Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1065

youngster is very angry, which is normal. In fact, it is not only this young doctor named Liu Fei, but most of the interns in the internal medicine department have this attitude towards their boss.

To say that he is a thin monkey is already very implicit. He didn’t directly say that he had a vegetarian meal. Just taking the money and not taking care of it is already very polite to them. This situation is not only internal, but also surgical. If it weren’t for him to be in the position of the director of surgery, I’m afraid the newcomers underneath would be more cheerful than the youngsters in internal medicine. Even so, some of his senior but poor doctors are already very difficult to do.

Faced with this request from the intern Liu Fei, Haojia thought for a while and was still sighed, and then he got up and came to the patient.

It is not only an essential part of the Chinese medicine system, but also western medicine, but in comparison, western medicine values ​​the data obtained by the instrument rather than the self of Chinese medicine. judgment.

In comparison, the instrument is naturally more realistic. After all, without a lot of experience, people really can’t compare to machines. So naturally, the gap between Chinese and Western medicine in the competition is a matter of course. Of course, there is no meaning to belittle Chinese medicine. It is also an occupation of treating diseases and saving people, but there is actually no need to distinguish good from bad. As long as people can be cured, everything is acceptable. Even Witch Doctor will do.

Looking at the face of the patient in front of him, he was as pale as a corpse that had been soaked for two days. And faintly discernable, Havoc already smelled a strong smell from him. It was a very disgusting smell, almost like a real decomposing corpse. Although it was covered by a strong smell of potion, it could still be clearly distinguished.

In addition, his eyes were dull and hollow, and his breathing was exhausted, almost as if he was about to lose his breath. Even if he thinks that he might hang up at any time, it is entirely a matter of reason.

Is this disease also saved? I am afraid that if you change a hospital, the attending physician may directly issue you a death notice. But in nano-neurons, most of this group are in front of newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, which is not necessarily powerless. Just work harder! This young doctor named Liu Fei obviously thought so.

Although this is just the youngster’s intention, Haojiao does not oppose his idea. The doctor? You can’t just ignore the patient’s illness and just think about making money. Wouldn’t it be better to be a doctor and go directly to the new Wall Street to find a job?

So now, he turned his head and asked the young and energetic doctor.

“Did you find anything?”

He would say this, which is equivalent to agreeing to his previous request. And this immediately made the young intern show a glaring joy. He quickly took out a portfolio, and then took out the various documents and X-ray images in it to explain the catastrophe.

“Yes, yes. This is the result of X-ray fluoroscopy. Here is also a CT resonance fluoroscopy report. According to the joint staff of several heads of us, the conclusion is that this should be something special The immune system after infection of the disease. Although the test results have not yet come out, but I want to come up with an answer to either a viral infection or a fungal infection. I brought the patient over this time just to ask, Reinhardt Boss, you Have you ever seen a similar situation?”

Looking at the file in his hand, the complexion on Haojia’s face suddenly became strange.

He first put down the things in his hand, then took out a pair of clean rubber gloves and put them on his hands. Then he turned his head, looked towards the dead patient, and asked him.

“Sir, can you take off your coat and let me see what you are doing?”

“Of course, doctor.” Feeling the catastrophe, the patient’s professional attitude There was already a slight change in the completely numb face. After all, as long as you are human, you don’t want to die. Although it was said that he had been desperate before, after all, he had not reached the point of complete despair. So naturally, when faced with a catastrophe that seemed more reliable, the patient suddenly rekindled hope.

There is no need for who to urge, this patient has already untied oneself’s strict medical suit. After seeing the specific circumstances of his body, even the experienced and knowledgeable catastrophe could not help but pick up the tooth flower.

I saw that the main body of the patient had become skinny, and many parts were so thin that even fat was invisible. This is a very obvious pathological thinness. And under this superficial thinness, it is a special alternative situation.

The whole body is already abnormally swollen, and the inside of the subcutaneous tissue is completely expanded by some body fluid to look like a water-filled balloon. With a finger poke, you can feel the thick liquid sloshing continuously. Even with a little bit of effort, you can see thick yellow pus seeping out of the subcutaneous tissue, and the disgusting smell like rotting comes from this pus.

“Is the whole body like this?”

“Yes, doctor. The whole body is!” Facing oneself’s only hope of survival, the patient is naturally impossible. What to hide. So he confessed very honestly. “Whether it’s walking or eating, as long as the body is slightly too large, it will let this pus seep out. I have had enough, doctor, if you can’t heal me, let me go without pain. Death? I really don’t want to endure this kind of pain anymore.”

“You haven’t reached that point, don’t be too desperate!” Havoc is almost routine to comfort patients. mood. For doctors, sometimes emotions are more useful than treatment. He has seen many people who do not heal themselves because of positive emotions, and have also seen oneself scared out of serious problems because of some minor problems. Therefore, as a professional doctor, what he needs to do is to help the patient adjust his own emotions before carrying out real treatment.

No matter how much you can do, at least you have to convince others that oneself is hopeful. Don’t say that the cruelest thing is to give others hope and put out hope with greater despair. As a doctor, your profession does not allow you to say such things. This is not ancient times. As long as you have done your own ability, will someone do you something because you can’t heal a patient?

The catastrophe oneself is a person who has no fear. So when he treats patients, he always starts with calming the patient’s emotions. And it seems that it is indeed because his tone and attitude are too self-confident. The patient who had some have no desire to improve actually gradually became calm.

“Doctor, can I really also help?”

“Of course, as long as you cooperate with our treatment!” Calmly replied, and Havoc continued to ask questions. “When did this happen and how long has it been?”

“It has been six hours since this situation happened early this morning!”

“Did this happen in six hours?” Hearing the patient’s answer, the catastrophe immediately stopped oneself’s hand movement. He thought it should be a few days or even a month. Didn’t expect only six hours, which obviously exceeded his expectations. Therefore, his expression began to become very interesting.

“Do you know what caused this situation?”

As soon as this question was asked, the patient’s face immediately became weird.

“Doctor, isn’t this something you should figure out? Why are you asking me the other way around!”

“no no no, if you are known by us If this is the case, we can tell you the answer. But obviously, we don’t know why you became like this. So if I want to know the answer, I can only ask you or the police. You know it’s the best. , If you don’t know, then we can only ask the police or omnic for help!”

Thinking about it, it seems that this is true. And this question is ultimately related to own life. So this patient can only recall desperately.

“I remember that after work last night, I went to a bar with a group of people for a drink. Then I met a girl?”

“What about this girl? “It’s not the catastrophe who asked this, but the intern Liu Fei who had been listening. As a youngster of full of vigor, he is very sensitive to this aspect. Of course, he soon realized that his own identity was really not suitable for saying this. So he immediately coughed twice, covering oneself. “Cough cough, I mean, is there anything special about this woman? Are you sure that the problem on your body came from her?”

“Buddy, you will be with someone who looks disgusting , Is there any relationship with women who smell it?”

Although the patient seemed to be dying, he answered this question very decisively and quickly. Faced with his answer, the little doctor thought for a while before pinching his chin and said.

“It shouldn’t be. I don’t have such a heavy taste!”

“Thank you for your answer. Besides, I don’t have such a heavy taste!” rolled the eyes, the patient also realizes that talking nonsense with him is wasting oneself’s limited life. So he immediately continued to explain the catastrophe. “You know, what happens when you drink too much in a bar. As usual, I don’t feel anything wrong. It’s just that at the end, the bitch actually bit me. Damn it. Yes, I thought it was some special hobby here. Didn’t expect this kind of ghost situation. I swear, if I run into that stinky bitch again, I must make her look good!”

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