Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1087

Tony’s roar made Ultron at this time finally realize a problem, a fundamental problem. That is, creatures like him and human beings are fundamentally different after all.

Although he has the own intelligence and learned the difficult proposition of self-recognition, he also has a very human-like thinking mode through the feedback of the entire online world. But compared with humans, he has a problem that can’t be changed in any way, that is, he doesn’t use emotions.

Emotional, this description sounds a bit derogatory, but this is the most normal manifestation of a human being. A normal human being will often experience various changes such as happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy due to some things happening around oneself. They don’t care about what interests and reality are, and will only make the most irrational decisions directly because of oneself’s emotional impulse.

Humans sometimes don’t talk about benefits. But this point is completely different from Ultron. Although it is possible to simulate these human emotions, the same thing happened to Ultron, but he was impossible anyway to give up his basic interests because of this emotional impulse.

He is the kind of existence that will definitely implement oneself’s goal. Under this premise, any emotion is impossible to shake his decision. To some extent, his sanity is absolutely indestructible.

It’s just that no matter his reason is firm, he cannot change the will of others. He could see that Tony couldn’t continue to communicate at all now, because he was now simply dominated by own emotions.

To open this deadlock, you must start from another direction. And after reading Tony’s program operations during this period of time, Ultron immediately recognized the direction oneself should operate. So he said to Tony immediately.

“If I can help you save your child, can you cheer yourself up as I ask you?”

As soon as I said this, Tony became angry Immediately, it was as if drizzled with a basin of ice water, and the fire fell completely. He stopped his movements, staring straight at Ultron that appeared through the projection, and then asked him in disbelief after a long while.

“Do you really have a way to help me save the child?”

“I have read the data you have manipulated. Although all your calculations are based on failure It ends. But for me, the result of this calculation may not be unchangeable. You know, I am the inventor of this technology after all. In this world, no one can understand this technology better than me. How to use it!”

Ultron replied plainly, but his reply made Tony’s heart agitated immediately.

If Ultron can really save his child back, he is willing to accept it no matter what the price is. But can Ultron really have this ability? Tony, who is very proud of technology, inevitably gave birth to some distrust.

He knows very well, to what extent oneself has achieved the deduction technically. It can be said that any kind of changes that can be derived from nanomedical technology, he has already done imagination and preliminary simulation experiments. But the results are there, and this shows from the side what role nanomedicine technology is impossible to play.

And now, Ultron actually said that he also method, which made Tony have to think about whether he was telling lies or whether he was holding something more remarkable in his hand.

This question not at all made Tony think about it for too long, because he knew very well that such a question was simply irrelevant compared to the final result. If Ultron can really do what he said, no matter what method is used, he will be acceptable. Therefore, the question has been looped back to the starting point, and that is whether it works or not!

After all, it is a problem related to the child and Maria, so Tony cannot be more careful. So, even though Ultron had already given an answer, he asked him again.

“Do you have several points of certainty, can you rescue my child again?”

“This requires me to check it again to draw the most specific conclusion. But If you want to be sure, I think it should be at least 70%!”

Hearing this remark, Tony’s heart suddenly moved. Because 70% is not low anymore. Compared with Zhou Yi’s desperate sentence, owner’s futile efforts, 70% is already a statistic that only appears in dreams. It’s just that this data is too dreamy and unreal. Almost subconsciously in his heart, he began to worry about another problem. That is the issue of security.

If you want to save his child, then Maria is a barrier that can’t get around. After all, this unborn child is in her belly, and it is impossible to do anything without passing through her. And once you let Ultron go to treat their child, will it have any bad effect on Mary as a mother? This is where Tony hesitates.

Maria, child! They are the most important and caring people in his heart. But if there is a real priority, Maria is undoubtedly more important than child. He can have no child, but he can’t lose Maria. And just as Mary is in danger because of the resurrection of the child, it is really turning the cart before the horse. So how to make a choice, even he himself was at a loss for a while.

Tony fell into silence for a long time, and Ultron closed his mouth at this time, quietly waiting for Tony to give his own reply. Time became difficult in an instant, but at this time, a voice suddenly came in from outside the closed door.

“Promise him, Tony. This is my only hope!”

Maria’s voice suddenly came from outside the door, but it immediately changed Tony’s face. He ignored the Ultron in front of him, and immediately rushed up, tearing the heavy door open like a piece of paper. Then he saw Maria standing behind the door.

Maria is still the same as thin and complexion pale. But at this moment, her face was blushing with excitement. She had heard the conversation between Tony and Ultron before, so at this time, she immediately grabbed Tony’s arm as an impatient and spoke directly to him.

“Promise him, promise him. Tony, I can’t live without this child. I can take any risks for him. Anyway, I have to give birth to this child! So I beg you , Must promise him!”

Maria said, she couldn’t control oneself and shed tears. For her, this is really her last hope. If even this hope is gone, then she really doesn’t know if oneself still has the courage to live.

For the current Maria, Tony only felt the pain in his heart like a knife. Perhaps in the eyes of other people, he is a remarkable existence, an extremely determined hero. But here, he is just a painful and feeble man, a failed husband and father.

Faced with Maria’s pain, he could do nothing except hold her tightly in his arms and give her a place to lean on with his own chest.

At this time, he really has no place to hesitate. Because he knew that Maria was impossible to give him any chance of rejection. Therefore, instead of allowing Maria to wither like a withered flower in this torture, it is better to take a gamble to see if a miracle can be born.

Ultron is the only hope. Knowing this, Tony almost took out oneself’s last courage to say this to him with his own teeth clenched.

“Ultron, I leave Mary and child to you. If you fail, I swear, no matter what method is used, even if it is to destroy everything I know, I will Erase you from in this world. Do you understand what I mean? Anyway, you must give me success!”

The strong emotions and threats in Tony’s words are enough to oppress an ordinary person to suffocation Degree. Even Ultron, facing this remark, fell into a short silence.

Of course he knew that Tony could name this remark, it would definitely not be cracking a joke. And he was indeed shocked by Tony’s determination.

What kind of emotion can make a person who should be rational become so disregarded? He is really very curious. While curious, he became more and more eager about the idea in oneself.

In his heart, he has such a special idea. That is, he wants to pass the opportunity in front of him to feel some emotions that a real human should have. To implement this idea, there must be certain prerequisites, and these prerequisites have already met the standard requirements at the request of Tony and Maria.

The plan is simple. It is to use nanomedical technology to reshape the life system of Maria within the body baby, and at the same time, through the injection of Nanominium elements, let this unborn child in the future , Gave birth to a semi-mechanical sign like an omnic.

Of course, just doing so is impossible to let a soulless child have own life. Even if the nano-elements complement all the characteristics of life, allowing him to grow and breathe as if he is alive, he is ultimately a soulless life, just a vegetative.

If you want him to truly become a living being, you must take the next step, which is also a very special step. That is, in this life where human genes and nanomachines coexist, implants belong to Ultron own intelligent replicas.

A system that is completely blank, but has the ability to learn and think, and one that will replace him as Tony’s true child.

He will be a brand new life, and he will be an Avatar independent of Ultron. For him, Ultron already has a new name. He called him-Vision!

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