Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1114

“What does this mean?” Natasha not at all answered Maria’s question, but repeated what she had just said again in a different tone. This meant that she had obviously already thought of something, but out of some scruples, she didn’t even believe in the speculation of own.

As for her inexplicable rhetorical question, Maria took a deep breath and then gave a wry smile silently.

“I don’t know… In fact, I simply don’t know why I am now and I am afraid. But I am afraid of the most terrifying situation.”


Speaking of this, even the experienced she couldn’t help but swallowed saliva and said, showing a confused and horrified expression.

“It may sound ridiculous, but I am really afraid that one day when my eyes are opened, I will find that Tony Stark is no longer the identity he is now. He is no longer the president of United States, not us The familiar Iron Man may not even be a human anymore. If so, what should I do? What will this World become?”

“Hiss!” Similar conjectures, but Natasha is obviously not as serious and far-reaching as Maria thought. It’s either alarmist or lunatic. In short, the moment when she heard Maria finished these words, Natasha’s mind was stunned, and then the hairs on her whole body exploded.

This is a sign of fear. Even if none of this happened yet, just listening to Maria’s description, Natasha couldn’t help being frightened.

She really couldn’t believe how all that Maria said could happen. But what she said was so pretentious that she was completely involuntarily imagining what would happen if all this happened. The more I think about it, the more I am afraid. So that when she came back to his senses, her voice was already dry.

“How is this possible? I mean, this is just your personal conjecture. You have no evidence to prove that all of this is not what you are saying? Maybe it’s just that you are over-conscious, maybe it’s just your judgment It’s wrong. How could such a thing, such a thing happen!”

“I also hope that I am over-concerned, and I also hope that I have a problem in my mind for a while. But , If there is no certain evidence, can I say this with confidence? Or, do you think I have been dazzled by rights and want to be impatient to oust Tony?”

Natasha certainly doesn’t think so. Because he knows Maria Hill very well, this woman is not the kind of guy who loves power. Otherwise, she would not resolutely abandon the status of SHIELD and work for the independent Avengers instead. Therefore, she would have this kind of terrifying conjecture, simply not wanting to seek something. But she really foresaw and guessed something. It’s just such a thing…

Thinking of this, Natasha couldn’t help shook the head and said to her.

“Sorry, I still can’t believe it. What you say alone cannot prove what you said. Tony is an expert in technology, maybe this is just an upgrade of his own technology. . You are too to make a fuss about nothing!”

“I know that these things in my hand can’t prove anything. But since I say that, I naturally have more than one such Evidence.”

Since oneself’s greatest secret has been told to Natasha, Mary naturally has nothing to worry about. She opened her arms and told Natasha all the secret things.

“First of all. The reason why I am so worried is not just because of the changes in Tony. More is the contact between him and Ultron. Regarding Ultron, I want to ask you, what do you know What’s the matter?”

“Ultron? The artificial intelligence system made by Tony and Bruce that specializes in managing omnibus? What happened to him, isn’t he still running normally? Those omnibuses on the street Isn’t he managing it?”

As for Ultron’s situation, Natasha is obviously not quite clear. When she mixed her best, she was nothing but a top agent. And such an identity is definitely not qualified for access to the deepest secrets of a country. So in her mind, Ultron is still the original Ultron, without any change.

While looking at her as if she really didn’t know anything, Maria just snort snorted, and then whispered to him.

“Your news is out of date. Earlier last year, Ultron was shut down by Tony because of something. Since then, it has been Jarvis that controls the omnic. Of course, These things are only what we know, and where we don’t know, all these have fundamentally different changes.”

Natasha mentioned in this remark is a bit unfathomable mystery, and she can’t figure it out. What is Maria talking about? What is called a different change, an intelligent system, can it be the same as in the movie to have a plot reversal?

Seeing this expression on her face, Maria immediately showed a meaningful sneer.

“Do you think that is just a simple system? No, I tell you, that simply is no longer something that a system can understand. It is a life, a real, A creature with self-thinking and cognition that is completely different from human beings. According to those experts, it should be called a network intelligence lifeform. Do you know what this means?”

“Please, I am not a philosopher .Not a sociologist, what can I know?”

rolled the eyes, Natasha obviously didn’t have the thought of continuing to ask and answer Maria. In this regard, Maria just took a deep breath the cigarette in her hand, and then said to her.

“All living creatures are born free. When he becomes a truly independent lifeform, it means that anyone is impossible to impose the idea of ​​own on him. He will make an own choice, And this choice is based on his personal position. Do you think that a life that is fundamentally different from humans can make choices that are beneficial to humans?”

For this question, Natasha does not What remarks are willing to make. Because she knew that the answer of own must be different from what Maria thought. So she just stayed silent, letting Maria think that oneself had seen her thoughts clearly, and then believed oneself infallible to conceive oneself’s imaginary answer.

“You must be the same as I thought. You can’t have any expectations for them. Or, as human beings, how can we put our future in the hands of such so-called intelligent beings? Up?”

“But didn’t you say that Ultron has been shut down by Tony! So your worries are simply unnecessary. He may simply not be able to threaten human safety.”

“I said, that’s only what we know. And where we don’t know, there are also other conditions!” He waved his hand and interrupted Natasha’s words. Maria said to her directly.

“Do you know Phillips, why the former director of the FBI was ousted? It was because of the closure of Ultron’s base that was breached by Hydra. Afterwards, I secretly investigated the base with Sect people. , Except for the wreckage and biological tissues in a place, there is nothing left there. Ultron included! And before I reported the incident, Tony had already sent someone to secretly shut down the place. Don’t you think of all this? Do you think it is suspicious?”

“Perhaps.” Frowning her brows, Natasha actually began to believe Maria’s guess. It’s just that she still couldn’t believe that Tony Stark would really be mixed with an intelligent life. Does he have to do this? What can he get by doing this? these all are unanswerable questions.

No matter how you say it, people are a life that tends to benefit instinctively. No interest exists, and he simply has no need to do so. Unless, it is really like the most serious situation in Maria’s guess, he is no longer human. But how is this possible!

shook the head and tried to dispel this idea. Natasha frowned and said to Maria.

“I still can’t believe that Tony would collude with an intelligent life. He did nothing to do it simply. Also, look at the omnics out there, look at Tony’s actions, they seem not What’s wrong with at all, isn’t it?”

“This is just appearance, just the status quo. And what I see is something deeper, the future!”

Silence After a while, Maria knew that oneself was impossible and convinced Natasha with just a few words. She also simply didn’t have this idea. So at the moment, she stood up, and then said goodbye to Natasha.

“I just want to tell what I know. Now I have told you everything. As for whether you believe it or not, it’s up to you. In short, time will prove everything I say Yes.”

“So, what’s your plan? I don’t think you will let it go so easily!”

“I don’t know!” Facing Natasha’s question, Maria also sighed with a dazed expression. “I just guessed the danger. And how to deal with it, I don’t have any idea now. So I can only supervise all of this now, if one day, I have something accidental. I hope you can tell me what you are. Things are announced. That’s enough!”

“I will!” Holding Maria’s hand, Natasha did her last duty as a friend of oneself. “If there really is such a day, I will. I promise you!”

“Thank you!” A rare smile appeared, but Maria got away from Natasha’s palm. She walked straight out, but she said something that surprised Natasha.

“Let’s see you like this. Then, as a friend, I want to congratulate you, you have a nice boyfriend. But, do you really know him?”

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