Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1115

Watching Maria act as an Old Lady again, she walked out of oneself’s house step by step. Natasha frowned, carefully recalling the last words Maria said.

It can be said that she said that many things before. And these things combined, not as much as the weight of the last sentence in Natasha’s heart. She was thinking about Maria’s meaning very carefully, and then suddenly laughed after thinking hard for a long time without finding the answer.

She felt that oneself was being plotted against. Of course, this is a joking plot against. Most likely it is that Maria found the unhappiness on the catastrophe, so she simply found the unhappiness from them again. She wanted to add a bit of blockage between Natasha and the catastrophe, but unfortunately, this plan was clearly seen by Natasha.

Not only did she not be fooled, but instead directly dialed the cellphone of Havoc, and planned to tell him about it as a joke.

The call was quickly dialed, and Havoc is still on his way to the orphanage. He looked at the sky outside, and then asked Natasha, who was silent on the other end of the phone.

“Why, are you finished talking so soon? What is she looking for you for?”

“Just like explaining the funeral, she gave some strange things to I said it again. But seriously, I can’t believe what she said!”

While answering Haojiao, Natasha stood in the kitchen like an ordinary housewife. In front of the console, I started to prepare for today’s dinner.

As an agent, she is undoubtedly the kind of cream of the crop. But as a housewife, she is obviously a novice. A tomato is cut into a big piece and a small piece, and it is still bumpy to mix a salad. Fortunately, considering that today, I cooked Western food according to her taste. If the Chinese food is cooked according to the taste of Havoc, she might be able to burn the kitchen by her means.

But she has a sense of fun, even though all the steps are a bit difficult. But she always did this special thing with the greatest enthusiasm with a smile on her face. Of course, she was obviously very interested in reporting the situation with the catastrophe.

“She told me that Tony is no longer a human being. She also talked a lot about Tony and intelligent life. I don’t know if she was a victim of delusion or something. In short , I was scared by her. Because after listening to so many things, I also began to feel that her worries were not unreasonable?”

“What does that have to do with us?” Hearing this, the shrugged man replied to her with some mockery. “Don’t forget, you have retired. No matter what those people are, it is impossible to have any connection with you. And with me, even if the things she worried about actually happen, can they still affect us? “

Hero’s answer is confident and straightforward, and faced with such an answer. But Natasha’s face showed a bright smile. As a woman, she certainly hopes that the own man is a courageous person who can shelter people from wind and rain like a mountain. This point of catastrophe has been done very well, so she has always been very satisfied with the performance of catastrophe. Naturally, when she felt satisfied in her heart, of course she would have verbal Reward.

“My dear, I like the way you say this the most. Let’s do this, you come back early in the evening, I made the best tomato beef stew to reward you.”

This sounded nothing wrong, but the catastrophe was a shake of his hand and almost turned the car over. He still remembers the last time Natasha cooked beef stew with tomatoes. Seriously, the sweetened taste really made him wonder what normal food was like for the next week. So now when Natasha mentions this, his heart is shaking.

I knew this a long time ago, so I shouldn’t have conscience praised her improvement in cooking. There is something that can take action. Is this simply having trouble with oneself? Feeling annoyed in my heart so secretly, Catastrophe has already begun to turn his mind to how to drag the matter over. And soon, he came up with a charter.

“That beloved, I’m afraid I won’t go back too early at night. You know, going to the orphanage is not as simple as you think. I’m impossible to bring the child back. .I also need to communicate with the teacher over there, and communicate with the child you like. And the most important thing, I have to take a serious look at the character of this child, whether you can see it It’s so good. It’s not something that can be done in a while. So, why don’t you wait for me?”

“You can’t see it, you pay for the thing I gave you Are you serious?”

Natasha, who is like a human being, couldn’t hear the meaning of the catastrophe, so immediately she smiled hehe and said to him. In this regard, the catastrophe has shown a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

“Isn’t that of course? You are my dearest. If I don’t care about your request, then whose matter should I care?”

“The words are so sweet, I believe you a little bit.” Natasha cocked the corner of her mouth, and did not stop oneself’s hand. She put the chopped tomatoes and beef into the pot in one go, and then unceremoniously simmered them on a fierce fire. The scent of tomato and beef began to make people feel appetite, but Natasha exhorted the catastrophe on the other side of oneself’s phone.

“But it just so happens that I am not too hungry, so I will wait for you tonight! When you come back with the child, our family will have dinner together. I think she will remember her. “

I don’t know if the memory is fresh, but I’m sure she will cry and beg me to send her back. Thinking like this in his head, Havoc could only twitch his own face and replied to him.

“Okay. I will settle the matter here as soon as possible. Also, what do you want to order? Don’t be the same as last time, let me buy something for you when I’m back soon Friend!”

“If you don’t tell me about it, I really forgot about it! But don’t worry, there will be no such thing again. Waiting for you to come back, my dear!” >

With a hint of teasing, Natasha just hung up. Then she didn’t know what she was thinking of, and a smile began to appear on her face. It is a very happy smile, and it makes people feel envy at a glance. For Natasha, she does have a reason for happiness, because she can monopolize such a man who loves her. It is a great fortune. She was very fortunate that oneself had actually made such a choice. And she was even more fortunate that even the fate of Goddess was on her side.

This is something that makes people feel happy even thinking about it. And just when she started humming a small tune happily, a knock on the door suddenly came over.

What happened today? Why are that many people come to visit? With such a question in mind, Natasha just put down the things in her hand and walked towards the door.

“Who is there?”

As soon as she asked this, an unknown voice came from outside the door.

“FedEx, ma’am. Here is a copy of your courier that needs to be signed?”

Although I usually have the habit of shopping online, Natasha is sure that oneself has not had it for a while I bought something online. This confused her, so she asked immediately.

“Is something wrong, I haven’t bought anything?”

“I don’t know, ma’am. The address is indeed here, but There is no signature of both parties. He is a heavy guy, or you should come out and have a look first.”

The courier outside answered no questions. Natasha thought for a while, and didn’t think any enemy would come to the door at this time and use this method to trick oneself. So she immediately wiped her hands on the apron, and then opened the door.

Opening the door, it is indeed the standard uniform of FedEx. And judging from the equipment on the body, it does not look like who is pretending to be. In this case, Natasha has quietly let go of most of his guard. Then walked to the courier and asked him.

“Where is the courier? Let me see.”

Because of Natasha’s beautiful face, the somewhat absent-minded courier came back to her when he heard her. his senses. This guy who seemed to be just a big boy blushed shyly before handing over a box the size of a shoe box without saying a word. Looking at the box that had nothing but the address, Natasha hesitated first, then took the things over.

“Thank you, sir. Do you sign here?”

“Yes, ma’am. Here…” He replied with a bit of gnawing. The courier boy didn’t even have the courage to look at her directly. But this made Natasha couldn’t help but smile.

Women, no matter what time they are, they are proud of their own charm. This is their nature, and at this point, she is no exception. Unlike some women who like to use own charm to fascinate irrelevant people to be infatuated, Natasha now only likes to fully show own charm to a person. So, she was just laughed, signed the sign in the eyes of the courier, and closed the door.

This made the courier silly, and he left here in despair. For these things, Natasha didn’t care at all. She just paid own attention to this unknown package.

What’s in the box? This is really not something that can be guessed. With the weight and some slight tactile changes inside, she could roughly guess that there shouldn’t be any odds and ends inside. It’s a whole bunch of things. But at this time, who would send such a thing over?

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