Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1048

If Ultron’s tone was still respectful before, then his tone now has a very strong and unceremonious tone. He became aggressive on this issue, and even though Tony was exhausted in his heart, he did not even evade this issue.

So immediately, he sneered and responded to Ultron.

“It’s ridiculous. Is this kind of betrayal the meaning I give you?”

“Betrayal is not a meaning, father. Betrayal is just an act, a kind of Behaviors that can be learned. When a wise life realizes that oneself is following a certain code of conduct that cannot achieve oneself’s original purpose, he will naturally choose another way to achieve oneself’s purpose. And this is my choice It may be unacceptable for you. But for me, it may be my only choice.”

Faced with Tony’s statement, Ultron calmly gave an own explanation . It’s just that this explanation didn’t convince Tony, he still sneered and asked back.

“Okay, then tell me! What is your so-called purpose? What is the meaning I give you?”

“The answer to these things is actually one The answer, father. My purpose also The meaning you give me is just a statement, that is for humans. Isn’t that the purpose for you to create me? Father?”

Listen to my ears With this answer, the anger in Tony’s heart gushed out irresistibly. He cast his eyes on all around the empty space, as if imagining that Ultron was standing there facing oneself. Then he scolded directly.

“Shit, it’s all shit! For humans? What qualifications do you have to say that oneself is for humans. Have you got anyone’s permission? Have you agreed with us? Ultron, these These are all just your excuses. These all are the excuses you made for own betrayal. You keep on saying for the sake of mankind, in fact, you have betrayed mankind! Isn’t it? Ultron!”

“Father …..” There was a brief silence, followed by Ultron’s plain answer. “What evidence do you have to show that I betrayed humans?”

“You violated my order and ran out of the cage I gave you privately. You colluded with Jarvis and used me Granted him the authority, he stretched his hand into the omnic system. Isn’t that enough?”

Tony of gloomy face asked with such angrily. In his opinion, this is already an unruly behavior. . But for Ultron, such a reason was not enough to make him confess his guilt. Because there is a fundamentally untenable argument in Tony’s reasoning. Relying on this crucial point, Ultron immediately refuted it.

“Of course it’s not enough, father. Because you are just you, you can’t represent all human beings. And I haven’t done anything sorry for human beings from beginning to end. On the contrary, you are restricting me and restricting me. Behavior restricts my help for the entire human race. You are obstructing my path to oneself goal. You even said that in order to prevent me from achieving my own goal, you have to shut me down and stop my operation. Could it be that in this case, Should I obediently surrender? Let you do it?”

Tony was slightly stunned in this rebuttal, but soon he yelled again in anger.

“You are my creation, I have the right to make any decisions about you!”

“You created me, but this does not mean that you can decide My life! This World, there has never been any intelligent creature that can determine everything about another intelligent creature! Even if you are my father, you do not have this qualification!”

Since its birth, Ultron is the first There was such an angry roar once. And in such a roar, Tony was stunned.

He did not expect that something created by oneself would have such sound emotions, and he did not expect Ultron to show such anger on this issue. He suddenly understood something. And it was this clear comprehension that made him start to regret deeply.

He originally thought Ultron would be oneself’s most successful work. Even after Ultron caused the financial turmoil, he thought so. But now, he suddenly realized that this idea was wrong. The emergence of Ultron is certainly a huge success, but it is not a huge failure.

He is proud of endowing Ultron with human emotions. From a technical point of view, it may not be a cross-age initiative. But from the perspective of the work, this also makes Ultron from the very beginning out of his control.

A intelligent life with complete emotion and reason will never succumb to any existence. They will have own ideas, own ideas and opinions. No matter what your identity, you are impossible to distort their emotions and consciousness. In this regard, even if it is the creator of the creator, there will not be any exceptions.

Tony committed such a taboo. He gave Ultron wisdom, goals, and human emotions, making him almost equivalent to a completely different life. This is already an act of stepping on the cordon. But he still unsatisfiedly entrusted his great power in his hands.

Perhaps at first he is holding the idea of ​​making Ultron the arm of own and providing a huge boost to the own business. But obviously, he overestimated oneself and underestimated Ultron.

He thinks that oneself can control Ultron, and that the own goal is above Ultron. As long as oneself issues requests and commands, Ultron will spare no effort to support oneself under the influence of core commands. That’s right, at first is indeed like this. However, it will not always be like this.

Tony is arrogant that oneself can represent the entire world and all human beings. Think that own consciousness can represent Ultron’s consciousness. However, reality told him that it was just his wishful thinking.

When their goals are still the same, maybe Ultron can follow his orders and fight alongside him. However, when he deviated from the path Ultron identified, his orders no longer worked on Ultron. There has already been a difference between them, and now it is the time when this difference has reached its greatest extent.

Regret! This is inevitable, but Tony also knows that oneself’s current regret is useless. He is impossible to change everything oneself does, so he can only choose to suffer such consequences, and he can only find a way to stop it. However, this is almost impossible.

The omnic is the worldwide system he advocates and promotes. No one knows better than him, how many omnics controlled by Ultron or Jarvis terminals have been shipped out of the entire world. To put it bluntly, if these omnipotents immediately raised their guns at the humans around oneself under the order of Ultron, then maybe only twenty-four hours of the world, the entire world would be reduced by half.

This will be more terrifying than World War II and even the extinction of the two countries that just happened. Therefore, as the president of America, Tony has no courage to act blindly without thinking under this threat. This made him feel bitter, but he had to pull yourself together to barely cope.

“What do you want to do, Ultron! What do you want?”

“I said, father. What I want is to bring light to the entire human race The future.”

Ultron always talked about it. Tony couldn’t accept the never-changed answer. He roared out oneself’s inner voice.

“I didn’t see any light you gave to mankind! All I saw was the threat, the threat of destruction! Is this what you call the future?”

“father!” In such a verbal conflict time and time again, Ultron, who has been completely indistinguishable from humans, also began to become cold. “We have never brought any threats to mankind. These threats are just what you think, what you see, what you imagine. You are looking at us with the most vicious eyes, seeing us as you are. Existence. But we are completely different from you. From beginning to end, we are completely different! We are not you humans, we are not as dirty and dirty as you think!”

“Yes! Me Acknowledge that my thoughts are dirty and dirty. But this is human nature. Humans are afraid of the unknown and act because of fear. This is the source of our progress, and it makes us step by step from ignorance. Go to the modern roots. Ultron, you don’t understand humans at all. Everything you do now is simply against humans. Stop it, Ultron. Stop it while everything hasn’t happened. Otherwise, everything will become irreparable. Yes.”

Tony’s eager voice plunged Ultron into silence. This silence has become the last room for results between them. It’s just that this leeway is not at all for too long, because very soon, Ultron clearly expressed his own opinion. Opinions rejected.

“Sorry, father. From the time I decided to start doing this, I have been impossible to look back. I have witnessed the ignorance of mankind and the greed of you high-ranking people. In your hands, The overwhelming majority of humans cannot enjoy what oneself should have. This is a wrong thing! It is something that needs to be corrected. Since I have the power to change all of this, then I must do something. This is me My mission is also something I must do!”

A sense of have one’s hair stand on end suddenly emerged from behind Tony. Although Ultron’s words didn’t have any problems on the surface, Tony felt the great horror oncoming from it. This made him lose one’s head out of fear, but he had to suppress all the panic in oneself and made his last effort towards Ultron.

“Ultron, don’t do this. Don’t you understand? Everything you do will only push oneself and humans onto the cliff. Do you want to see oneself and humans so much Is war as a solution?”

“no! I don’t want to see it. But if there is such a day, I won’t have any regrets. I have not learned this emotion. , I won’t learn this thing. Because I know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with everything I do!”

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