Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1046

Laura Court Academecian gave Tony an answer that made him feel unbelievable. In other words, an answer he could not believe.

Because this answer reminded him of some very bad things. For example, Ultron, which lost control, or the financial turmoil that almost destroyed the entire western consortium. He hoped that things were different from the bad situation oneself had imagined, so he opened his mouth immediately, and reluctantly said this to Laura Court Academecian.

“Isn’t this a normal thing? The original mission of the omnic is to protect you. They will rescue you and attack Hydra, who is an intruder. It will not be strange.”

“But…” Although this truth can be justified, Laura Court Academecian is not convinced by this idea. So she gave her own reason. “But that day we were attacked by electromagnetic pulses. All the electronic tools inside the base were burned down, even the omnipotents. According to common sense, they are simply impossible to operate normally, let alone from those people’s hands. Save me.”

Tony also understands this. Even at this time, he already had a preliminary answer in his heart. But he couldn’t let this answer be known to other people, so he could only cover it up.

“Maybe the reconnection mechanism of the omnic has played a role. You have to know that this thing itself is developed on the basis of weapons. In order to prevent accidents, we did a lot of design Kind of preparation.”

“Maybe, maybe this can be said to pass?”

Laura Court Academecian’s mentality was somewhat affected. So when Tony said that, she was a little unsure of everything in oneself’s memory. Watching Laura Court Academecian’s face turned pale again, Tony immediately held her shoulders and pressed her onto the hospital bed.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Laura Court Academecian. Your body is still not well, so let’s take care of it first. I will come to see you often when I have time in the future.”

“Thank you, sir.” Looking at this image of a completely different president from oneself on TV, the thin woman suddenly burst into a bright smile. “It really didn’t expect, President President, you would be such a gentle person in private.”

“Then what kind of person do you think I should be?” eyebrows raised, Tony was heavy. The cynicism suppressed by his responsibilities suddenly jumped out at this moment.

“It should be a little more serious and a little more dignified. Sorry, I know my thoughts may be a bit subjective, but I think people like you should have a ruthless, self-serving feeling. “

“You are right. If the president can’t have such an attitude, then it is impossible to intimidate those young people who are secretly pregnant. It’s just work, I don’t have to Substitute your work into your life. Okay, let’s not disturb you to rest, you should rest well.”

Tony stood up and walked outside. And when he was about to leave this room, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at it in a mysterious way.

Of course, all he could see was Laura Court Academecian shrunken on the bed, looking helpless and weak. This appearance suddenly gave him a different feeling. But when he thought of the big belly waiting for the own woman in oneself’s house, he gave a big smile, touched his nose and walked straight away.

If it were before, he might be desperate to stalk this woman who makes oneself feel special for a while. But for now, let’s forget it. In any case, he is already a family man. And compared with personal feelings, the problems he faces are the most important.

Is there really something wrong with the omnic? If so, where is the cause of the problem? Is it the worst situation he thinks? Or are there other situations that he doesn’t know?

One after another conjectures entangled in his heart, making him simply unable to calm down. And just when he was driving his own armor back down the original road of own. A sudden request for dialogue appeared in front of him.

This was a request that didn’t know the origin at all, and facing such an unidentified call, Tony thought for a while, and he got him through. With this connection, he immediately heard a voice that made oneself unforgettable.

“It’s really long time no see, Tony. I thought you wouldn’t pick up this communication from me anymore?”

“Steve! You dare to show up to me Come on? Where are you now?”

Tightly through the voice, Steve can feel how angry Tony is now. This was also within his expectation, so immediately he smiled and jokingly said to him.

“I’m really sorry, I dare not tell you the position of own when I can’t guarantee the safety of oneself. Otherwise, at your speed, I’m afraid I won’t be able to see the sun tomorrow.”

“You bastard. You better pray that you won’t fall into my hands, because I swear, I will never give you any breathing opportunities again. Once you fall into my hands Here, I must let you die without a whole corpse!”

Tony is mocked by this language is gnashing teeth, and for his performance. Steve’s tone was more mocking.

“It’s really sad, Tony. Fortunately, I am still thinking about our previous relationship. I came here to tell you an important news in this way. I didn’t expect you to do this to me. “

“Friends, you dare to submit love to me.”

Speaking of the past, Tony’s tone suddenly became even worse, as if he had had a firecracker.

“What did you deliberately break into us for? Is it for our friendship? What did you think about when you hurt your oneself companion? Have you considered our friendship? Friendship, you talk to me about friendship. Steve Rogers, my dying father, also those innocent people killed by you are looking at you in another world? They are watching, what exactly was the day you suffered retribution Time will come!”

“Tony, I have a reason for me!”

When Tony accused him of being like this, Steve immediately couldn’t keep the joke he had before Tone of voice. He lowered his own voice and tried to make oneself behave more like the same thing.

“I joined Hydra to change this World, for the sake of the future of mankind. Tony, you should understand that humans are stupid creatures. In these hundreds of years, they are stuck Based on the boundaries defined by oneself, Infinity’s energy is invested in each other’s internal struggles. Wars and chaos, without our intervention, humans will naturally do these terrifying things. They will kill each other, and all For just some ridiculous reasons. In essence, we and you are simply no different. If there is any, it is that you are just maintaining this ridiculous rule and status quo, and we are I want to break everything and reshape everything. Our goal is far more profound than your short-sighted guys! So, what right do you have to blame me?”

“It’s ridiculous , Why don’t you tell those who were killed by you to see how they would react. Will you accept this ridiculous statement?”

Tony sneered, ruthlessly Retorted. Facing this rebuttal, Steve became calm again.

“I don’t ask for forgiveness from those people. When everything I hope and pursue becomes a reality, they will naturally understand what I’m doing. This is a revolution, and it is destined to have A bloody sacrifice. To contribute to the future of mankind, they should be able to feel the glory.”

“Glory, the glory of shit. You Bushwacker can actually This kind of saying is just and honorable, you really think that oneself has this qualification!”

“So what about you? Do you have this qualification to question me?”

Steve asked rhetorically, and his tone began to be more righteous.

“Don’t say what the United States did. You don’t know yourself. Since World War II, how many wars you have created in the world and destroyed the families and hopes of innocent people. Now the Middle East is still in place. In the chaotic war, would you dare to say that you don’t have the slightest relationship? Stark, we are the same kind of people, and you have no right to criticize me on this issue. It will only seem shallow and ridiculous. !”

“You…” Tony gritted his teeth, but after all he couldn’t say anything on this issue. United States did a lot of dirty things in order to maintain oneself’s dominant position. This is very clear to him, who once sold huge might arms to the US military stationed in the Middle East. And he has seen the lives of ordinary commoners in the war-torn regions of the Middle East, and he understands how much harm they did to those people.

Although all this has nothing to do with him. But when he sits in the position of president, everything in United States is already related to him. He cannot shirk, and it is impossible to shirk. So on this issue, he can only respond to Steve with silence.

This kind of response makes Steve feel that oneself has the upper hand. But he doesn’t at all mean any pursuit. Because he knew very well that oneself was not looking for him for this purpose, so there was no need to waste his words on this issue.

Only relying on verbal contention, he was impossible to change Tony’s position. He knew this very well, so immediately, he changed his tone and said to Tony.

“Enough, Tony. My opinions and your opinions on this aspect are impossible to reconcile. I am not interested in telling you more about this issue. I am looking for you for something else. . An important piece of information!”

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