Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1082

If you want Zhou Yi to tell who oneself least wants to see now, then Ms. Death is definitely one of the top ones.

It is true that he has so much friendship with Ms. Death. But this kind of friendship is not enough to prevent him from developing enough fear for this woman with a strong background.

Through Ganata who has disappeared, Zhou Yi already knows the relationship between Ms. Death and Galactus who has been wiped out by the catastrophe. The equivalent to the identity of the brother sister of a female compatriot can be sold out in no time. Such an approach really makes Zhou Yi disagree, and at the same time, it is inevitable to re-examine her.

This is a strong woman with a deep background and a fair means or foul for profit. For her, the friendship between oneself and her is just a small bargaining chip. It is very possible that oneself has already put oneself on the trading balance without knowing it.

This is very dangerous, all Zhou Yi just wants to stay away from her. But I didn’t expect that in this situation she would still be able to find the door. Of course, perhaps the term walking right into a trap would be more appropriate.

Feeling Zhou Yi’s warning against own in his words, Ms. Death shook the head indifferently, and then replied to him.

“Zhou Yi, don’t you think you’ve said that too much? Don’t forget, but now you broke into my territory without authorization. I just invited you here as a master. Why? Do you still want me to treat you as an enemy?”

Zhou Yi certainly doesn’t want her to regard oneself as an enemy. But he was also impossible to treat her as his own friend so naively. So at this time, he can only speak to Ms. Death very calmly.

“It’s better to be a little direct between us. Let’s talk about it, what do you want to do when you brought me here? Don’t say anything to me for reminiscence of the past. The friendship between them should not have reached this level.”

“Sit down and talk about it!” Ms. Death smiled slightly, and Zhou Yi appeared in front of a chair that looked very comfortable. . At the same time, the dining table and black tea appeared in front of Zhou Yi without pulling. Even also a dedicated waiter stood by their side and provided them with the best quality service.

Zhou Yi didn’t want to just act at the mercy of Ms. Death. Only when he saw the waiter, he had to sit down obediently and honestly.

That is the goal of his trip, Maria Stark. And she appeared here in this way, it means that Ms. Death has controlled everything about her. This makes him unable to act blindly without thinking at all, because he is very clear that only a single thought is needed and Maria is really dead. Even he is impossible to save her again. Under refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, he can only fall into passiveness.

Zhou Yi is reluctant to cooperate. Ms. Death can also see this clearly. It’s just that she doesn’t care about Zhou Yi’s attitude. All she wanted was that he could sit down and negotiate a deal with oneself calmly. Now that he has sat down according to the owner’s order, the rest will naturally be easy to say.

I made a cup of black tea and tasted a bite of Earth Grade slowly. Ms. Death said to Zhou Yi, who looked like a statue in front of oneself.

“Although I would like to ask you if you want to have a drink, depending on your current situation, you should not be interested in drinking tea with me. So maybe we should be more direct and talk about you The business I care about?”

“Do we have intersections on this kind of issue?” Zhou Yi asked cautiously. He knew very well that if it was a business matter that even Ms. Death needed to pay attention to, it would definitely be a huge trouble. But now, the last thing he doesn’t want to get into is trouble.

It’s just that oneself now has a handle that he squeezed into his hand. It’s not that simple if you want to avoid getting into trouble. So he can only ask in advance to see what kind of thing it is that will make this woman think of own.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Zhou Yi immediately realized that this was really a big trouble. Because what she said was actually related to another him.

“Of course. We will definitely overlap in some things. For example, the existence of catastrophe. I think you should already know his identity.”

The existence of catastrophe is a mountain pressed in Zhou Yi’s heart. In all fairness, he feels too disgusted with this other oneself not at all. However, what he did really made Zhou Yi of proud and arrogant unable to swallow this breath.

The domineering look of depriving oneself of power, the kind of admonition to own as if it were a sentence, make him deeply remembered in his mind, and every time he thinks of it is full Humiliated and unwilling.

Of course, in the face of the absolute power gap, this kind of unwillingness and humiliation is meaningless. Zhou Yi oneself didn’t mean to invite humiliation to oneself anymore, so he immediately replied clearly to Ms. Death.

“Yes, I know his identity. But what does this have to do with me? He is him, and I am me, do you have a contradiction with him, it will be counted as mine On the head?”

“Of course not, you said, he is him, you are you. Although you are one person, since you have appeared in the same world, you are two different The existence of. I know this better than anyone else. It’s just…” When it comes to this, Ms. Death smiled slightly, and the expression in her eyes immediately revealed a bit of playful meaning. .

“Does the relationship between you really have to be clear in this way? Or do you want to be like this, under his own body all the time? “

If possible, Zhou Yi naturally didn’t want to be crushed by the catastrophe. However, what he didn’t want was being used as a tool. Ms. Death’s words are very clear, that is, she has thoughts about catastrophe. And because of her relationship, she was once again dragged into the antagonism with that guy in Haojiao, which was something Zhou Yi absolutely didn’t want to see.

Before, his abilities couldn’t fight the catastrophe, let alone now. So immediately, he took this excuse and said to Ms. Death.

“Of course I don’t want to be crushed by him. But, do you think what I can do now? I am definitely not his opponent. Of course, if you are sure to deal with him, I There is nothing wrong with waving the flag next to you.”

Hearing this remark, Ms. Death’s face was immediately embarrassed. Of course she didn’t have the confidence to fight the catastrophe, and no one in the entire universe could have such sufficient confidence. And she brought Zhou Yi here today, it didn’t mean that at all.

She just wanted to bury a foreshadowing in advance, a way to curb the catastrophe. Rather than just and honorable to fight him. So after Zhou Yi finished talking about this remark, she immediately said.

“You think too much. I don’t mean to be an enemy of him. I want you to come here, and I don’t want you to cooperate with me, what about him. Strictly speaking, I I brought you here. I actually want to provide you with some help.”


Will Ms. Death kindly help oneself? Zhou Yi didn’t believe it very much. However, instead of putting this distrust on his face, he asked her with a serious look.

“How can you help me? Or, do you think I might need your help?”

“Of course.” With a slight smile, Ms. Death said Throws own chips. “For example, I can restore the power you once possessed. Remove the hidden dangers planted in your body by the catastrophe.”

This is a bargaining chip that Zhou Yi cannot refuse. Because he was so sad about the power that oneself lost. Unlike in the past when oneself lost its divine power during the long reversal period, at that time he paid the corresponding price after making the choice that oneself had to make. In essence, it is his own decision. So he will not have any regrets about that incident.

But what Havoc did to him was different. That was something that was forcibly imposed on him, and it was something he couldn’t accept anyway. He couldn’t be as calm as the former, facing everything like this, he would only have unwillingness and humiliation in his heart.

It’s just that he has nothing to do with all of this, and he doesn’t want to affect the people around oneself for this reason. So he can only submit to humiliation till now. And now, Ms. Death actually said that he could help oneself get back all that oneself had lost, and he naturally had no reason to refuse.

Of course, he will not agree too simply. Because he understands in his heart the truth that only efforts will be rewarded. People like Ms. Death are very realistic. Since she will come up with such a bargaining chip, it is equivalent to saying that she needs oneself to pay the corresponding price. Before he knew what the price was, he didn’t dare to reply blindly. So he could only say in a bluff.

“The same sentence, what do you want me to do?”

“It is very simple, I, or we, need your help.”

Zhou Yi is equivalent to opening everything up, and Ms. Death naturally impossible to continue to conceal her own intentions. She replied very bluntly.

“We need someone to replace us and restrain the power of that guy. Among them, you will be the most suitable candidate. Because of your relationship with him, and because of your potential. Of course. , We won’t let you be hostile to him casually. This is unrealistic, after all, his power is there, and his current identity is also very special. We only need you to be uncontrollable threats Just stand up and stop him when you get to this universe. How about, would you like to accept this condition?”

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