Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1098

Coulson simply doesn’t know when exactly did this huge Black Panther touch it. And compared with the situation that almost completely ignored own just now, it obviously treats him as a prey now.

This is definitely not good news for him, so immediately, he aimed his gun at the huge leopard. And this immediately stimulated the leopard’s emotions.

As a wild beast, Black Panther is much smarter than the general wild beast. It knew what Coulson was holding in his hand, and this was regarded as a provocation by it as it should be by rights. Wild beast often has only one action for provocation. So immediately, it rushed towards Coulson.

In this case, Coulson wanted to shoot completely subconsciously. But no matter how he moved, he couldn’t pull the trigger on oneself’s finger. It’s not that it’s lack of energy, but that it can’t move at all. Because at this time, a small hand was already pressed on his pistol, and it was like pinching a handful of ooze, directly squeezing the entire part of the barrel and the bullets inside.

Under such circumstances, Coulson is naturally impossible to let the gun make any noise. For him, this is simply a terrible thing. Xiao Zhoushang’s movements completely exceeded her expectations. Now he has no means to deal with this terrifying leopard, so under the leopard’s pounce, all he can do is eyes closed and waiting to die.

“Shazan, go away!”

Coulson is already desperate! But at this time, Xiao Zhoushang’s voice rang in his ears again. That was the babble of milky milk. It sounds a little funny, but it is extremely useful. Because under his scolding, the huge Black Panther looked like a frightened kitten, arched his waist and shrank his tail, turned his head and ran. In the blink of an eye, its silhouette has already rushed into the dense forest.

Such a change is really something Coulson didn’t expect. He originally thought it was a mutated wild beast, but now it seems to be more like the child’s pet. With such a big Black Panther as a pet, it is estimated that only this second generation of God can do this in this World.

Coulson thought of pantothenic acid. But he didn’t at all stupidly expose this little emotion. On the contrary, his face was mellow, even a little flattering.

“Thank you, Little Brat. You saved my life!”

“It’s okay! Seeing the injustice, draw your sword and help! Daddy’s book says that. Also, don’t Call me Little Brat. I have a name! You can call me Zhou Shang, or Shang En!” With a wave of his little hand, Zhou Shang’s answer was full of heroic temperament. And this kind of temperament appeared in him, it is a bit nondescript. This made Coulson couldn’t help but feel fortunate, but fortunately oneself was low enough before. Otherwise, with this Little Brat’s temper, I am afraid that something is really going to happen.

He came in here but asked for someone. If people have conflicts with their children before they see them, it is really too unreasonable. No matter who the problem is, he is the one who has bad luck in the end. There is really no way to do this, because Shanen’s age is the biggest advantage.

“Well, Shane. Thank you again. Also, can you tell me where your father is? I am friends with him, and I want to talk to him about something.”

Satisfying Little Brat’s request, Coulson asked him. He not at all forgets the original purpose of oneself. For him, seeing Zhou Yi’s talent is the most important thing. And now that Little Brat, Shanen, serves as a bridge, things may go smoother.

“You want to see my daddy?” Shane raised his head and looked at Coulson’s appearance. His gentle smile on his face at this time played a very important role. At least for Shan En, such a smile is very harmless and trustworthy. So immediately, he patted oneself meat hu hu on the chest and said to Coulson. “Come with me, I know where he is now!”

As he said this, he ran towards the courtyard behind the mansion with his own short legs. And seeing his answer so straightforwardly, Coulson immediately felt an unexpected joy. He quickly followed along, and in the eyes of the two people in the dark, it made them immediately look at each other in blank dismay.

“What should I do? Just let them pass?”

“Can you stop the young master?” Hearing Lingdie’s question, Koyama Yuriko asked back expressionlessly. Faced with such a problem, Lingdie was suddenly taken aback, and some of them couldn’t speak.

Although she is reluctant to admit it, she has to admit that oneself simply is not Shane’s opponent, who is less than two years old, Little Brat. The strength that he inherited from his father is too strong. They are so powerful that Mutants who are talented and talented in themselves feel desperate. Therefore, if oneself dares to stop him, then oneself will definitely suffer in the end. That Little Brat is not a reasonable person!

I want to understand this, Lingdie said unwillingly.

“Is it so easy for this guy to go in?”

“There is no big problem.” shook the head, Yuriko showed his own attitude. “It’s just an ordinary person, it won’t cause unnecessary trouble to the owner.”

“Do you really think so?” Looking at Yuriko’s indifferent expression, Lingdie finally It was long sighed and chose to give up. “Okay. But, it seems that this month’s bonus is going to be ruined. Annoying humans are always a group of greedy undying goods.”

As the guard of Zhou Yi’s family, Lingdie knows this very well. What kind of ideas do human beings always come to. In her opinion, every human being here is just like those believers who go to the temple to worship. They always put forward some extravagant hopes, but also hesitate to offer enough sacrifices. It’s as if God was born to meet their requirements.

As an outsider, she naturally can’t stand the ugliness of human beings. But after all, it is the words of the lowly carry little weight, and all she can do is to block some people who shouldn’t come. Today, she should actually block Coulson. It’s just that he didn’t expect that he was so lucky to meet Xiao Zhou Shang first. This allowed her to complain here and sigh with the impermanence of fate.

Maybe it’s really fate, Coulson’s mission seems to be impossible. But it was as if there was an invisible big hand pushing him behind his back, allowing him to get through every difficulty almost smoothly. And now, in the courtyard of the God mansion, he finally saw the purpose of oneself’s trip.

Zhou Yi was sitting at a table in the middle of the courtyard, talking and laughing to the two women on the left and right of oneself.

The two women Coulson know each other. On the left is Vampire Serrana who has met once, and on the right is Susan Storm, a small reputation physicist in the circle of scientists. Both of them are the kind of beauties that are rarely seen, so when seeing this, even Coulson’s temperament can’t help but envy Zhou Yi’s beauty.

Of course, he knows. Some things are not envious. The huge gap between them was determined, oneself did not envy him at all. So he quickly corrected his own mentality and prepared to go up and say hello to him.

And just when he was about to speak, the little Zhou Shang who led the way in front of him had already yelled a step ahead of him.

“Daddy. I brought a man over. He said it was your friend, who was looking for you specifically, do you know him?”

Little Brat jumped up Go and ask questions very bluntly. And this question really embarrassed Coulson. Because if Zhou Yi ignores own words at this time, then the own face will probably be lost. Among other things, just the reputation of deceiving a child can make oneself ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi is not at all, as he is worried. On the contrary, when he saw Coulson, his face immediately showed a slightly surprised smile.

“Coulson, it’s really long time no see. I thought that if I wanted to see you, I had to go to prison to apply for a visit. Didn’t expect you to come out, and it seemed Did you mix well?”

This kind of obvious ridicule made Coulson smile wryly and let out a long breath. Zhou Yi also recognizes oneself as a friend, which is really a very lucky thing. Because it means that he does not reject oneself. As long as he doesn’t have any opinion on oneself, then his mission has a great chance of success.

With this judgment in his heart, Coulson immediately smiled helplessly at Zhou Yi.

“The price of two years in jail for the current position, if you can’t mix it up, then it’s really not worth it. And in comparison, you live a life But it’s much happier than me. Wife, child! You have everything, carefree, but much better than people in our industry!”

“If you If you think about it. Is it a problem to find a good job and lead a life like this? Don’t say anything that no one likes you, as long as you are nodded, I can immediately let Ada give in the Corona Group You arrange a supervisor’s job. When the time comes, you calm down and find a girlfriend, can this kind of life be far behind?”

Zhou Yi said with a smile, and for his this remark, Coulson just shook the head helplessly.

“Forget it. That kind of life doesn’t suit me. In contrast, I prefer this kind of stimulating work.”

“Okay. If you change your mind, remember to tell me at any time.” He stretched out his hand and motioned Coulson to sit down. Zhou Yi asked him straight to the point. “Let’s talk about it, why are you here for me? I don’t believe you came so far, just to reminisce with my old friend. Who made you come? Nick Fury or Tony Stark?”

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