Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1083

Tony was almost intently, staring at Maria in Oneself’s arms without even blinking his eyelids. In his perception, time has already become extremely long. A second is more tormented than a century. Even so, he stared at Maria motionlessly, for fear that there would be changes that oneself could not predict in the next second.

In this kind of waiting, a bit of radiance has suddenly emerged from Maria’s body, and soon the silhouette of Zhou Yi appeared.

His appearance was undoubtedly the most important thing for Tony, and almost immediately, he asked Zhou Yi.

“How? How about Maria? Did you rescue him?”

Zhou Yi has not come back to his from the deal with Ms. Death for a while. senses, when Tony asked him this question, he was still in a daze. But soon he realized that Tony was waiting for a reply from own. And he immediately stretched out his palm to Tony.

Tony already has the existence of divine force, so naturally, some things that are invisible to an ordinary person are no longer a secret to him. So immediately, he saw clearly what Zhou Yi was holding, a soul that seemed illusory.

The familiar appearance, the figure almost carved in the bones, made him immediately recognize the true identity of this soul, and this immediately made him unable to help his voice hoarse. Called.

“Maria? Maria, is that you?”

The soul in Zhou Yi’s hands is indeed Maria’s soul. This is from Ms. Death. What you get is simply impossible to fake. And like before, this soul is still in a muddleheaded state of ignorance, and it shouldn’t respond to any calls. However, the miracle was born here.

Because when Tony’s calling voice reached her ears, her empty expression suddenly resembled a rippling pond, and the whole thing became vivid. And memories and emotions returned to her with this vivid change, making her almost involuntarily making such a sound in Tony’s direction.

“Tony? Is that you?”

She is still a soul, she can’t see the living in the real world, so she can only look around, looking for the voice source. But this change immediately made Tony’s eyes flushed, and he almost couldn’t speak.

Only when we lose can we know what is the most precious. Only after parting do you know how happy and fulfilling reunion is. It can be said that at this time, Tony no longer had any other existence in his eyes. There was only one person in his eyes, the one who was worthy of his protection for life.

Just, this is a soul after all. And it’s a soul who can’t communicate with oneself at all. This alone means imperfection, which means that he has not really regained her. So immediately, Tony cast a pleading look at Zhou Yi.

Seeing the bitter pleading in his eyes, Zhou Yi didn’t hesitate anymore, and just breathed out a breath at Maria’s soul.

The divine force from the power of life turned into a golden streamer, and the soul wrapped in Maria was blown on her broken body. And under the action of this incredible life divine force, Maria’s body immediately began to repair at the speed visible to naked eye.

And, as the repair progressed, her eyes quivered slightly, and then she opened little by little.

Like having experienced a long sleep, Maria’s eyes still have a trace of confusion and loss of awakening from a big dream. Then, when she saw Tony who appeared in front of oneself, she seemed to have really returned to this time, stretched out the palm of her own hand, stroked his changing face, and then lightly said to him with a smile.

“Tony, is it really you? I had a long dream, in which there was only darkness in front of me. Fortunately, it was a dream after all. When I woke up, you were still By my side.”

Listening to her description, feeling the warm feeling from her fingers. Tony, who had already choked up and couldn’t happen, immediately couldn’t help oneself anymore, the mountain cry out and sea howl general emotional frenzy in his heart, and burst into tears like a child.

He firmly hugged Maria in oneself’s arms, buried his head deeply in her arms, and let oneself’s hot tears flow to her like a waterfall on a bank Body. At the same time, he was sobbing and laughing, simply unable to hold his own emotions.

As his emotions vented, his body began to undergo amazing changes.

Those many amazing changes, especially his armor shell, which was manifested by him like the earth flowing with lava, are like ashes and dust burned by flames. He fell off rustlingly in his movements. This changed him from a somewhat hideous armored monster back to the ordinary appearance of oneself.

Because of his current behavior of weeping bitter tears, these shed dust left one after another clear dirty marks on his face. Let him look like a battered and exhausted. But he didn’t care, he was still venting the turbulent emotions in oneself’s heart.

At this time, if a journalist is allowed to show up here, I’m afraid he will be able to drop his own glasses immediately, because Tony’s looks like he’s lost his heart is really making anyone It all feels unacceptable.

However, except for Maria. Although she was extremely surprised by his sudden movement, after the surprise, she smiled and stretched out her hand, embracing his back. While lightly slapped, while quietly comforting him.

“It’s over, Tony. Everything is over. Is there me by your side? Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid!”

At this time, she hasn’t figured it out yet In the end what happened. Because from death to resurrection, it was really like a fantasy to her, and it couldn’t make people feel any real. She just comforted Tony instinctively, like a peaceful harbor, soothing every injured ship returning.

This special, only her gentleness made Tony, a tough guy who would not blink his eyes to die, cry more and more loudly. As for him, there was no image at all, neither Zhou Yi nor Jean kept silent in good faith.

They all know that all this is like a nightmare for Tony finally over. And when such a heavy nightmare finally came to an end, it was not surprising that he would have such a vent.

Only facing two familiar strangers like this, Maria couldn’t hold on anymore. She didn’t want Tony to lose face in front of these two people, so she immediately said to Tony.

“Get up quickly, Tony. Don’t do that, also people are watching!”

Hearing what she said, Tony immediately wiped away his tears with his own sleeve. Although his face was still embarrassed, he showed his most serious expression and said sincerely to Zhou Yi.

“Thank you, Zhou Yi. I will never forget your kindness. We will always remember everything you did to me, to Maria, and to our family. . Although I may not have the face to say that oneself is your friend. But I will still be grateful to you for a lifetime!”

Having experienced so many things in just one day, Tony’s tone There is no feeling of vainness in the past. It can be seen that what he said was extremely sincere. Just for his sincere words, some people still don’t buy him at all.

“You don’t need to be grateful to us. You just need to remember your promise and disappear from our eyes as soon as possible!”

Jean said to him bluntly, and then He directly placed an Expulsion Order on him. This made Maria, who had just returned from the resurrection, frowned immediately, revealing a look of disgust. Just as she was about to say something, Tony held her mouth. Said to Jean.

“I know, I will leave here. Then, I will never appear in front of you again as I promised.”

The promise made Maria’s face suddenly changed. At the same time, Zhou Yi was deeply sighed.

It’s really helpless for a friend of the past to become what it is today. But at this point, who can be blamed?

The human heart is always the most complicated thing in this world. Even Supreme’s God is impossible to control people’s hearts. The change in their relationship is entirely due to the different choices of each person. If you can go back in time, maybe all this can be changed back. But no one can go back to the past, naturally, no one can change everything in the present. Therefore, what they can do is to accept this helpless reality.

from now on, is a stranger who meets a stranger. At this last moment, Zhou Yi had only one thing to say to Tony.

“Tony! Maybe you should know something. I rescued Maria, but I can’t save your child. Sorry, I can only do this A point.”

Zhou Yi is not cracking a joke, but it is true. Maria has just been pregnant for only two or three months. During this time, the child simply in her stomach did not grow. Naturally, the child’s soul was not conceived.

A child who has not conceived a soul is impossible to be saved. Even with the function of divine force, it is impossible to give life and soul to a mass of dead flesh. Therefore, Zhou Yi is really powerless.

And his this remark, whether for Tony or Maria, is no different from a bolt from the blue.

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