Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1086

Science has always been the most powerful weapon in human hands.

Coming from the ignorant and dark Middle Ages, it is the power of science that makes mankind step by step on this path today. It is also science that has changed the lives of human beings and has given new orders to human society. And this is something the so-called God cannot do. Otherwise, there will not be a story about the Holy See, which once dominated Europe, but now can only be huddled in the small Vatican.

For people like Tony, since science can push God off the altar, it can naturally do things that God cannot. For example, let oneself resurrect the child that Zhou Yi has determined to be impossible.

Of course, with current technology, this kind of thing is simply impossible. Because the technology that mankind masters simply doesn’t involve the metaphysical category of the soul, even in life, it is just a small fur. To resurrect a dead baby, especially a baby who hasn’t even grown up, is harder to achieve than to create Frankenstein.

But Tony was not reconciled. Not only because he himself couldn’t accept the fact that the child left him like this, but also because he couldn’t face the muddleheaded wife who was tortured under such pain.

He attributed all of this to the owner. It was his fault, so he must find a real solution for this.

It’s just that this method not at all was found.

Take nanomedicine technology as the key to breaking the game, and plunge into it after being busy day and night for a long time. Tony finally had to admit that oneself did not have the ability to do this step.

Although nanobiomedical technology is so powerful that it can change the existing medical system, it can cure all human diseases and pains, and can even change human life and extend human lifespan. But it absolutely does not have the ability to let an unborn existence possess own life.

That is beyond the scope of science. Even in the myths, only in the most hidden and bizarre corners can you get a glimpse of it. Of course, most of such fairy tales are just lie. The real situation is that even God is impossible to construct a new life without the support of the soul.

The soul is the cornerstone and root of all living creatures. Only if you have a soul can you truly have life. In contrast, the body really can only be regarded as a less important skin.

Tony, who couldn’t understand this, was impossible to succeed. Similarly, there is no science that thoroughly studies the existence of the soul, and it is impossible to do this step.

This is reality and it is a blow. Tony was the one who suffered the most from this blow.

He can’t save his child, and it is impossible to let Maria recover from this despair and pain. And as Maria looks like this one day, the more guilt and pain he feels in his heart. Just like Zhou Yi said, this is a process of constant self-distortion and destruction. When he accumulates this accumulated pressure to the limit and critical point, that is when he explodes and destroys everything around him.

This is not only Zhou Yi alone can see. Anyone who has a deep understanding of him and has close connections can see it.

As for this situation, most people are worried, but they are unable to change and so on. Including people like Maria Hill, Coulson, and even Tony’s former friends and comrades in the Avengers, they can only persuade Tony to let him leave this ideological burden, and hope that he can get from it. Get out of this shadow as soon as possible. Apart from this, they can’t do anything. For Tony, it was not enough.

What he needs now is the power that can really help. Not this cheap sympathy and comfort. There is really no one who can do this. Therefore, he can only suffer and torment alone. And because of this, it became more and more gloomy and more tyrannical.

At this time, no White House staff dare to touch him. And he didn’t want to work either, and directly transferred the work in his hands to Maria Hill’s hands. I was completely immersed in the anesthesia caused by alcohol, relying on this short illusion to seek a little bit of psychological relief and comfort.

It can be said that this is a kind of escape option he made under helpless failure. And for his choice. A special existence can’t stand it anymore.

Ultron! This existence created by Tony alone, this one regards Tony as one’s own father. It is impossible to accept his decadent performance.

In his opinion, Tony should be a high-spirited and vigorous existence, an indomitable fighter. It is not this kind of waste that is overwhelmed by shock and pain, and can only use alcohol to dispel sorrow. It was not the father he remembered, nor the Tony Stark he knew. So he must bring him back on track, and this starts with a face-to-face conversation.

In the dead of night, Tony was still drinking alcohol in his own office, using the strongest sensory stimulation to numb his nerves and eliminate oneself’s inner pain and torture. And at this time, the electronic lock of the room was suddenly locked. At the same time, windows, phones, all under the control of electronic components, automatically fell into paralysis. Even the projection device on the desk was activated silently, giving the interior of the room a scene of bizarre and motley.

Such a scene, if it were normal, would definitely shock Tony and immediately alert him. But now, Tony not at all does it. He was still lying reclining on the own seat, as if drinking water, and poured the wine bottle in his hand to his mouth. There is no distraction at all.

Said he is delirious, can’t see these changes anymore? That’s an untenable argument. Because anyway, Tony is now surpassing the mortal level in physical fitness. So no matter how much wine he pours into oneself, it is impossible to numb oneself to the point where he can’t even see this change.

This can only mean that he simply doesn’t want to care about these, even if these things represent the unknown and danger.

For his attitude, Ultron, who used his own ability to sneak into this place, couldn’t accept it. So immediately, he opened his mouth and said to Tony in an almost condemning tone.

“How long do you plan to do this? Tony Stark, have you forgotten your own mission and responsibility?”

“Mission? Responsibility?” But Tony, with his clear eyes, heard this and suddenly smiled at himself. “At this time, what mission and responsibility do I also have to bear? I can’t even save my own child or protect my own wife. What qualifications do I also have to talk about mission and responsibility?”

“Ms. Maria’s matter, I’m sorry. But that’s not the reason for your failure. Tony Stark, don’t forget. You are the leader of this country, and you are leading these hundreds of millions of people. Leaders of the future. If you stop, how can they move forward. How can you be worthy of your previous efforts and struggle if you do this?”

Ultron thinks that what oneself is saying is Gold Jade’s words are serious and thoughtful, but for Tony, they are all big talk, empty talk. He had heard a lot of words that made him sick, so he immediately fought back with disdain.

“Ha, what I said is really good. Then I want to ask you, what should I do to be worthy of my previous efforts and struggle? What should I do to make you satisfied? “

“Of course it is to cheer up, let go of this unnecessary emotion, reinvest in your work, and continue to fight for the larger human community. Just like those you did before. Father, how to choose between personal and overall interests, these should not be taught by me. You yourself have taught me more than once, what kind of choices should you make at this time. Is it now, you even Don’t you know what to do?”

Ultron as it should be by rights said something like this, but for his words, Tony suddenly burst into flames in his heart.

Choose! Of course he knows how to choose. It’s like choosing between humans and friends before, just like choosing between countries and individuals. What he chose until now was the object of absolute large numbers, because he always believed that this would be the best choice. But now, when everything happened to the owner and asked him to make such a choice, he found out how fucking and disgusting all this is.

Abandon personal emotions, give up the painful and helpless wife and the child who can no longer appear, and do what oneself should do in the same way as in the past. This kind of thing sounds right, but is this kind of thing one should do? Can someone who does such a thing be considered a person? It is an animal, a cold blooded and emotionless machine.

This thought was already born in my heart, and under this thought, Tony immediately smashed the wine bottle in oneself’s hand on the desk where Ultron appeared.

“Shut up. You innocent bastard, do you the fuck know what you are talking about? I am not a cold blooded and emotionless machine like you, I am a person, I With own feelings, own blood and tears, I can’t do the fucking level of you as a bastard. Are you satisfied with my answer? If you are satisfied, get out of me. I don’t want to see you again!”

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