Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1041


Hearing that Smith Zhou suddenly mentioned this term, Steve immediately frowned deeply.

“Are you saying that the attitude of human beings here is related to religion?”

“Steve, you have to understand. Any kind of lifestyle and attitude Formation cannot be compared to the long and lasting unnoticeable influence. And in this long influence, there will never be a more effective existence of religion. God’s wisdom is above mortals. As they rule The tools of mortals, the role of religion is absolutely beyond your imagination.”

Steve not at all completely believes in this remark, he has his own judgment. Taking the own feeling as an experience, he immediately retorted to Steve.

“I have been in contact with religion, but I don’t at all feel that religion is as terrifying as you say.”

“Are you talking about Christianity?” I understand what Steve said. , Smith Zhou’s face immediately put on a playful smile. “Trust me, Buddy. If you’ve lived through the dark Middle Ages ruled by Christianity, you would never think so. It’s not the age of nobility and churchman tyrannically abuse power, as the textbook says. In this era, things done by foolish people can break your bottom line perception.”

For this, Steve doesn’t doubt it. Because he knew very well that the person in front of him came from that era. The history he knew was just a memory for Smith Zhou. Comparing the real memories with the written history of others, which one you will believe more is a self-evident question.

However, Steve not at all is so easily persuaded. He looked at the expressions that oneself passed in front of him, which seemed to him to be a weird Indian. After carefully speculating about some of their situations, he asked.

“I still can’t imagine. Just a religion, can they turn them into this weird and numb look?”

“You know, some religions The enlightenment ability of is very terrifying. And in this land, there is still a system that complements the ability of religion. The caste system, an ancient and distinct system. This system is compatible with the religion here. Can let The poor humans, who occupy more than 90% of the equivalent to slaves in this country, are accustomed to own life and even satisfied. I said that there are not a few examples like that child, he is just a microcosm of countless Indians. . If you look carefully, you will see more.”

On Steve’s shoulder, Smith Zhou just tapped his finger on the book in front of him. And under his touch, all the words in the book seemed to come alive, pieced together one by one into vivid figures, deducing vivid stories.

This is the kind of sarcastic story. It was also to Steve profoundly exposed everything behind this country.

He saw that the lives of high-caste Indians were no different from the rich people in developed countries in his impression. Luxury cars, villas, clean and splendid living environment and all kinds of luxurious banquets flooded every second of their lives. And just below the city where they live, the poor human beings who are a hundred times more than them are enjoying their own small life happily.

Countless people live in small shacks on the beach. Relying on growing some fresh vegetables on the beach, picking up trash everywhere in exchange for scarce coins, and then maintaining oneself’s hard life.

He saw that rich people asked goldsmiths to make gold into exquisite bracelets and necklaces, which were worn on oneself’s wife and daughter. I also saw a group of poor people who relied on sweeping the dust under the jewelers, or even digging into the sewers to extract the sludge to extract gold, and spent days and nights restless to extract such insignificant little gold.

He saw the wealthy people of high caste trample on the lives and dignity of the scumbags in their eyes unscrupulously. The bullying of women, under the operation of the law and the government, has made the rich become victims. Even this disgusting behavior was once covered with a legal coat.

He also saw the two youngsters who truly loved each other. Just because of the disparity and mismatch between their identities, the angry crowd waved their heads and cut off their heads.

More than 90% of the people in this country live in a terrible environment that he basically cannot imagine and cannot believe. And just on this same piece of land, some people have lived in a mess, comfortable. Such a serious polarization, from the perspective of a modern person, even if there is no such thing as the free revolution in France, it will at least be like the Middle East, with some uncontrollable turmoil.

But there is nothing here. Go and the others Enjoy the life of Go and the others. No matter how hard the lower-class people have, they seem to be able to find the fun of owning. It is as if they are not living in a world. As for the reason, the temples that have never cut off the incense of gold and jade in glorious splendor gave Steve a good explanation.

At this time, Steve doesn’t even believe what Smith Zhou said.

Although it is a change of identity, a change of mentality. But Steve’s most fundamental wish has not changed. He always hopes to benefit mankind. In the past, it was to protect mankind, but now it is hoped in Smith Zhou, hoping that he can realize the better future of mankind that oneself promised in this world.

Smith Zhou has always claimed that oneself will give mankind the brightest future. He will become the Ruler of the future of mankind, creating a new era that belongs only to mankind. Steve believed everything he said, and it immediately made him realize that he said so much not just to make an excuse for oneself. So immediately, he asked back.

“This is your purpose. Did you put your next goal here?”

Steve’s perception is quite satisfactory to Smith Zhou. He said After saying this, Smith Zhou immediately smiled and pointed his finger at the group of humans who were completely insensitive in their eyes. Then he spoke to Steve word by word.

“Look at them like this. You think they are alive, but can you really say that they are alive? Either there is no pursuit, or like a wild dog on the roadside, just thinking Chasing such a tiny bit of leftovers. Can such a life be called a human? It’s just a walking corpse.”

“And in that case. As the Ruler of future humans, shouldn’t I find a way to do it? Change all of this? I think you should be disgusted by everything here! Whether it is for those who are endlessly greedy, or for those who cling to the rules and are unwilling to make any changes, don’t you Do you think they are too obtrusive? Even the insensitive walking corpse in front of you, don’t you have any other thoughts?”

Smith Zhou said, the meaning expressed in the words is already obvious but. As for this, Steve has no opinion anymore.

He understands Smith Zhou’s attitude and agrees with his attitude. For this country, he already has the urge and ideas to change him. However, he has to discuss with Smith Zhou for the specific method. Because for now, their strength has already suffered a lot.

“I understand what you mean. I also agree with your point of view. There is just one thing I need to explain to you, and that is that our strength may not be enough to change this country. You have to know, want To eradicate the deep-rooted stubborn disease in this country with a population of more than 1 billion, it is impossible to do without a sufficiently powerful military force. In this regard, we still need a certain amount of time to accumulate and settle. Because the last time we lost too much Something.”

“I’ve heard of your failure in the reservation plan, but I don’t know enough about the specific circumstances. What is going on?”

“Originally, everything was proceeding according to the plan. It was just unexpected that something outside of the plan was inserted halfway.”

For the failure of own, Steve had no taboo. He directly told Smith Zhou everything in a straightforward way.

“The intelligent life named Ultron broke away from Stark’s control and got involved in our plan according to his own wishes. Our plan was cut off by it. Except for bringing back related things. In addition to the research and treatment, the other two goals were unsuccessful. The responsible Court Academecian is estimated to be dead. And the battleship in the shape of the Kelitian has completely fallen into the hands of Ultron. It can be said that he has become. The biggest winner of this action. In contrast, both us and Stark are losers at the table!”

“No, you should say Stark is a bigger loser than us . After all, we still have a little bit of gain. And he has invested a huge amount of resources without getting anything. I think he might be so angry when he learns the news, and you are definitely I have been scolded by him more than once or twice.”

“Swearing does not solve any problems. If it is useful, wouldn’t it be more useful to cultivate a team of women with vicious words than a team of Superhero?”

Steve replied calmly, he did not have any mood swings at all for the possible curse that Smith Zhou said. This is also within Smith Zhou’s expectations. His confidant, General, should be this kind of calm existence of joy, anger and anger. Of course, he is more interested in this little problem now.

“Ultron? I think maybe he will be a useful pawn. Stark is too comfortable now, it’s time to create some obstacles for him!”

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