Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1081

How proud Tony Stark is, many people just have a superficial understanding. As his best friend, Zhou Yi has the deepest knowledge of his pride.

He is the kind of person who has his legs discounted and will squeeze the ground with a broken bone and face you with a sneer. He is the kind of person who will definitely take care of everything on oneself even if he dies in the next second, so as not to make oneself look embarrassed.

Such a person would kneel down, and kneel down to his former close friends. This is simply an unbelievable thing. And when such a thing appeared in front of Zhou Yi’s eyes, he could better understand how desperate he was now.

He has already pleaded so humiliatingly, Zhou Yi is also impossible to let him go. This is not just because he is an own friend, even a former friend. More because everything he begs for now is for his wife and his unborn child.

Think about the saying that a few years ago, they laughed and said, if we have children, let our children get together. Zhou Yi cannot remain indifferent to such things. Although it was difficult, he was still willing to try for them.

However, before that, he must tell Tony to stop this change in himself.

He can clearly feel that this kind of change that Tony is happening right now is uncontrollable, and it has a lot of harm to oneself.

Maybe it is the reason why he has exceeded the limit, maybe it is because of some other factors. But regardless of that factor, if he does not stop, it will have a deadly impact on him. He didn’t want to finally rescue his wife and child, and then oneself would be wiped out.

So right now, Zhou Yi patted his shoulder and said to him.

“I will find a way to help you, Tony. Now what you have to do is calm down and wait for the result!”

Tony did not reply because he is now It is really shocked. simply don’t know how to reply. At this time, Jean drifted over slowly, and asked Zhou Yi seriously.

“How are you going to help her, didn’t you see that this woman is dead?”

A dead word made Tony’s body tremble. . Looking at him like this, Zhou Yi could not help but sigh immediately.

“I will find a way to enter the world of Death, and then seek help from Ms. Death.”

“Isn’t this dangerous enough?” He said this. Jean couldn’t help his face immediately. “You are like this now, why do you want to do such a dangerous thing. Also, haven’t you said that? Ms. Death might have colluded with that person, so you just sent it to the door, isn’t it bring about one’s own destruction? Is it?”

“It鈥檚 just a guess. Jean, don鈥檛 worry too much. I can feel that they are not as harmonious as we thought. Even if I appear in front of Ms. Death, she may not be Treat me like. And, with my strength, she may not be able to treat me like that!”

Zhou Yi answered very confidently, but Jean can only feel it from his words His guilty conscience. She knows exactly how much power Zhou Yi has lost now. And with the power he has now, can he really do the things he said? I am afraid that he himself has no bottom in his heart.

Jean Grey did not want to take this risk. Just as she was about to say oneself’s disagreement, a burst of abdominal pain came from her stomach suddenly.

That is the special feeling brought by the rhythm of life, and feeling this special throbbing, watching Tony cling to Maria鈥檚 potbellied appearance, who is not willing to let go, she Suddenly, I couldn’t bear the thoughts.

This woman is probably like oneself, waiting for a new life to come. It’s just that such waiting has become an extravagant hope that will never be seen. Is this too cruel for her?

Mother’s identity allowed her to give birth to compassion at this time. Coupled with Zhou Yi’s unwavering gaze, Jean is finally nodded and agrees with Zhou Yi’s ideas.

Her movements made Zhou Yi breathe a sigh of relief and made Tony lower his own head deeply again. He has already taken out his own dignity, and naturally he will no longer care that this dignity is trampled deeper. For him now, any dignity and ideals are no longer a matter of concern. All he wants is the return of his wife and children, and as long as he can do all this, even if he is required to pay the price of his life and soul, it is completely acceptable.

Jean and Zhou Yi will naturally not let him exchange his wife and children for the resurrection of his life and soul. However, Jean made such a request to him.

“Stark. I want to tell you, this is the last time! You have caused enough trouble for us. You are no longer qualified to put yourself into danger again and again. In the name of a friend. For the last time, we will help you for the last time. After this time, everything we have is written off, and you will never have the next chance to appear in front of us again! You know me Does it mean?”

“I understand!” Fiercely gritted his teeth, and Tony’s expression became extremely complicated by the mixture of guilt and hope. But he still gave oneself reply immediately. “I swear to you, this is the last time. After this time, if I appear in front of you again, I will fall into hell and never get peace!”

“This You said it, if there is another time, I will do what you said and send you to hell with my own hands!”

Lowered his own voice and spoke to Tony unceremoniously Gave such a warning. Jean turned his head and looked towards Zhou Yi with a wry smile. When facing him, she was more worried. Because in her heart, this kind of thing is more or less dangerous.

At this time, what she hopes more is that Zhou Yi can be by her side, accompanied by her quietly giving birth to the child. Instead of taking unnecessary risks for someone who is not worthy. However, everything has been decided, and she is naturally impossible at this time to regret it. So she can only really warned repeatedly at him.

“Be careful about everything, I am here waiting for you to come back!”

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen!”

Hugging her Shoulder, Zhou Yi assured her. After that, he turned his eyes on Maria in Tony’s arms. Through his own divine power, he has already seen where her soul goes.

The fight with the catastrophe caused Zhou Yi to lose a considerable part of his power. And the most important thing is his control over the power of stars.

The power of the black hole controlled by the catastrophe severely restrained the power of his star. It was almost equivalent to depriving him of this power. In this case, the only power he can mobilize is those that belong to the sun god.

This is where he dared to make such a promise to Tony. Because when he was the god of the sun, he did possess the ability to bring people back to life. This can be seen in some ancient myths.

In some myths, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Every day is a rebirth for the sun, and every night is also a time when the sun spends in the underworld. Stepping into You Ming, this is the natural ability of Sun God. And with this ability, it is not difficult to bring one or two mortal souls back to life and bring them back to life.

Of course, the premise is that you can find the soul you want to resurrect.

Just like Jean said, Maria鈥檚 soul is no longer on own. She has entered the dead world of Ms. Death. To resurrect her, she must bring her soul back. And this is what Zhou Yi is doing now.

With a glance through the two different worlds of the living and the dead, Zhou Yi has already found the soul of Maria. As for the next moment, he directly turned into a passing stream of light, passing through the barrier between the two worlds, and directly into the world of Death within the realm.

It’s still that bad scenery, still that bad situation. Almost as soon as he entered this World, countless lost own souls rushed toward him desperately. Faced with such a situation, Zhou Yi could only release endless radiance and flames from the whole body of the owner, causing all these dead souls to be burned to ashes.

The terrifying sun might make these undead roar and yell, and immediately avoid them from a distance. This is the fear that dark and sneaky creatures have in the nature of the sun, such a majestic existence. They didn’t dare to grab their edge, so they could only retreat far away. And this is exactly what Zhou Yi wanted.

This is Ms. Death’s world after all. If all these undead are destroyed, then it is impossible to guarantee that she will not be grieved. He just wanted to bring Maria back as soon as possible, and simply didn’t mean anything out of the question. So after dispelling these resentful spirits, he immediately stretched out his palm to Maria who was also retreating.

As a dead spirit who has just entered the world of the dead, Maria’s current state is very ignorant. This is a situation shared by all souls who have just entered the world of the dead. They cannot regain their consciousness, but simply act according to instinct. In this case, Zhou Yi naturally impossible to persuade her to go back with oneself obediently and honestly. So he can only use this most simple way to take her away from this World.

It’s just that he just started to move, and the scenery before him has quietly changed. And when everything in front of him returned to normal, he had already come to a familiar place and saw the same familiar people.

This made his face suddenly become solemn, and at the same time, he opened his mouth directly to the acquaintance.

“Ms. Death, is there anything you brought me here?”

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