Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1064

“President Stark is ill and cultivated, and the interim president is acting in power!”

“Women step onto the ruling stage, America’s future first female president!”

In the 2nd day, almost all the media were reporting such a news. And watching the silhouette of Maria Hill that appeared on TV, the catastrophe just put on the tie couldn’t help being frowned.

“What’s the matter? How could she become the acting president. Is it true that Tony Stark was seriously ill and cultivated like the media said?”

“Such words Hearing it is a lie that deceives the general public. Stark holds the same nano-remodeling technology as our company. No matter what kind of disease it is, it can be cured with this technology. So how could he be because of this. Sick and go to train? This is neither true to the facts nor to his character.”

Natasha, who walked up to help Haojiao tidy up his tie, handed over his suit jacket. Come here.

“Don’t think about that many, my dear. These are all things that have nothing to do with us. Instead of thinking about these irrelevant things, it’s better to think about how to deal with the company’s inspection today. It’s a hell, my plan The case is not finished yet!”

“Don’t take it too seriously, my dear. You have done a good job!”

patted Natasha’s shoulder, the catastrophe will be turned off. Up the TV. Then he opened the door and walked directly outside.

“also means move a bit faster. I will drive the car out and wait for you! If you are late again today, I’m afraid that guy from the personnel department will come back to trouble us!”

“Whose problem do you think this is? Hmm!”

Natasha gave the catastrophe a glance, but Natasha obviously accelerated his own movement. Soon, in a female professional suit, she closed the door and sat in the Lamborghini Urus parked in front of her house.

Whether it is Natasha or the catastrophe as the attending doctor, both of them are high-income groups in the upper class of United States. Therefore, a luxury Lamborghini car with a value of around 300,000 USD is not really a financial burden for them. It is easy to use savings or obtain a mortgage from a bank. And this as it should be by rights makes two people the envy of colleagues.

What the man admires is that this guy has achieved all the achievements of a winner in life. Lamborghini’s luxury cars and stunning beauty like Natasha, no matter how critical they are, they are all cream of the crop. Coupled with a generous and easy job, the little doctors around him who are still holding the internship salary almost hate their teeth.

And what women envy is Natasha’s luck. The intimacy and affection that she and Haojiao stick together every day can be seen by anyone with eyes. A handsome and golden man who still loves you consistently is something that people can’t even envy.

It’s not that no one has thought about being a disgraceful third party. It’s just that in the face of the strong feelings of these two people, all the little moves have turned into laughable jokes. After a long time, naturally no one will do such stupid things. Even said that those who have already done some small actions have already begun to consciously avoid these two guys.

Of course, this is not to say that the relationship between two people in the company is bad. Natasha is a slick person, coupled with the fact that she is good at acting, it is not a big problem for her to build a good relationship with her colleagues. The catastrophe is the same. Although he doesn’t want Natasha to be a human being like that, but with his excellent skills and the frequent suggestions to those rookie doctors, his reputation among colleagues around him can’t be considered bad.

In short, these two ordinary persons on the surface, the spies in the dark, have been integrated into the internal collective of the company in a very harmonious way. In other words, if they are not carrying a strange mission on their backs, maybe they are already enjoying it and forget about it.

Living and working like an ordinary person may be a boring and tedious thing for most people, but for these two people who have experienced too much, it means With plain and warm happiness. Compared with the thrilling life of precariousness, this is what a person should pursue, and this is what a person should be alive.

It can be said that these two people really hope to live like this. Of course, it would be better if you can avoid the trouble of being checked.

Parking the car in the company’s garage, Natasha gave a hard kiss on the face of Havoc, and ran all the way to the floor where oneself worked on high heels. As she said, the project in her hands has not yet been completed, and if this kind of thing is known by the people who come to inspect the work at the company headquarters, it will embarrass her.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Natasha, who has always been really strong and has to do everything perfectly. So she can only seize all the time to deal with the problem before that bad thing happens. Although, Haojiao is not optimistic about his efforts.

Holding his briefcase in a decent manner, the catastrophe walked directly towards the own office. As a company that takes medical assistance as oneself’s core work content, nano-neurons are not generally generous to professional medical talents such as Havoc.

In addition to a high salary and a pretty good working holiday, he was also specially equipped with a private office with its own rest room. He even said that the company was planning to arrange an assistant for him. Of course, this was postponed by the catastrophe, because he felt that judging from oneself’s current workload, he actually didn’t need such extravagant things as a personal assistant.

Yes, the business of nanoneurons is not very good. In this period of more than a month, Havoc had only seven or eight operations. Many of them are free help for those vagrants. There are only two special services for the rich and famous.

Although a lot of oil and water have been squeezed from the middle, it is definitely a drop in the bucket compared to the operation of the entire company. It can be said that if the company really relies on these projects in their hands to persist in operating, then most of the company’s employees, including him, can prepare and go home.

That little money is probably not even enough to pay the rent of the building, let alone these miscellaneous expenses. So, as he said in a private chat with Natasha, the source of funds for this company is definitely tricky. But where the specific tricks are, I am afraid that only through Natasha’s in-depth investigation can I find out.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the catastrophe. Because compared with at first’s idea of ​​wanting to experience some spy, he now cares more about this simple job of curing diseases and saving people.

The reason is also very simple, that is, he feels extraordinary pleasure from this job. From his work, he received the most sincere gratitude and respect from those who were pulled back from the edge of Death. This is much more real than what he has obtained in any previous identity.

Whether it is being worshipped as God, or being envied and admired as a hero. Not so, this feeling at this moment comes true and mellow. It can be said that this is the most real thing. It’s no wonder that since ancient times, there have been that many people, with the heart of a great doctor of healing and saving people, but they don’t even care about owning misfortune, honor and disgrace, and safety of life.

Of course, the catastrophe cannot reach this realm temporarily. However, this did not prevent him from targeting the pioneers of this realm and slowly moving closer to them. However, this was only his goal as a doctor. As a doctor, it’s impossible to have a goal. Based on reality is what every doctor should do. It’s like now!

“Doctor Reinhardt, there is a patient who needs you to take a look.”

A nurse knocked on the door, and then opened the door amidst the havoc. . Then, a grinning intern came in with a tightly wrapped patient.

Naturally, I knew the intern catastrophe. He was a graduate intern who had just been recruited by the Department of Internal Medicine, a new generation of Chinese immigrants from California. The main responsibility is immunology. People are very hardworking and serious. Probably because they are all Chinese, but he is very close to the catastrophe. Almost nothing will come and get close.

For such a youngster, catastrophe is not very annoying. It’s just that he is very curious, what a doctor of your internal medicine brought the patient to my surgeon’s office to join in the fun. And soon, this youngster with a smile on his face already gave the own answer.

“Boss, Reinhardt, this patient is my patient, but for a while, I really can’t see what his illness is, so I can only look at Boss. What can you do? “

“Did you make a mistake. I am a surgeon. What good is it for you to bring an internal medicine patient to me? If you want me to say you might as well go to your internal medicine department Look at the director, maybe he has any solution?”

Havoc shook the head. Obviously, I don’t think oneself can cross majors to this level. You know, his surgical ability can barely pass by relying on hard gnawing books and superhuman abilities. All of a sudden, he moved across majors to the immunization subject of internal medicine, which really made him feel weak. He didn’t take oneself too high as he had a big belly and a bowl.

“That skinny monkey. Forget it, if you don’t want to have a well-qualified doctor town, where can you get him to be the chief physician of internal medicine. Reinhardt Boss, I know you are from the battlefield Up and down, your ability must be both internally and externally. It’s amazing. Besides, even if you don’t see any general problems. Isn’t your surgery also the right to use nanomachines? Just treat it as a helper Busy, don’t let me leave such a mistake during the internship!”

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