Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1045

As the captain of the great ship that controls the United States on the verge of collapse. Tony’s days are not easy.

Because this is a bad boat. Wanting to sail unscrupulously in the sea is already a very difficult task for it. And in order to prevent this broken ship from sinking on this precarious journey of wind and rain, Tony, as the captain, can only fill in every vacancy on this ship as much as possible, so that it can always maintain such a voyage. status.

As the captain, Tony has done his best. No one can deny this, because everyone takes his achievements in their eyes. Being able to sustain United States to the present in the increasingly decadent national conditions, even the most outstanding of the United States presidents, under such circumstances, may not be better than Tony.

But for oneself’s current results, Tony is not satisfied. Because this is not the same as what he expected.

He originally had a complete plan for his own business. According to the rule that the President of United States cannot be re-elected for two consecutive terms, he made a detailed plan for oneself’s eight-year presidential career. The first four years are used to restore national strength. Given the solid foundation of the United States, this is not difficult as long as it is done seriously. The next four years were to arrange a back road for United States. It’s like Clinton’s main effort to build network information channels and ushered in a new era of information. He also found a bright future for United States that can develop steadily.

That is the path of space development. As long as they can complete the journey of space exploration first, then they don’t have to live on this small planet and compete for such a tiny amount of resources. There are inexhaustible resources waiting for human development in the endless universe, and what he has to do is to get the qualifications to develop the universe ahead of everyone else.

At this point, he had already made arrangements. The legacy left by the Cree Stars is enough to give him a sufficient advantage on the starting line. And he also spared no effort to invest huge resources in this project, just to be able to expand this advantage to a maximum extent.

Just didn’t expect, human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation. In the end, all his plans fell into the void. And this is naturally impossible to make him feel reconciled.

Anyone who has invested huge resources only gets such a return will not be reconciled. Even more how, this is also related to his future plans, so he has to get all this back anyway. But how can I get it back? Regardless of this, neither Tony nor the arrogant soldiers under him had a clue.

The information on the seabed research base has been completely stolen, and the battleship of the Crees has no shadows. As for the three principals in charge of this project, only two corpses and one madman were found. With such clues, it is simply impossible for them to find the stolen important information.

But Tony was unwilling to give up. He put all his hopes on Laura Court Academecian, who had serious psychological problems. This should have been a fruitless thing, but under Tony’s insistence, it was this little hopeful thing that made all this turn for the better.

Laura Court Academecian has been restored to a controllable range with the help of the special medical institution of the Skyhammer Bureau, and can already conduct conversations like normal people. Hearing this news, Tony immediately put down his work, and drove the Iron Man armor directly to the hospital without even the bodyguard.

Seeing the President of the United States who came by energetic and bustling, the staff in the hospital were very surprised. The dean who heard the news even ran over and asked Tony out of breath.

“Your Excellency, I’m really sorry, I don’t know you are coming here. May I ask what you have to do here?”

“Help me prepare, I want to talk to Laura Court Academecian had a conversation.”

Of course, the director of the hospital couldn’t refuse Tony’s request, so he immediately got busy. With his best cooperation, Tony soon saw Laura Court Academecian in a ward whose complexion is gloomy.

It can be seen that everything that happened before has a profound impact on this fragile woman also. So much so that she now has some Divine Soul uncertain, and even Tony walked in without notice.

“Her condition is not very good. If possible, please control the time of the questioning, and try not to stimulate her nerves.”

Responsible for Laura Court The Academecian mentally ill doctor told him and left the ward at the request of the dean. Tony stared at the fragile woman in front of him for a while, then moved a chair and put it in front of her, and then sat down.

The distance between the two people has been pulled to a very close point. Tony opened his mouth first when staring at the woman who looked pale like a lilac.

“Laura Court Academecian? Laura Court Academecian!”

The increasing voice made the woman in absent-mindedness recover, and when she saw Tony in front of her When, she immediately revealed a surprised expression.

This is a good thing, because it means she recognizes Tony’s identity. And since she can recognize him, it also shows that she can be a communication object. This gave Tony a little surprise in his heart, but on the surface he still asked her with a serious face.

“Laura Court Academecian, can you recognize who I am?”

“Yes, sir. I know you, Tony Stark, Iron Man, the current President of United States “

Laura Court Academecian’s answer is a bit weak, but there is no big problem in order. This provides the possibility for the dialogue between them to continue. And after hearing her answer, Tony asked immediately.

“Very good. Laura Court Academecian, I will tell you a long story short. Can you tell me what happened at the seabed base? Why was the research base broken? Who stole it? With our research materials? Also, how did you survive?”

The eager Tony directly asked all the questions he wanted to know. Faced with these problems, Laura Court Academecian’s face began to show extraordinary changes.

First, his pale face turned pale, then he browsed tightly knit, and even his pupils began to shrink desperately. This change made her look horrified, making Tony afraid that her next moment would lose her mind because of this panic.

But the situation has finally not changed to such a bad point. Maybe it was because Tony was by her side that made her feel that oneself could have a safe rely on, so she just took a few deep breaths, and she controlled her own emotions. Then she began to tell what happened that day.

“Hydra, it’s from Hydra. I remember that Captain America led the attack on us. They killed all the security guards and researchers. Only me and Steven were left Professor Sen, and the traitor Jones!”

“Jones? You mean Jones Court Academecian. He is from Hydra? Where is he now?” Hearing a sensitive word, Tony couldn’t bear it immediately. She grabbed Laura Court Academecian by the shoulders and snarled at her. Tony’s tolerance for this traitor lurking beside oneself is almost zero. So his tone became very bad in an instant, making Laura Court Academecian, who was originally a delicate flower, seemed to be fading.

Fortunately, he soon realized that own was wrong. After seeing Laura Court Academecian’s face turned pale again, he quickly let go of his own hand and apologized to her.

“Sorry, Court Academecian. I was just a little surprised. I thought I had been rigorous enough in spying, and didn’t expect let these damn bastards take advantage of this. It’s my fault, I brought you danger.”

“No, sir. It has nothing to do with you. I’m afraid no one can think that the guy with the human face and the beast heart will actually be Hydra lurking in. Spy. And I think he should have gotten his due retribution!” When it comes to this, Laura Court Academecian’s face rarely appears a bit different from her temperament. The cruel color. And this was what made Tony immediately realize something was wrong. He looked at the woman in front of him, stared into her eyes, and then asked her word by word.

“Laura Court Academecian, what exactly do you know? What is happening in the seabed research base, is it also what we don’t know?”

It seems to be Thinking of something terrifying, Laura Court Academecian’s expression became more and more frightened. This also made her uncontrollably stretch out her hands and grab Tony’s arm forcefully.

Under her subconsciously movements, her sharp nails already made Tony feel a sting. But Tony not at all meant anything to stop her. Instead, he stretched out his hand, stroked Laura Court Academecian’s hair, and was relieved to her.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. You are absolutely safe with me here. Don’t be afraid, come and tell me everything you know!”

Maybe it’s him His relief worked, perhaps his presence did give Laura Court Academecian an extraordinary sense of security. Under his actions, Laura Court Academecian gradually regained control and stopped oneself’s damage to Tony.

She smiled apologetically at Tony, and the expression on her face gradually returned to the soft look of a lilac flower. Then, in Tony’s encouraging gaze, she finally summoned her courage to tell an unknown truth.

“The omnic! It was the omnic that saved me, and the omnic attacked the Hydra there. They won’t let anyone escape from there, no one!”

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