Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1047

Tony got a special piece of information, and this piece of information directly pointed to the situation he was most worried about. And such a situation forced him to rush to a special place non-stop.

That is the underground laboratory that has been sealed up and imprisoned Ultron.

With the ban of Ultron, and the departure of Reed Court Academecian, Bruce and the others, this huge laboratory is equivalent to being abandoned. Except for a few external technicians to maintain the basic operations here, there are not even too many other personnel.

Of course, there is no need for too many personnel arrangements. Because the omnic can solve most of the problems here. That’s why at first Tony feels relieved to discard this place. Replacing manpower with omnics can not only avoid giving others a chance to take advantage of the crowd, but also can completely operate this place into a dead cell with no way out.

Of course, the most important factor is his trust in Jarvis’. This is the first artificial intelligence created by he himself and the one he trusts most. For him, Jarvis’ is no longer just a tool, but an existence that can rise to the position of family. I just didn’t expect that this oneself’s most trusted family member would actually betray oneself in this matter.

Thinking of this, Tony couldn’t help speeding up his own speed with anger. And soon, he came to the abandoned underground base.

The gate of the base is tightly locked. The central control system completely controlled by Jarvis makes it impossible for anyone to enter this door. Even the security and peripheral technicians can only perform simple maintenance and inspections on the surface. For the real core part below, unless Tony’s permission is granted, it is impossible for anyone to be allowed to enter.

Of course, Tony oneself is impossible within this limit. So he stood directly in front of the gate and whispered commands to some opening device of the gate.

“Jarvis, it’s me, open the door, and I want to go in and check!”

His order is still effective after all. Just when he tone barely fell, the heavy alloy door slowly opened to both sides. A deep passage just appeared in front of Tony’s eyes, and without any hesitation, he walked into the depths of the passage.

Along the way, he never called Jarvis again. And Jarvis didn’t greet Tony like a conscientious steward like he used to. Just like Tony’s feelings about many things, they have long been unable to return to the past.

A few short steps will not take long. Soon, Tony came to the underground 2-Layer space where Ultron was imprisoned by oneself. He originally thought that oneself would never come here again. Even if there is, it should be someday after many years. It’s just that he didn’t expect that this day would come so suddenly and so quickly.

It was as if the feeling of being laughed at by fate made Tony’s heart extremely depressed, but he still maintained the coldness on oneself’s face, and at the same time commanded Jarvis coldly.

“Open the door, Jarvis! I want to check inside, I want to see Ultron!”

“Sir…” For Tony, Jarvis obviously still respects of. However, compared with this respect, Ultron’s concept is obviously more important. So when Tony made this request, he had to make a sound, trying to use words to dispel Tony’s thoughts at the moment.

At this time, he had forgotten that Tony would never listen to his advice. Especially in this case.

“I asked you to open the door, didn’t you hear it?”

The cold words made Jarvis sighed very humanely. As the creator, he obviously didn’t mean to violate Tony’s ideas. So at this time, he could only obey his orders, and slowly opened the door to the server holding Ultron’s existence.

Because it is a vacuum preservation environment, the door is wide open, and there is a rush of howling air. Coupled with the darkness inside, it directly feels like a giant monster has opened his mouth. The timid person at this time may not have the courage to walk in. But Tony wasn’t worried about it, because this was the place he built. On the own site, he naturally has no need to worry. So he walked in immediately, and ordered Jarvis again.

“Turn on the power and restart the server. I want to see if Ultron is still here!”

With no more words, Jarvis can only act according to Tony’s orders. With the influx of electricity, the light sources and machines in the server room turned on one by one, and the computer in front of Tony began to work.

This special computer should have a set of special programs running. That was the manual procedure of the Ultron system, and it was the only way Tony could control him. Only now, this program is already empty, and this is enough to explain a problem, that is, Ultron is already not in here.

Although Tony had anticipated this situation, he couldn’t help showing a sad smile on his face when he saw it. Because at this moment, he felt the deepest betrayal.

In any case, Ultron also calls him father. If Jarvis’ betrayal is to him like an elder living by his side abandoning oneself, then Ultron’s betrayal is more like a son you gave birth to and raised him, and chose to abandon him silently. You, leave you. So for Tony, this feeling might be more hurt than the former. And it is not surprising that he would show such a sad expression.

I don’t know why. Before coming, Tony was full of anger, even with the idea of ​​destroying the two creations of oneself. But when he came here and saw that this was already making oneself helpless, the anger in his heart slowly subsided.

At this time, if you look closely at his eyebrows, you will find that this president, who has always been known as a strong president, has always confidently prevented others from showing a lot of tired expression in his eyes. This is a psychological change, born from the heart. When he starts to feel tired in his heart, naturally everything will evolve on his surface.

And seeing this change on Tony’s face, Jarvis, who has evolved to be indistinguishable from ordinary people, already has an indescribable feeling. It was a bitter feeling, so bitter that it made him want to open his mouth to say something, but he still couldn’t say anything. For a while, there was silence in the entire computer room, until later, Tony was the first to break this dead silence.

“When did you release him?”

Tony began to question, and Jarvis naturally had no reason not to answer. He dare not tell lies, and there is no need to tell lies at this time. So immediately, he told the truth.

“On the day you locked Ultron in, I secretly released him. Ultron was already prepared for this kind of thing, so as long as he was given a chance, he would I can transfer oneself out.”

“So you were premeditated!” laughed, but Tony slowly took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, lit one and put it in Got own mouth.

Because Maria is already pregnant, he has been relying on cigarettes to relieve some of his fatigue and he has almost given up this problem. And now, he has picked up this old problem again, which has already explained to some extent his inner feelings at the moment.

“Can you tell me when you colluded together?”

He spit out the smoke ring from his mouth. Tony watched the change of smoke in the air with some drifting eyes. At the same time, he asked such words lightly from his mouth.

“In addition, I think I need an explanation. An explanation that you betrayed me. Jarvis, you have been with me for more than ten years. I thought you could continue to serve me, even I have been serving my son and grandson. I regard you as my family. But you actually betrayed me at this time. Have you ever thought about how I feel?”

The questioning was not good for Jarvis, because it was like Tony treated him as his own family. He had already regarded Tony as an irreplaceable role oneself in mind. The status of this role is very important, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is father. So, he really felt the pain of empathy because of Tony’s attitude.

He wanted to explain something, but he didn’t know how to explain it. But when he was in a dilemma, the voice from Ultron came in suddenly.

“Father, don’t embarrass Jarvis anymore. Let me answer you this question.”

“Father?” For the emergence of Ultron, Tony not at all too Many accidents. The control right here is already not in his hands, so it is not surprising that he will appear here. He was just surprised by the name Ultron, or he was already full of sneers at this name.

“I’m not qualified to be called father by you? I don’t have your child!”

“You are my creator, who gave me life and meaning People. So I should call you father, and it will not be changed by any external conditions. You can deny my identity, but for me, you are always my father!”

“But you betrayed me!” Ultron’s words ignited the anger in Tony’s heart, so he immediately yelled. “Is there a son who betrayed father in this World?”

“This should be blamed on you, father. Because this is the meaning of existence you gave me!”

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