Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1044

The Catastrophe is as a bystander, watching Justin deal with all the problems.

It has to be said that Justin does have a certain degree of ownability to transfer from a small remote town to a big city like Los Angeles. In a few words, he fooled the patient named Murphy.

Of course, it can’t be called a flicker. Because everything Justin did was indeed considering this poor vagrant, and it was tangible, without any false considerations.

Unlike those welfare agencies that only talk empty and vernacular, Justin is now talking about things that can actually change the life of old Murphy. From arranging work to arranging staff dormitories, from regular monthly physical examinations to free medicines. Methodical and well-founded. The old Murphy was more and more emotional, but at the same time he became more and more nervous.

Although I haven’t read any books, some truths can be understood as long as they are not stupid. There has never been love for no reason in this World, let alone a free lunch from the sky. And now what fell in front of him was more than a free lunch, it was just a millionaire lottery flying out of thin air. This kind of thing has never even appeared in a dream, let alone in reality.

If at first is simply a life-saving behavior, Old Murphy can still understand it as a kind act of a kind person. But these conditions just given by Justin are far beyond the bounds of kindness that ordinary people can show. This made him have to think about some nasty things.

These people don’t want to put oneself here, and then go sell blood and internal organs. Thinking of some nasty things that would happen in the dark corners of cities, Old Murphy immediately trembled. But if he just refused to let it go, he was a little bit reluctant.

What if this is real? What if this is really a good person with a silly brain? With this thought in mind, Old Murphy said to Justin coowering.

“Sir. I have nothing, why do you want to help me like this? You know, you said that I promised, I may not be able to repay it for the rest of my life. This is a loss-making business. You guys What do you want from me?”

Everyone has a scale in their hearts, and everyone actually understands the truth about being willing and rewarding. To get so many things, it is impossible not to pay. Murphy’s heart is already moved, so he just wants to know what oneself needs to pay, and whether oneself can pay the corresponding price.

As for his question, Justin just smiled and said to him.

“Don’t worry, Murphy. We don’t do this kind of thing as nasty as you think. If we really want to get and so on from you, there is only one. Loyalty! We want you to have enough loyalty to the company.”

“The principle of our company is to give as much help as possible to everyone who can help. And all we need is every one The people we have helped integrate into the atmosphere of the company as much as possible, and regard the company as the owner, the second starting point in oneself’s life. To tell you, I was just like you more than a month ago. And the reason why I will stand in front of you in this capacity and talk to you about these things is the result of the company’s help.”

“Really so good?” Murphy listened more and more. The more I am excited, but if I want to accept it, I am afraid that someone needs another push from behind. And Justin, who knows his mind well, followed his heart and gave him the last help.

“Of course. Let’s do it, wait for you to recuperate. I will arrange you to do the probationary work first, just as a cleaner. You can talk to the people around, they are mostly the same as you Experience. Through them, you should also be able to see that we have no reservations in this regard, and we are absolutely sincere.”

Maybe we are afraid of poverty, maybe we are worried It will be like today, suddenly falling into that dark corner, ending this sad life. Murphy finally did not hesitate any longer. Instead, he immediately made up his mind and said to Justin.

“Well, in this case, I am willing to believe you.”

The rest of the catastrophe does not need to continue to watch. He could hear everything that should be heard clearly, and naturally there is no need to continue. As for what the result will look like, it will take a while to see the final conclusion. This matter was not in a hurry, so the catastrophe temporarily left it behind.

The rest is naturally much simpler. Anyway, this is their first day of work. This feeling is quite new to the catastrophe. So he was very dedicated to wandering around in the newly built Nano Neuron Hospital.

However, because it is a newly opened hospital, not many patients come to see the doctor. Many of these problems are small problems that can be solved by young doctors who have just graduated. He didn’t need a specially hired surgeon. So until after get off work, the catastrophe never encountered the same thing before.

After getting off work, Catastrophe naturally behaved like a normal person. He picked up Natasha, who had the identity of oneself fiancee, and drove towards their residence.

Although relying on their ability, they are not worried about who will follow behind own, but as Natasha said, since they are working as a spy, they must do this work without any Weak spot works.

A truly outstanding spy can maintain the appearance of harmless to humans and animals for a long period of time, and only reveal that they are completely different when they are most critical. And only those rookies and idiots will show off their own ability from time to time when performing oneself missions, exposing oneself to the sight of others.

Although Havoc is an out-and-out rookie in this regard, Natasha next to him is one of the very best Peak talents. With her manipulating and controlling, the two of them don’t have to worry about showing off their feet.

I went home like this, had dinner, and watched TV for a while. The two took a shower and lay on the bed. But after going to bed, the two of them didn’t do anything else, but discussed everything they saw today.

“Dear. How did that Justin deal with the patient’s problem in the end?”

This is a question that Natasha is very concerned about. Although when she took over the job of oneself, she had heard a lot of people talking about it, and she also heard a general idea of ​​the outcome of the matter. But what was the specific situation, she was still more willing to listen to the answer from the witness of Havoc.

For this question, the catastrophe naturally has nothing to hide. I told Natasha all what oneself saw. And after hearing the answer from the catastrophe, Natasha frowned immediately and said strangely.

“This company really has some problems!”

“Of course there are problems.” Haojia was no different from Zhou Yi before it differentiated from that time point. He has also opened a company and knows the principles and fundamentals of a company’s operation. The current situation is that this company called Nano Neuron simply violates the principles and standards that ordinary companies should have. It looks simply not like a company, but more like a pure welfare institution controlled by a large consortium.

Of course, there are also certain differences. After all, those big consortiums are not charitable organizations run by benevolent people. The purpose of controlling a large part of the welfare organizations is just to manipulate their own funds. This company is different. It seems to be charitable purely for charity. Simply did not consider the issue of profitability.

You can imagine that without guessing the catastrophe, the entire nano-neuron must have a huge financial deficit in this regard. And just like that, the company hasn’t gone bankrupt yet, but it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s not surprising that it’s impossible at all.

“Maybe there is also a great influence behind this company that is supporting it. Anyway, also time, we will wait slowly, and we can always find out the truth. And to be honest , I am getting more and more interested in these things this company does. I really want to see how they can do this kind of thing.”

For the company Nano Neuron, the catastrophe is quite complimented. After all, that many human company has never existed just like it to help the poor who really need help. Just as the employees in this company advertised as oneself, their power is insignificant, but it really changes the destiny of a person. This is a real good thing and a real merit. If there are more companies like this, then maybe the whole mankind will not have that many tragic story.

Thinking of this, Haojiao couldn’t help but grinned, showing a meaningful smile. And when Natasha not at all saw this smile, she just used own professional knowledge to consider all the problems that oneself found.

“You said, will the opposite country behind this company secretly support it. Haven’t they been advocating some kind of colorism? It’s the kind of thinking that unites the poor. Isn’t this idea similar to the idea of ​​this company?”

Faced with Natasha’s speculation, Havoc just smiled. Then he hugged her shoulders, leaned on her neck and whispered to her.

“That’s not the same thing at all, my dear. And, don’t you also come from a country with color revolutions?”

“That’s different, Soviet It can’t be done like this. Hiss…” Natasha charming eyes were like silk replied in a low voice. Suddenly she whispered suddenly, and then changed into a bitter tone. “My dear, you hurt me!”

“Sorry, my dear. I’ll be more careful!”

There was nothing to say all night.

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