Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1084

child! That is the most important part of every mother, or a woman who is about to become a mother.

For women with such an identity role, children are more important than their lives. This is by nature, and it is also the cultural inheritance of tens of thousands of years. Under these two major premises, I believe that for many mothers, even if they let them exchange their own lives for the future of their children, it will be an undoubted answer.

In this case, it is a self-explanatory answer to what a huge blow it would mean to lose a child.

It can be said that Maria was completely stunned when she heard Zhou Yi say this. She stroked own belly incredulously, wanting to feel the throbbing feeling of life from inside. But the total silence and an indescribable sense of sinking can only make her heart sink to the bottom like a cliff.

Pain and despair immediately flooded her heart like the tide, making her at this time helplessly pulling Tony’s collar, looking at his eyes, like a drowning person grabbing Asked desperately like living in a straw.

“Tony, tell me it’s not true, tell me it’s not true. Our child, our child?”

She has crying in her voice, And the expression on her face also began to become dull. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes almost as if they were broken, and Tony, who was holding her, immediately felt heartache.

For Tony, although the child is very important, it can’t compare to Maria’s position in his heart. So when he saw the affirmative answer in Zhou Yi’s eyes, he immediately hugged Maria’s body strongly, and hugged her tightly with the force as if to rub her into his arms. Then he comforted her quietly in her ear.

“Don’t be sad, Maria. We can have another child without the child. As long as you and I are here, we are also hopeful. So let go, don’t be too sad!”


He tried very hard to comfort the grieving Maria, but this effort was in vain. Because the blow was too great, Maria is now in a state of absent-mindedness. Except for silent tears, there was no reaction.

Seeing all this, Tony immediately felt pain in his heart like a knife. But he is a man after all, and a man must show enough strength in front of outsiders. So he just hugged Maria, who didn’t respond, and said to Zhou Yi with a calm expression.

“Thank you for telling us this. In this matter, I know you have done your best, so please rest assured, I will not blame you for this matter. Also, here, I Finally I say goodbye to you. This may really be the last time we have met.”

What kind of thoughts Tony’s heart is now, Zhou Yi can’t predict this. But he knew that Tony’s heart must be very complicated now, and all he showed now was just a strong smile.

As a person who is already a father, he can understand the pain of losing a child. It can be said that it is desperate and crazy. If this kind of thing happened to him, he might do something terrifying.

And the same thing happened to Tony, it will be the same result. Zhou Yi knows how much Tony expects this child. That is the symbol of his life and family continuation in this world. He could imagine how painful Tony was in his heart when he knew that this child would never be born again.

If the pain is not vented, it will suffocate people to death. Seeing what Tony meant now, he simply didn’t vent such painful thoughts. Instead, they use own reason, little by little, to hide this pain deep in oneself’s heart. This approach is very worrying, because when this painful emotion can no longer be suppressed, it will only explode in a more ferocious posture, thereby destroying everything.

However, with Zhou Yi’s current status, he is obviously not qualified to warn him, so he can only sigh and say to Tony.

“Yes, I met for the last time. In this case, Tony, let me send you the last ride. In addition, I hope you will want to open some, some things will follow the ebbing of time and was smoothed out.”

As he said this, he flicked open a void crack in front of Tony in front of Tony. And looking at the crack, then at Zhou Yi’s sincere expression. A stiff smile squeezed out of Tony’s face, and then he helped Maria walk towards the crack without looking back.

“Thank you for your kindness, Zhou Yi. It’s just that there are some things that will never be wiped out by time.”

This is the last sentence he left for Tony. When this sentence came through, he had already stepped into the rift in the void.

While watching the crack slowly close, his back also slowly disappeared. Zhou Yi shook the head and sighed deeply again.

Some things can be foreseen. Just like now, he already foresaw the pain and torment that Tony would suffer in the future. This is something that was decided from the very beginning, and when he made an important decision, all of this was destined.

Maria’s experience, also they lost their child, all this is just the beginning, not the end of everything. As long as he persists on the path chosen by oneself, all this will not change.

Will he change his original intention? Will it change because of all of this own persistence? Based on Zhou Yi’s understanding of him, I am afraid this is absolutely impossible. He is not a person who is easy to surrender. Under such heavy blows, he will only become stronger and full of fighting spirit.

This is what Zhou Yi admires most about him, and what he admires most. Because he has always been like a fighter, sticking to the path of oneself. No matter how heavy the burden he bears, no matter how many blows he receives, he always insists on his own heroic path.

Yes, hero! This is Zhou Yi’s perception of Tony. Compared to oneself who gave up halfway, he has always regarded Tony as a symbol that better reflects this vocabulary.

Although Tony has done a lot of sorry for him, even though Tony has become cold-blooded, marketable, by fair means or foul in the eyes of many old friends. But what no one can deny is that all he does is to protect the own country.

It’s not just a little joke like a normal Superhero, it only pays attention to the survival of individual people. Rather, it truly carries the weight of an entire country and regards the interests represented by this collective that carries hundreds of millions of people as something that oneself must protect.

Almost no Superhero can do this except him. Even Zhou Yi oneself has only tried it, and then stopped in repeated blows.

It is precisely because of trying, Zhou Yi knows how difficult it is. Because you will always face countless hopes, countless extravagant hopes, countless blessings and countless hatreds. That is not a place where idealists can live, it is something that the most realistic and cruel people can do.

He knew that oneself was not that kind of person, and he also knew that Tony was not that kind of person. In a way, Tony is actually the same as him. They are both idealistic people. Because he is not such a person, he would not be stupid enough to want to be a hero. People who are not like this will not give up their own lives time and time again to do that stupid thing.

Most Superhero are the same guys. It’s just that some people wake up early from their ideals and learn what reality is. Just like him! And some people are not learning how to bow to reality. It’s like Tony!

He sat in this position because of his ideals, and because of his ideals, oneself was completely distorted, making oneself what it is now.

This kind of self-burning destruction, no one can save him, only he himself can save him. And will he wake up? When this question appeared in Zhou Yi’s heart, he could not help but sigh. Because he already guessed the final answer.

Heroes, never end well. They will not die, they will only fall on the path of oneself ideal, be remembered like a ridiculous stone tablet, and then deceive more people and embark on the same path.

Perhaps as Tony oneself said, this will be their last meeting. Maybe in the future, they really have no chance to see each other again.

The expression of loneliness has appeared on Zhou Yi’s face with such emotion. Looking at his expression, Jean slowly walked over and leaned in his arms.

“What are you thinking about?”

Finger lightly stroked the eyebrows of this beloved man. From his eyes, she could feel the lingering in his heart now That kind of sadness.

“I was thinking about the story between me and him. I was thinking about what he said to me that afternoon. He said he wanted to save the own city and the own country. But I didn’t expect that he would actually In this way. If I stopped him in the first place, if I was at first, I would give him more help. Maybe he won’t become what he is now.”

Speaking of which, he With a slight smile, he let go of the senseless emotion.

“I’m fine, I just couldn’t let him go for a while.”

shook the head, Jean obviously did not agree with him. Because she knew Zhou Yi so well that she had already seen him very thoroughly. And now, she said this quietly in the bottom of her heart.

“It’s not that you can’t let go of Stark, you just can’t let go of you yourself! Can’t let go of the past.”

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