do it here. If you are alive, you can have a good time for a while. Seriously, I wonder, I not at all gave him a check worth a million. Then a hundred dollar bill that has depreciated in any one In a more developed city, at most two or three hours of hard money. Is it necessary to be as outrageous as they say?”

“With this kind of curiosity, plus the time agreed with you It’s still early, I stopped by to take a look at the child’s situation. Just like the waiters said, he is really enjoying the joy of life. Playing cricket and picking up girls. You may not be able to imagine , That is, one hundred dollar bills, he spent 1,000,000 feeling. It can even be said that many millionaires may not be as comfortable as he is.”

“This shows something Is it?” Frowning his brow, Steve asked Smith Zhou like that. He didn’t understand what Smith Zhou just said. As for his doubts, Smith Zhou just patted his shoulder, and then said to him seriously.

“This shows that this youngster is very content in life. And he is actually just a microcosm of this country. You may not believe it, but I want to tell you, like this youngster, Indians who are willing to have fun in time But it occupies a huge proportion.”

“They rarely want to think about other things, whether it is the future or whatever, it is too far away for them. They only care about the present, Just thinking about having fun in time. And at this point, Indians can be said to have reached the limit. Not everyone can hold one hundred dollar bills to make oneself live as gorgeous as having a million fortune. For them For example, even if tomorrow is the deepest hell, but as long as I can live happily today, then everything will be fine. As for tomorrow, that will naturally be something that needs to be considered tomorrow.”

” What do you think is such an attitude for the entire human race?”


Smith Zhou just asked, Steve immediately gave his own Reply. And his answer is obviously not impossible but only these two words. So soon, he added.

“I think this is a numb thought, a state that is almost as terrifying as adding drugs. Optimism is not at all wrong, but like you said, even a little further away I don’t care about tomorrow’s future, and only care about having fun in time, then this is the biggest mistake. I don’t even want to own the future. What is the difference between a human being and an animal. Just because of a little benefit, I can leave behind the guarantee of oneself life. Work. Is this stupid? Or ideological stupidity?”

“It can be said that just by your description, I can think of this child’s future. He must have no future at all. Yes. Because his own doesn’t have this thing in his own eyes. This is the case today, and he will still be like this in the future. Even in the past several decades, I’m afraid he will still have nothing. And if such an attitude to life appears in the entire human race If you do, then I can only say that mankind is probably not too far away from extinction!”

“You are right!” Nodded, Smith Zhou agreed with Steve’s analysis. Then he asked. “Then do you know what caused this result?”

Steve hasn’t given an answer yet, and Smith Zhou oneself has already said to himself.

“I tell you, all this is because of religion. When I came here more than a thousand years ago, it was during the rule of the Guishuang Kingdom. And more than a thousand years later I came back here. At that time, this place has ended colonial rule and entered a new era. Although it looks like this on the surface, to me, only two things have not changed here!”

“One It’s the kind of person I just told you. Also one, it’s the religion here!”

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