Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1099

“It’s Tony!” On this issue, Coulson didn’t mean to conceal anything at all. Because he knows that oneself conceals this completely meaningless. Apart from incurring Zhou Yi’s disgust, he gets nothing. And once Zhou Yi feels disgusted with him, he might become an impossible thing even if he walks out of this city.

You don’t need Zhou Yi to do it yourself. Naturally, some people are willing to recommend themselves and take Coulson as a vote. So speak frankly has become his smartest choice.

Hearing this answer from Coulson, Zhou Yi immediately couldn’t help being frowned. For the name Tony, his feelings are complicated after all. There is friendship between them, but they are all past. Although he admired Tony’s courage and choices, he was inevitably going further and further away from him. By now, they have met each other strangely, and they may even say that it is worse. In this case, having any relationship with Tony will not be a pleasant thing.

Perhaps it would be better to let him leave directly. Rubbing oneself’s son’s hair, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but think so in his heart. He didn’t want to have any relationship with Tony again. Therefore, instead of the final negotiation breaking down and both of them are ugly, then it is better to let everything never start. At the very least, this will make Coulson’s face look better.

However, this idea was just born. Zhou Yi thought of another thing. That was when Tony knelt in front of oneself and begged to own things. In his opinion, Tony, who lost his child, should now be the most vulnerable time in his life. If at this time oneself rejects him unkindly and based on his ideals, will it be a big blow to him? ?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi sighed for a long time, and then said to Coulson.

“How is Tony now? I mean the problem between him and Maria?”

“They are fine!” Facing the sudden question of Zhou Yi, Coulson seemed puzzled. But soon, he gave this answer. “Although Tony was a little emotional when she was at first because of Ms. Maria’s physical problems, and she was not at work. But I heard that this problem has been solved. So they are doing well now. Otherwise, they won’t bother me. Let me make a special trip to find you.”

This answer is a bit unexpected by Zhou Yi. Because in his opinion, there shouldn’t be any turning point in the matter of Maria. It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Tony’s technology. But this is a level that modern science simply cannot get involved. As long as science has not progressed to the point where it can understand the essence of life and soul, then it will be impossible to solve such problems. As God, Zhou Yi has such confidence. And because of this, he was surprised. And he couldn’t help thinking in his heart, who on earth was helping Tony secretly.

This is not something Tony can do alone, unless someone is helping him. In this World, there are not many people who can help him. The Ganata that disappeared is considered one, besides, there is only the father of Zhou Yi, Smith Zhou. However, if it were these two people, there shouldn’t be any intersection with Tony.

Although the friendship is not deep, Zhou Yi can also see Ganata’s temperament. She looks down on Earth people. Even now because of her father’s death, she has fallen. Her strength and status are still there. Under this premise, she will definitely not take action to help someone who is like an ant to her.

As for Smith Zhou? Although I don’t quite understand the nominal father of oneself, Zhou Yi is sure that this will definitely not be a good-natured role. Perhaps it is the temper of of common origins, he can see that the father of own is definitely a proud and arrogant person. And what right would such a person succumb to and help Tony do things? This is really something he will not believe in killing Zhou Yi.

When people are idle, they will become very curious. Driven by this curiosity, Zhou Yi almost couldn’t help but ask Coulson what was going on. However, he finally endured it. Because he could see it, Coulson knew nothing about it, and even if he asked him, he might not be able to tell why. Moreover, with such a question, it would not be so easy to try to drive him away later.

Zhou Yi’s decision rarely changes. He didn’t want to have anything to do with Tony and the same thoughts remained the same. However, because of his soft heart just now, it is difficult for him to directly say things like sending guests off to Coulson, so he can only temporarily suppress this thought, and then ask Coulson.

“Since he is doing pretty well now, then I don’t quite understand. Why did he send you over to find me. I think I should have made it clear to him. He is not welcome.”

Hearing these words, Coulson immediately made a thud in his heart, and then couldn’t help but screamed.

He thought that something was not quite right. Because with Tony and Zhou Yi’s original friend relationship, this kind of thing can basically be done with only a phone call from Tony, where can he risk such a big risk and run over all the way.

He thought about this question for a long time, because he didn’t go to Tony to verify, so he himself came up with a guess that he thought was reasonable. That’s what he thought Tony was arrogant, and he didn’t want to lower his own frame. At the same time, he is not willing to overspend the feelings between Zhou Yi and Zhou Yi. This is a past reason that can be said. Because it is really wasteful to use Zhou Yi’s favor for this kind of thing. And that’s why Coulson ran over without complaint.

But now it seems that oneself’s idea at the time is simply a joke. The thing was simply not what he thought it was, but the relationship between Zhou Yi and Tony was simply broken. Tony has already reached the point of being unwelcome, of course it is impossible to please this great god. It’s not surprising that oneself was taken out of the tank at this time.

After trying to understand everything, Coulson couldn’t help complaining in his heart. But it’s just a complaint. With his temper, it’s really hard to hate who. Therefore, even if he knew that oneself was given to plot against by Tony in this matter, as long as there was no bad situation, he would not resent Tony. And on the contrary, because of a common ideal, he still wants to complete his own mission as much as possible at this time.

Perhaps most people will retreat when they hear Zhou Yi say that Tony is not welcome. Let everything end in failure. But Coulson won’t, because he knows that the own mission is very important. As long as this last link is opened up, then his motherland will be able to usher in a new life-like change.

Someone can go through water and tread on fire for the country, even if they know they are dead. Now an opportunity to revive the oneself country is in the hands of the owner. If you are unwilling to even try it, then Coulson oneself will not forgive owner.

So, knowing that oneself shouldn’t say more at this time. But Coulson stepped forward firmly, and said to Zhou Yi.

“Maybe there is a problem between you and Tony. But I am not here today for him. Zhou Yi, based on our previous friendship, I hope you can listen to me and finish. This is a very important thing, I need you to listen to me and then show your attitude. This is very important, for this purpose, I can do whatever it takes!”

Coulson said so Now, his eyes are already fixed on Zhou Yi. For Zhou Yi, it has been a long time since no outsider dared to treat him with such a look. He saw from this look that determination was a firm will that even if it is death, it will despair of everything.

Faced with this will, Zhou Yi just sighed, then turned his head and looked towards the two women beside him.

“My dear, can I take the child back first? I think I might have to delay here for a while!”

For Zhou Yi’s request, whether it is Serana Susan will never refuse. They turned to Zhou Yi nodded one after another, and then Susan greeted Xiao Zhoushang.

“Come here, Shane. Come to Aunt, your father has important things to talk to others!”

When I heard summon, Little Brat ran away quickly past. While holding Susan’s hand, he asked her quietly.

“Susan Aunt. What is father going to do? Will he kill this bald grandfather with a nice smile?”

This question made Susan’s face stiff, and then Immediately, he gave Zhou Yi a fiercely fiercely as a warning. Then he dragged Little Brat’s hand and smiled comforted at him.

“You watch too many movies, Little Brat. This is your father’s friend, how could he do such a thing?”

“Really?” Little Brat Although clever, but after all, he still doesn’t know much about human relationships. So he just glanced at Zhou Yi and Coulson suspiciously, then took Susan’s hand back and said with a naive expression. “Okay. But isn’t it all in movies like this? Everyone is talking and laughing, and then suddenly…”

“Sean, if you do this, I won’t let you Watching those messy movies!” Angrily warned him, Susan dragged him with one hand, and supported Serana with the other hand. Walked quickly back to the mansion. Of course, before leaving, she had not forgotten to give Zhou Yi a look. The expression in his eyes is obvious, which is to tell him not to be foolish in front of the child.

This look made Zhou Yi smile bitterly, and then teased at Coulson.

“It seems that you still have not changed. Even my child likes you a little bit. In this case, you don’t have to hesitate to say what you came for. Because I won’t be in front of my child. Do anything out of the ordinary.”

“I think I should thank him. He is cute!” With Zhou Yi’s assurance, Coulson let out a sigh of relief. Then he sighed and laughed bitterly. “But I don’t like his name. Seriously, my heart broke when I heard his name.”

“Because of baldness?”

“I have said it many times, but the hairline is too deep. Also, the grandfather sentence! I shouldn’t be that old yet!”

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