Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1113

Under the banner of her aunt’s visit, Maria just and honorable walked into Natasha’s villa. Of course, her dress is inevitably mocked by Natasha. Although her current status is very different, Natasha still doesn’t mean to be polite to her at all.

“Good afternoon, auntie. I don’t know when you became so young! Where did you borrow this dress from, also who painted your makeup. I think you I should give him more tips, because it is very difficult to dress you up so young.”

“Enough, Natasha. I don’t have time to crack a joke with you here. I I have something to do to come to see you.”

Sitting on the sofa in the living room very unceremoniously, Maria was already facing Natasha. Natasha’s face was stunned by this performance, but she still served Maria a cup of black coffee as oneself had expected, and then sat down opposite her and asked her strangely.

“Is there anything that you need to come here to look for? You know, your current identity is extraordinary. In the eyes of a caring person, even if you disguise yourself, it is impossible to hide Yes.”

“Only this time. Otherwise you thought I would use this method.”

Maria did not drink coffee, but opened own The handbag touched a lady’s cigarette from it and lit it on oneself. This is a problem she has learned recently. Because of the pressure at work, she had to learn some ways to relieve her own spirit. Compared with men, women have fewer ways to relax. So she learned a universal method, smoking.

This is the easiest way to relax. And this method also has a special benefit. That is, the smoke of tobacco burning can obscure your eyes and some subtle expressions to a certain extent, making it difficult for others to guess your true thoughts.

Maria smokes not only to relieve oneself’s mental pressure, but also to deal with Natasha. If it’s an ordinary person, she must be disdainful of using such small methods. But for Natasha, she had to do more preparation. Because she is not sure whether this most elite agent will find something from her expression.

After taking two breaths, I vomited out without passing through the lungs. The colleague who made own face completely shrouded in smoke, Maria also opened her mouth to Natasha directly.

“Remember your mission? About the secrets of Nano Neuron Corporation?”

“Of course.” Natasha nodded, who also guessed what question Maria would ask, Then, according to the idea of ​​own, he knew what oneself knew, and at the same time, he said everything he thought should be said. “Nano-Neuron is a company registered in that country. Some people with government relations behind the company hold shares. The shares are not large, but they can give the entire company political protection. Of course, the most important thing is its research and development. Strength.”

“This company hasn’t been in that country for a long time. But it has the strongest R&D strength. You think the technology they stole was actually developed by them oneself. From the low-level Nanominium manufacturing to the nanomedicine applied to human medicine, all the technology trees are complete. Therefore, your assumption at first is not correct. They simply don’t have the kind of suspicion you mentioned.”

“This is impossible!” Shook the head vigorously, and Mary directly denied Natasha’s statement. “You are also a professional person. Don’t you know the problems that might arise in technology development? Even two talented people, can they develop something almost exactly the same at both ends of the world without any discussion? Isn’t it?”

“Aren’t Tony and Ivan Vanke a good example?” With a slight smile, Natasha said this with confidence. “You asked me to help you investigate such a thing. But now I give you the results of my investigation, but you don’t believe it. There is nothing I can do about it. You know, I have retired. Help you. It also depends on the past. I didn’t take a cent from you, and we don’t have that kind of subordinate interest between us. If you don’t want to believe me, then you can go to someone else. Investigate this.”

Of course Maria won’t look for others. Because even if you find someone else, it is impossible to do better than Natasha. However, these things Natasha said now did not satisfy her. She took a risk to come here, but not to hear such news. So, after being silent for a while, thinking about it, she said to Natasha.

“Well, you are the most professional person. I trust your judgment. However, you shouldn’t tell me some things yet.”

“Also some things? You What do you want to know?”

“A technology impossible has no inventor. And a person who can invent this technology is impossible is an unknown person. Just like Tony, how many people in the world don’t Know his existence. And the development of nano-neurons to the present, there must be a similar person. But, unlike Tony’s swagger, this guy does not seem to show up at all. I have investigated this, and it seems that there is no What’s the clue. So I want to ask you if you have any special news.”

When Maria said that, Natasha’s face immediately showed an expression of thinking. She is remembering, and Maria has been waiting for her to remember. It wasn’t until a cigarette was almost finished that Natasha opened her mouth again.

“I know a person. According to the habit of Earth, you can call him Mr. Ao. But specifically, I don’t know. You should know that the government there is the strictest in the world Organization, you don’t even know what their secret service department is. How can you figure out such a secret by someone who has no energy at all now?”

“Mr. Ao?” This answer and Ma Leah Hill thought differently. And it was this totally unimaginable situation that made her whole eyebrows tangled into an ugly tuft. “Are you sure?”

“You can oneself find someone to investigate. Of course, it is best to find the kind of person who can penetrate the opposite high-level.”

Maria I stopped talking this time. She just silently pinched out the cigarette that had reached the end, and then lighted a new one to oneself.

This kind of reality is a bit unusual. Even if Natasha didn’t want to delve into this issue in the first place, she had to frown and ask her questions.

“Why, is there something wrong?”

There are some things Mary didn’t want to say. As long as she can get some evidence, then there is simply no need to let Natasha knows. But it was different now, everything was different from what she had expected, which made her unable to verify the conjecture in oneself’s heart at all. So, when Natasha asked such a question, she felt awkward and said directly to her.

“I found some secrets. This secret may have something to do with Tony!”

When she said that, Natasha gave a chuckle in her heart. Smart as she has heard the trouble from this sentence. And the last thing she wanted to get out of her previous life was trouble. So she immediately stopped Maria from saying the next thing. But Maria was one step ahead of her to speak to her.

“I know you don’t want to be troublesome. Seriously, I didn’t mean to stir you in at first. But now, I hope you can listen to the secrets I discovered. Because I am worried that if someone knows that I am investigating these things secretly, then maybe the things that happened to Nick Fury before will happen to me again. You shouldn’t want me to die for unknown reasons!”

As a friend, Natasha naturally does not want to watch such tragic things happen to Maria. However, she really didn’t want to cause trouble to own. It makes her difficult! In the end, feelings have gained the upper hand after all. So she could only sighed deeply, and then said to Maria.

“Go ahead. I want to see what makes you so unconfident.”

Grinning, Maria gave a not-so-good smile . Then she started to say so.

“I found a secret. Tony’s situation now doesn’t look like a human being. Do you remember the shooting before White House?”

” I remember that the news has been reported more than once. It is said that the situation at the time was critical and Mrs. Stark was about to die.”

nodded, Natasha just replied like this, Maria was already very impatient He shook his hand to the ground, then whispered.

“It’s not just Maria. She’s just an innocent victim. The real target of that person is Tony! Do you think someone who has served in the FBI for more than 30 years at such a close distance? Is it possible to miss the target here?”

“Missing the target?” Natasha directly expressed the attitude of denial when shook the head. As a professional, she knows exactly what shooting is all about. As long as you keep in touch with your gun, at that distance, even a person who has only practiced Spear Art for two or three years can miss the target. An old FBI is even more impossible.

Natasha’s reaction was within Maria’s expectation, because she and Natasha share the same idea. So immediately, she said to Natasha.

“Since the impossible missed the target, where did the bullet hit? The answer may be that you will not believe it, but this is what I want to tell you.”

“The bullet hit Tony, He clearly hit his key point. And the key to the problem is not here, the key to the problem lies with Tony. I found the video of the sighting at the time, and then did a reverse analysis little by little. Finally I found this. “

“The bullet penetrated his body. It hurt him. However, a strange change occurred in his body. Something like metal repaired his wound. During this process, he didn’t even shed a drop of blood. Do you know what this means?”

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