Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1085

Tony’s leaving without saying goodbye from the door of White House is a situation that many people are worried about. Because in any case, he was attacked like that, and from the situation reported by the reporters at the scene, the president’s wife Maria Stark is probably in danger.

There is an old saying that it’s not a misfortune for a family. Because this is the biggest devastation to the psychology of the parties involved. Even if it is only ethical considerations, this has already breached a person’s bottom line. Therefore, anyone with a basic morality is condemning and condemning those who make such extraordinary behaviors. For Tony as a victim, everyone is sympathetic and concerned.

It’s just that this kind of sympathy just spread, and there was a message in White House that made people unfathomable mystery. That is, the President Stark who should have ran away without a trace actually returned to the White House safely, and the president’s wife Maria Stark was not at all in a critical situation. Although it seems that she has received some psychological stimulation, from the preliminary observations, she should not have any major problems.

As soon as the news came out, it was not only unfathomable mystery who sympathized with Tony’s family. Even the reporters who reported the news and prepared to stir things up in one go were directly dumbfounded.

What the hell is this? Faced with such a situation, everyone is confused. Without being able to figure it out, all the media began to rush towards White House.

In previous news reports, the assassination before White House has been defined by most media as a tragedy. Such reports almost shocked the entire country and even the entire world, and even many of Tony’s supporters began to organize parades in preparation for related mourning activities in major cities. But now, everything hasn’t started yet, it has been stopped by this sudden news. Those people who have simply wasted their feelings and energy will throw this anger on who can come up with the answer after a little thought.

This time, the news media have suffered a disaster. In reporting on Tony’s incident, they can be said to have ended up as inhumane. Not only the press officers in White House hate gnashing teeth for their speeches, but even the ordinary persons who have been consumed are also cursing these bastards who only know about making big news.

If only the government has any opinions. To be honest, people in the media may not be afraid of them. Is it because of the media? If you don’t sing against the government, how can there be sales and audiences at all. However, it is a serious problem to use the masses as stupid donkeys for consumption.

Although in the eyes of most media people, all media audiences are dumb donkeys and ATMs who are fooled by them at will. But that was also when the news they reported was ambiguous and irrelevant. In terms of major events, no media really dares to make the people amused. Because everyone knows that news media that dare to take the people out will not end well. If one is not good, even the job will be smashed.

The previous reports clearly had such hidden dangers, and the media who understood this immediately took action. They know that oneself must get the real first-hand information before the truth is figured out by most people, and then eliminate the influence of the previous false news as soon as possible. Otherwise, the people who have been fooled will definitely drown them with saliva.

It’s just that, although the idea is such an idea, the actual action may not be able to proceed according to their estimates. Because White House has adopted very strict conservative measures on this issue, they simply do not give any news media the opportunity to explore the truth of the matter.

This makes these people who want to engage in news blind. Faced with the White House spokesperson who was righteously rejecting them, they could only raise the microphone unwillingly and ask loudly.

“Your press officer, Mr. President is said to have returned to the White House, and Mrs. President is safe and sound. Is all this true?”

“Everything is true. Medical treatment. The official has checked the health of the president and his wife and proved their health. We have also announced this through the official statement of the White House. Here, I urge everyone not to spread rumors and trigger the society and the country. The chaos and turmoil of the news media. In particular, the news media must be cautious and truthful in reporting!”

The news officer’s words obviously have hidden meaning, and they even point to sang-huai. Seriously, the previous situation really scared him to death. Because these news media did not communicate with White House at all, the report almost caused the entire country to fall into turmoil.

Maybe the ordinary person doesn’t feel great. But as important government officials, they know very well what Tony means to the entire government system now. It can be said that without Tony, the current government system is about to fall apart immediately.

Why do you say that? Because it was like they had only dared to say that Tony was recuperating from illness when he disappeared. Once someone realizes that Tony is missing, it is very likely that someone will hold the banner of democracy and bring back the original United States government system. This is not an impossible thing. Among other things, those consortium and Great Family will definitely have this idea. Because that is the best way to benefit them.

Only Tony here can suppress the ambition of these guys to begin to stir. Only with his presence can the current government system be maintained and persisted. It can be said that if Tony didn’t return to the White House in a timely manner, then I am afraid that it is not these media who are standing outside the White House, but the demonstrations, and the navy and trust who want to restore the House system. At that time, everyone in the White House, including him, had no choice but to walk away. And under this premise, how could he give these people who almost broke oneself’s future a good face.

Basically, people who do the media are human beings, and they can naturally hear what the news officer says. However, those who had already developed a realm complexion had no sense at all about such accusations. So, simply without a pause, they passed the microphone over again.

“Your Excellency the press officer. Everyone has seen the previous events. The president even left the scene regardless of the overall situation because of the situation of the president’s wife. From the perspective of the time, the president’s The injury should be very serious. Why is it said that everything is fine now? Is there any possibility of false reports?”

“We have the most advanced medical technology, we can cure in this world The injury of overwhelming majority. Why do you think that the situation of the President’s wife is not optimistic? Can I regard this as your malicious speculation and defamation?”

The press officer’s speech was already agitated at this time , This choked many reporters. But soon, they continued to question it act recklessly.

In this case, why didn’t your Excellency the President bring the President’s wife out to meet with the news media to give us a clear answer and eliminate the misunderstanding of the public’s psychology. We can think that this is a false report from the White House side Is it a deliberate act used to confuse the public and mislead the truth?”

“First of all, Mr. President is not allowed to show up for safety reasons. Before the previous assassinations were specifically investigated, White House The president will not be exposed to the eyes of any media again. Because we are not sure whether you have the same unpredictable existence among you.”

“In addition, regarding the doubts about White House. I reserve the right to appeal to you and the news companies behind you. You are questioning the authority and fairness of the government and endangering the public safety of the society. In this regard, I hope you will be prepared for litigation. The above is that In this way, today’s press conference ends here.”

In a few words, the press officer dismissed these flies-like reporters. Allowing them to keep clamoring behind him, he just returned to the White House without looking back. Then he made a brief report to his boss.

While holding his report, Maria Hill sighed and knocked on the door of Tony’s office.

“Your Excellency, I think you should make an appearance in the news media as soon as possible to calm the emotions of the people and the media. Otherwise, I am worried that they will riot under the instigation of those who are interested in The system has launched an impact!”

“You find a way to suppress this matter. No matter how harsh the method is used, you must never give those guys a chance.”

Tony, with his back to Maria Hill, paused slightly when he heard her words. Soon, he gave his own reply, and once again devoted himself to the work at oneself.

He is carrying out some technical deductions on the remodeled desk, and from the projections, what he deduces is inseparable from the nanomedical technology provided by Ultron.

Although Zhou Yi has already issued the most tragic and thorough announcement to their children. But Tony still couldn’t accept this statement in his heart. In his opinion, the time has not yet come to complete despair. Since God’s power cannot help oneself save him and Maria’s child, then he pursues this possibility with science.

For hundreds of years, mankind has obtained countless results from science that could not be sought from God. In this case, maybe oneself can also get the miracle oneself wants from science in the same way.

If you want to seek such a miracle, you can only start in the medical field, and in the medical field, the technology provided by Ultron is undoubtedly the most promising one.

It can be said that he placed oneself’s last hope on this technology. However, in the end all the deductions and calculations told him a result he least wanted to know. And this immediately made him hit the desk fiercely with a fist, and screamed with red eyes like a gambler who lost everything.

“Why, why did it fail? Why is it still not working! Why is this?”

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